Agenda Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Item Report of the Director of Technical & Environmental Services to Development Control Committee On 17th September 2003 Report prepared by : Planning Officers Report on Planning Applications An Open Agenda Item INTRODUCTION (i) Recommendations in capitals at the end of each report are those of the Director of Technical and Environmental Services, are not the decision of the Committee and are subject to Member consideration (ii) All plans have been considered in the context of the Borough Council's Environmental Charter. An assessment of the environmental implications of development proposals is inherent in the development control process and implicit in the reports. (iii) Reports will not necessarily be dealt with in the order in which they are printed. (iv) The following abbreviations are used in the reports:- AW - Anglia Water plc BLP - Borough Local Plan CAA - Civil Aviation Authority DEFRA - Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs DELL - Director of Education & Lifelong Learning DLCAS - Director of Leisure Culture & Amenity Services DSC - Director of Social Care DTLR - Department of Transport Local Government & The Regions EA - Environment Agency EPOA - Essex Planning Officers Association ESRSP - Essex and Southend Replacement Structure Plan ODPM - Office of the Deputy Prime Minister PPG - Planning Policy Guidance Note $jkngfq5d.doc Page 1 of 59 Report No: DTES03/172 - FINAL CONTENTS SOS/02/00540/FUL 16a Preston Road, Westcliff-on-Sea 3 SOS/03/00632/FUL 41 Alexandra Street, Southend on Sea 5 SOS/03/01114/FUL 41 Alexandra Street, Southend on Sea 10 SOS/03/00872/FUL 33-35 Park Road, Westcliff on Sea 12 SOS/03/00884/FUL Part of Fossetts Farm Fronting Fossetts Way 14 SOS/03/00964/FUL 15 Scratton Road, Southend on Sea 26 SOS/03/01056/FUL Land adjacent 32 Fernleigh Drive, Leigh on Sea 29 SOS/03/01068/FUL 153 Southbourne Grove, Westcliff-on-Sea 32 SOS/03/01077/FUL Sarah Moore Public House, 57-59 Elm Road, Leigh-on-Sea 35 SOS/03/01079/BC4 Chalkwell Park, Chalkwell Avenue, Westcliff on Sea 38 SOS/03/01094/FUL Cathodean Works, 2-8 Bircham Road, Southend-on-Sea 39 SOS/03/01097/FUL 70 Canewdon Road, Westcliff on Sea 43 SOS/03/01106/FUL Southend High School for Boys, Prittlewell Chase, Westcliff-on-Sea 46 SOS/03/01119/BC4 Victoria Circus, High Street, Southend-on-Sea 51 SOS/03/01125/FUL 33 Ambleside Drive, Southend on Sea 53 SOS/03/01160/BC3 Pantile House, Pantile Avenue, Southend-on-Sea 55 SOS/03/01163/FUL 26 Fernleigh Drive, Leigh on Sea 58 PRE-MEETING SITE VISITS SOS/03/01046/FUL 99 Tyrone Road, Southend-on-Sea SV2 SOS/03/01124/FUL Sewage Pumping Station, Burnaby Road, Southend-on-Sea SV6 SOS/03/01142/FUL 29 Chadacre Road, Southend-on-Sea SV9 ENFORCEMENT REPORT Fairview House, 14 Fairview Drive, Westcliff-on-Sea ENF1 388 and 390 Westborough Road, Westcliff-on-Sea ENF3 21 Drake Road, Westcliff-on-Sea ENF5 $jkngfq5d.doc Page 2 of 59 Report No: DTES03/172 - FINAL Milton Ward SOS/02/00540/FUL (Application for full planning permission) CONVERT FIRST AND SECOND FLOOR MAISONETTE INTO TWO SELF-CONTAINED FLATS (AMENDED PROPOSAL) 16a Preston Road, Westcliff-on-Sea, SS0 7NB Regis Group plc ACS Designs 1. The Proposal 1.1. Planning permission is being sought to convert the first floor and roofspace maisonette accommodation into two self-contained flats. The upper flat would have a bathroom on the first floor with living accommodation and a bedroom on the second floor. The remainder of the first floor would form a two bedroom flat with living space, a kitchen and a bathroom. 1.2. The front garden of the dwelling is shown to be retained. 2. Location and Description 2.1. The application relates to a two storey semi detached Victorian property located on the east side of Preston Road, south of the junction with Canewdon Road. 2.2. The property is currently divided into one flat on the ground floor and a vacant maisonette on the upper two floors. There are a number of properties converted into flats/HMOs in this road and only 1, 3, 9, 15 and 21 opposite and 6 and 14 on this side of the street remain in occupation as single family dwellings. 2.3. The road suffers from severe parking stress, exacerbated by the proximity to the railway station and Hamlet Court Road shopping facilities. 3. Development Plan 3.1. ESRSP Policies: BE1 – Urban Intensification, H1 – Distribution of Housing Provision, H2 - Housing Development - The Sequential Approach, H3 – Location of Residential Development, T12 – Vehicle Parking. 3.2. BLP Policies: H1 (Housing Provision), H5 (Residential Design and Layout Considerations), H6 (Protecting Residential Character), H7 (The Formation of Self-Contained Flats), T11 (Parking Standards), Appendix 4 (Design and Layout Guidelines for Housing), Appendix 8 (Car Parking Standards). 3.3. EPOA Vehicle Parking Standards (2001). 3.4. PPG 3 (Housing); PPG 13 (Transport). 4. Planning History 4.1. At 16/18 1966 – approval of erection of a three storey block of six flats and eight garages at rear (0/44/66). 4.2. At 16 1966 – approval of vehicular access (D/563/66). 4.3. At 16 1969 – approval of conversion of house into two self-contained flats (D/336/69). 4.4. At 16/18 1971 – approval of double garage at rear (D/140/71). 4.5. At 18a next door July 2000 – approval of conversion of first floor and roof space maisonette into two self-contained flats and lay out three parking spaces at rear (SOS/00/00602/FUL). $jkngfq5d.doc Page 3 of 59 Report No: DTES03/172 - FINAL 4.6. At 16a - SOS/02/00540/FUL: Planning permission refused to convert first and second floor maisonette into two self-contained flats, lay out one parking space to front and form vehicular access onto Preston Road (2002); reason:- The proposed conversion of the maisonette into two self-contained flats would, through creating an additional dwelling, further intensify the use of the property such as to lead to the overdevelopment of this part of the street and further exacerbate parking stress to the detriment of the character of the residential street and contrary to Policy BE1 of the Essex and Southend-on-Sea Replacement Structure Plan and Policy H5 of the Borough Local Plan. 4.7. A subsequent appeal against this decision was dismissed. 5. Internal Consultation 5.1. Environmental Health Comment – awaited. 6. Publicity 6.1. Neighbour notification – two objections. Increased multiple occupation in this locality Poor management and maintenance Dimensions of attic rooms not suitable for accommodation Bathroom isolated on lower floor Exacerbate parking situation Deterioration of the environment Inadequate bins/refuse leads to foxes and rats Tenants have poor regard for tidiness of area First floor bathroom too compact 7. Appraisal 7.1. Other than the omission of the vehicular access and forecourt parking space, the proposal the subject of this application replicates in all respects that refused under application SOS/02/00540/FUL. In determining the appeal against the Council’s reason for refusal, however, the Inspector concluded that there would be no harm to the character of the area or the amenities of adjoining/neighbouring occupiers from the subdivision to form an additional flat. Rather, he found the provision of an off-street parking space associated with the proposal to be a fallacy and one that would necessitate alterations that would harm the streetscene:- “The provision of a parking space and turning space within the appeal site, with its attendant pavement crossing, would result in the loss of at least one on-street parking space such that there would be no net increase in overall parking provision. In view of the apparent scale of the present street parking problem in the vicinity, the creation of one additional residential unit would not, in my judgement, materially worsen the situation. Furthermore, in order to provide the off-street parking space proposed it would be necessary to demolish a substantial part, at least, of the front boundary wall, and would result in a significant net reduction in the extent of the planting that currently contributes to the townscape of the area. This would conflict with LP Policy C14 and I accordingly find that the creation of an on-site parking and turning area would adversely affect the character of the street, contrary to the objectives of Policy H5” (paragraph 8). 7.2. It is worth noting that the Inspector also found that, in view of the location circumstances of the site, the requirement to provide off-street parking in that case conflicted with Central Government advice at PPG 13. $jkngfq5d.doc Page 4 of 59 Report No: DTES03/172 - FINAL 7.3. The subject application has addressed the only reason for dismissing the appeal raised by the Inspector, relating to the loss of the existing front garden. The Inspector found against the Council in respect of the previous reason for refusal. It is considered that conditions relating to refuse storage and sound insulation should adequately address some of the concerns raised by residents in respect of residential amenity and character. Subject to these provisions and in all other respects the proposal is, as previously reported, considered to be acceptable. 8 Recommendation Members are recommended to GRANT PERMISSION subject to the following conditions: 01 Start within five years (C001) 02 Sound insulation between flats to be carried out prior to occupation 03 Details of refuse storage to be submitted for approval and implemented prior to first occupation Milton Ward SOS/03/00632/FUL (Application for full planning permission) REDEVELOP SITE COMPRISING FOUR STOREY BLOCK OF 16 FLATS, THREE 3 STOREY TERRACED DWELLINGHOUSES, LAY OUT AMENITY AREAS AND EIGHT PARKING SPACES, ERECT GROUND FLOOR INFILL EXTENSION TO FORM GROUND FLOOR RETAIL UNIT (CLASS A1) FRONTING ALEXANDRA STREET 41 Alexandra Street, Southend on Sea Shout Properties Dedman Planning Services Consideration of this application was deferred at the meeting on 23rd July,2003, principally to seek revised plans and clarify site boundaries and access issues.
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