![1962-09-20, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Thursday, September 20, 1962 AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES FINAL CLOSE OUT DODGE SALE!! OF ALL REMAINING 61’62 FORDS ONCE A YEAR FALCONS • FAIRLANES CLOSE OUT 4.^. HARDTOPS • THUNDERBIRDS *1495! Payments At Low Al $49.69 Per Month SALE! 2-DOORS 4-DOORS HARDTOPS SOME DRIVEN LESS THAN 100 MILESI MO'lMiiiliMi'iiiiiilliiiir n ■ K STILL A GOOD SELECTION! CONVERTIBLES STATION WAGONS COMPACTS, FULL SIZED CARS, FLOOR MODELS, Your Car Down Payment IS82 To Make Room For New SHOW CARS, OFFICIALS CARS and DEMONSTRATORS AND BANK FINANCING 1963's Coming Soon GLAVIC DODGE ffillWUl.l*. DIRECT FACTORY DISCOUNT DEALER TERMS TO SUIT YOU! 536 E. 185th St. near Lake Shore Blvd. M.n°^TFr"6TiU9PM KE. 1-3375 [WjlJ BANK FINANCING! FLOYD STAMPS RAMBLER - FLOYD STAMPS RAMBLER OPEN MONDAY.FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M DOWN GO PRICES IX* o FINAL 3 NEVER-AGAIN" SALE Nice Selection off A-1 USED CARS New Car Trade-lns oc This Week Only TO BE SOLD AU CARS SOW AT WHOLESALE PRICES £ For 1959 FORD 1959 OLDS 1959 PLYMOUTH 1960 FALCON 1956 OLDS DYNAMIC "88" 4-DR. HARDTOP SPT. SUBURBAN 9-PASS. WAGON 2-DOOR SEDAN CONVERTIBLE MO DEALERS PLEASEf ’MONEY DUE COUNTRY SEDAN 4-DOOR PRICED TO GO! 8 cyl., automatic, power steering, Standard shift, heater, gleaming "88". Hydramatie, radio, heater. STATION WAGON Power steering, power brake*, Sale Positively lads Sat., Sept. 22nd automatic, radio New top and new QCAK 2 Thurs., Fri., Sat Vp. Standard tran»mi«i $1395 X'.:______ $1195 white wall tire* IpVvU O and heater ________ 0 1 WWW WAI $1295 AT SEPTEMBER 1960 FORD 1961 T-BIRD 1961 FORD 60 FORD Fairlane 2-Dr------- $1295 $1095 - 1960 FALCON V-B, radio, heater, Fordomatic, beige 20th, 21st, 22nd CONVERTIBLE 2-DOOR STATION WAGON FAIRLANE SOO 4-DOOR HARDTOP and ivory and gorgeous I V-B engine, Fordomatic, radio, V-8, Fordomatic drive. ® 1 OQC Power steering ond brakes. Num­ '60 CHEVROLET Belair . .$1895 1958 FORD STATION WAGON fully factory equipped * | OQR Blue finish________ < • heater, power steering, OOOftK $1695 A-1 throughout____ erous other extras. OO 1 OK 2-door hardtop, radio, heater, auto­ O 2-Door, V8, 8$ ■ UwU white with black top JOE O’BRIEN CEOfi QO (Choice of 2) _____ VW ■ wW 5 matic, like newt stick *hift . 1961 ECONOLINE 1961 FALCON 1957 CHEVROLET '58 CHRYSLER Saratoga . $1295 $1095 1954 PONTIAC 1958 FORD 2-DOOR BUS 4-DOOR SEDAN equipped; Chrysler's fineetl IX $248.86 2-DOOR HARDTOP “OK” Automatic, radio, hooter, deluxe Fully factory equipped. Beautiful 6 cylinder with economical stand­ 2 59 BUICK LeSabre .... $1895 2 V8. Fordomatic. Radio $1695 1955 FORD OOQK ard trans­ 2-door hardtop, ivory wNh custom SI 595 '"i,h, *■' S1595 and heater ipOOV mission ... interior, loaded with equipment. Automatic JI 37134 USED CARS '59 DODGE 9-Pas». Wag. ....$1495 1959 PONTIAC $1295 1955 CHEVROLET 1957 FORD 1959 CHEVROLET 2 Td“,ck____ $38.43 CATALINA 2-DOOR 1959 FORD ,a>:. 2-DOOR HARDTOP STATION WAGON 2-DOOR SEDAN 2-Door Parklane Station Wagon. o 1958 FORD 4-Doer Hardtop. & economical 6 cylinder engine, V8 Fordomotie, airflow heater Hydramotic, power steering ond 6 cylinder with standard transmis­ Radio end heater, automatic trans­ 59 FORD Falrlang 4-Dr. $1195 mission, power $348 $995 V8, automatic, powerglide, and brakes, radio DI QQI* sion, radio <1101* V-B, automatic, and very sharpl J| YO OO COOK <7(M* Steerinq -----------------------------e|PW«W power (toering . radio and heater defroster 0 ■ *** and heater < 1 UwW and heater 411 OW 59 T-BIRD 2-Dr. H.T. $2195 $1995 1997 MERCURY Power equipped, end a puff from the 1957 PtYMOUTM Club Coupe, two-tone, white walls, automatic co o 6283A7 Morcomatic, radio '60 T-BIRD 2-Dr. H.T. ... ..$2495 and hooter .. 4*5205wwDw s $2295 SALES A Finished In dork blue, genuine leather 1933 CHIVROUr interior, full power. 14 Ton $96.61 1956 OLDS '59 MERCURY Montclair ..$1495 Pickup "46" 4-Door Hardtop. Twotone, white $1295 SERVICE walls, power steering, power brakes, 4-door hardtop, finished kn Ivory, 2 1955 BUCK power windows, radio and heater. s power all the way. 2-Door ■ HardtopCM^WilH |U| '59 OLDS Super "88" 4-Dr. $1695 NEW CAR SHOWROOM, 495 E. 185th at LAKE SHORE BLVD IV. 1-8400 cream puff . $1495 $588 Old's buyers! This is the sharpoot one x> 1957 FORD in townl CQQQ 74 JUST ACROSS THE STREET IV. 1-9030 1958 CHEVROLET 2 Convertible f W USED CAR LOT Biseoyne 2-Door Sedan; 6 cylinder '61 CHEVY Biseayne 2-Dr. $1895 $1695 CHEVROUT engine; pewerglide, radio, neater. O Automatic, radio and heater; a 1948 <44 ftO dandy ear. Coupe 1958 METROPOLITAN A-1, 19.000 car today I . $788 '61 RAMBLER Clastic Sed. $1895 1957 FORD miles. Call KE. 1-5830. Jim Connell $1695 1948 CADILLAC 4-door sedan, good $381.42 1960 DODGE 5 buyer! motor and tires, make offer. Club Coupe, Horizon Blue, white walls, Evenings only, MU. 1-0880 radio and hooter, automatic transmit- '57 CHEVROLET 2-Dr. SED. $995 2 1955 CHEVROUT FRIENDLY DEALING $895 03 1958 FORD Country Squire wagon. This I* the newest 1957 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Station <7Afl « 9 passenger, power steering, $1088 in town. Wagon ... pouer brakes, cruisomatm, white­ '61 TEMPEST 2-Dr. Sad. ..$1895 walls. immaculate condition, first o $1695 1954 MERCURY $1 000 takes it GL. 1-8013 19S9 CHEVROLET A real tnappy leaking eompaet with Convertible Block with controlling economy, fool o iX $271.20 1953 OLDSMOBILE. Super 88. 2- red vinyl interior, radio and heater, door hardtop, power brakes and '58 VOLKSWAGEN Convert. $1295 $1095 o 1951 NASH 2-Dr. steering, automatic, radio, heater. $1288 co A real hard-to-FInd import that'* $170 RE. 1-1994.____________ New tire* $47.44 ARE ALWAYS 2 immaculate. 1954 FORD, good tires, good trans­ 1960 CHEVROLET 1958 DODGE 4-Dr. portation. $50. 942-8523._______ '59 RAMBLER Clastic $1495 YOUR BEST BUY Station Wagon, Hawaiian Bronze, $1295 Sedan $29.42 Station Wagon, full power end V-8. 2 1958 CADILLAC 2-door hardtop, white walls, matching colortone vinyl full power, very clean. AN. 1-2964 interior, custom radio, air flow heat­ '59 RAMBLER American ..... $1095 1952 BUICK $27.86 1954 CHEVROLET Bel Air $75. Call er, standard shift for £1 $895 4-Door . added economy ............... moww" Station Wagon, radio, heater, auto­ 1961 MONZA $1995 IV. 6-3740.____________ matic; a wagon for economy. 1952 CHEVROUT 1957 DODGE Coronet, V-8, power 2 $56.60 Euclid-Green Motors steering, like new. by owner, 19B1 CORVAIR '58 DODGE 2-Dr. H.T. ..$1295 $995 2-Dr., (tide $900. 264 East 211st. RE. 1-6637. Pull power, finished in Fire Engine 1951 CHRYSLER $1695 2-Door Sports Monza. Roman red m 1962 chevys 1960 FORD. 2-door, V-8, radio, finish with matching red interior, X) Coupe --------------- $43.96 CHEVY SALE heater, automatic, black. Fair­ standard transmission, radio and O '55 PONTIAC Sto. Wo®. „ $5*5 lane. 4311 Prospect apt. 225; Mr. heater, whitewall tires. This car $395 1953 FORD 2-Dr. 7hi» 1* a real "honay" of a ear at $101.82 1961 CHEVY 4-DOOR HARDTOP $1895 1960 VALIANT $1095 Nash. 6-8 pm. Thursday; 9 am - looks and run* "6" Stick 2 pm. Saturday; 9 «.m.-12 p.m. $1688 fantastic saving*! Gorgeous o*,'g,nol colonial f'nish a custom mooching ted ond block Sunday._________________ '57 FORD Fairlang 2-Dr. .. _$695 1952 PONTIAC in»er;or. Pcici'o, heater, pe^-erghae power sfeerng, power brakes. The cor o $31.87 1957 RAMBLER Super, automatir a $495 4-Dr. the whole town obou*l $5 down deliver* 1958 FORD _$695 4-door sedan, radio, heater, excel­ Nearly Everybody V-t, automatic; awnor's namo on request. 195$ DODGE 11959 CHEVY BEL AIlf HARDTOP $1395 lent condition. Call IV. 1-2472. Knows to 1'957 PLYMOUTH hardtop Belve- '54 CADILLAC FIm«w<I. 4-Dr. $1095 Vanette $246.98 4-door. Finished n heou’iful polar white with an original matching interior. $695 dere, $300. 681-8462 after 6 p m. With olr conditioning and full power. Radio, heater, powergl.de and many more factory accessories. An ideal 1956 CHEV. ... $395 1945 WILLIS H Ten 1957 PLYMOUTH Belvedere hard- In "mint" condition. 2 Pickup ir $224.60 top. "8", torqueflite transmission, '60 VALIANT 4-Dr. Sed. $1295 needs body work, mechanically $1195 DODGE 1960 CORVAIR "700" 4-DOOR $1195 Automatic, radio, heater, flnithod is TERMS TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS sound, peppy, good transporta­ JOE O’BRIEN Dump Truck $341.79 Sea i”i* green metallic exterior. Radio, hee’er, powerglide, fold down rear tion. Call 944-6791 brilliant rod. 1958 PLYMOUTH Sport Suburban I '57 ENGLISH Ford Consul —$595 1955 STUDEBAKER wagon, 4-door. V-8. all power, CHEVROLET $395 1958 CHEVY BISCAYNE 2-DOOR $895 JIM CONNELL CHEVROLET family car, in excellent condi­ 4-door *odan with leather interior. Golden Hawk $491.60 Fir-nr-pd ’n af:g.na! tfopca- turquoii® with blending interior. V- tion, must sell. TO. 1-2230 days. 14000 St. Clair a '61 CORVAIR Coupe . $1895 $1695 powerglid* transmission, radio, heoter. Drives and looks like now. USED CAR LOT MU. 1-1040 evenings. Bed, automatic, radio, heater, while I9S7 PLYMOUTH BCflfl 4 A 1959 CHEVROLET-"“6". stick. 4- O wall*, seat belt*. Convertible $vO<le I U 15201 Euclid Near Shaw Ave. UL. 1-2515 door, radio, heater. 791-1288 after MU. 1-17OO 1957 CHEVY 4-DR. STATION WAGON $795 1 5:30 ppm. '57 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr.
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