Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations ('! RECORD ENROLLMENT SEEN IN PARISH SCHOOLS i in one fara* Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1941— Permission to Reproduce, Excepting I Religious Life Claimed Three jfily in cere­ on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue monies held within one week. Jack Biederman, 19 (upper left), took hii first vows as a Christian Brother in Lafayette, iji. Anna Rose Many Non-Catholics Biederman, 18 (upper right), was invested as a Franciscan nun in Milwaukee, Wise. Eugene Biederman, 16 (lower photo), was invested as a Christian Brother at I^afayelte the da^ before Jack took vows. The three voung people, children of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Biederman, Are Turned Away 2719 W. 28th avenue, Denver, are known in religion, respectively, as Brother Arthur, Sister Lucia, and Brother Alphonsus. A fourth ^ ild , DENVERCATHOUC Bennie, 12, aspires to be a CJiristian Brother also. Mr. Biederman became a Catholic about six years ago. The three older children are all graduates of Holy Family grade school. Bennie is now attending By Lack of Space St'. Dominic's school. In^a letter sent this week to all Colorado Calholio Inlerscbolastic Association priests of the diocese Bishop Urban REGSTER J. Vehr urges a good attendance Formod; inersaso in Pupils Is Noted at the Hojy Name rallies in Den­ The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have ver and Longmont and announces that the revised edition of the Also the International News Service (Wire_ and Mail),------ a ----Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. In Report Baltimore Catechism is approved for the diocese. The Bishop urges that the catechism be made VOL. xxxvn. No. 2. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, AUG. 28, J941. 92 PER YEAR A recqrd enrollment for parochial grade and high available to non-Catholics as well schools in^Denver is predicted when classes get under way as to mdinbers of the faith. The letter follows: Collection Will Be Taken Up Sept. 7 next week.' In some cases registration has been closed be­ muse of lack of facilities to care for more students. A strik­ Aug. 25, 1941 ing feature of the schools’ enrollment is the fact that an Reverend dear- Father; The annual Holy Name rally Bishop Cites Desperate Plight of unusual number of non-Catholics have sought admittance for the parishes of Denver and to parochial schools. In parish high schools of Denver there surrounding territory will be held will be more than 100 non-Catholic students this year. This at St. Thomas’ seminary Sunday, figure would be much larger if Sept. 21. The procession will move War Sufferers in Plea for Qifts -adequate facilities existed to care Silver Jubilarian from the gi-ounds of St. Vincent for more pupils. In St. Francis de Paul’s church at 2:30 p.m. “ The whole unhappy world is whole unhappy world is at our them. There are no commissions de Sales’ parish alone over SO non- The Holy Name rally at Long­ Catholics were turned away be­ mont for the parishes in the north­ at our door,” says Bishop Urban door, the door of the one great na­ or overhead charges. All the money tion that has thus far been spared collected will go to the various de­ cause of lack of room. Registra­ ern part of the state will be held J. Vehr of Denver in appealing the horrors of war. serving charities, which will be tion there wa.s limited to former Sunday, Sept. 28, at 2:30 p.m. for generous donations for war This fund is to relieve the suf­ carefully investigated by compe­ students and Catholic pupils. Non- Pastors in the several districts sufferers. The collection, observed ferers of war-stricken lands and tent authorities. It is not nations parochial high schools, including are kindly asked to make due an­ in many American dioceses earlier also the refugees who have sought we are called upon to help, but our Regis and St. Mary’s academy, nouncement of these events from this year, will be taken up in all shelter from,cruel persecution. 'The brothers and sisters in Jesus also expect larger classes. Incom­ the pulpit several Sundays in ad­ Colorado parishes Sept. 7. The fund will be used and drawn upon Christ, who are in desperate need. plete returns from grade school vance and urge a good attendance. Bishop’s letter follows; only by committees appointed by This is a national call on our registrations augur a larger en­ The revised edition of the Aug. 25, 1941. the Bishops and responsible to Catholic people at a time wfibn rollment for them also. Baltimore Catechism, just pub­ SLOWER SPEEDS Reverend dear Father , and Beloved misery and starvation face count­ Other school news of particular lished, is hereby approved for the SAVE LIVES People: Funeral Saturday less innocent individuals, and, as a interest this week is the forma­ Diocese of Denver. It is to be used According to an Associated Press Faced with many and mounting For Miss Woeber diocese, we would wish to assist in tion of a state-wide Catholic high as a basic text in all grade schools dispatch from Boston, Frank A. appeals of indescribable misery this great work of charity, I com­ school association and the release of the diocese, in the private in­ Goodwin, registrar of motor vehi­ from the war-torn, distressed peo­ mend this collection to your gen­ of the annual school report for struction of converts, and all other cles for Massachusetts, reported ples, particularly of Europe, and erosity as a thanksgiving offering the diocese by the Rev. Hubert catechetical instruction. It is ad­ Tuesday the first “ deathless week” knowing that more appeals would ST, iiim m for the blessings we now enjoy in Newell, superintendent of educa­ visable that pastors make some on that state's highways in recent come in the future, the Bishops of our land free from the horrors and tion. arrangement, in accordance with motoring history. He attributed the the United States decided to ask desolations and unparalleled suf­ Educational Values local conditions, whereby the cate­ record to his order limiting speed for one large national collection so ferings of the poor victims of war chism could be placed in the homes to 40 miles an hour to conserve as to avoid the necessity of mak­ abroad. To Be Stressed of our Catholic people. gasoline. ing special appeals in each case. Many of the dioceses of the coun­ Catholic high schools in the Sale of the catechism could be Such a national appeal is seldom made at the church door or ef­ Safely experts for years have try took up this collection in the state were united Tuesday, Aug. made' and would not happen now fected through the co-operation of stressed the need for slower speeds early part of the year. , Ours has 26, in an organization that has were it possible to avoid it. This church societies. The book racks in auto driving. Excessive speeds been postponed until now. You tentatively been called the Colo­ mount costs rapidly in gasoline collection is not to build an institu­ IHII IN DTIIH in church could be generously have read in the Catholic press tion or a shrine but’ to feed the rado Catholic Interscholastic asso­ supplied with them. and tires, result in little saving of (Turn to Page i — Column 3) ciation, it was announced by Fa­ hungry, to comfort the desolate, Non-Catholics, in these days of time, and increase motoring trage­ ther Newell. The purpose of the dies terribly. We have even heard and dry the tears of sorrow. The Funeral services for Miss Jose­ confusion and of rejection of phine Woeber, for more than half CCIA is to stress the educational supernatural religion, are anxious the statement that driving too fast Clergy Conferences’ . values of the various activities— is the greatest single cause of auto a century associated with the choir to know the position of the Cath­ athletic, musical, commercial, and Rev. L. M. Doherty accident deaths. at St. Elizabeth’s church, will be Topics Announced olic Church in brief form. Public Rev. Joseph H. Brunner, conducted there Saturday at 10 speech— rather than the competi­ (Timi to Page j. — Column 1) The Eastern seaboard states are o’clock with the Rev, William tive phases, which have been fea­ + - f + in quite a dither about gasoline ra­ Kelly, assistant pastor of St. The fall conference of the tured in the past. tioning. If enforced saving of gaso­ Mary’s church, Colorado Springs, Denver clergy will be held Tues­ All Catholic high school princi­ line through slower speeds saves Mancos, Dies in Sleep celebrating the Solemn Mass of day morning. Sept. 30, at the Ca­ pals in the state will be members Fr. L. M. Doherty Pastor lives generally as it has in Massa­ R^uiem, Assisting Father Kelly thedral and the Pueblo conference of the association’s board of con­ chusetts, it would seem almost a will be the Very Rev. Angelus will take place Monday after­ trol and will meet twice annually blessing to have short rations every­ Mancos. — The Rev. Joseph H.,the Very Rev. William Kipp, Colo- Tintle, O.F.M., pastor of St. Eliza- noon, Oct. 6, in Sacred Heart in connection with the semi-yearly where. Certainly Denver and Colo­ Brunner, pastor of St. Rita’s par­ rado Springs, and the Very Rev. hall there. teachers’ conferences. For 25 Years in Ordway rado could use any device that Nicholas Bertrand, Grand June-' The subject matter for the An executive committee o f would stop the horribly rising death ish here the past 28 years, suf­ tion, deacons of honor; the Very semi-annual conferences is as fol­ seven named at the meeting in­ fered a fatal heart attack some loll.— Millard F.
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