MORE ABOUT THE B.B.C.'s TELEVISION PLANS t: H ¡ I HE FIRST TELEVISION JOURNAL IN THE WORLD and A..- f. -: Jrjj i . - . Lí' j : . - . JANUARY, . 196 . No. 95. VoI. Ix . BERNARD JONES PUBLICATIONS L.O. .. ., -. CHAÑSITORHOUS,CHANCERYLAÑE, . LONDON, w.ci. : : . EIFFEL TOIVR : .' TELEVISION STATION FULL DETAiLS. LONDON'S TELEVISION STAFF. ELECTRON OPTICS SHORT WAvE NEWS & NOTE.) ANDAN. ArTÈuR'S COMMUNICATION RECEIVER FULL DESCRIED. TREVIISIIOTN H - - - - - -.-- PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor AND SHORT-WAVE WORLD JANUARY, 1936 This programme's appalling " /4 "Dullmusic,statenewand FOR' A GOOD JOB A good chance to-night J- - VY EL L D O N E :5t_ To put the set right - . ."' - [____ So he got out the FLUXITE and GUN. j See that FLUXITE is always by you-In the house-garage-work- shop-wherener speedy soldering is needed. Used for 30 years in gonern osent work, and by leading nngi neers and manufacturers. Of tins, 46., ad., 1/4 and 2/8. Ank to seo the FLUXITE SMALL-SPACE SOLDERING SET- :: BELLING-LEE kompakt but substantiul-completo with full I nttruutions, 7/6. Write for Free Book on the art of "soft" sold nring and ask for FOR EVERY RADIO CONNECTI Leaflet on CASE-HARDENING, STEEL and TEMPERING TOOLS with FLUXITE To CYCliSTS I Your wheels oil! NOT keep round and tyue unless the spokes are tied o.ith fine wire os e cnoaalogs and SOlDERED. This makes a mach strenger wheel. lt's simple_with Fl.IJXITE-but IMPORTANT I - I IHE FLUXIIE GUN I I No. 1224. Is. 6d s always s-cody to put fluoltn os 1'- -. -: lIttle pr.ttus places oh ;lght i g tus t d I Low Loss Valve Hood - ' I f - - - - g1' tf1' sndConneCdous. Banana Plssgtand No. 078. Pu,r,4)d. I ________________ I I t Flag (1021). 2(d. - -.-r"lJ Metal ALL MECHANICS WILL HAVE . ket, (107!). 2d. - - f "WnderfssS," FLUXIT I BluckorRed. I I,o2l TJ IT SIMPLIFIES ALL SOLDERING l0sln s-I LUXI 11 LTD. llinps. TV.), DRAGON WORKS. I8ERMONDSEY ST.. SE.). L -: DIODE DETECTIO1 for freedom from detector distortion Sockt St.ips. and provision of automatic volume control 1:' =;i OSRAM D41, Double Diode. Price Sf6 lndicatinnsavai!able: OSRAM DN4, Double Diode-High ii Slope Output Pentode. Price 21/- I+H.T..!.VTT.+;j IE r I OSRAM MHD4, Double Diode- __________ _________________ 3.,, p,,g, Triode. Price 15/6 i Ei__.°&_1 I°1d. osmm j OSRAM WD4O, Van-mu Screen Pen- / tode-Double Diode. Price 20/- USE THE COUPON IBELLING& LEE LTDIi Please send, POAD. EsPIRO. MIDOJJ ra. I fr e e,y o u r CompleteI° Catalogue, Radio Connections." TYPE DN4I I I o Name. ARITE FOR FULL Address . 'PARARS. I . [ MADE NGLAND. I (Tel. l-36( - -------- - ------------- -I Advt. of The aeneral Electrie Co. Lid., Magnet Houoe, Ringoway, London, W.C.2 - - Mention of "Television and Short-wave World " nul ensure prompt attention.. - PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor -. - -- :- - _ J r 1L'/IsIN . * AND -JANUARY, 936 SHORT-WAVE WORLD TUBULARCONDENSERS RESISTANCES CQNÍIÏPOL.ATONF . MooyIldthh poplo odo- ..-. i oIotrio11y. °°° :d: Mod I 00% Ld A io7 o°btted j10/ (500 ) T o,th d obi ow d SCIFIED IN Z.405, .00005. 6d. Z.3o5, .0005,-6d. Z.105. .05. bd. THIS ISSUE \\ C.T.IottdC.T2 PRICE . .. 45 5 I A SELECTION FROM \ Z.303. .0063. Sd, Z 101.31. bd. Z.P5, 3, 1/6 oD 6/E IO 5,0063 ,, IO 30 400000,, 1.1 Fi i EAC H T E ,cOM1'1Eiv4 15 0.0000 .. 7 35 3M.. .41 PILOT BULBS Perfect - ''AGAIN & AGAIN . Pilot boib, or000ry io,portoot typO h MAINS BIJJGIN Entry BULGIN MAINS CON. bthiwbd ?: :?' ?: :t :? QUALITY RADIO B.220, .2A. B.4l5. .l5A. B.6l5, .l5A. SII I i. II WITH ABSOLUTE 3A M 00. B225, 25k B.420, .2A. 0.620, .2A. l'i V I I I' sAFETY. B.230. .3A. B.430, .3A. B.630. 3k N °' r0rP ' Uo o propor Bolg io B.250,5A. B.450..5A. B.650,3A. 9d. EACH. P20 di C 5 M ir. Corrrrrtor rrhirh P73 d003.° 2/3 °ISIpON.S P:76: 2-o, orbet 2/- itterrots. osd BE P.18. do.. soroil 2/. SIG NAL LIG HTS . D bed n' Telenisio,,." To M esss. A. F. Btdgin& Co. Ltd.. THE BEST AERIAL t AbbyR d B k g E INSULATORS UeonlyóOetA.bolb,of / 12 tern. dto. io th,, holdee. Foe egoeptiots. st high fr,aOCg - F 2 C.oto NAME to bi h 1/32 in..3/8 itt, thick, eidt ADDRESS ticoyt-dey poth A tsy000 21- o Sie. dio, hole. to yoo sld Scoot. LIST No. D.9. .................................... - Litt No. 1.3.1/6 cosA. \,,J EA(H (BLOCK LETTERS PLEASE) Thanks to Sound Sales- Static Shielded Transformers, Modulation Hum is overcome Note t'tese features Tapped Primary, Ensuring the correct output voltages.1 An important point especially with A.C. Valve heatingo. "ix I Standard toppings suit mains from 210/ p 250 volts at 50 cycles. Combined fuses and supply voltage tapping selector incorporated. High.grade silicon steel core results in I very low current consumption. Neat and very effective clamping, resulting in silent oberation. SOUND SALES MAINS TRANSFORMER eoo.. Type 500/120 Modol Primary 210, 230, 250 y. at 50 cycles. H.T. Sec. 500.5.500 v.at 120 ma. shows model 2.0-2 y. at 3.5 amp. Illustration Type "C" New Monodial 2.0-2 t'. at 2 amp. PRICE pattern at 60/.. 55!- 2-O-2 y. at 5 amp. For Details, see for Catalogue "IS." Free. VALVES your = (Buttery, AC. Moins -. and Unioersul Types) SOUNDf SALÉS i Sound Sales Type 30 e. - FOR BROADCAST or SHORT WAVES - ' J 30-Henry Choke, 14/.. Specified for the FERRANTI CATHODE RAY TUBES I USE Mains l for TELEVISION and INDUSTRIAL SOUND SALES LIMITED "Universa! FINEST DEFINITION end LONGEST LIFE Cathode Marlborough Road, Upper Holloway, I Short-wove Three." Working Voltage 100016000. Loedoe, N.19. I I volt. 3 amps. Phone: Archway I661=2.3. (Conir. to G.P.O., cte.) L ------ FERRANTI LTD. RABIO WORKS, MtSTON, MANCHROTER.It VV_ A -- -, _.___l PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor ANO SHORT-WAVE WORLD JANUARY, 1936 rJS \' have a r1aximum current output of io milliamps, and have been designed to provide high voltages. They have already been built up into units to give as much as 400,000 volts for X-ray and therapy purposes, and are suitable for cathode ray circuits, anode supplies to small receivers and oscillators, etc. ,...-COUPON- ---------- i These rectifiers are made in a wide range of voltage lease seed me THE ALL METAL WAY, 936," I output to suit the various duties and will be found stamps fer mhich I erciese 3d. le of great use in television. Details of typical units NAME ................................... are given in "THE ALL METAL WAY, 1936." Use the coupon and get a copy to-thy. ADDRESS .............................. Westinghouse Brake & Signal Co., Ltd., .T. 82, YORK ROAD, KING'S CROSS, LONDON, N.I fault=tracing Quick DEMANDS TESTING t ACCURATE AVOMINOR The UNIVERSAL V)LTS degree of C Even the smallest VT eaht p ltmWh is m : O--25 ,, O-250 to perfect reception. o-loo first imporeence-estaf RESISANCE D.C. _..D_a The world-famous ¡ MI%On 0- ATO __-It 0-IO in one. Circoits,eales 0-500 instruments units can all be is 3 accorate and poncer batteries - components, Inhandsomaease,withtenting prods £5 testedqoicklyaedeaniIy.crocodile slips, interchangeable erad leads, booklet. Instruction - and 4e-- The CURRENT Av0MIN0R a. 0--b rnilllemps UNiVERSAL The best of readings. different ranges scale. Total -. glees 22 meters. 3-Inch leads, L1GE AC and DC. Complete wIth . - of ohms. booklet. The 200.000 and instroctlon 0-heolts . -resistente tenting prods AVOM crocodIle clIps, & Q-60 - COIL WINDERLTD., CO., - / THE AUTOMATICEQUIPMENT 40 ¡ ELECTRICAL London, S.W.i. ,mu Douglas Street, - O-600.. d T Winder Noose, 3404.7. RESISTANCE Dereesirrns Victdria Terms if desired. 0-lO.00O ohms Tnle5hoee Deferred folders. post free fully descripti - Send for Menon of Televhion ard Short-oave World will eraure prompt attentioi.. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor No. 95 VOL. IX JANUARY, 1936. and SHORT-WAVE.WQlLDt Special Features PAGE 180-Line Transmissions from the COMMENT OF THE MONTH Eiffel Tower ............. 4 London's Television Staff ...... 6 The Farnsworth Multipactor Tube ... 7 January Short-wave Transmissions .. 9 The Telepantoscope ---------------------- 14 Constructor. An Amateur Communication Receiver 15 Television and the Amateur The Construction of High-frequency Cables ---------------------- 18 THERE is a good deal of discussion at the present time regarding the The Marconi High-vacuum Cathode- position of the amateur in television. Chiefly this concerns the ray Oscillograph ------------- 21 ability, or otherwise, of the amateur to build television receivers capable First Steps in High-definition Recep- tion ---------------------------------- 23 of receiving the new high-definition transmissions, and opinions are sharply What the Shortwave Amateure are divided. Possibly, however, the matter is one of perspective ; to assume Doing ......................... 27 that amateur television receiver construction will follow ort the lines of The Principlea and Practice of E1ec requires a tron Optics 20 ordinary wireless receiver Construction of a few years ago The Development of theScanning Cir- very big stretch of the imagination. The high voltages necessary, and Cuit for Cathode-ray Television 30 the many other factors of design definitely preclude any such possibility The First Kerr Memomal Lecture 33 so far as the novice is concerned.
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