www.chncpa.org/ncpao 国家大剧院微信 国家大剧院微博 国家大剧院管弦乐团微信 国家大剧院管弦乐团微博 NCPA Wechat NCPA Weibo China NCPA Orchestra Wechat China NCPA Orchestra Weibo 致辞 4 ADDRESS 交响乐 20 SYMPHONY 室内乐 76 CHAMBER 歌剧 88 OPERA 交响中国风 106 CHINA NOW 114 精粹莫扎特 目录 A TASTE OF MOZART CONTENTS 莎翁乐话 126 SHAKESPEARE IN MUSIC 秘境肖声 136 SHOSTAKOVICH UNCOVERED 驻院艺术家 150 ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE 艺术体验 182 ART EXPERIENCE 国家大剧院合唱团 188 CHINA NCPA CHORUS 客座艺术家 192 GUEST ARTISTS 国家大剧院管弦乐团 2016 17 弦外有声 China NCPA Orchestra 2016 17 MUSIC SPEAKS 致辞 ADDRESS 陈平 CHEN Ping 国家大剧院 院长 President, China National Centre for the Performing Arts 春回大地,万象更新 , 国家大剧院管弦乐团 2016/17 乐季隆重开启 , While spring comes back to us and everything gets refreshed, we are happy to announce the start of the NCPA Orchestra’s 2016/17 Season, kicking off another 穿越四季的美妙音乐旅程将再度展开 ! beautiful music journey. 音乐之美 , 包括那些令人愉悦或发人深省的旋律与节奏,更包括无数隐 The beauty of music lies not only in the pleasant and thought-provoking melodies 秘其中、超出音乐本身的弦外之声:小到音乐家们丰富的心路历程和精神 and rhythms, but also in what is hidden beneath the sound of the music: sometimes 世界,大到各个时代涌动的人物风云和智慧思潮,乃至指挥家、演奏家、 as subtle as the inner world of the musicians, and sometimes as sublime as the zeitgeist of the time. The passion, vision, and aspiration of conductors, performers, 艺术管理者及无数乐迷观众为之投入的巨大热情、深邃视野及无止追求 都 , artistic managers, and the audiences are also an important part of such beauty of 是音乐之美的重要组成部分。 music hidden beneath the sound. 国家大剧院管弦乐团成立六年以来,外具昂扬、进取、勇于创新的精 This will be the sixth year for the NCPA Orchestra: a cheerful, enterprising, and innovative ensemble with a spirit of true dedication and diligence that always strives 神风采,内蕴专注、勤奋、精益求精的品格追求。作为诞生在新时代的国 for the perfection of arts. As a national artistic ensemble that takes pride from the 家艺术团体 , 他们不仅已成为这座艺术殿堂中璀璨的明珠,放射着夺目光彩 , new era it was born into, they have now become not only an important icon of NCPA 而且也已作为中国音乐力量的新锐代表,广受海内外瞩目。这些优秀的品格 , but also an ambassador of China’s musical prowess, attracting extensive attentions 正是他们总能在节目编排和艺术演绎中丰盛呈现艺术之美的原动力。 from home and abroad. It is because of all these excellent qualities that the group has always been able to present the intrinsic beauty of arts in their performances. 在这个乐季中,吕嘉和国家大剧院管弦乐团的音乐家们,正要凭着这 In this season, Lü Jia and our dearest musicians of the NCPA Orchestra will lead us 些优秀的品格和精心打磨的音乐,带领我们去探索音乐之外那个“弦外有声” into a fascinating world that is beyond the sound of music. With over a hundred 的深远境界。通过百余场歌剧与音乐会,他们不仅将带您博览不同历史时 performances of concerts and operas, they will present outstanding works of music from different historic periods. They will explore the profound influence of 期的优秀音乐作品,还将特别聚焦三位彪炳史册的艺术泰斗,探索戏剧大 Shakespeare on the development of music and the different dimensions of Mozart’s 师莎士比亚对音乐艺术的深远影响,以及莫扎特和肖斯塔科维奇不同维度 and Shostakovich’s contemplations on life. In addition, we also come out with a 的人生沉思。此外 , 精心设置的“交响中国风”的主题板块,将从作曲家、 “China Now” series that is designed to give you more flavorof China’s contemporary musical scene and usher you into the world of not just great Chinese composers and 指挥家、演奏家及音乐作品等各个角度,集中呈示美丽的中国交响风景线, their masterworks, but also some finest Chinese conductors and performers shining 用心演绎动听的中国好声音,尽情倾吐我们的浓浓中国情。同时,两位具 on the world stage. Moreover, the two Artist-in-Residence, Qigang Chen and Yuja 有高度国际声誉的音乐家陈其钢和王羽佳出任驻院艺术家,更带给整个乐 Wang, both among the most prominent names in our time as composer and soloist, will provide you some best opportunities to appreciate the very best of Chinese 季具有国际风范的中国亮色 , 也是我们畅快领略顶尖中国风采的最好机会。 music. 祝国家大剧院管弦乐团 2016/17 乐季圆满成功 ! I wish the 2016/17 Season of NCPA Orchestra a complete success! 4 5 国家大剧院管弦乐团 2016 17 弦外有声 China NCPA Orchestra 2016 17 MUSIC SPEAKS 吕嘉 首席指挥 LÜ Jia Chief Conductor 音乐是如此奇妙:看不见,摸 声,不论阳光明媚,还是苦楚压抑 , Music is magical: though invisible and that echoes with Mendelssohn, Berlioz, 不着,却能在瞬间带给我们万花筒 他们都忠实而坚强的把内心秘语化 intangible, it can instantly arouse all Verdi, and Tchaikovsky. Mozart and sorts of sentiments within us and make Shostakovich have also let their music 般的情感反应,让我们为之沉思、 作串串音符,留与后世聆听评说。 us think, cry, rejoice, or even tremble... speak their minds. They translated 本乐季中 我们将上演肖斯塔科维 哭泣、欣喜、颤抖 ...... 两千多年前 , , Over two millenniums ago, when their joys or miseries into the notes 孔子曾在齐国听到韶乐而三月不知 奇的第五、第八、第十交响曲和他 Confucius heard the Shao music of the that will be interpreted by listeners of 肉味 , 亚里士多德已在论述音乐能 恢弘的《森林之歌》以及多部莫扎 Qi State for the first time he was so later generations. In this season, we will 改变心灵。从此意义看,音乐从不 特的重要作品。 enthralled that he didn’t know the taste stage Shostakovich’s No.5, No. 8, and of meat for the next three months, and No.10 symphonies and his majestic 只是我们听到的那些音符、旋律和 在继续为您呈现世界音乐经 Aristotle had already begun to discuss The Song of the Forests, as well as a 节奏,还有通过这些路径而达到的 典之余,我们还将特别为您奏响中 how music changed human’s mind. In number of Mozart’s important works. 那个宏大壮丽的精神世界。 国强音:事实上,在当今世界的音 this sense, music has always been more Besides world classics, we will also than the notes, melodies, and rhythms 那个宏大壮丽的精神世界,正 乐生活中,中国已是不可忽略的重 present some outstanding Chinese that we hear, more importantly, it is the 是音乐中最精妙之物,也是音乐之 要声音,从作曲家到指挥家和演奏 music. As a matter of fact, China is magnificent transcendental world that 家 他们既是我们心中的骄傲 也 now a significant part in the world’s 所以被叔本华看作“最高艺术形式” , , these notes, melodies, and rhythms community of classical music. Chinese 是足以感动世界的力量。在这个乐 的原因。这个题为“弦外有声”的 lead us to. conductors and performers not only 季中,无论是驻院艺术家陈其钢和 乐季,正是致予那个宏大壮丽的精 This transcendental world represents make us proud, but also move the 王羽佳,还是奉献专场音乐会的叶 神世界的诚挚敬意。为此 , 在本季 the very essence of music, and is the world. In this season, we will have 小纲和郭文景,及我们即将首演的 reason why Schopenhauer considered Qigang Chen and Yuja Wang as our 旅程中,我和乐团的音乐家们,不 歌剧《长征》、精心选择的中国作 music to be the highest form of Artist-in-Residence. Also, you will 仅将继续带您领略美妙的“有声之 品、精心策划的特别音乐会和众多 art. This season, under the theme hear works from another two major 声”,更想带您去捕捉那些隐秘的 of “Music Speaks”, is a tribute to Chinese composers, Xiaogang Ye and 华人客席艺术家,都是中国强音的 “无声之声”,让意蕴无穷的弦外 that transcendental. In this season, Wenjing Guo,in two special concerts. 缩影和范例,而其中折射出的中国 the musicians and I will take you to Other highlights include premieres 之声 , 穿越我们的弓弦与号角,洪 在伟大时代的精神生活之变迁与丰 appreciate not only the wonderful of several new Chinese operas: Long 亮回响在您耳畔心间。 盛 , 则是我们在“交响中国风”中 “audible sound”, but also to capture March, Genghis Khan and etc. And, 莎士比亚是这个题目很好的代 最想呈现的弦外之声。 the mysterious “inaudible sound” that you will also have opportunities to see 言人:他并非音乐家 但他道尽人 is hidden beyond the playing of the wonderful performances from a great , 让我们携手踏上这趟旅程,既 世沧桑的所思所言如同一部伟大序 instruments. Our intention is to make bunch of great Chinese works and 走进音乐之内去倾听那些音符,也 this hidden sound echo in your ears prominent Chinese musicians with us. 曲,既跨越时空族群而转生于音乐 超越音乐之外去触摸那个宏大壮丽 and in your heart. All these will reflect the changes and 及各种艺术形式中 更永恒回响在 , 的精神世界。 Shakespeare is the paradigm of this richness of China’s cultural life in the 不同历史时代之人心深处。那些关 subject matter: he was not a musician, modern time, changes and richness 于人世沧桑的入木三分,正是他与 but his thoughts and words on the that are the “inaudible sound” that we hope you would hear through the 门德尔松、柏辽兹、威尔第、柴可 vicissitudes of human life make a great overture, one that transcends time, series of “China Now”. 夫斯基、普罗科菲耶夫的共鸣所在 , space, and races and reverberates Let’s embark on this journey together, 也是莎士比亚体裁音乐作品最令人 eternally in the heart of people of to listen to those beautiful notes and to 会心的弦外之声。莫扎特和肖斯塔 different ages. The profoundness of touch the magnificent spiritual world 科维奇同样是五味杂陈地弦外有 his thoughts is the ineffable sound beyond them. 6 7 国家大剧院管弦乐团 2016 17 弦外有声 China NCPA Orchestra 2016 17 MUSIC SPEAKS 陈其钢 王羽佳 Qigang Chen Yuja Wang 驻院艺术家 Artist-in-Residence 8 9 ©Rolex Zhang Chongning 国家大剧院管弦乐团 2016 17 弦外有声 China NCPA Orchestra 2016 17 MUSIC SPEAKS 轻轻打开这一页 , 您即将进入一 神州大地上曾经的英雄岁月和革命 携手呈现各具魅力的作品。 个多彩而深邃的音乐世界 , 一次由吕 浪漫。 在所有这些歌剧和音乐会作品 嘉大师和我们所有音乐家共同引领 在音乐厅的舞台上,两位重量 中,莎士比亚、莫扎特和肖斯塔科 的精彩音乐旅程 ! 级的华人音乐家将以驻院艺术家的 维奇将是我们特别聚焦的名字 , 他们 作为国家大剧院的驻院乐团, 身份与我们深度合作 : 作曲家陈其钢 跨越时空而对人性与世界所做的共 我们有幸成为众多世界级歌剧制作 将有《源》、《乱弹》、《走西口》 同沉思,当是对“弦外有声”这个 的一部分,成为这些伟大歌剧之中 和《逝去的时光》四部作品上演 , 钢 主题的最好注脚。而通过我们特别 国版本的音乐制造者。在吕嘉大师 琴家王羽佳将与我们上演四首钢琴 策划的“交响中国风”板块,我们 和众多客席艺术家指导下,我们秉 协奏曲,其中更包括巴托克令人惊 对弦外之声的追寻又将回到我们生 承精益求精的艺术追求,致力呈现 叹的全套三部钢琴协奏曲。此外 , 吕 活的这片热土:那将是一种交织了 歌剧音乐的高超境界。这个乐季也 嘉将带来他所钟爱的众多古典和浪 历史情怀和时代精神的声音,也是 不例外,我们将携手吕嘉和捷杰耶 漫时代的作品,而他的舒曼、莫扎 一种让我们所有人自豪与奋进的声 夫等指挥家上演十四部歌剧。瓦格 特及法国作品专场音乐会都将是其 音。 纳的《唐豪瑟》、威尔第的《麦克白》 中重要的风景线。同时,郑明勋、 和普罗科菲耶夫的《战争与和平》, 哈努 • 林图、彼得 • 克劳斯 • 弗洛、 陈戈 将是不可错过的重量级世界经典。 帕沃 柯岗、吕绍嘉、张艺等指挥家 • , 国家大剧院管弦乐团董事长 而作为新制中国歌剧的重头戏 , 即将 及郑京和、卡普松、张昊辰、杨天 首演的《长征》和《成吉思汗》, 娲、吴蛮、王健、李飚、宁峰、吴巍、 则会在浓郁的中国情中带您去追忆 科瑞格鲁德等独奏家,也将与我们 Turn over this page and you will enter a which will bring us back to the ages and Henning Kraggerud, will all work colorful and enchanting realm of music, of heroes and revolutions in China’s with us to bring beautiful music to our and embark on a fascinating music glorious past. audiences. journey, with Maestro Lü Jia and our In the concert hall, two prominent In this season, we highlight three names: musicians as your guides. Chinese musicians will become our Shakespeare, Mozart, and Shostakovich, As the resident ensemble of NCPA, Artist-in-Residence and work extensively whose thoughts transcend time and we have the privilege of being part of with us: composer Qigang Chen will space and would best underpin the numerous world-class opera productions bring four of his sensational pieces: theme of “Music Speaks”. Then, the and being the music maker of the Yuan, Luan Tan, L'eloingement, and special “China Now” series bring our Chinese versions of all these great Reflet d'un temps disparu, while exploration of the world beyond the works. Under the guidance of Lü Jia and pianist Yuja Wang will present four sound of music back to the land where many guest artists, we have spared no piano concertos, including all the we live and love: hidden beneath the effort in the pursuit of artistic excellence three astounding concertos of Bartok. music is a sound that combines historic and been committed to presenting the Moreover, Lü Jia will conduct many sentiments and contemporary zeitgeist, very best quality of operatic music.
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