Mtitiimiin iitinitim tititi 1111 mu in itu iium i *• ; ’ n i: u i ‘ 11;: 111:11; 11 m 111 m -: 11111111111 ? i u: 11 (1111111 *. AROOSTOOK TIMES f SHIRE TOWN OF April 13, 1860 to AROOSTOOK COUNTY December 27, 1916 ii: m in: i i mi iiKMiimnrni milt tinii m i: iitiittiii inOULTON TIMES ; in 11111M i' 111M i; 11; 11;; 111111 iT Vol. L X 11 HOULTON, MAINE, WEDNESDAY, .JULY 12, 1922 No. 2X RECOMMENDS INCREASE HOULTON LOSES TO TURN TO RIGHT IN HUNTERS LICENSE FREDERICTON IN RAIN POTATO OUTLOOK EFFECT ON DECEMBER 1 CELEBRATION IN The1 Houlton baseball club took the* The Provincial Government passed Hon. Willis F. Parsons of Foxcroft, commissioner of inland fisheries and short end of a 11 to lo score1 at MUCH IMPROVED an order in council July 5th author­ game, in his annual report made Fre-dericton Thursday afternoon in a izing the issuing of a proclamation THE SHIRE TOWN public recently recommends tin* en­ game- that was theirs up te> almost which will make “Turn to the Right" actment of a resident license1 law of the* last minute1 of play. Tin* game1 Present Conditions Favorable tin* nil*1 of the road in New Bruns­ at least $1 for fishing and hunting was started in a sprinkle and ended wick on and after December 1st next. combined, with minors under 16 years in a downpour but laste-d long enough for an Aveiaje Crop An enabling act was passed by the A Fine Program is Well Carried Out in Spite of age exempt. for the* hoim1 team to overcome1 a Provincial Legislature to authorize “In the adjoining state of New tl’.re'e run haul and no.-e in tin* win­ Aroostook county is experiencing such aetion by the Provincial Gov­ Hampshire the resident lice use is $1 ning tally. one of the* se asons thitt reach us about ernment when felt advisable and th** of Uncertain Weather Conditions Churchill, who starte-d for Houlton, once1 in eight or ten years its far as decision reached by the Cabinet fol­ and in Wrmont $1.2.'). while in A’e-w Brunswick, it is $2.50," says Com­ hedd the* provincials well in hand weather is concerned, but what the lowed conferences with representa­ Sis Peters, DeWitt Despite threatening weather condi­ missioner Parsons in his report. until the* fifth inning wln-n the sea outcome as far as the great Potato tives of the government of Nova tions which kept a good many people Lillian R., Dore “This will bring a substantial reve- be'gan to he* a trifle* rough. Fiveieric- crop will he, is its ye*t an unknown Scotia. Miss Talbot, Burrell away from the first day's events and nuo, in addition to the regular ap- ton managed to get three* runs and (jiiantitv for so many things can take At tin* last session of the Nova Time—2.1814, 2.171-2. 2.1 S1. deterred a number of the merchants . propriation, which is so much need­ Churchill was replaced by Peabody, place between now and the1 time* of Scotia Legislature an Act was passed from building floats for the parade, 2.16 Trot, Purse $400 ed. The tax-pay-'rs boar their part Deasy going bediind the bat and Ira harvest to make or break the* financial making "Turn to the Right" the rule Houlton’s annual.fourth and fifth of Red Russell, Fox 1 1 1 uncomplainly, and it is bedieved the Bagnall taking first base. IVabody end. that no one* can predict with any of the road in that province after July celebration program was fault­ Zelma Strong, Keys 3 2 2 resident sportsmem will gladly pay a was unable* to stemi tin* tide*, his offer­ assurance* of being wise. January 1st, 1923, so that the change lessly carried out to the letter and the Bingen Worthy, McNcal 2 2 3 small license1 that they know is to ings being pounded all over the* lot, During the planting season things in the two provinces will he practic­ many people who did attend have Bavious, Boutellier a 4 4 improve- fishing and hunting coneli- edevem put outs being credited to the* looked very good for the* acreage*, ally simultaneous. December 1st was something to remember. It is esti­ Baton, Xason 4 5 5 tions. out fielders and e]e*ven Fre*ele*ricton which was estimated to he* about te*n adopted as the date for the change mated that fully 10,000 people were Time—2.16%, 2.17%, 2.16%. “I also re'commend that the earn- playe rs dying on the1 base*s. per cent more* than that of 1921. The in this province upon recommendation present on the fourth and many Houlton had a rather good practice' ings of the* fish and game departmemt In spite of this fact the* returning planting season was very satisfactory of Hon. P. J. Yeniot, minister of Pub­ more were in town on. the fifth, and game with Woodstock, winning by a be1 list'd for the1 propagation of fish players say that they had no license and them al'te*r some fields had been lic Works, because in a large por­ with the high class program and score of 18 to 2 in a game that was a and the prote'etion of game, instead to h)se* the* game* as it was literally started in good shape, and in others tion of New Brunswick sleighing will features which characterized both poor exhibition of baseball. It was of $r»o,0(io, as now annually going to handed to them "on a silvern plattc-r" the* see*d had just sprouted but not be then starting and it would be in­ days, the whole affair turned out to , featured by the heavy hitting of the the1 State treasury from which w** but the* hre*aks we-nt the wrong way taken root, the rains came and tor convenient for farmers to change the be a much greater success than it was Houlton team, every man getting at re'cedve tie) benefit. anel the*v lost. the* past two or thre*e weeks Maine “shifts" for the shafts on their single at first looked for. least two or three safe bingles, many “I alst) recommend that a se>parate> its well its other sections of the* horse vehicles on runners. The first day began with the cus- 0£ which were for extra bases, appropriation be provided to pay the* Mrs. J. A. Rodge'rs of Newton. Mass, country had downpours of water and No Exemptions in New Brunswick tomary band concert on the Snell Murphy, the imported backstop who bounty on hob cats and lynx instead arrive'd in town Saturday night ac­ the* effe*ct is just beginning to show. Hon. P. J. Yeniot, Minister of Pub­ House piazza by the Houlton Band of ha(j a g00(j season on the receiving of taking it from the fish and game- companied by he-r mother Mrs. Ruth On high lands the water followed the lic Works, said that an extensive thirty pieces. For an hour the largest i end of tjie Harvard nine, got two appropriation. More than $13,000 has Wilkins and are1 the* guests of Mr. and rows where* the»y ran down hill with­ publicity campaign would be carried band that Houlton has ever had and circuit clouts. already beam taken from the fish and Mrs. Gem. F. Wilkins on High stree*t. out doing any damage* except to wash on between now and the introduction the best it has suppoited in Years en j jn tjie evenjng (jiere was a splendid game elepartment appropriation to Miss Lillian Merritt has a copy of out the* side*s of the rows, but it did of the change to prevent, if possible, tertained a large ciowd which fille . exhibition of fireworks at the park, pay such bounties since Jan. 1, 11*21, quitt1 an old pape*r. "Portland Pleasure not reach the* seed from which the accidents taking place when the the Square. The high quality of the f0|j0Wjng which took place the feature whic h was sadly needed for otlu r Boat" published in 1.856. a four page- sprouts and plants started, exempt in change comes into effect. He said he music was such as to evoke enthusi |)OXjng t-ard under the auspices of the purposes. The* bob cats and lynx slu*et s x lu inches, having as a head­ a few instances, but the* water seek­ would ask tin* co-operation of the astic applause from the audience. Bertram L. Chadwick Post, veterans must he exterminated if we save- the line "Truth Against Frror. Yictery or ing the* low places and not finding an New Brunswick Automobile Associa­ The parade, which is always a big ()f poreign \yars. dee'r." I >e-a 111." outlet, laid in the* hollows and where tion ami other bodies in the province teature of the Fourth, was, while not Two double six round bouts and a there were* plants tin* last few days in keeping the coming change con­ nearly as big as in former years, six round preliminary were on the have shown that tin* plants are1 killed. stantly before* the people, large* roael nevertheless pleasing. The proces­ card and the exhibition put up by the SEATTLE-HODGDON POTATO SHIPMENTS FOR This damage is estimated to In* about signs will he> erect eel at various points sion was headed by. Colonel Frank M.
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