FEBRUARY 19 - FEBRUARY 25, 2016 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY BusinessObserverFL.com 41 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STORAGE NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NOTICE OF SALE FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION UNIT AUCTION NAME LAW PURSUANT TO Rainbow Title & Lien, Inc. will sell at Public Sale at Auction the following vehicles NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS On Tuesday March 1, 2016 SECTION 865.09, FLORIDA to satisfy lien pursuant to Chapter 713.585 of the Florida Statutes on March 10, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Unit S - 12 8:00 AM. STATUTES 2016 at 10 A.M. * AUCTION WILL OCCUR WHERE EACH VEHICLE/VESSEL HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, HILLSBOROUGH IS LOCATED * 2007 SUZUKI GSX-R600, VIN# JS1GN7DA972110405 Located NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the FLORIDA COUNTY, FLORIDA at: TAMPA ELITE MOTORCYCLE, INC. 14609 N. NEBRASKA AVENUE, TAM- Brook motel and Mini Storage, 11120 undersigned, desiring to engage in busi- PROBATE DIVISION PROBATE DIVISION PA,, FL 33613 Lien Amount: $4,861.38 a) Notice to the owner or lienor that he has U.S. Hwy 92 East, Seffner, Fl. 33584, ness under fictitious name of LITTLE File No. 16-CP-000185 File No. 16-CP-147 a right to a hearing prior to the scheduled date of sale by filing with the Clerk of Unit S - 12 in the name of Willie Davis GREEK located at 1208 E. KENNEDY IN RE: ESTATE OF IN RE: ESTATE OF the Court. b) Owner has the right to recover possession of vehicle by posting bond Jr. Cash only. Sale is Subject to Can- BLVD., #1126, in the County of HILL- RICARDO TORRES, CLAYTON FERGUSON JR. in accordance with Florida Statutes Section 559.917. c) Proceeds from the sale of cel in the event of Settlement between SBOROUGH in the City of TAMPA, Deceased Deceased. the vehicle after payment lien claimed by lienor will be deposited with the Clerk owner and obligated. Florida 33602 intends to register the The administration of the estate of The administration of the estate of of the Court. Any person(s) claiming any interest(s) in the above vehicles contact: said name with the Division of Corpo- Ricardo Torres, deceased, whose date Clayton Ferguson Jr., deceased, whose Rainbow Title & Lien, Inc., (954) 920-6020 * ALL AUCTIONS ARE HELD WITH Brook Motel and Mini Storage rations of the Florida Department of of death was September 10, 2015, and date of death was April 30, 2014, is RESERVE * Some of the vehicles may have been released prior to auction 25% BUY- 11120 U.S. Hwy 92 East State, Tallahassee, Florida. the last four digits of whose social secu- pending in the Circuit Court for Hills- ERS PREMIUM Seffner, Fl. 33584 Dated at TAMPA, Florida, this 16th day rity number are 2034, is pending in the borough County, Florida, Probate Divi- LIC # AB-0001256 813-626-2672 of FEBRUARY, 2016. Circuit Court for Hillsborough County, sion, the address of which is George E. LITTLE GREEK LWR, LLC February 19, 2016 16-01010H Florida, Probate Division, the address Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 E. Twiggs February 19, 26, 2016 16-01066H February 19, 2016 16-01078H of which is Clerk of the Circuit Court, Street, Tampa, FL 33602. The names Probate, Guardianship, & Trust, P.O. and addresses of the personal represen- NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS FIRST INSERTION Box 1110, Tampa, Florida 33601-1110. tative and the personal representative’s NOTICE OF SALE NAME LAW PURSUANT TO The names and addresses of the per- attorney are set forth below. NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NOTICE OF ACTION SECTION 865.09, FLORIDA (Formal Notice by Publication) sonal representatives and the personal All creditors of the decedent and Public Notice is hereby given that Na- NAME LAW PURSUANT TO tional Auto Service Centers Inc. will sell STATUTES IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR representatives’ attorney are set forth other persons having claims or de- SECTION 865.09, FLORIDA HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, below. mands against decedent’s estate on at PUBLIC AUCTION free of all prior NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that liens the follow vehicle(s) that remain STATUTES FLORIDA All creditors of the decedent and whom a copy of this notice is required the undersigned, desiring to engage other persons having claims or de- to be served must file their claims unclaimed in storage with charges un- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PROBATE DIVISION in business under fictitious name of mands against decedent’s estate on with this court ON OR BEFORE paid pursuant to Florida Statutes, Sec. the undersigned, desiring to engage File No. 15-CP-3207 TRIADEX CARD MAILERS located whom a copy of this notice is required THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER 713.78 to the highest bidder at 2309 N in business under fictitious name of IN RE: ESTATE OF to be served must file their claims with THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLI- 55th St, Tampa, Florida on 03/04/16 at ANNABELLE’S FINE HOME FUR- at 5334 PRIMROSE LAKE CIRCLE, GLORIA WILLIE MAE JOHNSON, this court WITHIN THE LATER OF CATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 11:00 A.M. NISHINGS located at 6027 N. DALE in the County of HILLSBOROUGH Deceased. 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SER- MABRY HWY., in the County of HILL- in the City of TAMPA, Florida 33647 TO: JESSIE JOHNSON Unknown THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS VICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE 1997 CHEVROLET SBOROUGH in the City of TAMPA, intends to register the said name with YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a No- NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE ON THEM. 2G1WW12M6V9133236 Florida 33614 intends to register the the Division of Corporations of the tice of Administration has been filed DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF All other creditors of the decedent 2004 HYUNDAI said name with the Division of Corpo- Florida Department of State, Tallahas- in this court. You are required to serve THIS NOTICE ON THEM. and other persons having claims or de- KMHWF25H24A994147 rations of the Florida Department of see, Florida. a copy of your written defenses, if any, All other creditors of the decedent mands against decedent’s estate must 1999 TOYOTA State, Tallahassee, Florida. Dated at TAMPA, Florida, this 16th day on petitioner’s attorney, whose name and other persons having claims or de- file their claims with this court WITH- 4T1BG22K1XU400131 Dated at TAMPA, Florida, this 16th day of FEBRUARY, 2016. and address are: Robert D. Hines, Es- mands against decedent’s estate must IN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF of FEBRUARY, 2016. quire, Hines Norman Hines, P.L., 1312 TRIADEX SERVICES, LLC file their claims with this court WITH- THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS Terms of the sale are CASH. NO RE- ANNABELLE’S FURNISHINGS, INC. W. Fletcher Avenue, Suite B, Tampa, February 19, 2016 16-01080H IN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF NOTICE. FUNDS! Vehicle(s) are sold “AS IS”. February 19, 2016 16-01081H Florida 33612 on or before March 21, National Auto Service Centers, Inc. re- 2016, and to file the original of the writ- THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN serves the right to accept or reject any ten defenses with the clerk of this court NOTICE. THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS either before service or immediately ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN IN FLORIDA STATUTES SEC- and/or all bids. NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME LAW PURSUANT TO thereafter. Failure to serve and file writ- THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN TION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER NAME LAW PURSUANT TO SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA BARRED. NATIONAL AUTO SERVICE SECTION 865.09, FLORIDA ten defenses as required may result in SECTION 865.09, FLORIDA a judgment or order for the relief de- PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREV- NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME CENTERS, INC. STATUTES 2309 N 55th St Tampa, FL 33619 STATUTES manded, without further notice. ER BARRED. PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that If you are a person with a disability NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the the undersigned, desiring to engage who needs an accommodation, you are PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S Public Notice is hereby given that Na- undersigned, desiring to engage in busi- in business under fictitious name entitled, at no cost to you, to the pro- CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. tional Auto Service Centers Inc. will sell ness under fictitious name of AUTO of SoulFit Apparel located at: 8123 vision of certain assistance. To request MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S The date of first publication of this at PUBLIC AUCTION free of all prior BODY EXPRESS located at 1910 HWY such an accommodation, please contact DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. notice is February 19, 2016. liens the follow vehicle(s) that remain 301 NORTH, in the County of HILL- CRANMOORE PLACE, APT. #203 the ADA Coordinator, 601 East Ken- The date of first publication of this Personal Representative: unclaimed in storage with charges SBOROUGH in the City of TAMPA, in the county of HILLSBOROUGH nedy Boulevard, Tampa, Florida 33602; notice is February 19, 2016. Dorothy J. Ferguson unpaid pursuant to Florida Statutes, Florida 33619 intends to register the in the City of TAMPA, FL 33610 in- 813-276-8100 ext. 4205 (email ADA@ Personal Representative 11529 Bessie Dix Road Sec. 713.78 to the highest bidder at said name with the Division of Corpo- tends to register the said name with hillsclerk.com) within 7 working days of DARBY JONES Seffner, Florida 33584 4122 Gunn Hwy, Tampa, Florida on rations of the Florida Department of the Division of Corporations of the the date the service is needed; if you are 5402 West Laurel Street, #209 Attorney for Personal Representative: 03/04/16 at 11:00 A.M.
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