IDAHO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIGITAL WEB MAP 182 MOSCOW AND BOISE IDAHOGEOLOGY.ORG BURMESTER AND OTHERS GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE AGENCY CREEK QUADRANGLE, LEMHI COUNTY, IDAHO CORRELATION OF MAP UNITS Artificial Alluvial Deposits Mass Movement Deposits Deposits Russell F. Burmester, Kurt L. Othberg, Loudon R. Stanford, Reed S. Lewis, and Jeffrey D. Lonn m Qam Qlsa Qaf Qas Holocene 2018 Qtg1 Qtg2 QUATERNARY Qtg3 Qls Qms ¹ ¹ • • T T • Yg? 15 T Pleistocene T 45 • ¬ T Tqs1? T Yg? T Qafo ¹ B T T Qtg3 Tcg Tqs1? Qtg4 Tkg 1 B B • T 30 ¹B T ¹ Tqt ¬ 50 T T B B here. According to Staatz (1979) the following plants were identified by Yqrm Qas T Qtg3 ¬ T Tcg3 LEMHI T Quartzite of Ramsey Mountain (Mesoproterozoic)—Feldspathic quartzite with monazite. Magnetite and magnetite-rich breccias are common. Recent ¹ ¹ • B 0 ¹ 39 FAULT H T 30 Qtg5 ? 64 B ¹ Yg? Yg? T T 40 40 47 T • T • B 33 Jack A. Wolfe: minor siltite and argillite. Quartzite beds as thick as one meter but more work by Gillerman and others (2008, 2010, and 2013) (summarized below) Twc T T T T ¬ T 35 B 0 29 T T Q 55 T B 5 B commonly dm scale; mostly flat laminated, rarely cross laminated. These indicates that mineralization ages are complex, but clearly old T 6 ¹ FAULT C B T Tcty A 30 QTcg B 78 ¹ B T Tcg3? T T T PASS T T T 15 ¹ F T B T Ginkgo sp. ¹ ¹ T T T are repeated in cosets or interbedded with siltite. Platy parting with fine (Neoproterozoic to Paleozoic). The Cambrian syenite-lamprophyre 50 T T T T 6 B 5 ¹ 30 Tcg3 FAULT 15 Yg? T Pliocene CENOZOIC ¹ T ? Metasequoia sp. B T Tlm 38 T 17 25 Sedimentary Volcanic Intrusive muscovite on surfaces common; mudchip bases less so. Seven samples of magmatic suite was dated by U-Pb SHRIMP analysis on zircons at 529.1 ± ¹25 T T Qaf •¬ 5 TT L 40 T B Qas T T ¬ • • Rocks Rocks Rocks quartzite averaged 83 percent quartz, 16 percent plagioclase and no potas- 4.5 Ma (syenite east of map near Lemhi Pass) and 534.37 ± 0.22 Ma (Cow ¹ Tqt T T • • Tlm L • T Taxodium sp. 49 ¹ T T B T ••T 22 • TT Q8 ¹ Creek stock, a pyroxene porphyry lamprophyre on this map). The syenite is T Yg? B • Tlm? sium feldspar. One sample on the east flank of Ramsey Mountain contained T Tqs1 Picea sp. B 26 T 22 • V 40 22 ¹ Tcty Oligocene 10 percent potassium feldspar and 30 percent plagioclase. Interpreted to cut by specular hematite veins, and locally magnetite-rich veins. Whole- a T T ¬ • Tcg ? A B 3 B Tcty? ¬ ¹ T Sassafras hesperia Berry T Tlm Tqs1 Tkg Twc grade up from unit with mudcracks and chips assigned to Ysyc. Thickness rock geochemical analysis of the one syenite dike on this map (Table 1) T B B 65 31 Tsa 30 T T 25 B T Tcg3? L B Qls ˜ 30 ¬ • Tlm ¡ 15 ˜ T Tdu indicates enrichment in Y (70 ppm), Nb (286 ppm), La (184 ppm) and Ce ¡ V ¬ Mahonia cuprovallis Axel. uncertain because of deformation and lack of upper contact. 11 77 sy 40 T • ¡T 25 T Tsa? Qls TERTIARY ¡ • ¡¡ ¡ T 30 B 30 ¡ 20 Twc ¡ B B • ¬ (379 ppm) relative to other intrusive rocks in the region. Dating of ¡ 55 T ¬ B T 32 "Zelkova" drymeja (Lesq.) R. W. Br. 20180124_ ¹ B Ysyc B 42 F Tcg Siltite of Yearian Creek (Mesoproterozoic)—Thinly bedded siltite and argillite, Nd-enriched monazite and thorite from the Lucky Horseshoe mine (located ¶ ™15RL079 ˜ B B Qls 3 Yg? ˜ Tcg ¬ ˜ 1 T B Quercus sp. ˜ L Twc ˜ 25 • Eocene and white-weathering, gray and green quartzite. Characterized by undulat- ˜ ˜ T Yg? ˜ T immediately east of the quadrangle) by electron microprobe analysis ˜ B ¬ T ˜ T ˜ Qaf ˜ ˜ 20 T ˜ ¬ Tcty 11 T T T AInus jarbidgana Axelrod ing, uncracked graded couplets and rarer couples of medium-green siltite ¹ 20 ˜ T ˜ T returned Carboniferous ages (300 to 350 Ma) for mineralization, much T B T T ˜ ˜ ˜ T Yg? T Tqs1 B T T 16 and light-green to light-buff or gray argillite. Mud cracked bedding surfaces 10 T T T T Tqs1 Crataegus copena (Lesq.) MacG. younger than the syenite-lamprophyre suite and not matching known ¹ B 40 B T 8 B T T T less common than angular light-colored mud chips. Those commonly in TT Tcg V B Tqt intrusive events. Zircons from the Lucky Horseshoe ultramafic to mafic sill 7 T T 3 30 Rhus cf. R. obscura (Lesq.) MacG. 18 C T EAST PATTEE FAULT T T Tlm bases of beds along with dark-green channels a few cm wide and as thick T 50 T yielded ages from Neoproterozoic to Late Carboniferous. Neoproterozoic ¹ T T T T T TkgB T ² Qtg2 ¬ Qaf Acer mysticum Kirch as 1 cm of well-rounded fine to rare but diagnostic spherical medium B Ysyc Ysyc Tqs1 B 52 Tcg and Carboniferous cores appear to have younger Carboniferous Qaf ¶ 30 T T FAULT H L 1 B T T V Symphoricarpos salmonensis R. W. Br. quartz grains. Similar grains also comprise quartzite beds a few cm to a few overgrowths, but four zircon grains yielded concordant results with dates 24 B Qas Qtg 2 T T B B ¹ Qaf B 22 T T 66 31 Tsa dm thick concentrated in widely scattered intervals but best exposed south ¡¡¡ T T 26 between 317.9 and 315.1 Ma. ¡ T T 15 ¡ T Tqt B ¡ ¡ T T Wolfe (written commun., 1974 in Staatz, 1979) notes that the alder, Alnus of Yearian Creek. More common are 1-3 dm beds of white-weathering, very ¡ Qtg2 ¹ T T ¡ 20 T T ˜ T Qtg2 5 T TT 18 28 T T ˜ CAMBRIAN jarbidgana, is the most abundant plant in the collections, and that several fine- to fine-grained feldspathic quartzite that look like Yqrm strata. Some of ¹ Qtg2 ª T Cmi Csy T ª Qtg2 ¡ ¡ B 25 Metasedimentary species, including this one, are present in collections made in tuffaceous Qtg ¡¡ 35 ª T ¬ those beds have ripple tops and ripple cross lamination. Rare chips and thin 3 ¡¡ ¡ B T Ysyc ¡¡ ¡ T T B T ¡ Qls T T B Rocks ¡ ¬ sedimentary rocks near Salmon, Idaho. He states that the oldest possible age layers are chert. Common in some intervals east of the Agency-Yearian fault Qaf Tlm B T B ª Qas ¹ T 10 ˜ Qaf 40 Yqrm of these collections is late Eocene, as this is the age of oldest known occur- are cm-scale intricately interbedded white and green quartzite with wide Qls B T 45 ¬ B Qaf ˜ T T ˜ ˜ Tlm F 20 B B B T rences of "Zelkova" drymeja, Alnus jarbidgana, Mahonia cuprovallis, and variation of grain sizes and feldspar content. Composition of quartzite west ¹ 40 T ¬ T Tkg T T T T 34 L Qls MESOPROTEROZOIC 22 ˜ T T Ysyc Acer mysticum. The upper limit of this assemblage of plants is not as well of the Agency-Yearian fault is similar to that of Yqrm. Eight of nine samples 25 ˜ Qls¡ T ˜ Qas T ˜ T 30 T ¡ V 6 ¡ ˜ T 9 ¡ T 45 Tqt T 53 ¡¡ ˜ T T T 17 ¡ known, but it does not extend into the Miocene according to Wolfe. William Qlsa ¡ ¡ ¡ Qls ˜ 40 average are 84 percent for quartz and 16 percent for plagioclase. A lone ¹ ˜ T ¡ BT ¡ T T A Qas ¡ 35 Yg? ¡ ˜ T Ysyc ˜ T Tlm Qtg2 B Qaf Qtg1 QTcg T T B Qtg2 L C. Rember (personal commun., 2016) thought that the plants in this listing sample from the northwest edge of the unit has 75 percent quartz, 15 ˜ ¹ ¹ B 20 T T TT B T T B T 31 could be Oligocene or Miocene in age. The fish tail was examined by David percent potassium feldspar, and 10 percent plagioclase. Upper contact ¡ ¡¡ BT 30 Twc T 36 T T Qtg2 H. Dunkle (written commun., 1973 in Staatz, 1979), who stated that the presumed to be the sharp transition from thin-bedded siltite and argillite T Qls ¹ Qls Qls¡ Ysyc T ˜ Tsa ¹ ¡ Qls T 24 L ¡ ¡ ˜ T Qls scale characteristics, extended dorsal fin, and caudal fin structure are similar with mud cracks and chips at the western foot of Ramsey Mountain to the ¡ 80 Qafo B Qtg ¹ A' F T 2 9 T ¡ to that of the aberrant sucker, Amyzon. This genus was previously found in ¡ quartzite of Ramsey Mountain. Thickness uncertain for lack of mapped B ¹ B ¡ Tcty ¹ ¡ ¹ B ¡ 21 ¡ ¹ ¡ ¡ ¡ 33 ¡ ¬ sedimentary rocks that range in age from Eocene to middle Miocene. lower contact, folding, and faulting. Qtg4 35 ¡ T T B 35 T ¹ 10 Tkg B27 T ˜ T ˜ B ¹ B Tqt INTRODUCTION Gravel terrace deposits T Qls ¹ Yg? ˜ 85 ˜ Qls B QTcg . Tlm T 35 24 T 25 15 Yg? Gunsight Formation? (Mesoproterozoic)—Quartzite, siltite, and argillite. B B Gravel deposits of Pleistocene alluvial terraces are composed of moderately ¹ T CHALLIS VOLCANIC GROUP B 50 T ¹ B Ysyc Qafo T Characteristically, quartzite beds as thick as one meter are flat laminated; B ¹ F sorted and clast-supported sandy gravel. Clasts are subrounded to rounded Qtg2 T Bedrock mapping in 2015 and 2016 by Burmester and Lewis and field Qls ¬ A 60 T 15 Twc T 30 Y Rocks of the Challis Volcanic Group in the quadrangle are northeast of the some grade to siltite and argillite tops. This gradation is emphasized by 20 30 ¡ checking by Burmester, Lewis, and Stanford in 2017 followed reconnais- pebbles, cobbles, and boulders.
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