y a*. eAiOiliiA ^iiUkd SATURMY, O ttm M td 3, 0MMAM^ U. C ^ A C f S 4 be given M Florida A. »n4 M t» i- Rossett Takes Lead iir Twa Depts. RUMNhip of the College Campii^ r m ity on Feb. 10. at'ennUn’’ to s u m YOBK — Althoufth WUt i m t wMk. He hM Ufr jmMM W Dr. A-^ A. Ahraham. director of w ChambwUin continued to make a 12S feeds made by CHAHLOt*tt-Th Ne"ro scho!ar Owen*!. profes<!or of a"ronomv, the r J M l Tertins Service. ^'shamble of the NBA scoring race who is in second phtii Mt‘ JUk' was decribed as a man of “intplli- Florida A. and M. Univmity. will, with his astronomical average of rolumn. The itofe 0«Mty gence curiosity, discipline, pride, present a research paper on “Thel Dr. W itter Austin, profeMor dose to 48 points per game, there rif BostWf it aMMMf WltMyriiiori humility, faith end courage,” by Chemical Control of Weed* ini and head tlie department of Was quite an upheaval, last w«ek. W average with .9.9 assistt per Dr. Darwin Turner, profes-sor and I.iberia_ West Africa” here cnj Ecmiomlcs af FAMU. was rweatly In some of the League’s oth# cnntest and IM 'fwdg Mb' head td the Department of F,ne- December 11 before the Weetlsj elected preaiden4 of Gamma Ifu liSh at A. and T. rolle»p, last week storing categories. fJevpti Barnes. Bftth RiAerMn ami Society of America. i Lambda chapter nf Alpha Flii Bill Russell of BostiSn junip«fl GtiPrin have pwticlpitM In she- when he spoke on the subject at Alpha Fraternity, Inc. to the fore among the field goal tee*r» tHls. , / Johnson C. Smith University. Dr, TALLAHASSEF,, Fla.—The Na-' percentage leaders with a .90S T«to rtf the finest perfortn- Turner was guest speaker at the average, while Larry CostelW( of prs ih Lewue hiMory.^B^b Coiuey first of a series of Open Forums Syracuse usurped Paul Arizliit of and l»atil Ari*i|i. are slatkd'tp hit to be held at the University this FUEL OIL — KKROSENE Philadelphia as top man atnoiAg lh*> ijljttoo loiirt' per: career total* season. the free throw leaders. In addi­ Wl»Kln the next fortnight. Cousy, tion, Russell has forged aheaii of wit)^ 14.B73 points. slfraM iwake HAMPTON, Va. —Homecoming Telephone Metered Chamberlain in rebounding aver­ the*. tS.OAO ‘rirtb th'i* week, while at Hampton Institute was marked Delivery ages per game 25.5-2S.3. Arinin, eontlhiiifKtr »t’ Ws tiresent by the return of approximately 286-1215 The Philadelphia pivote^ir holds scoring pace, wili ilrth that es­ 500 alumni from 16 states and the a 192 point lead over Elgin Bay­ teemed circle- wKhin IkUr n«xt flVe District of Columbia who flocked lor of the Lo? Angeles Lakers games. ’ back to the campus for one of Society: Mis. Reynolds: Sim- among the individual scorers with ELK OF THE YEAH— Joseph the Year." was honored at a their biggest homecoming celebra­ mom; Mrs. Simmons; andr 719 to Baylor’s 527. Oscar Robert­ F. Simmons, Grand Secretary testimonial dinner given here tions last Nov. 10-11. Kenan Oil Company recently by the Grand Ex­ Reynolds. son of Cincinnati has lumped froin WEST AFRICANS of ihe Elks and 1981 recipient alted Ruler Hobson Reynolds. The testimonial dinner wea sixth place the previous week toj of the J. Finley Wilson LINCOLN UNIVERSITY. Pa.— DURHAM. N. C SEE FROZEN Memorial Award presented Shown above are Clyde Pharis held at Grand Lodge head' HILLSBORO ROAD third with 809 points tOt a 31.8 Five outstanding Lincoln students annually by the Seagram Van­ of| the Seagram Vanguard quarters. average. Jerry West of Los Ange-j FOOD PROCESS have been elected to “Who’s Who guard So^ety to the ."Elk of in American Universities and Col­ les continues in the fourth spoti NEW YORK — An Aitierjlc#- ^Ith 4fl.5 points to 4^9 tallies for! lege for 1961-62.” They are Theo­ firm has opened Us doors and I College seven, Curry found Willie dore H, Butcher, West Chester, Richie Guerin of New York. | is sharing Its knowhb^llr with ! Richardson his favorite target with Trailing Russell among the field! Pa.; Joseph D. Esema, Eket, Nige­ officials of several' Xfi'iclin na“ Bethune-Cookman Tramples Lane a scoring toss. A Crenshaw to ria: William F. Lawrence, Jersey goal perc(^ntage stalwarts Is rookie tions, it was learned this wwk^' Turner puss was good for 10 yards City. N. J.; Donald C. McMeans. Walter Bellamy of Chicago, who another touchdown as the third paced this department the past A group of Labor Ministry East Hartford, Conn.; and Herbert officials from. West Africa ’ re- period ended. Thompson, Jr., Brooklyn, N. Y. two weeks. He, in turn, followed College 61-6 in Homecoming Tilt Louis McRae put two runs of bv Jack Twyman of Cincinnati rentlv visited the Seabrook DAYTONA Beach, Florida—The 38 yards and 16 yards together and Clyde Lovellette of St. LOnis Farms frozen food processing SAVANNAH. Ga. — "Atoms ’r plant at Seabrook, New Jersey. Bethune-Cookman College Wild­ for another score. Gloster Richard who are hittin® at ,4M. wliile Jer­ Action.” one of the U. S. Atomic The visit was arranged under cats celebrated their Homecoming son picked up two points on a ry West is batting .482, Enerev Commission’s newest trav­ ♦he auspices of the International by defeating the Dragons of Lane pass from Crenshaw. Lprry Costello, with 54 success­ Jackson State eling exhhiti!, will be shown a' Cooperation Administration of College by a score of 61-6 before T. B. Ellis, 111, scampered 38 ful tries in 61 attemots for .flB ."! in Savannah State College from No­ more than 5,000 fans who saw the yards off tackle to the Steers’ 10. free throw accuracy, is followed the U. S. Department of State vember 21 to December 3. by the U. S. Department o< game start in daylight and end New Southwest Crenshaw then fired a pass to Bv Gene Shue of Detroit with .882. Labor as part of the Govern Ellis for a 'touchdown. After Ellis PFTEHSBUKC Fla —Dr ^ ,l«st week’s leader, Paul Arizin, under the lights. ments technical exchange pro­ had a 38-yard punt return nullifi- president of Texas |i^ in third place with .850, follow- In the first quarter King Davis gram. Grid Champions ed because of a penalty and a i s»iithprn University, recently eH by rV)?nh Spha'’»s nf Svracuse recovered Lane’s fumble on the 2.5-yard run bv McRae to the SeBbrook Farms, a subsidiary if-, offieisl The Jackson' / “I! “'!1 served as consultant in prepara- Jti3 and Willie Naulls of New of Seeman Brothers, Inc., the 21 .vd. line and in three plays took Now its official., The jacKson ^ fumbled andL ,._ ... York, .840. largest combined farming and 'a prss from Bobby Frazier for 8 State College Tigers are the newl,j. College recovered But a ' l .u the evaluation by the Although he continues to lead vards and the first touchdown. Southwest Athletic Conference freezing operation in the couole 0/ plavs later Raloh Bums | See„„dary Schools of Gibbi Junior ih the playmaking department, Champions. Coach John A. Mer­ country, played host to the The extra point try was no good. and Glojter Richardson clicked on ollege here. Oscar Robert.son of Cincinnati has African officials who wished to' Frazier passed to Wilbert Jones ritt of Jackson State College un­ a 50-yard,,jjass play to send the dropped a point and a half in leased the pent-up fury 6f his study its production method^ for 25 yards and the TD the sec­ score to„r64-0. Elmer Vaughn, WASHINfiTON, D. C.—'Twent average 13.5' to 12.0 over the and labor relations. ond time Bethune-Cookman had Jackson State Tiger eleven Satur­ another j fjeshman back. Inter day and the Tigers responded by six pieces of sculpture from th', the ball. Frazier kicked the extra cepted a,,7exas College pass ofl collection of Walter A. Hannula, point. stampeding the Texas College the Steefs’, 40 and sprinted into art instructor at Howard I^iver- Steers 78-0. The real fury in this the end ,^ne untouched. Ralpti On the kickoff after the touch­ case came from an assortment of ^iirns rap, for the two points. sity, are now on display in Straight down Daniel Evans covered the freshmen and reserves as Merritt Art Gallery of the University’s $ 0 . 2 5 Special Sunday The Tigeps ended the day’s work Auditorium-Fine Arts Building. P lilT ball in the end zone for the tally. used everyone but his trainer. as Bums scored on a 37-yard keep T-Bone or Chuck Wagon Steak Bethune ■ Cookman College was After Tiger starters romped to The pieces will remain for three after he was apparently trapped BODRBON 4 / 5 Q U A R T penalized 15 yards on the extra two touchdowns in the first quar­ weeks. fpr a tremendous loss. Prime Rib Roast Beef point try after which Frazier tried ter, they retired leaving the rest mOM MSnUM eOMPAN# ;,So effective was the Tigersf Whiskey a field goal for the extra point ST. LOUIS, Mo. Dr. C. B. , Kvmioiv of the game to be played mostly offense-'t.that they were not re- Baked Chicken 3 Vegetables which was wide. At the end of by reserves or men out of action a ,^uir»d .to kick a t .
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