VOL. XXXII No. 7 [PRICE TWELVE CENTS] NOVEMBER 7, 1929 Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August. Subscription $4 per year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N. Y. Postmaster: Return postage guaranteed. Use form 3578 for undeliverable copies. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Camp Otter Convenient . for boys nine through sixteen Overnight Dorset, Ontario ehigh Service 2.1st Season R. C. HUBBARD E. B. WHITE ΊI 2.05 Ithaca Rd. *% 2.3 W. nth St. to New York and Philadelphia Ithaca, N. Y. New York TRAIN No. 4 F. H. Wingert Lv. Ithaca *11:00 P.M. "Frank Lehigh" Ar. Philadelphia (Reading Terminal) 6:51 A.M. Traveling Passenger Agent Ar. Newark (Eliz. & Meeker Avenues) 6:41 A.M. Alfred Kittler Ar. New York (Hudson Terminal) 7:16 A.M. Division Passenger Agent 300 East State Street Ar. New York (Pennsylvania Station) 7:15 A.M. Ithaca, N. Y. *New York Sleepers open for occupancy 9:00 p. M. For reservations, etc., Phone Wisconsin 4210 (New York): Rittenhouse 1140 J- Dall> JrM Inc- (Philadelphia): Mitchell 7200 or Terrace 3965 (Newark): 2306 (Ithaca). Building Construction Lehigh Valley Railroad Ithaca Cϊhe Route of The BlackDiamond N.Y. FLOWERS When in by WIRE Ithaca J. Dall, Jr., '16 Telephone delivered promptly President 2369 to any address in Try the civilized world. Rothschild's Ithaca "Say it with Flowers" First Trust Company Every event is an occasion for flowers Resources Over Ithaca's Great Five Million Dollars The Bool Floral Department Company; Inc. Store President Charles E. Treman '' The House of Universal Service'' Vice-Pres Franklin C. Cornell Treasurer Sherman Peer Ithaca, New York Rothschild Bros. Cashier A. B. Wellar CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS 93 PROVIDENCE HARTEORD THE CORNELL ALUMNI ESTABROOK & CO. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Sound Investments New York Boston KENOSHA, WIS. NEW YORK CITY 24 Broad 15 State MARTIN H. OFFINGER, E.E. '99 ROGER H. WILLIAMS '95 MACWHYTE COMPANY Treasurer and Manager New York Resident Partner Manufacturers of Wire and Wire Rope Van Wagoner-Linn Construction Co. Electric Construction SPRINGFIELD NEW €IAVEN Streamline and Round Tie Rods for Airplanes 143 East 27th Street Jessel S. Whyte, M.E. '13, Vice-President Phone Lexington 5227 R. B. Whyte, M.E. '13, Gen. Supt. Quality Service REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Leasing, Selling, and Mortgage Loans BALTIMORE, MD. BAUMEISTER & BAUMEISTER WHITMAN, REQUARDT & SMITH 522 Fifth Ave. Water Supply, Sewerage, Structural Phone Murray Hill 3816 E. H. WANZER Valuations of Public Utilities, Reports, Charles Baumeister Ί8, '20 Plans, and General Consulting Practice. Philip Baumeister, Columbia '14 Ezra B. Whitman, C.E. Όi Fred Baumeister, Columbia '24 G. J. Requardt, C.E. '09 B. L. Smith, C.E. '14 The Grocer 18 E. Lexington St. Delaware Registration & Incorporators Co. Inquiries as to Delaware Corporation Aurora and State Streets ITHACA, N. Y. Registrations have the personal attention GEORGE S. TARBELL at New York office of Ph.B. '91—LL.B. '94 JOHN T. McGOVERN Όo, President Ithaca Trust Building 31 Nassau Street Phone Rector 9867 Attorney and Counselor at Law Ithaca Real Estate R. A. Heggie & Bro. Co. Rented, Sold, and Managed E. H. FAILE & Co. Engineers Industrial buildings designed Heating, Ventilating, Electrical equipment Fraternity P. W. WOOD & SON Industrial power plants P. 0. Wood '08 Construction management Insurance E. H. FAILE, M.E. '06 Jewelers 316-318 Savings Bank Bldg. 441 Lexington Ave. Tel. Murray Hill 7736 THE BALLOU PRESS Ithaca New York TULSA, OKLAHOMA CHAS. A. BALLOU, Jr. '21 HERBERT D. MASON, LL.B. Όo Printers to Lawyers Attorney and Counselor at Law 69 Beekman St. Tel. Beekman 8785 18th Floor, Philtower Building MASON, WILLIAMS & LYNCH Hemphill, Noyes C&> Co. POWER PLANTS—COMBUSTION—FUELS Members New York Stock Exchange H. W. BROOKS, M.E. Ίi 35 WaU St.—15 Broad St. WASHINGTON. D. C. Member A.S.M.E., Fellow, A.I.E.E. New York THEODORE K. BRYANT '97, '98 (Formerly of U. S. Bureau of Mines) Master Patent Law, G. W. U. '08 One Madison Ave. Central National Bank Bldg. Investment Securities Patents and Trade Marks Exclusively New York, N.Y. St. Louis, Mo. 309-314 Victor Building Philadelphia Albany Boston Baltimore Pittsburgh Rochester Buffalo Syracuse Jansen Noyes '10 Clifford Hemphill 9 Stanton Griffis ΊO Harold Strong Wilson (Sr Bristol ADVERTISING J. Stanley Davis Kenneth K. Ward 285 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK 1819 G Street, N.W. Walter T. Collins L. M. Blancke '15 Phones: LEXINGTON 0849-0850 One block west State War and Navy Bldg. MAGAZINES NEWSPAPERS Members of the New York Stock Exchange LUNCHEON AND DINNER TRADE PAPERS FARM PAPERS RUTH L. CLEVES Ί6 Arthur W. Wilson Ί5 Ernest M. Bristol, Y«le '07 94 CORNELLALUMNINEWS Help Burn the Mortgage Buy a Life Subscription to the CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS for The Corporation has recently purchased its building and adjoining real estate to a total valuation of nearly $ioo,ooo. The mortgages are to be reduced from the sale of the life subscriptions. The Cornel] Alumni News Publishing Corporation herewith offers life subscriptions for the CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS for fifty dollars cash. Life subscriptions may be made out to an individual or they may be issued jointly in the names of husband and wife. Obviously they cannot be made in the name of an organization. The balance on your present annual subscription will of course be refunded on receipt of the life subscription payment. A life subscription will eliminate the bother of the annual bill for four dollars. Address inquiries and applications for life subscrip- tions to Cornell Alumni News Publishing Corporation P. O. Box 105 Ithaca, New York CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XXXII, No. 7 ITHACA, NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 7, 1919 PRICE IX CENTS President Goes Abroad TAU BETA PI ELECTIONS Students Number 5,500 Fourteen seniors and three juniors in the College of Engineering, the College of Trustees Appoint Dean Dexter S. Kimball Enrollment Shows Increase of 185 Over Architecture, and the Department of of the College of Engineering Last Year—Women Registered Chemistry have been elected to Tau Beta in All But One College Acting President Pi, national honorary engineering society. The men chosen were: President and Mrs. Enrollment of students in each of the CIVIL ENGINEERING Farrand sailed Novem- colleges shows an increase of 185 students Frank Bissig '30, Elizabeth, N. J., Al- ber 1 from New York over last year. The total is 5500. There fred P. Windt '30, Rochester, Bruce W. for Italy where they are 1378 women, approximately twenty- Hackstaff '31, Huntington. will spend a vacation five percent of the entire enrollment. lasting until January. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Women are found in every college except They left Ithaca Octo- John B. Atwood '30, Beaver, Pa., Oscar Civil Engineering. Two women are ber 29. W. Diverall '30, Kenmore, George I. registered in the Veterinary College, three Except for a short Finley '30, Pittsburgh, Pa., William L. in Mechanical Engineering, and one in visit to Europe last Mann '30, York, Pa., Otto E. Schneider, Electrical Engineering. An increasing r year and a trip to Central America last Jr., '30, New York, Edgar J. Werlich '30, number of women are enrolling in the Col - winter, President Farrand has had no River Forest, 111., John A. Whittle, Jr., lege of Architecture. '30, Rochester, David Crampton '31, New extended vacation. The Trustees recently Increases in total enrollment are shown Rochelle, William F. Rountree '31, voted him leave to spend the next two by Arts and Sciences, Mechanical Engi- Houston, Texas. months in Italy. neering, Agriculture, Home Economics, The Trustees have appointed Dean ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Hotel Management, and the Law School. Dexter S. Kimball of the College of John R. Onderdonk, Jr., '30, Baltimore, Decreases appeared in the Schools of Civil Engineering as acting president in the ab- Md., Howard G. Smith '30, New Rochelle. Engineering and Electrical Engineering sence of Dr. Farrand. ARCHITECTURE and in the Veterinary College, and a small Shigeo Hirata '30, Tokyo, Japan. decrease was noted in the Medical Col- The appointment as acting president is lege in New York. The latter decrease is the second Dean Kimball has had. He CHEMISTRY due to the limited enrollment of the Col- first served in this capacity in 1918 when Willard T. Haskins '30, Binghamton, lege, and not to any lack of applicants. President Schurman went abroad for War James H. Vuille '30, St. Petersburg, Fla. service. Dean Kimball has been associated with Cornell since 1898, when he became assistant professor of machine design. He College Enrollment was appointed dean in 1920. Grad. '30 '31 '32 '33 Spec. Men Women Totals Dean Kimball has also been elected Graduate School 653 - — — — — 489 164 653 chairman of the board of directors of the Arts and Sciences Alexander Hamilton Institute. A.B 457 41 5 447 528 16 I2l6 747 1863 John T. Madden, dean of the School of B.Chem. — 20 21 22 Q4 2 o6 Commerce, Accounts, and Finance of New Law School 1^8 64 IQO 12 202 York University, was named president Medical College: succeeding to the vacancy created by the — New York . 218 2 — — — I86 34 220 death of Jeremiah W. Jenks, former pro- Ithaca I^ II 20 4 24 fessor of economics at Cornell. Architecture — 31 30 31 87* l6l 18 179 Engineering: — — PROFESSOR TOUT DIES C.E ... — 70 76 63 67 276 276 M.E — 76 ττ6 IO9 1^0 4^7 440 Professor Thomas Frederick Tout, pro- E.E ... - 56 54 67 66 — 242 I 243 fessor of history at the University of Man- Veterinary — 23 33 40 32 I 127 2 129 chester, England, from 1890 to 1925 and Agriculture ... - 148 140 129 266 I8 6ll 90 701 Messenger Lecturer at Cornell in 1928, Home Economics: died on October 23 at his home in London.
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