e CaliforniaTech Volume LVI PosQdena, California, Thursday, May 26, 1955 Number 29 Spring awards given• Sunday Clarence B. Randa!1 to speak Associates see DinnerI recreation also to be at commencement, June 10 Caltech exhibit, featured at awards assembly hear speeches This year's spring awards banquet and assembly will be Clarence B. Randall, chairman of the board of the Inland . held in the city park behind Tournament Park this Sunday in- Steel Company, will deliver the commencement address at Cal­ Dabney Garden was the scene stead of Culbertson, where it was held before. A steak dinner tech on June 10. of the annual California Insti- will be served following the presentation of awards. The cost of Mr. Randall organized and headed the Commission on For­ tute Associate's Day party Wed- the dinner for all Tech students is $1.50. Anyone who expects eign Economic Policy which drew up the tariff plan presented to nesday, May 18, highlighted by an award is urged to attend the Congress in 1953. The Commis­ an exhibit of antique scientific in- M t k assembly. struments, modern instruments, eyer a es The afternoon will start with sion investigated, synthesized models and displays in Dabney a recreational perod from 2:00 and recommended policy for the whole scale of American world· Lounge. f. t I· until 5:00; the pool will be open After viewing the displays the and the locker facilities will be wide economic policy. Since that Associ~,tes Irs pace In time he has continued to spend moved to Kerckhoff available. Equipment for out- for R series of short speeches door volleyball, softball, football, 1:J.alf his time in Washington as dem~nstrations C foreign economic consultant to and by Drs. Du- onger contest and basketball will also be avail· the President. Bridge, Beadle, Pauling, Brown able, but gym will be closed. and Feynman concerning pres- Last Thursday, at the Conger At 4:00 the asssembly will be President of the Inland Steel ent-day science's major prob. Peace Prize Contest in Culbert- held in the park behind the Company from 1949 to 1953, Mr. lems. The party then moved to son, Don Meyer took first place track. Following the assembly Randall joined that company in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Du- and $50 with his oration "Toward and presentation of awards, the 1925 after practicing law in Bridge for cocktails and a As ian Understanding." Bob dinner will be served. Only Michigan for ten years. chance to meet the faculty and Thucker received $25 for his sec. those with tickets will be served He is widely known as the au­ students responsible for the dis· ond place speech entitled "Peace meals. thor of A Creed for Free Enter­ plays. on Earth, Good Will Toward Awards to be presented at the prise and Freedom's Faith, Men". assembly include honor keys, books dealing with the role (!If The Associates are a group of honor certificates, past officer business and industry in present civic-minded persons who have In his speech, Meyer expressed awards, debate, track, swimming, day America. expressed interest in and con- the conviction that we are em- (Continued on Page 6) Mr. Randall is a 1912 graduate Clarence B. Randall tributed financially to Caltech. barking upon a neW era in which of Harvard where he alse took -------------------------- Asian power will be of utmost his law degree in 1915. He is ~w h~ldi concern to this nation and the -~ ~ cause of world peace. In a short Tech students active in the field of education Tech AFROTC rev. and is now a trustee of the Uni­ chronological prelude to his dis- versity of Chicago. He has also ~ts cussion of the problem, he illus- served as a trustee of Wellesley cad~ trated how Asiatic feeling has attend confab College and as a member of the awards presented to become of an .anti-Western na· Bill Lapson and Ron Cochran, Harvard Board of OVei'seers. The Caltech AFROTC awards presentation was held yester- ture through Western exploita· Caltech seniors, entered papers day, May 25, in Tournament Park. The annual review was tion in past years.. in the Region 7 Pacific-South· marked this year by performances by the drill team and the Pacifist viewpoint . west Section ASME Student C6n· ba~d. The drill team, commanded by Cadet Captain Craig Tucker took the pacifist's view­ ference at Berkeley May 5, 6 and Caltech Glee Elliott, presented the routine which they developed especially 7. Lapson won Fourth Prize of point, pointing out that history for the Long Beach Armed Forces Day performance before $20 with a paper entitled: "Our has shown that men have never General Nathan Twining, chief of stoff of the Air Force. Guided Missiles". Cochran did Club performs solved the problem· of prevent­ The President's Medai was. not place in the first six at Berke­ ing war by armament races. He ley, but ha\!l previously won first presented to Gary Gayron by Dr. Borsook to tell advocated that rather than com· at Oxy concert prize in competition with stu­ Dean Earnest Watson. Dean bat force with force we should dents from USC and UCLA in On May 14 the Caltech Glee Paul Eaton gave the Dean's Med- 'What Proteins Do' adopt the principles of Gandhi Lt~ the Southern California Section Club participated in the Festival al to Paul Lindfors, and Col- and Christ and thus alleviate onel Lyle Johnston presented Professor Henry Borsook wili with a paper entitled: "Porous Concert of the Pacific Southwelrt world tensions through the abo­ the Professor of Air Science's discuss "What Proteins Do" as Wall Heat Exchangers." Intercollegiate Glee Club Asso­ lition of hatred. dation. The guest conductor and Medal to Hugh Leney. the subject of the final Friday The Berkeley conference was adjudicator, Dr. Charles C. Hirt The Daughters of the Ameri- evening demonstration lecture The Conger Prize was estab· attended by Lapson, Cochran, of USC, opined that the Caltech can Revolution Award, present-' of .the term at 7:30 p.m. in 201 lished in 1912 by the late Rever­ ASME Student Chairman Alan Club performed as well as any ed by Mrs. Charles R. Smith, Bndge. end Everett L. Conger, D.D., to Teague and ASME Honorary in Southern California. went to Gary Gayron. Ralph Dr. Borsook, professor of bio­ stimulate interest in public speak­ Chairman Dr. David S. Wood. Seven colleges were represent­ Miles wac; the recipient of the chemistry at Tech, has engaged ing and the cause of warld peace. The ASME National Headquar­ ed in the contest, including Cal· Air Force Association Award. in extensive research on pro· Contestants are judged on their ters .paid travel expenses of the tech, LA State 'and Loyola in Col: J. E McLaren awarded the teins, including studies of pro. ability to express themselves be­ delegates, and the Uc. Student men's division only, with Occi· Mllitlll'Y Order of World Wars tein synthesis through the use fore an audience, and on the Branch planned the entertain­ dental, Pomona, San Diego State to Al Goldman. of radioactive isotopes. content of their speeches. ment. and UCLA enterIng both men's Dr. Gilbert McCctnn made the and women's groups. The Cal­ presentation of the Armed For­ tech club appeared in formal ces Communication and Elec­ wear with white dinner jackets tronics Awar-d to Hugh Leney. AFROTC summer camp to give Caltech and orange ril:>bons. Olaf Frod­ The Republic Aviation Award sham directed the group, with was given to Myron Black by Bob Norton at the piano. Dr. George Mayhew. Dick John­ students a glance at Air Force activities The Caltech Glee Club, par­ son and Jim Adams each receiv­ Some of you will recognize and the .45 automatic. They will ticipating for the first time since ed the American Military En­ by Jim Adams this incident as happening last shine shoes, wax noors, dust bar· the club was revived two years gineers Medal from Dr. Jack Mc­ The natty young man in the summer at AFROTC camp. This racks, make beds, polish latrines, ago, proved a. stronger entry Kee. sleek craft droning through the year another group of CaItech shave daily, keep their hai.r cut, than the other clubs expected. Craig Elliott was presented azure sky suddenly feltthe pangs students will be spending sixty and look sharper than they Dr. Hirt, the adjudicator, re­ with the sword he has used as of motion-sickness clutching at hours a week for four weeks would have believed possible. marked that no glee club from commander of the drill team. his vitals. He calmly selected with the Air Force and most of Elliott also received the Convair one of the chemically treated Even the food is good a school without a music de· them will be enjoying it. They partment was supposed to sing Award, which was presented to paper bags provided by the Air will have their week-ends and They will be busy, but they that well. The Pomona Glee him by Mr. H. H. G. Nash. F'orce for its more un8tabic pas­ evenings free, buton week-days will have fun. An espirit de Club director, Mr. Russel, agreed (Continued on Page 6) ::>engers. He panicked momen­ they will hustle out of the sack corps will develop and unit com­ with Dr. Hirt that Caltech's per· tarily when he saw that the bag at 5:30 a.m. and keep moving all petition will be high. The food formance was one of the best, WClS folded fiat and tha: both day long.
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