DOCUMENT RESUME ED'218 568 CG 016 068 TITLE Marijuana and Health. Report of a Study by a Committee of the Institute of Medicine, Division of Health Sciences Policy. INSTITUTION Institute of Medicine (NAS), Washington, D.C. -SPONS AGENCY National Institutes of Health (DHHS), Bethesda, Md. ''REIBORT NO ISBN-0-309-03236-9 PUB DATE - 82 -CONTRACT NIH-N01-0D-0-2114 NOTE 203p. AVAILkBLE FROMNational Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20418. EDRS PRICE MFO1 Plus Postage. PC iot Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Drug Abuse; *Drug Use; Literature Reviews; *Marihuana; Medical Evaluation;. Medical Research; *Pharmacology; *Physical Health;, Research Needs; Research Utilization ABSTRACT- , This report, Written for the general public, presents the results tif-a-15=M6fith study of-the health-relate-a effects of Marijuana. The introduction describes the goalX and procedure for the Xttdy, including the composition of the 22-member steering committee and its functions, and ,'the sources of inforMation used for the study, i.e., published scientific literature from 1975 forward, and, information and opinions solicited from the public and professional grOupt--;-Chipter:1 reviews what-ia -known about the chemistry sand pharmacology of marijuana. Chapter 2 deals with'the epidemiology and -demography' Of the use of marijuana in the United States. The next three chapters discuss the effects of marijuana on cells, tissues, organs; and biological systems. Chapter 6 deals with behavioral and ptyChosocial-effects: Chapter 7 discusses the present status of ___IsXrijuana-as a therapeutic agent-Chapter 8 describes and analyzes the federla research program on marijuana. A summary includes the principal findings and conclusions of the study, together with stggistions for future research. A glossary of terms for marijuana-related products and appendices with additional study information are included.-(Author/MCF) *********************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. * ***************i****************************************************** HARD' COPY NOT AVAILABLE Marijuana and Health 'Report of a Study by a Committee of the INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE Division of Health-Sciences Policy DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS NATIONAL INSTITUTEOF EDUCATION MATERIAL IN MICROFICHE ONLY EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION HAS BEEN GRA ED CENTER (ERICI LI The document has been reproduced as teceiyedizotnte_Pe/son or organization onginatign. )(Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Points of view or opimonsstated in this docu INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." meet do not necessarily represent official NIE position or policy. CO NATIONAL ACADEMY PRESS q) Washington, D.C. 1982 C) '.O O C.) NOTICE The project that is the subject of this reportrwa8 approved by the Governing Board of the National Research Couhcil, whose members are drawn from the Councils of the NationaViicademy of. Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and'the Institute of Medicine. The members of the committee responsible for the report were chosen for their special competences and with regard for appropriate balance. This report has een reviewect.by a group other than the authors according to p ocedures approved byra Report Review Committee consisting ofembers of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Acad my of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. The Institutof Medicine was chartered in 1970 by the National Academy of S iences to enlist distinguished members of the _appropriaterOfessions in the examination of policy matters pertaining tthe health of the public. In this;' the Institute acts under both e Academy's 1863 Congressional charter responsibility to be an advis r to the federal government, and its own initiative in identifying issues of medical care, research, and education. This study was suppOrted by the National Institutes of Health, Contract No. 140170D-0-2114. International Standard Book Number 0-309-03236-9 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 81-86534 Available from: NATIONAL ACADEMY PRESS 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20418 Printed in the United States of America COMMITTEF TO STUDY THE HEALTH-RELATED EFFECTS OF CANNABIS.AND ITS DERIVATIVES Arnold S. Reiman, Chairman Editor The New England Journal of Medicine Konrad E. Bloch Irwin Feinberg Professor Professor of Psychiatry Department of Chemistry University of California, Harvard University San Francisco,and Veterans Administration Medical Barton Childs Center, San Francisco Professor, of Pediatrics and Biology Alfred P. Fishman The Johns Hopkins University Professor of Medicine School of Medicine Director Cardiovascular Pulmonary Division Michael I. Cohen Hospital of the University Chairman 'and Professor of Pennsylvania Department of Pediatrics Albert Einstein College Beatrix Hamburg of'Medicine Apsociate_Professor-of-Psychiatry--- Montefiore Hospital and Dppaitment of Psychiatry and Medical Center Department of Social Meditine and Health Policy P. B. Dews arvard Medical School Professor of Psychiatry and Psychobiology H. Carl Haywood Laboratory of Psychobiology Trofessor of Psychology Harvard Medical School I. and Neurology pirector ,Edward F. Domino The John Fe Kennedy Center Professor for Research on Education Department of Pharmacology and Human Development University of Michigan Vanderbilt University Robert B. Edgerton Reese T. Jones Professor Professor of Psychiatry Departments of Psychiatry Langley Poeter Psychiatric and Anthropology Institute University of California, University of California, Los Angeles, ' San Francisco Daniel D% FedeFilan Harold Kalant Dean for Students and Alumni Professor Harvard Medical School Department of Pharmacology University of Toronto iii Denise Kandel Norton Nelson Professor of Public Health Professor of Environmental Department of Psychiatry Medicine ' Columbia University and New York University New York State Psychiatric Medical,Center Institute Charles P. O'Brien Barbara M. Korsch Professor of Psychiatry Professor of Pediatrics University of Pennsylvania and Head School of Medicine and" Division of General Pediatrics Philadelphia Veterans Adminis- Children's Hospital of // tration Medical Center Los Angeles University of Southern California Sheldon J. Segal School of Medicine Director Population'Sciences Division Robert Y. Moore Rockefeller Foundation Professor and-Chairman _Department of Neurology Paul D. Staley State University/of New York Professor at Stony Brook Department of Medicine University of Pennsylvania Robert F. Murray, Jr. School of Medicine Professor of Pediatrics, Medicine and Oncology Chief, Division of Medical Genetics ,Department of Pediatrics and Child Health College of Medicine Howard University iv INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE Frederick C. Robbins President Study Staff Enriqueta C. Bind, Director, Division of Health Sciences Policy Linda S. Dujack, Study Director Kathryn G-iKihg, Research Associate Caren M. Carney, Research Associate Allyn M. Mortimer, Research Assistant Roszel S. Thomsen II, Research Assistant Linda A. DePugh, Administrative Secretary Constance V. Shuck, Administrative Secretary With the collaboration of the Director of the Division of Mental ---HeilthAffd-Beh&VWfal-Medidine, Fkedric Solomon, and the assistance of Institute of Medicine staff members Barbara Fi ).ner,Barbara Mandula, and Robert Field. Consultants Henry D. Abraham, Harvard University Richard E. Belleville, Privitte Consultant Kevin Fehr, Addiction Research Foundation Herbert Moskowitz, Southern CaliforniaResearch Institute Wendy Nelson, University of Pennsylvania ;Oakley S. Ray, Veterans Administration dical Center Brian L. Strom, University of Pennsylvania v 0 "Study of the Health-Related Effects of Cannabis and Iti Derivatives PANELS CardiovascUlar and Respiratory Issues Alfred P. Fishman*, Chairman Brian F. Hoffman Gerard M. Turino Professor and Chairman Professor of Medicine Department of Pharmacology Department of M dicine Columbia University College Columbia Unive sity College of Physicians and Surgeons of Physicians and Surgeons / Jerome I.0 Kleinerman Chairman Department of Pathology Mount Sinai:School of Medicine Neurobiological Issues Irwin Feinberg*, Chairm EdWard F. DoMino* A. Edwa d Maumenee Profess r of Ophthalmology H. Craig Hellcr, Wilmer/Institute Associate Professor of. Biology Johns Hopkins Hospital Department of Biological Sciences StanfOrd University Robert Moore* Reese, T. Jones* Charles P. O'Brien* Harold Kalant* Irwin H. Krakoff Director 'Vermont Regional Cancer Center *Committee member. vi B navioral, Psychosocial, and Epidemiologic Issues Ch rles P. O'Brien* and H. Carl Haywood*,,Co-Chairmen Michael I. Cohen* Denise Kandel* Robert B. dgerton* BarbaraM. Korsch* Beatrix Hburg* Paul D. Stolley*, Reese T. J nes* Reproductive and Fetal Issues Daniel D. Federman*, Chairman F. Clarke raser Norton Nelson* Director o .Medical Genetics Montreal ildren's Hospital Sheldon Segal* 111 Genetic, bncogenic, and Cytogenetic Issuep Barton Childs*,Chairman Arthur DOBloom Robert F. Murray, Jr:* Professor of Pediatrics and of Human Genetics and Development Norton Nelson* Director,;ClinicarGenetics Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Dietrich Hoffmann: Associate,Direct:Or Naylor Dana Institute for Disease Prevention Cell Biology, Pharmacology, and immunologicalIssues P. B. Dews*, Chairman Konrad E. Bloch* Peter H. Schur Professor of Medicine
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