INSIDE Hawaii CG Mail A-2 Golden Eagles Return A-3 Marines Help School A-4 Drill Instructor Duty B-1 MCCS & SM&SP B-2 Menu/Recipe B-4 Word To Pass/Ads B-6 Torch Run C-1 Sports Briefs C-2 MMARINEARINE Sports Around the Corps C-4 Volume 32, Number 22 www.mcbh.usmc.mil June 6, 2003 2/3 show Australians the ropes Lance Cpl. Monroe F. Seigle Combat Correspondent “Who here is afraid of heights,” asked Staff Sgt. Fredrick White, pla- toon sergeant. with Fox Co., 2nd Bn., 3rd Marine Regiment, to soldiers from Bravo Co., 1st Royal Australian Regiment. Some of the Australian soldiers were so nervous looking at the 40- foot high repelling tower, they actu- ally raised their hands. The look on the others faces blatantly admitted their fears; they did not have to raise their hands. The Australian soldiers arrived at MCB Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay, May 25 to get a chance to train with the Marines from Fox Co., 2/3. It was on May 28 when the soldiers and Marines went to the Air Assault Course aboard Schofield Army Barracks to conduct fast-roping exer- cises. The joint-exercise is in preparation for the deployment to Pohakuloa Training Area during the month of June. During the exercise, the sol- diers and Marines climbed aboard a 40-foot high tower and were proper- ly shown how to safely and effective- ly descend down a rope into a simu- lated combat environment. Lance Cpl. Monroe F. Seigle All throughout the exercise, safety Sergeant James Wildman, police sergeant for Fox Co., 2nd Bn., 3rd Marines, demonstrates to soldiers in the Australian Royal Army is stressed along with the importance the proper way to descend down a rope. of communication. “Safety is paramount here,” said not do it the way we are training them to Fast roping exercises are usually used means of vehicular transportation, or by White. “This is the first time a lot of the do it. They learned different methods as a last resort to insert troops into a com- landing a helicopter in the danger zone Australian soldiers have been able to do and we all have to be on the same sheet bat zone. Even thought it is a last resort, due to heave enemy resistance. this. The proper procedure must always of music while we conduct these exercis- it is still considered a highly-effective in- “It was a great learning opportunity to be followed. Even the ones that have es. One mess up can be disastrous and sertion technique. It is usually used done something like this before, they do then we will be mission ineffective.” when the troops cannot be inserted by See FAST ROPE, A-5 AWWA releases New training area proves valuble to water saving Marines operating heavy machinery Cpl. Jason E. Miller rector of the MCTAB ex- Press Chief cavation program said, tips to live by “Initially we expected to American Water microwave instead of run- At Marine Corps find a lot out here, but so Works Association ning water over it. Training Area, Bellows, far we haven’t run across Press Release When washing dishes on Windward Oahu, a anything. We know that by hand, use two basins - new exercise area will Hawaiians lived on this The American Water one for washing and one soon be opened to part of the island, so Works Association recom- for rinsing rather than let Marines and Sailors who we’re trying to make sure mends the following steps the water run. operate heavy machinery we can account for every- to help conserve water: Use a broom, rather such as bulldozers and thing before the Marines Don’t over water your than a hose, to clean side- other earth movers to start training here.” lawn. Only water every walks and driveways. practice their skill. Excavations will con- three to five days in the If you have a swimming However, with the his- tinue at MCTAB through- summer and 10 to 14 days pool, get a cover. You’ll torical value of MCTAB, a Cpl. Jason E. Miller out the coming weeks, in the winter. cut the loss of water by team of researchers and Maj. John Claucherty, deputy assistant chief of staff for until it is know for sure To prevent water loss evaporation by 90 percent. archaeologists were con- operations, MCB Hawaii, looks over the new training that training in the area tracted by MCB Hawaii, grounds at Marine Corps Training Area, Bellows, with will have little or no neg- from evaporation, don’t Repair dripping faucets June Cleghorn, cultural resource manager for MCB water your lawn during and leaky toilets. to make sure that digging Hawaii. ative effect on the area’s the hottest part of the day Dripping faucets can in the specified area historical timeline. or when it is windy. waste about 2,000 gallons would not destroy histor- The International vations, and search for ar- “We hope to get the Only run the dishwash- of water each year. Leaky ical remnants of Archaeological Research chaeological artifacts, in area open for training be- er and clothes washer toilets can waste as much Hawaiian culture that Institute was hired and an effort to preserve fore July,” said Maj. John when they are fully as 200 gallons each day. could still exist in the brought on sight by MCB Hawaiian history. loaded. Log onto www.h2ous area. Hawaii, to conduct exca- Coral Magnuson, di- See TRAINING, A-5 Defrost frozen food in e.org to get more tips how the refrigerator or in the to conserve water. Demilitarized Zone soldiers, Marines ‘On the Front Lines of Freedom’ By Gerry J. Gilmore from the DMZ. Wolfowitz and his traveling par- American Forces Press Service “The country is grateful for your ty flew about 35 miles north of service,” Wolfowitz told the 500 Seoul on Army Black Hawk heli- SEOUL, South Korea – U.S. sol- Army soldiers and Marines gath- copters to visit with Camp diers and Marines deployed along ered inside the camp’s gymnasium. Greaves’ service members. After the demilitarized zone separating He noted that both President Bush meeting with 2nd Infantry Division North and South Korea “are on the and Defense Secretary Donald H. commander Army Maj. Gen. John front lines of freedom,” U.S. Rumsfeld “have asked me to send Wood, who has jurisdiction over American Water Works Association Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. a message to you: that we appreci- the camp, Wolfowitz got together This pie chart gives a rough representation of the actu- Wolfowitz said June 1 during a vis- ate what you’re doing — it is fan- al break down of water usage in the typical household. it to Camp Greaves – located a mile tastic.” See DMZ, A-5 A-2 • June 6, 2003 Hawaii Marine MCBHMCBH IINN THETHE CG’CG’SS MMAILAIL BBOXOX NNEWSEWS BBRIEFSRIEFS Question Submitted by Capt. Joseph Tuttle NEW LEGISLATION PASSED TO HELP SERVICE MEMBERS MOVE Recently, a bill was passed by Hawaii’s “The current hours of the 22nd Legislature and approved by Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle that ensures service members have the right to remove from the lifequards is simply island, after their tour of duty, a vehicle or vehicles purchased here under a contract unsatisfactory due to the without the consent of the seller unless oth- er arrangements by the involved parties flag system.” have agreed to other terms separate from BRIG. GEN. the contract, stating that the vehicle may MCABEE not be removed. Dear Brig. Gen. moved or modified, many see what the conditions affords more hours for CREDO RETREATS AVAILABLE McAbee, of us would be able to get are from afar. Beach and ocean use during risk pe- FOR MILITARY, DOD in a “dawn patrol” surf or ocean access rules are also riods and also focuses the The Chaplain’s Religious Enrichment First of all, I would like an after-work swim, de- posted on signs at the ac- availability of the beach Development Operations, or CREDO, is of- to say thank you for the pending on the condi- cess points to each beach. on the leisure hours of fering both marriage enrichment retreats opportunity to voice my tions. The Marine Corps most Marines, Sailors, and and personal growth retreats to service opinion to you directly. Community Services staff families. During the members aboard MCB Hawaii who may be I have a concern about Thank you for your determines beach condi- week, we found that the returning from deployments such as the current flag system be- time. tions at the beginning and most used period on our Operation Iraqi Freedom and service mem- ing used at both North Sincerely, end of each day to deter- beaches occurs between 11 bers who are desiring to improve their re- Beach and Pyramid Rock. mine if beach access a.m. and 6 p.m. daily. lationships with others, feel good about While I can understand Joseph Tuttle and/or ocean conditions Therefore, that is when themselves, grow personally and spiritual- your concern for those of Capt., USAF Reserve are safe for use during un- lifeguards are posted. Use ly, and live a more harmonious life. us in the water, in my guarded periods. The ap- outside of these hours is The next CREDO marriage enrichment opinion, the flag system is propriate notices are then determined by current retreat is slated for July 11 - 13; the next a mistake. posted following this as- ocean conditions. personal growth retreat is July 24 - 27.
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