O * H * I * O AMBASSADORAMBASSADOR Volume 54 Number 1 January-February 2014 “The Voice of Ohio Free Will Baptists Proclaiming The Words of Christ to a Lost World” As 2014 Begins Ask Yourself Where Have You Been? Where Are You Going? n Jeremiah 6 the faithful prophet warned a wandering I Judah to get back on the path of their forefathers--the path of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Northern Kingdom had already been down the path of rebellion that Judah was now traveling and at the end of that path was judgment! Jeremiah exhorted them to get off this path of destruction and get on the same path that had led their forefathers to safety. Many times in scripture men are compared to sheep. Sheep are prone to wander from the safe path onto a path of danger. The shepherd would then risk life and limb to recover a wandering sheep. Judah had now wandered down the dangerous path of disobedience. Jeremiah wanted them to stop and see the path they were on. was there a time you did more? to stop and evaluate the path you are on. Remember these 4. Are you giving more to Christ than you ever have?--or questions have nothing to do with what anyone else has It matters what path we are on. It is not enough to think was there a time you gave more? done to you or treated you unfairly--This is how we are with or hope we are on the right path, or even sincerely believe 5. Is your prayer life the best it has ever been?--or was God! Analyze the path you are on and get back on the old we are on the right path. We must be on the right path. there a time it was better? path of blessing! The path that has been successful for you Could you imagine me telling you that I was going to trav- 6. Is your worship fulfilling to you?--or was there a time in the past. el I-71 North to go to Cincinnati from Columbus? You when it was more fulfilling? would tell me that I would never get there on that road! 7. Do you handle offenses better than you ever have?--or This is what the Lord was asking Hagar to do--evaluate was there a time you handled them better? where she had been and where she was going and to return There are times when it is good to stop and evaluate what 8. Do you give your brother the benefit of the doubt?--or to that special place of blessing. path you are on. In this sinful world there are many paths do you try to determine his motives? that call for our attention. (Path of Pride, Pleasure, Success, 9. Do you resist the temptation to complain?--or do you This is what the Lord wants us to do as Free Will Baptists- Stubbornness, Doubt, Discouragement and Rebellion) It is find comfort in complaining about the shortcomings of oth- -evaluate where we have been as a denomination, a church, easy to find ourselves on one of these paths! ers? an individual and see where we are going. He wants us to 10. Are there things in life that you love more than God? return to that place of blessing! In Genesis 16 we see the story of Hagar the Egyptian What do your thoughts, desires and actions say about what bondslave to Sarah. In their impatience to have a child, you love most? The Questions Applied Abraham took Hagar as a wife and she conceived. When 11. Do you love all people (even difficult people) better The Angel of the Lord caused Hagar to turn back from this happened Sarah despised her and made her life miser- than you ever have?--or was there a time when you loved destruction and come home to safety. He blessed her with able. Hagar ran away into the wilderness. The Angel of the people better? a son whose seed would become a mighty nation. She Lord found her an asked these two questions. (vs. 8-10) 12. When was the last time the Word of God made a applied the message and was blessed. (vs 13) Where have you been? and Where are you going? These change in your lifestyle? questions had nothing to do with Abraham and Sarah--only 13. What did you do today that only a Christian would The Lord wants us to “Consider our ways” and return to Hagar. She had been at a place of God’s blessing and in do? the right path. Will we apply the message? Are there some order to be blessed of God she must return to that place. things that need to be restored in your life? Some broken The Questions Analyzed relationship? Some unholy feelings toward another? Are This is a good question to ask ourselves. Where have you The Angel of the Lord caused Hagar to analyze where she there some practices that need to be reestablished? Prayer? been and where are you going--right now? What path are had been and where she was going. He caused her to see Devotion? Church attendance? you traveling? I have a series of personal questions I want the consequences of her action--what would happen to her to ask you. Your answers to these questions help determine if she stayed on this path. There are times when we need to step back to make any the path you are on in your walk with Christ. The ground more progress. When Jacob returned to Bethel, he got rid of rules are as follows: This is what preachers do, warn people not to drift off the the idols and came back to the place where he met God, the 1. These questions are for you and you alone. You may path of safety. When I am out driving, I do appreciate the place he had made his commitment to God. The Prodigal be tempted to apply these questions to others-I ask you to lines in the road that let me know I am on a safe path. Son reassessed his situation and returned home to his father. resist that temptation! Sometimes when I drift off too far, I run over those rumble Elijah rebuilt the altar that had been torn down on Mt. 2. These questions do not need to be discussed with oth- strips that abruptly warn me to analyze my path to see that Carmel. These decisions led to great success on their paths. ers. Remember the path you are traveling has nothing to I am off the road! New Year’s Issue New Year’s Issue do with anyone else. This is strictly between you and the Our Christian walk comes down to two commands. “Thou Lord. The Lord wants us to stop and analyze the path we are on. shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul and 3. In order for these questions to do you any good you Does it lead us to a greater and deeper relationship with mind.” (Matt 22:37) and the second “Thou shalt love thy must be open and honest with God. Him? Are we headed in the right direction? What will hap- neighbor as thyself.” (Matt 22:39) If we are keeping these pen to you if you stay on the path you are now on? two commands we are on the right path. The Questions Asked 1. Are you the happiest you have ever been?--or was there If the answers to this list of questions are yes--stop and Where have you been? Where are you going? The Lord a time when you were happier? give God thanks today! It is only by His supernatural power calls us to reject the world’s wide path of rebellion, selfish- 2. Is your attitude the best that it has ever been?--or was could we answer yes to any of these questions. ness and stubbornness and return to the old straight and nar- there a time when it was better? row path of safety--devotion, obedience, sacrifice and love. 3. Are you doing more for Christ than you ever have?--or If the answers to any of these questions are no--it is time Edwin Hayes Secretary’s Schedule January 12 Oak Hill SS & AM Service, Danny Boggs, Pastor January 19 Faith SS & AM Service, Tony Vanover, Pastor January 23-25 Ohio Men’s Retreat, Heartland Retreat Center January 26 Swauger Valley SS & AM Service, Mike Simpson, Pastor Thanks Brother Mike February 7 Pine Creek Conf meeting at Scioto, Dan Widdig, Pastor February 11-13 Natl Promotional Directors Meeting, Tampa, Florida February 16 Antioch SS & AM Service, Rick Henderson, Pastor I met Rev. Mike Stokes about 30 years ago when we February 23 Canaan AM Service, Jim McComas, Pastor worked together on the Ohio Executive Committee. He February 28-March 1 Hillview Couple’s Retreat, Bill Hayes, Pastor was the Assistant Clerk and later became Clerk. One of March 2 Porter SS & AM Service, Mark Price, Pastor things that I remember about those days is that Mike just March 3-4 National Nominating Committee Meeting, Nashville, TN didn’t accept everything offered at the committee meet- March 11 Ohio Budget Committee Meeting ing, it had to be excellent for Mike to agree. He wanted our meeting to be the best it could be for the Lord. He loved the Lord, the ministry and our Ohio State Association.
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