148mm x 210mm ISEAS-003 As Empires Fell FA INDEX Note: Page numbers followed by “n” refer to endnotes. A anti-Japanese sentiments, 44 Abdul Razak Hussein, 172, 179, Associated Chinese Chambers of 181 Commerce, 145 A History of Malaysia (Barbara Associated States of Indochina, and Leonard Andaya), 205 122 Albert, Prince. See George, King Aw Boon Haw, 47, 102 Alliance National Council, 185 Axis powers, 121 All Malaya Chinese Mining Association, 145 B All-Malayan Indian Baba-Nyonya culture, 103 Independence League, 62 Baling Talks, 179 Amendment of the Malay Bandung Conference, 25 Reservations Act of 1933, 16 Bank Negara Tanah Melayu American Civil War, 11 (Central Bank of Malaya), 190 America’s Vietnam War, 123 Barisan Nasional, 183, 205 Ang Cheng Chong, 45, 72 Battle of Imphal in India, 63 anti-communist law, 121 Beijing, 39, 43, 120, 154 Anti-Enemy Backing-Up Society, Bell, Martin, 81, 91, 92 10 Bolshevik propaganda, 68 Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom Bombay, Lee Hau-Shik living in, League, 130 107–9 anti-Japanese activities, 49 Bose, Subhas Chandra, 62, 63 221 ISEAS-003_Index.indd 221 26-05-2020 6.51.27 PM FA ISEAS-003 As Empires Fell 148mm x 210mm 222 As Empires Felll Boxer Rebellion, 39 Chiang Kai-shek, 36, 60, 118, 120 Briggs, Harold, 165 China Press, 153, 203 Britain’s Special Operations China Relief Committees, 102 Executive (SOE), 105, 106 China Relief Fund Associations, British 45 state of emergency, 164 China’s Consul in Kuala Lumpur, support for MCA, 160 84 treating Chinese, 143 China’s May Fourth Movement British Malaya, 31, 41, 51, 64, of 1919, 67 69, 126 Chinese Advisory Board, 20 British Military Administration Chinese Chamber of Commerce, (BMA), 16, 135, 142, 143 20, 21 British military rule, 132–137 Chinese chauvinism, 26 British North Borneo, 129, 131 Chinese Communist Party (CCP), British Royal Marines, 132 5, 60, 67, 68, 69, 104, 105, 144, British Straits Settlements, 11, 12 153, 154 Broome, R.N., 106 Chinese Consul General Kuo Brunei, 129, 131 Ling Pak, 83 Burma, 129, 130 Chinese educationists, 156 Lee Hau-Shik, 75 Chinese labourers, 11, 16 Malayan Communist Party, Chinese Miners’ Association, 44 73 Chinese nationalism, 51 reoccupation of, 147 Chinese politics, 26 Burmese Chinese, 102 Chinese population, 144 Chinese Protectorate, 5 C Chinese school system, 26 Cairo Declaration states, 138n3 Chinese Tin Mines Rehabilitation Calcutta, 50, 63, 75, 81, 83–86, Loans Board, 145 90, 99, 106 Chinese Tin Mines Rehabilitation Central Bank of Malaya (Bank Loans Fund, 145 Negara Tanah Melayu), 190 Chinese unemployment, 11 Ceylon, 70, 106, 130, 200 Chinese Unit of All India Radio, chaos of re-occupation, Malaya, 93 142 Chinese vernacular education, 69 ISEAS-003_Index.indd 222 26-05-2020 6.51.27 PM 148mm x 210mm ISEAS-003 As Empires Fell FA Index 223 Chin Peng, 179 Communist Party of Malaya, Chungking 9, 10 Federated Malay States, 90 contract labour system, 9 Hau-Shik’s plans, 85 contractors, 8 inflation rate, 85 employers and employees, Kwangtung Provincial Bank, organizations, 5 86 Federated Malay States, 6, 9 Martin Bell, 91, 92 female migration. See female Overseas Chinese Industrial migration Bank, 89 Government of India’s refugees of Chinese origin, Indian Emigration Act of 105 1922, 4, 5 South Seas Chinese the Great Depression, 6, 7, Association, 95, 100 10, 11 Chung Kuo Council for General Hainanese, 6 Mobilization, 49 indentured labour system, 4 Churchill, Winston, 118 Indian workers, 5 citizenship rights, 151, 195 in Kajang, 10 civil society movements, 183 Labour Code, 4 Civil War, 120 labour force, 7 Clementi, Cecil, 69, 136 labour movement activities, Cochin China, 122 5 Cold War, 71–74, 119, 153, 164 labour unions in Malaya, colonialism, 17, 18, 64, 75, 118, 5, 6 150 political developments, 7 colonial Malayan economy rubber production and agricultural sector, Malay mining of tin, 4 Peninsula, 8 tin in twentieth century, Anti-Enemy Backing-Up 11–14 Society, 10 tin production, 11 Chinese unemployment, urbanity and 11 unemployment, 14–16 Colonialism’s plural society, world economy by 1931, 6 17, 18 Colonial Office, 96 ISEAS-003_Index.indd 223 26-05-2020 6.51.27 PM FA ISEAS-003 As Empires Fell 148mm x 210mm 224 As Empires Felll colonial policy, 146 Emerson, Rupert, 17, 18, 27n3, Comfort Mission, 47 46, 51 Comintern, 133 European colonialism, 118 Communism, 123, 166 Communist Party of Malaya F (CPM), 9, 10 Federal Executive Council, 145 communist rebels, 165 federal expenditures, 189 communist terrorists, 157, 159 Federal Finance Committee, 145 Community Liaison Committee Federal Legislative Council, 145, (CLC), 161, 67 178 contract labour system, 9 Federated Malay States, 6, 9, 16, contractors, 8, 9 41, 65, 69, 70, 90, 102, 129, 136 Federated Malay States Chamber D of Mines, 144 Davis, J.L.H., 106 Federation of China Relief Fund Dawn Kathleen Glen, 40 of the South Seas, 47, 72 death marches, 131 Federation of Malaya Agreement, Development & Commercial 149, 154, 155, 161 (D&C) Bank, 33, 202 Female Domestic Servants Bill of Devonshire House in Mussoorie, 1925, 22, 23 84 female migration Dien Bien Phu, 123 Chinese Chamber of direct taxation, 188 Commerce, 20, 21 domestic expenditure, 190 Chinese female immigration, draconian laws, 183 19 Dutch Borneo, 131 Chinese migration in Dutch colonialism, 64 Malaya, 24 Dutch-controlled Banda Islands, 8 in Chinese schools, 25 domestic labour, 22 E education policies in Malaya, East India Company, 31 26 economic policy, 185 after the First World War, 19 Emergency Regulations government and secret Ordinance of 1948, 165 societies, 20 ISEAS-003_Index.indd 224 26-05-2020 6.51.27 PM 148mm x 210mm ISEAS-003 As Empires Fell FA Index 225 the Great Depression, 20 India’s Army of Liberation, 63 Indian immigrants, 19 Japan’s invasion of China, Kuomintang, 24, 25 74, 75 Lee Hau-Shik’s economic Kesatuan Melayu Muda, 65 stature, 27 liberating Asia and Asians, 62 marriage prospects of male Masanobu Tsuji, Colonel, 61 Chinese, 21 Military Administration in prostitutes, 21, 22 Malaya, 75 after the Second World War, Ownership and Control in the 19 Malayan Economy, 63 socio-economic situation, 26 Pacific War, 75 squatter population, 23 Peninsular Malays, 64 Straits Settlements, 22, 23, “pro-Malay policy”, 65 27 “reading clubs” (Epposho) in in tin and rubber industries, Malayan cities, 75 23 Shenyang, 60 French Vichy government, 121 Singora (Songkhla), 62 Sino-Japanese war. See Sino- G Japanese war Gandhi, Mahatma, 129 Tokyo’s modernization, 59, Gaozhou Association, 45 60 Gent, Edward, 142, 143, 148, 157 Versailles Treaty of 1919, 60 George, King, 39, 52n3, 111n30, Government of India’s Indian 146 Emigration Act of 1922, 4, 5 global wars Great Depression, The, 6, 7, All-Malayan Indian 10–11, 20 Independence League, 62 Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity British Malaya, 64 Sphere, 61, 62 Chinese Communist Party in Guangdong Province, 36, 38 1927, 60 Guangxi Province, 36 Cold War, 71–74 guerrilla army, 147 East Asia, 76, 77 guerrilla war, 15, 76, 122, 154 Greater East Asian Co- Gurney, Henry, 154, 156–58, 162, Prosperity Sphere, 61 164, 167 ISEAS-003_Index.indd 225 26-05-2020 6.51.27 PM FA ISEAS-003 As Empires Fell 148mm x 210mm 226 As Empires Felll H International Monetary Fund Hailam community, 68 (IMF), 189 Hakka Association, 47 International Tin Conference, Hamid, Abdul, 182 157, 172 Hisaichi, Terauchi, 124 Ismail Abdul Rahman, 171, Ho Chi Minh, 121, 122, 133 173–175, 179, 181, 183 I J immigrants, 16, 27, 147 Japan, 4, 32, 36, 37, 44, 60, 71, indentured labour system, 4 107, 108, 118, 119, 124, 128, independence, 163, 164, 170, 138, 147 172, 174–176 Japanese forces, 152 Independence of Malaya Party Japanese invaders, 131 (IMP), 152, 167, 168, 169 Japanese invasion, 13, 43, 48, 74, India, 4, 6, 31, 51, 63, 64, 129, 75, 90, 97 142, 153, 171, 182 Japanese liberation, 123 Indian Communism party, 129 Japanese military ambitions, 66 Indian customs, 90 Japanese occupation, 76, 147 Indian immigrants, 19, 147 Japanese surrender, 125–132, Indian labourers, 5, 18 142, 146, 147 Indian National Army (INA), Japan’s European Axis partner, 47 62, 63, 147 Japan’s Southern Expedition India’s Army of Liberation, 63 Army Group, 124 Indo-Chinese governments, 122 Java, 124, 126 Indonesia, 109, 123–125, 127, Jennings, Ivor, 182 147, 183 Industrial Development Policy, 192 K inflation, 189 Kam Gu-chan (a.k.a. Kho Chun), inter-ethnic strife, 142 34, 35 International Bank for Kam Kho Chun, 34 Reconstruction and Kam Kwok-Chun, 40, 43 Development (IBRD), 189 Kam Lun Tai, 34, 37, 38, 42–44 International Finance Kam, Samuel, 34, 35, 51n2 Corporation (IFC), 189 Karen separatists, 130 ISEAS-003_Index.indd 226 26-05-2020 6.51.28 PM 148mm x 210mm ISEAS-003 As Empires Fell FA Index 227 Kekuatan Rakyat Istimewa (KRIS), leaders of guilds and associations, 108 156 Kesatuan Melayu Muda (KMM), Lee, Alex, 202 65 Lee Chee Lin, 36 Khoo Teck Ee, 158, 160, 195n36 Lee, Douglas, 181, 202 Knight Commander of the Lee Hau Mo, 34, 141 British Empire (KBE), 201 Lee Hau-Shik Korean War, 119, 122–123 budget statements, 187, 188 Kuala Lumpur, 41–44, 81, 84, 91, Burmese Chinese and Straits 93, 103, 104, 106, 109 Settlements, 102 election, 167, 168 China’s Ministry of Overseas electoral triumph in, 170 Affairs (Yuen, K.L.), 84 United Malays National in Chungking, 85 Organisation, 167 contributions in post-war Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board, years, 146 144 departure from India, 141 Kuan Cheng Girls School, 144 economic stature, 27 Kuomintang (KMT), 5, 6, 24, 25, Evacuees Committee, 38, 144, 152–154 Chairman of, 82 branches, 68 federal budget, 187 member, 89 in India, 84 resurgence, 67 loss of chairmanship over troops, 122 Selangor MCA, 181 Kwan Choi Lin, 41 Malayan Chinese, 101 Kwangsi Province, 34 Malayan Chinese Kwang Tung Province, 34 Association, 156, 160, 167 Kwangtung Provincial Bank, 86 Malayan Communist Party, Kwong Wah Yit Poh, 153 105, 106 “Martin” (Major J.M.
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