April 25, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E531 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PROMOTION TO THE RANK OF Whitman High School in Bethesda, Maryland, FRENCH-AMERICAN RELATIONS LIEUTENANT COLONEL and is retiring after 43 years in the Mont- gomery County Public School System HON. TREY GOWDY (MCPS). The people of Maryland’s 8th district, HON. TED POE especially those who live within the Walt Whit- OF SOUTH CAROLINA OF TEXAS man community, will be forever grateful for Dr. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Goodwin’s great contributions and steadfast IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, April 25, 2018 commitment to our students and to our com- Wednesday, April 25, 2018 munity. Mr. GOWDY. Mr. Speaker, I include in the Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, as Presi- RECORD the following Proclamation in recogni- Dr. Goodwin began his career as an English tion of Bobby J. Cox, United States Army, and teacher in 1975 and was immediately recog- dent Emmanuel Macron continues his visit to to congratulate him on his promotion to the nized for his ability to inspire students to chal- the United States, I would like to acknowledge rank of Lieutenant Colonel. lenge complacency and apathy and take the shared sacrifice of his nation and ours dur- ing the First World War. Whereas, Lieutenant Colonel Cox graduated charge of their own destinies. He was nomi- from The Citadel, The Military College of nated for the prestigious Outstanding Teacher President Macron graciously brought with South Carolina in 2002. As a senior he was Award and led dozens of his colleagues as him a sapling from the Belleau Wood, the site tasked with the responsibility of leading the head of the English Department. Since leaving of the first battle in World War I where Amer- Corps of Cadets as the Regimental Com- the classroom, Dr. Goodwin served MCPS as ican generals commanded troops in the field. mander and earned the distinction of a ‘‘Distin- an assistant principal, a middle school prin- The American forces overwhelmed their ad- guished Military Graduate’’. cipal, and finally principal of one of the top versaries and helped the Allied forces win the Whereas, upon graduation, Lieutenant Colo- rated high schools in the United States, Walt day. The U.S. Marines were the toast of Paris, nel Cox commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in Whitman, a school which honors its namesake having provided a key spark to the Allied ma- the United States Army and would complete with creativity, compassion and hard work. neuvers in the battle. The nickname they both Ranger and Airborne School. He served Principal Goodwin has been an instrumental gained from their actions in battle, four combat tours in Iraq as a member of elite force in creating positive changes in the ‘‘Teufelhunde’’ or ‘‘Devil Dogs,’’ lives on today. units; such as, the 101st Airborne Division, school district, thereby bringing out the very Some Americans were already in France, 82nd Airborne Division and the 75th Ranger best in our students. Holding a Ph.D. in Cur- voluntarily joining the fight to defend France Regiment of the U.S. Army Special Operations riculum and Instruction and possessing dec- and her allies. Thirty-eight American pilots Command. ades of experience as an educator and admin- formed the Lafayette Escadrille, a squadron of Whereas, for his service in the Army, Lieu- istrator, Dr. Goodwin waved off higher admin- the French air service that saw action at the tenant Colonel Cox was awarded the Bronze istrative posts where he could have worked Battle of Verdun and other notable engage- Star Medal, three Meritorious Service Medals, less and made more. Instead, he opted to stay ments of the war, and more than 200 addi- four Army Commendation Medals, four Army in a role where he could maintain day-to-day tional Americans served in other French Achievement Medals, and the Military Out- interaction with his students, or as he refers to squadrons. Informally referred to collectively standing Volunteer Service Medal. In addition, them, his ‘‘kids,’’ stating, ‘‘they make a dif- as the La Fayette Flying Corps, these Amer- he was awarded the Combat Infantryman’s ference for me every day.’’ ican aviators voluntarily served the French Badge for successfully leading his unit into di- people in the same spirit as the Marquis de Principal Goodwin’s unwavering dedication rect contact with enemy forces. Lafayette did for the 13 colonies in the Revo- to his students and to his excellent teaching lution. Many of these pilots were not much Whereas, Bobby J. Cox continues to serve staff is legendary, and has resulted in multiple older than the 19-year-old Lafayette when he his country in the U.S. Army Reserve and was nominations by Bethesda Magazine as the first landed on American soil yet still made a promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel on ‘‘Best Public High School Principal.’’ October 18, 2017. Be it significant contribution to the defense of Resolved, That I, Trey Gowdy, do congratu- Dr. Goodwin has seen tremendous triumphs France in World War I. late Lieutenant Colonel Bobby J. Cox, his wife for the Whitman community. Walt Whitman Mr. Speaker, the United States and France Joscelyn, their two children, Reagan and Seth High School was routinely listed by U.S. World have risen to each other’s defense throughout for their unwavering commitment and contin- News and Report as one of the top high history because we share the values of liberty ued service to our great nation and thank schools in the nation throughout Dr. Good- and freedom, and we will continue to stand by them for their unwavering loyalty, dedication, win’s tenure. our French allies in promoting these values at and contributions to the Fourth Congressional He has also led the school through difficult home and around the world. District of South Carolina. times, helping students, staff and community And that’s just the way it is. f weather devastating losses and tragedies that have shaken the Viking community. Recog- f PAYING TRIBUTE TO DR. ALAN nizing the resiliency of the community, the GOODWIN, PRINICIPAL OF WALT Whitman baseball program has dedicated its PERSONAL EXPLANATION WHITMAN HIGH SCHOOL, BE- 2018 season to ‘‘Whitman Strong,’’ a rallying THESDA, MARYLAND, ON HIS RE- cry used to bolster the school community in TIREMENT the wake of terrible events resulting in the loss HON. LUIS V. GUTIE´RREZ of two students this past fall. OF ILLINOIS HON. JAMIE RASKIN On the occasion of Walt Whitman High IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MARYLAND School’s 2018 Baseball Program Community IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Night, I am honored to join Vikings Head Wednesday, April 25, 2018 Coach Joe Cassidy and the entire school Wednesday, April 25, 2018 community in paying loving tribute to Dr. Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, I was un- Mr. RASKIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Goodwin for his years of service and his pro- avoidably absent in the House Chamber for honor an outstanding educator and beloved foundly passionate dedication and commit- Roll Call votes 148 and 149 Tuesday, April 24, community leader, Dr. Alan Goodwin. Dr. ment to the students of Walt Whitman High 2018. Had I been present, I would have voted Goodwin currently serves as Principal of Walt School. Yea on Roll Call votes 148 and 149. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:21 Apr 26, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25AP8.001 E25APPT1 E532 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 25, 2018 CONGRATULATING ADIRONDACK the Second World War knew this was true of COMMENDING LOCAL 2018 HIGH WINERY ON ITS 10TH ANNIVER- his good friend, James Linton. SCHOOL GRADUATES FOR THEIR SARY DECISION TO ENLIST IN THE On April 2, 2018, Sam died at the age of UNITED STATES ARMY AND OUR 94. Full of laughter and stories from the past, COMMUNITY SALUTES OF FRED- HON. ELISE M. STEFANIK James knew that Sam’s time was coming to OF NEW YORK ERICKSBURG, VIRGINIA FOR an end. Sam had no living family members HOSTING THE SEVENTH ANNUAL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES when he died, and James knew he couldn’t let HIGH SCHOOL ENLISTEE REC- Wednesday, April 25, 2018 his friend take his final breaths alone. Sitting OGNITION CEREMONY Ms. STEFANIK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to with Sam through his final days, James pro- honor and recognize Adirondack Winery on its vided good company, even holding his hand HON. ROBERT J. WITTMAN 10th anniversary. when he took his final breath. OF VIRGINIA Adirondack Winery has been a staple attrac- Samuel was an accomplished man, both in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion of Warren County since it opened in 2008, Wednesday, April 25, 2018 when owners Mike and Sasha Pardy moved the service and in his long career in business. back to the area to open Warren County’s first He enlisted in the Marine Corps one year after Mr. WITTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and only winery in Lake George. The married Pearl Harbor, and served as part of the Amer- recognize the 24 Frederick, Virginia area high couple created a unique micro-winery, making ican Invasion Force, taking part in the invasion school seniors who plan to enlist in the United wine in the back of their store from grapes and defense of four islands in the Pacific.
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