nUDAY, SEPTEMBER Z4, 1948 \ KAUC SIXTEEM ^anrlipatfr lEufttlng Ifpralb Averaca Daily Nat Pram Rim VW the Meath of AosaM ISM One Hundred Caddies North End Pastor 9,243 About Town w aM to Aaflt Sought for Open Play As Guest Speaker of Cttealetleaa Memchaslar— 'if CUy of FIttage Charm Tl'c L '’.*r'.en'i Club «neet Approximately one hundred f 3 V ..uinfi at 7:80 at Hon Lu- Rev. W’lllard J. McLaughlin, caddies are sought for the (TWELVE PAGES) PUCE FOUR CENTS theian church. The Ruert Third Annual Manchester pastor of the North Methodist ASvwtMas oa Paga IS) MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1948 «AtIl be D. H. Hickey, who will Open Sunday at the Country church, will be the guest speaker yOL. LXVIL, NO. 808 yivc luipreMiona of laymen ■ f I CTub. All boys interested In at the meeting of the Epworth m the ^tlddlc W M t partlctilarly in caddying are urged to contact the Mialiawaka. Pro Don Grauer and report at league of the South Methodist where he aerved a« church Sunday night at 8:30 Westerners Hear Dewey Dewey Urges the Men’e assoclaUon. A r^reeen- the Pro Shop Sunday morning Truman Urges at 8 o’clock. o’clock In the church parlora Russia Urges Slash UUve of the Sound Scriber Cor- i poratlon of Hartford, he ^^H1 K « I Recently returned from tte Truth Drive a demonstration of the po.-wiblll- The Woman’s Auxiliary of the mission field in India, Rev, Voters Retain lies of the Sound Scriber. The pas­ Memorial hospital will have a Laughlin is continuing his studies tor. Rev. Paul G. Prokopy. will work meeting Monday ait€moon, at the Hartford Seminary. His | Agaim tReds conduct a question and answer pe-1 and a good attendance Is hoped for. talk will be inspiring to all Inter- | Him in Office! For Armed Forces rlod. and a brief Bible quiz and . A movie tellini: the story of the ested In World Service work. discussion. Refreshments will be wav other auxiliaries arc conduct­ The devotional period of the Shifts Campaign Toward served and frlcnd.s of club n)cm- ed." and showing many phases of meeting will be In charge of DavW Seeks to Hang ’Me, Too’ bers will be welcome. AlKiliary work will be a feature. Hutchinson. Exchange With Tru­ Gift articles completed for the Tag on Republican King David Lodge, No. Zv, I. O. auxiliary’s fair. October 8 at the man Over ’Red Her­ Of Major Powers O. F.. will meet tonight at 7:30 Masonic Temple may bo brought Promises to Develop I o’clock In Odd Fellows hall. Fol­ to the meeting. Mrs. C. D. Make- Sales of $1,064 ring’ Issue Raised lowing the business sessloh, motion peace, president of the auxiliary. Is ! Great River Valleys pictures will be shown which will general chairman of the Pair com- i At Auction Marl En Route With Dewey to San Proposes Reduction by b« of interest to all members in at­ mlttec. ! Aboard t ’Truman Campaign I Francisco, Sept 25 — — Gov. tendance. M -V P h - Plot Reports Bring One-Third Inside One Cauliflowers and tomatoes were Timin, Sept Prwident Thomas E. Dewey, colling for a Truman sought today to hong a “counter • offensive of truth”, the principle Items on the Man­ Year; Vishinsky Ac- Fred F. Carpenter of 63 Pitkin Scholarship Won too,” tog on Republican against Communism, shifted his street, agency auditor for the Con­ chester Auction market yesterday. enses United States* promloM to develop the great campaign today towdid on ex­ Anti’ U, S. Campaign necticut General Life Insurance Sold were 130 crates of cauliflow- j change with President ’Truman Company, left today for the Pacific By Clara Skrahac er for a high of 52.40 and a low j liver voUeya and told aouthweat* over the “red herring’’ Issue. Britain and France Coast on business for the company. am voters *1t’a safer” to elect the ] ’The New York goveriior. In the He expects to be In the West for a of 60 cents. | P eron and Wife Deliver Bojra Need Stolen Food Of Trying to Isolate Clara Skrahac, daughter of Mr. Also sold were 437 half bushels, PemoemU. Holljn^'ood bowl last night a t­ month. Mr. Carpenter has been To Feed Stolen Turtles wiOi the Connecticut General for and Mra. Charlea SUrnbac. of 59 of tomatoes for a high of 52.30 | Mr. ’Truman carried his Sghting I tacked Mr. Truman’s dlsmisaal of Fiery Addre$$es; Gen~ Russia by Means of North street, has been awarded the the Congressional Communist In­ nearly 42 years. and a low of 50 cents and two baa-, campaign from Arizona Into New M ilitary A lliances Cora Drake Coffin Scholarship of kets of shell beans for 52.95 a \ N ew Fall Fall fashion decrees the Mexico and Texas with the claim vestigations as a “red herring.” end Strike Leads to Buffalo, N. Y.. Sept 20.—(P) 5300 offered annually by the Hart­ bushel. Total sales were 51,064.80. j that the O. O. P. wonts to “move! Movlee Could Play Big Port —A store detective here Mary Bushncll Cheney Auxll- ford School of Music to a piano graceful, feminine flare Dewey told the applauding, Marching, Chanting lar>’, U.S.W.V., will hold a social the capital from Washington back | caught three boys stealing tur­ Paris. Sept. 26.—</F>—RaS' student of special promise who has to Wm street” whistling and occasionally booing tle food. - and card party Monday evening in been a student at the school for in coats. Large collars crowd of 20,000 that he was calling sia proposed today that the the State Armory. Comrades of at ^east one year. 'The announce­ Stfrs AWSeace to Cheen for a world-wide counter-offensive Buenos Aires, Sept. 25.— ’They needed It—to feed the flve major powers reduce Ward Cheney Camp and friends ment was made by Ward Davenny, reign over sweeping back He atlrred a troinolde audience I of truth and hope, free of aggrea- (A>)-A two-day demonstra­ 30 stolen turtles they hod In will be welcome to attend. Mrs. 0 * St Phoenix to cheer* and applause their pocketsi. their armed forces by a third director of the school, following WANTED Dresses aive acts.” 'The movies, he- sold tion over police reports of a inside of one year. Accusing Inez Batson and Mrs. Elizabeth scholarship auditions for the fulness. Pockets are deep loot night when he said Arizona’s Pbelon head the committee in Dsvla dam and transmisaion lines could play a big part by showing plot to kill President Juan D. the United Statei, Britain school year 1948-1949. | Receptionist* tho world the American way of charge. Prizes wUl be awarded and ample. The Fall Sil* win be completed on schedule in Peron and his wife turned in­ and France of trying to iso­ and refreshments served. Miss Skrahac. 17, began her 1900 “if we con keep, the Repub-1 Ufe. study, of plano-wrtth Fred Werner They’re fashionable, they’re He ^declared that Mr. ’Truman’s to the strongest anti-United late RuMia by means of mili- Stenographer houette is regally luxuri-^ Ucons from throwing more mon­ States campaign in Argen­ Berlin Planes of this town and continued with charming— our New Look key wrenches Into the machinery.” “red herring” statement chilled tar>’ alliances, Soviet Deputy Helen Hawley of the Hartford lot 8f people who have been oppos­ tina in more than tw’o years. Foreign Minister AadrsI Y. Vi­ jf dresses for fall—with th*eir ous and delightfully The O. O. Ph Mr. Truman con­ School of Music faculty. She Is a for doctor’s office tinued. is saving up a “lot of ope-1 ing Communism in other porta of The alleged plot, which Peron Fly on Today shinsky asked , the United Nottons senior In Manchester High school soft draperies and feminine the world. himself blamed on a former U. B. General Assembly to set up ops where she is accompanist for the warm. clol Interest meomirea” to offer If allure! Also 2-pc. tailored the next Congress doesn’t have “Can you blame them too much embassy cultural attache, was an­ international control'body to sn-^ Atlantic V choir and the Round Table Singers, W rite dresses in faille or crepes. too many Democrats to protect the If they gave up the fight os hope­ nounced by police early jreater- Soviet Tai^et Prac­ pcryloe reduction of armaments of and she Is also church organist at people” and added in a departure | less and signed up In the Commu­ day. By nightfall 17 Argentiaea armed forces and prohibition of SL John’s National church. nist party?’’ he asked. hod been Imprisoned. tice Causea Slight atomic weapons. Range and Fuel Under this scholarabip ahe will Box A, c-o Herald from a prepared manuscript: “God help the country If that! “Here It seemed was America, A 14-hour general strike, which Ts Strengthen Feneo Ooass study with Mr. Davenny. Vishinsky aold he proponed this happens.” the last hope of the world, shutting ended at midnight last night, freed .Diversion in Routes Mr.’ Truman rolled today | its eyes to this rampant evlL” workers to march, chant and about resolution In order to strengthen OIL $24-98 Dewey said that at horns riogans. Peron and his wife, Eva Berlin, Sept. 25—-(P)—^Ths Brtt- th* cause of pence and through Tucson at 3:50 a. m. (e. “the threat of a new war foment­ s.
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