Sister ~Mary'; Cancelled in Unprecedented ·Act

Sister ~Mary'; Cancelled in Unprecedented ·Act

. r··:· . .. ..i .•. T MONDAY, MAY ~t-1986 BAKERSFIELD COLLEGE •. VOLUME XLVI NUMBER 11 :' !I . i · 'Sister ~Mary'; cancelled in unprecedented ·act . ''Siste~ Mary lg11aiius Expia·i~s It.. · s·a id ·.· P resi den't .. ·Richard ... he~~ho inade the initial contact. · rninlsfralltn was never determh1- . stre\ch . peopteis'_ mjn<l§ . an~_i_et By MICl-JAEL BAZELEY 1 . · All For You'' was cancelled two.• Wright,.· ,,·I think the·· central. ~ith the aclministr~tion. ''I called· ed by The Rip. According' to Qor~ · them experiment and that's what . and. · weeks ago. after a meeting. bet- . theine o'f . the complaints was . Oo.rnick ancf ask~d to have. a nick, '.there was a total ·of two a learning institution is for. In my JENNiFER GIA . ween admfoistratois and theaire 'should public institutions _who · meeting,'' he said:· .. ' . phone ·calls and two items in 'the ...· personal opinion,·J could sec how. · Staff Writers department personnel who ad· are supported with public funds · Acc~rding 10 Webb, during the mail. · · it could .. be offensive to some . In an. unprec'edented .move, a . · dresse4 lelters and phone calls of . put on a pla:y that takes a slap at meeti~g, at ·which he, Gornick, · . .. Co_ntinue~ Gornkk,"Oll Fri,. reli_gions, ·specifically Catholics. · · .· coiltr<,wersfal all~student · theatre · · protest. · religion.?'" . _ . · · .. · . Dean of histitutional Advance- .. ·. day I received a phone call, but A professional opinion is It-was a .. arts proch1ctfon was cancelled a · ·. the: play,.· ;an .• award-winning · .· . ''I had. heard of trouble wit~ · merit Pat• Shaffer:; Dean of In~ ,was nor in to take it. There w~s ·. • play 'that'maybe wasn't thc,~st' . week before it' was to debut after . black. comedy by Christopher ·-· the. play, so 1. called Gornick._. st ruction :Charles 'Carls6it and no r_espoti~e to. rriy ret~rn call. I · _chpice, but had _it come to blows, •. BC .. adminfstratlon :· officials . Durang, tells . of -a . mentally .. [Dean of Students ·Frank Gor- -···.theatre _. instttictor .·• Randal( . told. Dr: Wright of call.··. I probably would have let it go .. reportedly re8eived comtrtunity uitstable nun who is confronted · nick);" said Webb. ''I don't like . Messick were prese'nt, evidence of before f left for the weekend.-()n · ·. on. ·. complaints of the plal.' .· . ·. by a· group of old students\vho ·-._to the d;trkwhen someone's .·.community_·. complaints' iii ·. the . ·Monday, .. ihe: school received a·_ ''I Would have takeri the flak,. • · According to· Hank Webb; . question the validity . of. her complaining/' ·.. : . form of leftei's ·. and uri- . letter and the situaiiori_ wai,nten •. probably/' said Wright _·.. t~atre . ~rts department head, teachings.: . .· --· -~~ W~bb emphasiz~~)~at it: \'las . documeriied ~phpne : calls : was .· tione'd in the weekly Monday. ·. , When as'k'ed. if he' wouici have . ~~---------------------------~~--~----~- p~en~~Oornl9k,ShafMa~ ~~~.i,·: :· ; ·· suppomd-th~~a~~W~~-h~'-~-_.· Carlson then left the de'cisioh of : Accor(ling "to G<>roick, ·. Webb ·. · decided to··. run ·•it,·. Gornick · . caricel or .no! up to called lafer"i'nthe daywhHe Gor- replied,:''Ye~h, probably.;'_.·.· Faire Game Webb: _ _·. · . ·_ . ·.. __ .• . nichk .f.,f· \Vas ;din a . meedtih~g-dwjth.t·nwy.•esbubc_h·_.saaidd_· .. tnh _-_en.. ,ws• arastu.. vneawuaprpe o.rf__ · . "I'm .not' worried. abour my . 5 .a er an . expresse .. IS esire ·. 1 1 1 5 0 1 . '. :' -~ · academic freedom; .I'm worried . ·. to meet with Goniick regarding at the.time.·•. :. about . my department,'' s~id .· the play; The meeting took place ,· Student Kristin Massa, director t' --- - ·· - . Webb. ''We'r'e just startin8tc)get shortly thereafter; _···· .. ·. · of the play, said, "We came into . , - on ·our feet. I felt in the long run- · Dudrig:the meetlng, the deans rehearsal Mqnday and Haflk and it · [cancellationf was the . best.. expressed their con,cerris : about : ·. Randy told us the play ·was going . ihing' to do Jor ttle \vhole gang. the complairits; and, according to . to have to be cancelled :because . · ''This is one-of the most pairi- Schaefer, ''our concerns reflected ·_· ·• the ·administration. had received ·fui situations I've ever been. iil; I . the concerns. of th~ commuhity;t' . numerous letieriand ~phone-calls - .. was i~ a very difi'icuit position;··:· · .. ·Added Shaffer· ; •. '.'I 'myself .· "protesting its production. It had ., said Webb. didn't have any initial 'c6n¢erris. already beencancelled. · ·. Said Wright, i'Anytimeyoud·o . _because I didn't kflow ailyth,rig ''The firsLthing we did 'im- .. S~rriethi_nglike this }'OU run that . about ii (the play's COritent)," . mediately after being told'WI\Sde- .· . chance of offending people .. I .... · lJnlike . yornick, · Wright jier~ .·. mand. a· meeting. with Gornick. thinf . it 1cancella(ionJ was il' sonally adcfressect some or ihe ·. We wanted. to hear straightfrnrn ·. com·mon;se.nse thin'g to do.'' •.: . ·._ · callers ..' 'I tried.the hest i could tci · ·. him his ratioriale f6r why the play:_ . - · The . exact. number of com: . explain that we were con_cerned, .was cancelled. We also wanted to · plaints . · received by. the . ad-· but that we were also trying to ·. Please see _PLAY page 5· . - -.:..---~ PosSible 1a·dil1inistration . -- .. ~. ·reorga-flization_·.·idisc.Ussed•···· ... · .. By DA~R~N.SA-~EDR.A .•• .· .. pul'o~ the back bu~~~r," Sau'tter .· .. W~ight has pro~i~e~ the CT A a ·•.. Editor. irt'Chief. ,- · said. ~ _ .·· · · new. Eriglish'and math instnitor· ·. · ·- · .. ,, .,_:.,,:. As of righ(now,-Sautter said flease·see_PROPOSAL pag~5 :· .hl. ?_n auempt .. to. st tengthe'n. .. ,.;_ .............;.~-----.,..;..--.....,.-.,.,.;.,.--.,.....~---~--,--,'r the administrative organization: . BC:· Richard Wright · •- recently sill et -with the 0 Acideinic · Cinco de Mayo _ Senate: about'- the possil:>ility. oJ · reorganizi11g a couple,of areas in > ·_ ·_ · Events. -- - the'adminis,ration. '·.·· ... Although : still in tlie initial . stages, wright said -one area of: . See Cinco de Mayo st9ry on page f . - -··. .· . concern <has· to. deal ·with. br .. · . •·David .Scoti,:idean. o·r ad··. · MOND,\Y, May S . ministrati~e services: . : .. ·, : 10:00 1.m. "High Fever" ·Bind . · . Ctulipus ~niet Patio · · · · "We'd like to free Dr.• Scott to . 11:00 a.m_. Jiinedlore,, Director, and Tony Lopez, Fireside Room .. Oulrtacb Worker (Ctnito Ollln) ·. feed i'ntormation' into thi depart-,'. "CblcaDIJ & Altobollsm" .. ments'; program revi~w. process; . U:00'Sylvl1 Rodrlguu, Aitoroey-11-Law · fireside Room· We'd also like him to look .·· . ;,Chlcana.s In Law". ·. · . -into the·. external: and. internal . 1:00 p.m. The Greai Grandel Coi:iilc~aglclin .. C1mp11; Ctnler Patio :- 1:00 p.m. ACTIVITIES BOAR!;> ·. ·· . , Enc. Bd. RQom parts of·. the differe~t. depart~· •' . ,· - . rrie~ts," ..Wright said. ·, · · .· TIJESDA\','Miy 6 ' . __ : .·._,. --.· - -~ :_._ .....:,~·:·:~i-.!,;, in an attempt. to meet' 'with : 9:00 1,in. loaq11in Patlno,Art DIJpJ1y · . FlrHlde Roo_m · ·. • • .. · .... , ·- ~. 11:00 ~rogrim . ... , " . Scott, Scott'~ secretary: tol.d the _-.. ,:m •. c111111ren·,· Dlnlna ltoom, 1 A 2 c . t0:00 i.m." Lloyd the M•&lctail ·. Campo1 Qnler Patio . ~ '. Rip that Scott had talked .with -• · , . ·1i:oo 1.m.' [,Qpe de)I Rou, Director or Los· · Flretlde ~oom· . ,• • ~1=·- '. ' . Wright. and they boih_ d~ided it: . CorrKtJDlri_os "Ar! as I Tool . ·was.premature to' speak 6ri the .. ' ~ :n?{~i~-~~/J;ts~.... r.</, -~:-, :_:· ,· :. _· )-'. '... : ,:_ , . · · · .·· ror Eclucillon'' ·. ·" · · · •. .. ~~';..t~·-!::~=l. .._-...- ..·>'.-;• ...... > - ,,., .. __ -· ': ;_ ;:_ ... .·issue.· . · 11:~ 1:~. M1rl1cbl Al'ltca de _E.111 Los Angeles C:.mpos ~nter Patio ·. ·. 1:00 p.m. Tr11ro Mestizo Performance Indoor Theatre J,L:sio0Ps1R1p s11rr . ·• Pat' Shaffer.: dean of iristitu· tional advancement, said com~ . · · . "Solda~o Razo" · · There was ~carcely a dry cheek In Che crowd of children atten~lrig the recent International Faire . · munity development. is an~ther . ·1:30 p.m. BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES Eire. Bd. Room : · 7:00 p.m.' Tutro MesUzo PcrformlDct Indoor nntre ' ·held at Patriot Park. Fresno artist Melody McCabe deUghted her diminutive cheek-painting clients .. area . the administration . feels % "Soldado Razo" · ·. with a variety of rriultl~olored banners, bugs, and blossoms. · · · needs improvement. _ 7:00 Cycling Oub Exec. Boar-cf Room· ·., · . flrulde Room _"By community development, · 7:00 _p.m. · Nuuiun Club · I mean cr·eating. friendships for ·. WEDNESDAY, May 1 < . · BC. But it·. would take an in­ · 10:00 a.m. Goesl S~aker: Warrlor Woman flmlde Room· - :~ dividual to manage this," Shaffer. 11:00 1.m, Fnnk Muzaiio, C-Omedltn ·-~. Campw ~nter P1tlo · ,. • / Variety of activities said. 1·1:00 p;m. Sltrra 1r: Hla)l School Herhaae Dancen Campa..i ~11tr Pillo • . -- ' . 12:00 p,iit, lnter-VanltJ CbrbUan reuo,.,blp · Ent, Bovd Room Greg· Goodwin, president of 1:00 p.m. PoUtkal Sdtace . UK, Boud Room •i . ', the Academic· Senate, said . 1:00 p.m. STUDENT COURT utt. Boud Roo11 tg highlight ISA Wright di~cussed with the Senate 5:00 p.m. Prt·Med Oob u·ec. Boatd Room f week flmlde Room on April 9 several possibilities for · . 5:00 p.m; RaJ17 Squad Mttllna ' improving the • administration, THURSDAY, May I By JOHN R. S\VEET "The purpose of the festival is The variety show Friday even· and the Senate is planning to · Staff Writer to familiarize people with the ing will have two performances at 10:00 i:m. Joaqaln Patino "Cbkano Ar1" flmlde Room meet with Wright again, at his re­ 11:00 1.m. "Caldo AttK&" musical 1ro11p C.mpu Center Patlo cultures . of other countries," j:45 and 6:30 The show will quest. 11:00 p.m, Or. Jn1 Nieto, Gu1t Spc1ker "Qall'll flmlde Room The BC International Students Willard informed, "The purpose · be a multi-cultural potpourri of Amerka" California Teachers Associa· Association (ISA) will be holding U:JO p,m, David Roulu "HlJton of Clllcano1" flml4t Room of the dinner is to rais~ funds for talent including Hawaiian, Lao.

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