Capcom Co., Ltd. (Tokyo – Osaka Stock Exchange Symbol: 9697 ) Business Divisional Strategies and Projections for the Year Ending March 31, 2008 0 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section 0 < Contents > 1.Capcom Business Strategy ・・・P2 2.Home Video Games Business ・・・P6 3.Arcade Operations Business ・・・P17 4.Arcade Games Sales Business ・・・P22 5.Contents Expansion Business ・・・P26 6.Other Businesses ・・・P29 7.Fiscal Year 2007 Forecast ・・・P31 1 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section 1 11..CCaappccoomm BBuussiinneessss SSttrraatteeggyy 2 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section 2 1-1. Capcom Business Strategy A business development model with game content at the core Home Video Games Business ・Retain core fans ・Home video games linked strategy ・Create a boom phenomena ※ Development and sale of console games and portable games ※ R&D of original titles and creation of new brands ※ Actively utilizing content when developing arcade game machines Publishing, Movie, Animation Businesses Arcade Games Sales Business ※ Game-related publishing ※ Movies and anime based on games ・Circulating operations data ・Introduction of Strong Contents own products into arcade operations Mobile Contents Business Arcade Operations Business ※ Active development of suitable games for the mobile platform Online Games Business Pachinko & Pachislo Business ※ Conversion of popular home video games ※ Utilizing suitable content for Pachinko and Pachislo machines 3 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section 3 1-2. Capcom’s Competitive Edge Capcom boasts worldwide recognition as a result of its many popular home video game brands ■ 1. Strong title lineup (1) maintaining several series franchises is the key to succeed in the video game software market and diverse growth with leveraging contents ・”Resident Evil” series: 45 titles, 31,000,000 units ・”Mega Man” series: 116 titles, 27,000,000 units ・”Devil May Cry” series: 8 titles, 6,800,000 units ・”Monster Hunter” series: 5 titles, 2,600,000 units ※As of Dec. 31st, 2006 ■ 2. One of the rare Japanese companies to be competitive overseas (1) Capcom has succeeded despite the differing market conditions and business practices between Japan and North America/Europe (2) Dead Rising and Lost Planet, from the previous period shows that 90% of sales were from overseas ■ 3. One of the world’s foremost leaders in development and technical prowess (1) In addition to its popular series titles, Capcom develops original new content every year creating a foundation for future growth (2) Capcom also devotes resources to pure research, which has helped lead to development and adoption of the cutting-edge “MT Framework” 4 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section 4 1-3. Multiple Usage of Original content Employing original home video game content in multiple businesses Expansion to Casual user related business inclusion Online Game “Resident Evil: Outbreak” Mobile Phone Game Home Video Game “Resident Evil: The Stories” “Resident Evil 4” Original Game R&D/Sales Response to Increased hardcore fans Content Brand recognition from non-game users “Resident Evil” Hollywood Movie Book Publishing Expansion/Reuse “Resident Evil” “Resident Evil : Apocalypse”” “Resident Evil DVD Book” ©2004 DAVIS FILMS IMPACT(CANADA) INC. CONSTANTIN FILM(UK) LIMITED. All Rights Reserved 5 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section 5 22..HHoommee VViiddeeoo GGaammeess BBuussiinneessss 6 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section 6 2-1 . Market Conditions: Game Software Market Trend Portable game devices have become widely adopted and the overseas game market continued to expand, resulting in further growth in 2006 despite the expected off-season. ■ Game Software Market Trend 300 (units: 100 millions of dollars) Rapid recovery to better growth 250 despite transitional period to new console platform 56 54 200 52 48 31 Japan 35 27 Europe 150 27 81 83 79 North America 24 79 63 71 100 55 66 18 43 19 31 50 104 27 85 95 96 70 75 77 70 79 49 33 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007E 2008E 2009E 2010E ※E: Estimate ※Source: “IDG Report” 7 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section 7 2-2 . Market Conditions: Japanese Domestic Market Share (2006) Despite market growth centered on portable devices and increase of our net sales, Capcom’s share has dipped slightly ■ Japanese Domestic Market Share (2006) (units: Millions of yen) Sales Share Growth Rate 1. Nintendo 97,882 26.90% 11.68% 2. Square-Enix 49,755 13.67% 5.76% 3. Namco Bandai 42,769 11.75% -5.56% 4. Konami 27,771 7.63% -2.68% 5. Pokemon 26,296 7.23% 3.76% 6. Sega 22,157 6.09% 1.58% 7. Capcom 18,275 5.02% -1.05% 8. SCE 13,869 3.81% -4.04% 9. Koei 9,634 2.65% -2.00% 10. Banpresto 5,408 1.49% -2.88% Others 50,076 13.76% - Total 363,892 100.00% - ※出所 「 」 ※Sourc e: AEntnerubarla iCn onsole Research Data 8 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section 8 2-3 . Market Conditions: N.A. and European Market Share (2006) With the current period only including the one major title “Dead Rising”, Capcom’s share has dipped slightly in the overseas market ■ North American Market Share (2006) ■ European (UK) Market Share (2006) (units: Thousands of dollars) (units: Thousands of dollars) Sales Share Growth Rate Sales Share Growth Rate 1. Electronic Arts 1,353,425 20.95% -1.05% 1. Electronic Arts 412,552 21.10% -0.86% 2. Nintendo 760,583 11.77% 1.47% 2. THQ 183,971 9.41% 0.49% 3. Activision 669,223 10.36% 1.06% 3. Nintendo 173,542 8.88% 2.12% 4. THQ 497,344 7.70% 0.60% 4. Ubisoft 151,534 7.75% 1.02% 5. Take-Two 393,903 6.10% 0.30% 5. Sony 145,481 7.44% -1.26% 6. Ubisoft 352,253 5.45% 0.85% 6. Take-Two 120,677 6.17% 0.62% 7. Sony 288,270 4.46% -2.24% 7. Activision 118,720 6.07% -1.85% 8. Square-Enix 228,823 3.54% 2.57% 8. Konami 85,445 4.37% -1.09% 15. Capcom 128,946 2.00% -0.19% 15. Capcom 31,190 1.60% -0.59% Others 1,788,816 27.67% - Others 531,906 27.21% - Total 6,461,586 100.00% - Total 1,955,017 100.00% - *Source: “Chart Track / ELSPA” "Copyright Chart-Track / ELSPA" *Source: “The NPD Group” 9 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section 9 2-4. Home Video Games: Business Objectives Execution of three business strategies and a 60 month map will help realize business objectives ■ Mid-term Business Objectives Sales Ratios Appropriate to Regional Market Sizes (US: 5, EUR:3, JPN:2) ■ 1. Platform Strategy ■ 2. Franchise Strategy ■ 3. Regional Strategy ・Implementing Overseas ・・IImmpplleemmeennttiinngg MMuultltiippllaattffoorrmm SSttrraatteeggyy ・・CCrreeaattiinngg NNeeww FFrraanncchhiisseess ・Implementing Overseas DDeevveeloloppmmeenntt ・Strengthening Portable Game Lineup ・ ・Strengthening Portable Game Lineup ・EExxppaannddiinngg GGaammee GGeennrreess ・・SSttrreennggtthheenniinngg OOvveerrsseeaass BBuussiinneessss OOrrggaannizizaattioionn ■ 60 Month Map ・・TThhee aabboovvee tthhrreeee ssttrraatteeggiieess wwiilll bbee rreeaalliizzeedd aanndd mmoonnititoorreedd iinn tthheemmiidd--tteerrmm ttititlele mmaapp ■ Strengthened Business Organization ・・SSttrroonnggeerr rreettaaiil l ppooiinntt--ooff--ssaallee iinnfflluueennccee,, eefffeeccttiivvee bbuussiinneessss ccoolllaabboorraattioionn aaccrroossss bbuussiinneesssseess,, aanndd ddiivveerrssee PPRR eefffoorrttss ttaaiilolorreedd ttoo eeaacchh ttititlele wwiill l aall l hheellpp ttoo ccrreeaattee aa ssttrroonngg bbuussiinneessss oorrggaanniizzaattioionn.. 10 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section 10 2-5. Home Video Games: Policies in Previous Period Reforms in the previous period have been effective, helping to spur two million-selling titles overseas and one million-selling title in Japan, and demonstrating Capcom’s competitiveness in the global market ■ 1. Successful Refor ms with North American Management (1) Created a solid foundation for growth in the overseas market ・Employing experienced game industry professionals in management positions ・Making sweeping reforms to marketing approaches ⇒ PR has shifted from short-term, focused efforts to long-term ones Television-centered advertising has been moved to web-centered advertising ・Shifting to direct sales with many retail stores ■ 2. R&D Reorganization (1) Approval for title development has been moved to management ranks ・Title R&D falling in line with the 60 month map is made possible with this method, resulting in a strengthened title portfolio (2) Dual-layer approval process reduces unprofitable titles ・A playable ROM with the game concept is critically scrutinized to make sure that it reflects the market situation before final production approval is granted 11 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section 11 2-6. Home Video Games: Individual Title Sales Performance Both Xbox360 titles have succeeded overseas and a PSP title has met with resounding success in Japan ■ Main title sales for fiscal year ended March 31, 2007 (units: Thousands of units) Title Region Released Date Result Japan 12/21 90 Xbox Lost Planet North America 07/1/12 810 360 Europe 07/1/12 470 Japan 9/28 80 Xbox North America 8/4 730 360 Dead Rising Europe 9/8 410 PSP Monster Hunter Freedom 2 Japan 07/2/22 1,220 Japan 8/24 90 PS2 Resident Evil 4 (Lower price) North America 10/16 320 Europe 10/13 250 NDS Mega Man Star Force Japan 12/14 630 Japan PS2 GTA San Andreas 07/1/25 430 ※Japan includes Asia - Mega Man Series Worldwide - 1,300 12 Capcom Public Relations & Investor Relations Section 12 2-7. Home Video Games: Current Period Plans ① Capcom expects to reap the benefits of multiplatform support over the next period in addition to continue laying the foundation
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