
REPORT OF THE AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR jForeifltt ¿¡H ussions, READ AT THE TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING, HELD IN THE CITY OF BALTIMORE, SEPTEMBER 9, 10, & 11, 1835. BOSTON: PRINTED FOR THE BOARD, BY CROCKER & BREWSTER. 1835. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD. CORPORATE MEMBERS. [The names under each State, are arranged according to the order of election.] Time o f Election. i H a i n e . 1813. Gen. HENRY SEWALL, Augusta. 1820. WILLIAM ALLEN, D. D. President of Bowdoin College. 1832. ENOCH POND, D. D. Professor in the Theological Seminary at Bangor. 1820. JOHN HUBBARD CHURCH, D. D. Pelham. 1830. Hon. GEORGE SULLIVAN, Exeter. 1832. NATHAN LORD, D. D. President of Dartmouth College. Uermont. 1818. Hon. CHARLES MARSH, Woodstock. 1821. JOSHUA BATES, D. D. President of Middlebury College. JHassadmsetts. 1810. WILLIAM BARTLET, Esq. Newburyport. 1818. Hon. WILLIAM REED, Marblehead. 1819. LEONARD WOODS, D. D. Professor in the Theological Seminary at Andover. 1821. SAMUEL HUBBARD, LL. D. Boston. 1821. WARREN FAY, D. D. Charlestown. 1823. EDWARD D. GRIFFIN, D. D. President of Williams College. 1823. HEMAN HUMPHREY, D. D. President of Amherst College. 1826. JOHN CODMAN, D. D. Dorchester. 1826. Hon. LEWIS STRONG, Northampton. 1826. JUSTIN EDWARDS, D. D. Andover. 1827. JOHN TAPPÄN, Esq. Boston. 1828. HENRY HILL, Esq. Boston. 1832. His Honor SAMUEL T. ARMSTRONG, Boston. 1832. Rev. RUFUS ANDERSON, Boston. 1832. Rev. DAVID GREENE, Boston. 1832. CHARLES STODDARD, Esq. Boston. 1834. Rev. SYLVESTER HOLMES, New Bedford. 1835. DANIEL NOYES, Esq. Boston. Connecticut. 1810. CALVIN CHAPIN, D. D. Wethersfield. 1817. JEREMIAH DAY, D. D. LL. D. President of Yale College. j819. JOHN COTTON SMITH, LL. D. Sharon. 1823. BENNET TYLER, D. D. Professor in the Theol. Institute at East Windsor. 1832. NOAH PO R T ER , D. D. Farmington. Neto ’STorit. loli. JAMES RICHARDS, D. D. Professor in the Theological Seminary at Auburn. 1812. ELIPHALET NOTT, D. D. President of Union College. J812. HENRY DAVIS, D. D. Clinton. 4 MEMBERS OP THE BOARD. Report, 1813. ALEXAND ER PRO U D FIT, D. D. Salem. 1816. ST E P H E N VAN REN SSELA ER , LL. D. Albany. 1823. S. V. S. W ILD ER, Esq. New York city. 1824. DAVID PO RTER , D. D. Catskill. 1824. GARDINER SPRING, D. D. New York city. 1824. ELEA ZA R LORD, Esq. New York city. 1826. NATHANIEL W. HOWELL, LL. D. Canandaigua. 1826. * WILLIAM McMURRAY, D. D. New York city. 1826. JO HN N ITC H IE , Esq. New York city. 1826. THOMAS DE W IT T , D. D. New York city. 1826. NATHAN S. S. BEMAN, D. D. Troy. 1826. THOMAS McAULEY, D. D. LL. D. New York City. 1832. ORRIN DAY. Esq. Catskill. 1832. Z EC IIA R IA H L EW IS, Esq. Brooklyn. 1834. JAMES M. M A THEW S, D. D. Chancellor of the New York University. Neh) Stetsej. 1812. SAMUEL M ILLER, D. D. Professor in the Theological Seminary at Princeton. 1824. P H IL IP M ILLEDOLER, D. D. Professor in the Theological Seminary at New Brunswick. 1826. ARCHIBALD ALEXANDER, D. D. Professor in the Theological Seminary at Princeton. 1826. THEODORE FRELINGHUYSEN, LL. D. Newark. 1826. JAM ES CARNAHAN, D. D. President of Nassau Hall. 1832. His Excellency P E T E R D. VROOM. $ennsj)lbania. 1812. ASHBEL GREEN, D. D. Philadelphia. 1812. RO BERT RALSTON, Esq. Philadelphia. 1826. JOHN LUDLOW, D. D. President of the University of Pensylvania. 1826. THOMAS BRADFORD, Esq. Philadelphia. 1826. SAMUEL AGNEW , M. D. Harrisburg. 1826. W ILLIAM NEIL, D. D. Germantown. 1832. JO HN McDOWELL, D. D. Philadelphia. 1832. CORNELIUS C. CUYLER, D. D. Philadelphia. 1834. ALEXANDER HENRY, Esq. Philadelphia. Sfstrfct of Columbia. 1826. JO SE P H NOURSE, Esq. J&atjlanfc. 1834. * WILLIAM NEVINS, D. D., Baltimore. VI vqM z . 1826. Gen. JOHN H. COCKE, Fluvanna County. 1826. W ILLIAM M A XW ELL, Esq. Norfolk. 1832. GEORGE A. BAX TER, D. D. Professor in the Union Theological Seminary. 1834. THOMAS P. ATKINSON, M. D. Halifax County. 1834. Rev. WILLIAM S. PLUMER, Richmond. 1835. Rev. WILLIAM J. ARMSTRONG, Richmond. Wort!) Carolina. 1834. W . M cPH ETER S, D. D. Raleigh. «Sotti!) Carolina. 1826. MOSES WADDELL, D. D. Willington. 1826. BENJAMIN M. PALM ER, D. D. Charleston. (Geotflfa. 1826. JO HN CUMMINGS, M. D. Savannah. 1834. JO SE P H H. LUMPKIN, Esq. Lexington. 1834. THOMAS GOLDING, D. D. Columbus. * Deceased since the meeting of the Board. 1835. MEMBERS OP THE BOARD. 5 T e n n e s s e e . 1826. CHARLES COFFIN, D. D. President of the College in Greenville. 1834. ISAAC ANDERSON, D. D. Professor in the Theological Seminary at Mary­ ville. ©irto. 1823. LYMAN BEECHER, D. D. President of Lane Seminary. 1826. ROBERT G. WILSON, D. D. President of the College at Athens. 1832. JAM ES HOGE, D. D. Columbus. 1834'. ROBERT H. BISHOP, D. D. President of Miami University. illfnots. 1826. GIDEON BLACKBURN, D. D. Hie following persons have been corporate members, and arc deceased. [The names under each State, are arranged according to the time of deeease. The year denoting the decease of members, is that ending with the annual meetings in September or October.] Time o f Election. Time o f Decease. 1813. JE S S E APPLETO N , D. D. 1820. 1826. EDW ARD PAYSON, D. D. 1828. JSassacimsetts. 1810. SAMUEL SPRING, D. D. 1819. 1810. SAMUEL W O RCESTER, D. D. 1821. 1818. ZEPH A N IA H S W IFT MOORE, D. D. 1823. 1811. JED ID IA H MORSE, D. D. 1826. 1812. Hon. W ILLIAM P H IL L IP S . 1827. 1810. JO SE PH LYMAN, D. D. 1828. 1812. Hon. JO HN HOOKER, 1829. 1822. SAMUEL AUSTIN, D. D. 1831. 1812. JEREM IAH EVARTS, Esq. 1831. 1831. ELIAS CORNELIUS, D. D. 1832. 1828. BENJAMIN B. W ISNER, D. D. 1835. astiiolre Es'nnt). 1812. Hon. W ILLIAM JONES. (Connecticut. 1810. TIM OTHY D W IGHT, D. D. LL. D. 1817. 1810. Gen. JED ID IA H HUNTINGTON, 1819. 1810. JOHN TREA D W ELL, LL. D. 1823. ■Meto 3Torfv. 1818. Col. HENRY LINCKLAEN, 1822. 1819. DIVIE BETH UNE, Esq. 1824. 1812. JO HN JAY, LL. D. 1829. 1824. Col. HENRY RUTGERS, 1830. 1826. Col. RICHARD VARICK, 1831. 1812. EGBERT BENSON. LL. D. 1833. 1822. JONAS PLA T T , LL. D. 1834. Weto tsej. 1812. ELIA S BOUDINOT, LL. D. 1822. ©fstrict of Columbia. 1819. ELIAS BOUDINOT CALDWELL, Esq. 1825. F t r a t n f a . 1823. JOHN H. RICE, D. D. 1831. TPiortJ) Carolina. 1834. JO SE PH CALDW ELL, D. D. 1835. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. IN THE UNITED STATES. Time o f Election. Weto ¥ortt. 1819. JOHN BOLTON, Esq. City of New York. Ttttttnta. 1819. W ILLIAM H ILL , D. D. Winchester. ©Í)ÍO. 1819. Rev. JAMES CULBERTSON, Zanesville. ìhxìr fatta. 1819. JAM ES BLY TH E, D. D., South Hanover. ÖT£TltI0Sf>0£* 1819. JO SE P H C. STRONG, M. D. Knoxville'. A la b a m a . 1819. Col. JOHN Me KEE. IN FOREIGN PARTS. Hnglautr. 1819. JO SIA H P R A T T , B. D. London. 1819. Rev. WILLIAM JOWETT. 1830. Sir RICHARD OTTLEY, formerly Chief Justice of Ceylon. 1833. Sir ALEXANDER JOHNSTONE, formerly Chief Justice of Ceylon. Scotlanö. 1819. JO HN CAM PBELL, D. D. 1819. Hon. KINCAID M AKENZIE. 1819. R A LPH W ARDLAW , D. D. JF tsu c c * 1819. FREDERICK LEO, Esq. Paris. p ersia . 1835. Sir JOHN CAMPBELL, British Ambassador at the Court of Persia. ä S o m ia j) -presitienes. 1832. JAM ES FA RISH , Esq. 1833. EDW ARD H. TOW NSEND, Esq. 1833. G. SMYTTAN, M. D. ©ejjlon. 1830. Rev. Archdeaeon G LENIE. 1831. JAM ES N. MOOYART, Esq. HONORARY MEMBERS. •Abbott Rev. John S. C., Roxbury, Masa. *Balcb S. B., D. D., Georgetown, D. C* Abbott Rev. G. D., Boston, Mass. Baldwin Rev. Benson C., Franklin, Ct. Abeel Rev. David, Missionary to China. Baldwin Rev. E. W ., Crawfordsville, Ind. Adams Rev. George E. Brunswick, Me. Baldwin Rev. M., Scotchtown, N. Y. Adam* Rev. Nehemiah, Boston, Ms. Baldwin Rev. Tlicron, Jacksonville, 111. Adams Rev. William, New York city. Barbour llev. Isaac R., Philadelphia, Pa. Adams Rev. John R., Londonderry, N. H. Bardwell Rev. Horatio, Andover, Ms. Adams Rev. W eston B., Bloomfield, Me. Barnes Rev. Albert, Philadelphia, Pa. Adams Rev. J. W . Syracuse, N. Y. Barney Rev. James O., Seekonk, Ms. Adams Rev. Erastus H., Cayuga, N. Y Barrett Rev. Joshua, Plymouth, Ms. Adams Rev. William M., Hammondeport, N. Y. Barrett Rev. Gerrish. Adams Rev. J. H., Beatties Ford, Lincoln co. N.C. Barrett Samuel, Cambridgeport, Ms. Adger James, Charleston, S. C. Barr Rev. Joseph, Williamstown, Pa. Adger Rev. John B., Smyrna, Asia. Barrow Rev. E. P., New York city. Agnew Rev. John Holmes, Marion co. Mo. Barrows Ilov. E. S., Cazenovia, N. Y. Aiken Rev. Samuel C., Cleveland, O. Barrows John S., Fryeburg, Mo. Aiken Rev. Silas, Amherst, N. H. Barnard Rev. John, Jr. Lima, N. Y. Albro Rev. John A ., Cambridge, Ms. Barton Rev. William B., Woodbridgc, N. J. Alden Rev. Josoph, WilliamBtown, Ms. Barstow Rev. Z. S., Keene, N. H. Alden Rev. Lucius, Abington, Ms. Bartlett Rev. Jonathan, Reading, Ct. Alexander Adam L. Washington, Ga. Bartlett Rev. Shubael, East Windsor, Ct. Alexander Joseph, Albany, N. Y. Bartlett Rev. Francis, Rushville, O. Alexander Rev. James W ., Princeton, N. J. Bascom Rev. Flavel, Pleasant Grove, 111. Allan John, D. D., Huntsville, Alabama. Bates Rev. James, Newton, Ms. Allen Rev. Jacob, Glastenbury, Ct. *Bates Rev. Talcott, Manlius, N. Y. Allen Moses, New York city. Batchelder John P. Utica, N. Y. Allen Peter, South Hadley, Ms. Battell Joseph, Norfolk, Ct.
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