WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1968 Moat Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 0*Clock iM M FORTY fllmtrbfBtfr Ennting Irralii 'Avarafa Dmltr Nat Prem Ron The Weather Winther Picture OlMrlttf, oooltr tonight. Low M 'Tka WMk Badsd About Town Eagleson-McFarland Best for Month In SOs. Ooldtr In rural vallayi. Adams Jewelers Saptombar II, leOB Tomorrow aunny, pleasant. TiM Mtoweralt dagree wUl . ^ High in 70s. Showar probabill. k* ouqtT Pad by a vlalUiig team Miss Marianne McFarland of Mrs. Ronald Wlnthef of Som­ tits near aaro. «I m b Friandahlp Lodge of Hartford became the bride o f ers Rd., ElBngton rscelved first . 15,049 MlHi moeU In the Maaoolc Tern- William James . Eagleson of prise in the picture of the month presents ^ Maneha$tar—“4 City of ViUa$o Charm kamuToar at 7:M p.m. Vlait- Manchester Saturday, Sept. 14, contest S t the meeting of thg (daarifled Advwtirinf m Fags IT) PRICE TEN CENT! wlU be the oCtlcen ot Ever- SEIKO, the watch that automation built. Come see these MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTBBfBER 26, 1968 C at the First Baptist Church, Manchester Fine Art Association VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 804 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) jrawi Lodge at Masona In South Friday night at Whiton Library. Wtadaor. Aikold LuMcher, mas­ Mansfield, La. precision watches mkde the modern way. The bride U the daughter cf Her painting will be dkqdayed ter, wUl pmaide. Frlendahlp at- at the Savings Bwk of Man­ With special features and Incredible accuracy usually S c a n win dieaa In summer for- Mr. and Mr. James Frank Me- chester. nalB. Refreshments will be Fartand of Mansfield, ta . The found only in watches costing twice as much. bridegroom Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald WUhey’s second Nixon Planning ssrred after the meeting. placb picture will be displayed To Visit State MTS. William John Eagleson of Seiko makes them starting at only $29.95. Humphrey Proposes SO Spruoe St. at the Mary Cheney Library, Jo­ Mrs. PhiUp E. Sumner, 73 seph Castle’a third place pic­ The largest manufacturer of jeweled lever HARTFORD, Gonn. (AP) Titan 3 Shot Success; Palms, candelabra, and bou­ Princeton St., has been named —Richard M. Nixon la f a n ­ quets of gladioli were on the ture at Whiton Library^ and Al­ chairman for the Manchester- bert Kalbfleiach’s fourth placq watches in the world: SEIKO ning a campaign visit to Bast Hartford area of the Wel- altaar. GoimeoUaut Oct. 4, RepubU- The bride was given in mar­ picture at Connecticut Bank and UN Viet Peace Force Iseley College alumnae national Trust Co., Manchester Shopping can Itate Chairman Howard fund drive. The "Peieonal Call riage by her father. She wore a second listing that "regional Parkade. SAN FRANOISOO (AP) - said It he were elected, "I will B. Haueman announced to­ fuU-leiglfa gown of peau de and muHUateral responsibility" Program ,” as It Is called, has Robert Qusman-Forbea of Vice Prssldant Hubert H. Hum- do everything In my power to day. sole accented with Alencon lace, should follow that atap and—laat sat a goal for this year of over Hartford was guest demonstrat­ phrsy, declaring "the United place International p^oekeep- Hauamon eald the OOP designed with scooped neckline, ot all—there should be "eeleo- 116,000. or. His topic: "Animals in Pas­ Btatea ooimot play the roia of ing eoldiers In troubled areas candidate for preoident will and empire bodice, three-quart­ tlve American asslatanoe." Four Craft in Orbit global gendarme,” euggested to­ rather Uian American eoldiers." probably make a speech in er-length sleeves, and chapel)- tels.’’ Susan Kriley, 121 Mountain day a United Nations paaoe- "Nowhers would a United Na­ The vloa president, who has Hartford that Friday eve­ CAPE KENNEDY, Fl». length train. Her veil of silk il- Hostesses fw the event were aald he la In "the fight of my ltd., and Jane Clifford, 7 Hlgh- kseplng fores move Into Viet­ tions’ peacekeeping force be ning. h. luston was arranged from a Mrs. Gladys Barney and Mrs. life" against Richard M. Nixon, (AP)— mighty Titan 8 meadolr Rd., Bolton, have be­ nam "to admlnlstar free elec- more welcome than In Vietnam Word of Nixon’s visit was hand embroidered lace head- Laura Anton. hti RapubUoaa opiponsnt, ob­ rocket today stKcemfully gun a three-month intensive ttone and verify the withdrawal to administer free electlone and received this morning from piece, and she carried a bouquet viously hopss his Ran Francisco sprayed four, military re­ course at the Institute of Ltv- ot foreign troop#.’’ verify withdrawal of foreign the former vies president’s of cymbidlum oichKIs euid Ste­ Tlw butCioaM ■•Uto address would win dissident seat^ spacecraft into sep­ ing Hartford. The course is de­ automatic day-data In h is . boldest withdrawal troope,” he added. headquarters in New York phan otls. u b o im Democrats who wore followsrs arate orbits, including one signed to give the nurses ex­ Bazaar Planned m te b with • I from Johnson administration The vice president, outlining City, Hausman sold. / Miss Jessie Margaret Pavy of teitant dau chant* (•*- of Ssn. Eugene J. MoGarthy, D- perience in caring for the mMi- tun. 17 lawata. Luniami polloles-^wlthout ever rspudlat- what he colled a "new strategy experimental communica­ ^ tally and emotionally disturbed. EBirevciport, La., cousin o f the By Church Guild banda. adjtiitabi* Ing them , directly—the Demo­ for peace,” and new guidelines Minn., and the lata Ssn. Robert tions c n ^ that could bride, was maid of honor. She Watarpraof* to M.2.lt. *»9 JO. F. Kennedy, D-N.Y. ~ w automatk dar-Jr'- cratic presidential candidate for U.S. foreign poUolee, hasten the day when bat- Cadette Olri Scout Troop 633 wore a tuU-Iength gown of fem The Guild of Our Lady of St watebai baffai at M9.I call for "rejection of thoee pledged the United State# can But perha/pe more pertinently, he hop^ It woifld rank with for­ flefield troopa can talk will have a registration meet­ green sUk shantung, and carried Bartholomew’s Parish will have llAtloaf u OM, proposals which rely exclusively and shall have peace. a bouquet of chi^anthemum ■own end cmtkl SEIKO Humphrey In what woe In­ mer President Dwight D. Bleen- GI Deaths among themse/lves via ing tomorrow at 2:46 p.m. at its annual Christmas Baxaar it«7*ln intact. on American power as the guar­ daisies. ^ antor of eecurity In, areas of the tended to be the major foreign hower’s pledge of "I shall go to satellite. S t James’ School cafeteria. "W e’ve got all of the sateUltee J. Bruce Eagleson of Man­ Saturday, Nbv. 9, at St. Bar­ developing world where we are policy kickoff speech of hli Korea” in his 1962 campaign. tholomew’s School. h e n r y a . ADAMS, Proprietor While saying, in effect, that If out. Every one Is working just Mrs. Mary McCarthy of Ver­ chester served as his brother’s now Involved." campaign, eald that while Viet­ Mrs. Ronald Walsh and Mrs. ir DIAMONDS ★ WATJOTBS i t BBPAnUNO elected he would permit no fu­ fine,” the launch control canter non, peat president of the Lad­ best man. Ushers were Dmiold Open • Days, Thnrs. nltas tin* Humidirsy, in a speech pre­ nam should not turn the United T otal 290 Victor Squadrlto have bean 786 MAIN ST., BIANOHESTBR flS-1796 ture Vietnam#, Humphrey alec said at the completion of the les Auxiliary of Manchester McFarland of Dallas, Tex., and We Weletmaa Oami. CAstfga Cards pared for delivery to the preeti- StateaTto isola/tioniam, In the named co-chairmen of the Use Our Lay-A-Way Flan talked about ending the war tricky SH-hour, four-in-one mis- Barracks, World War I John McFarland of El Dorado, gloue Commonwealth Club here, future "w e ehould most care­ bazaar. All women of the pcudsh there: ■ton. Veterans, and c<mductreaB for Ark., both brothers of the bride; cited Southeast Aela os a good fully assess our national Inter- may participate in the event. “ We can have peace. We shall The 127-foot-Ull Utan 8, the the Department of Connecticut, and Felix Pavy of Opelousas, example of what he meant. esU, carefully define our goals Last W eek La., cousin of the bride. About 66 ladles recently at­ '"The United State# cannot and priortlee, and within those have peace. Tbat le my pledge type booster which someday left Friday for the National Con­ SAIGON (AP) — American Mrs. McFarland wore a pink tended a kickoff Anner for lia- play the role of global gen­ Intereets and prioritlee, . for­ to the American people In this wlU orbit aatronauto In the De­ vention of World War Veterans batae deaths In Vietnam in­ dress with burgundy accessories zaar workers. Read Herald Advertisements darme," the Democratic presi- mulate pollciee which will tit campaign." fense Department’s Manned Or­ in New Orleans, La. creased again last week, reflect­ biting Laboratory, blasted off at and a pink orchid. Hie bride­ dentLol nominee said. "The new American guidelines.’’ In what apparently calculated to 'be a further dramatic gee- ing the rising Intensity of the 8 :S7 a.m., BDT In a epaotaoular commission on steward- groom’s mother wore a blue American people don’t want It In Southeast Asia, significant­ Bason i>boto ly, HumiAirey listed aa the first lure, Humphrey said that one of war since the lull In July and. predawn launching that could chip and finance of South Meth­ printed chiffon dress with pink and the reet of the world won't “ basic future guideline” , that hie first steps If elected presi­ August.
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