. - Y t c -sa'. iTH B ^R A T H W ftr; "■ V '^rbre^ il^^bhfher IWreM;- ■ I ■ 1^(9^ .Haven ■ , NET PRESS RlJN -; iif ^ Av e r a g e d a il t circulation ’ for the month of February, 1928 Snow tonight. Saturday genbt- ^ly fair'and cold. , ^ 5,108 state Library Uembcr ot the Aadit Bureau of (.mis­ Circulations PRICE THREE CENTS (TWEOTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, GONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1928. Classified Advertising on Page 18. VOL. X IJ L , NO. 136- FIREMEN \TVIFY BABY bials? Out! Just Push the Button! N E W n G R A N T d o c t o r s c a l l e d d e a d TO RAISE aiNKEN S4 Boston, Marcli 9.— A tiny newborn baby boy was laugh­ ing and cooing in bis crib at INDIANA ARENA QUOTAS HEAVILY Evangeline Booth maternity hospital here today, and only a few hours before physicians AT LATE HOUR had considered him dead. * « F A V O ^ G L A N D After hospital attendants had WAKAMAKEB GABRIED I used artificial respiration meth­ f 7 4 ^ 0 0 0 INSURANCE, j March 20 Set as limit of ods without avail for thirty minutes. Rescue Company No. Senator Watson Packs His SMTIH New York,;March 9— Rodman rune; Three Tunnels Un­ 1790 Basis Expected to Be 1, Boston Fire Department, Wanamdkorr^-New York mer- was called. An inhalator, a rie^\ Grip and Starts For Home chaut, phiUntbropi^- and pa­ instrument, was used and the Promulgated By President baby was revived after a short NEW ACIION IN tron ert? art’s and seletees, who der Sub Finished— ^Eight time. Through a hose attached State at Once; Lowden died today at his estate in At­ to the infant’s mouth a mix­ lantic city, was reported to be In April and Operate the heaviest insured man in-the Bodies StiD In Wreck; ture, 95 per cent oxygen and K N A ^ A F F A IR five per cent carbon-dioxide, en­ Keeps Out. United States. Policies on his July 1. tered the lungs. life totaled $7,500,000. Ship to Be Towed to Char­ i Washington, March 9— Although TeDs N. Y. Atly.-General to leston Yard Before Being Washington, March 9-^Barring 'Herbert Hoover has staked out for TROOPS FROM INDIA unforseen action by Congress with­ “ REFORMER” HELD i himself two of the hottest political Present Charges to Grand Opened. in three weeks, the United States ' fights imaginable—ragalnst the Wat- . ' YnaTl be buttoning in. not dialing in on your favorite broadcaster will undertake for the first time in j son orgaiiization in Indiana, and if tlie^adioHnventlOn of Harry N. Marvin, of Rye, N. Y., wins general IN CRIMINAL LIBEL adaption' S ’ each of the ten buttons on the receiving set you can tune Jnry If He Fnids Good TO FACE WAHABIS world history to fix by law the in­ the Willis organization in Ohio— he nostation- Others are reached through an auxiliary dial. Provincetown, Mass., March 9 ■ gredients of the national blood ■ does not intend personally to in­ he “ to exhibit tor the hret time at New York’s Cause. Final, preparations have been com­ stream. vade either state in his quest of the forthcoming Radio Worl(Ts Fair. _____________^____________________ _ pleted for the raising of the sub­ The ultimate aim of the new New Britain Aspirant For Republican nomination. It was said Britain Brings Native Sol- marine S-4 and it Is. expected by on his behalf today. policy, "as defined in the existing In each of these states, as else­ Albany, N. Y., March 9— Gover­ naval officers on duty on the sal- immigration act, will be to re­ Mayoralty Arrested For where, it will be left to friends- to GUILFOYLE PLACED nor Smith today ordered Attorney- diers^to Reinforce Ma- va,ge operations that the submer­ establish the same proportions of tote the Hoover banner and anavyer General Albert Ottinger to super­ sible will be brought to the surface the charges that are likely to be foreign stock as were found in the sede District Attorney Charles J. rme&atKoweit by March 20. country at the first census, in 1790. Tales Abont Police. hurled'from hundreds of platforms! IN FORMAL ARREST The new policy will be proclaim­ of the Hoover handlers to present ‘ROD’ Jlerrick of Albany and determine The S-4 was sunk about 1,800 ed by President Coolidge April 1 a picture of the office seeking the whether the charges of forgery, yards off the point of Cape Cod in unless Congress again authorizes New Britain, March 9.— Henry man, and not the man Seeking the grand larceny and other felbules London, March 9.— Reinforce­ the late afternoon of December 17, . postponement. office. If Hoover wins it will be a ments of Indign troops have been E. Gardiner, former candidate for great victory and a smashing vindi- Indicted By Grand Jury He against Mrs. Florence E. S. Knapp, after a collision with the Coast Never before in history, accord­ Great Mordant, Patron of landed at Kowett to guard the ing to State department ethnolo­ mayor on the Farmer-Labor ticket nation of that prosition; if he loses former secretary of state, should be Guard Destroyer Paulding, as the gists, has a people undertaken to there was arrested today charged it »,an always be said that his per- Must Face Trial For De­ presented to a special grand jury. towns against possible attacks by submarine was coming to the sur­ determine by law the content of the • oi uuoi sonal prestige suffered no irreparar Aviation and Art, Dies at In designatiniS Attorney-General the Wahabis who are supporting face. Forty lives were lost on the with six counts of criminal libe . damage because it was not In- submarine. There are still eight blood of future generations. and was locked up in default of the fight. Ottinger to supercede Herrick, the Sultan Ibn Saud. king of the Effective July 1 Atlantic City. liberate Murder. governor said that if the charges Hedjao, in his" ‘‘holy war” against bodies left In the S-4. six of them Admittedly the experiment is of $1,000 bail pending a police court Lively Fight Due the bodies of the men who died a hearing tomorrow morning. Wil- ^ battle in Indiana corpparable against Mrs. Knapp warrant presen­ Iraq and Trans-Jordania, according profound biological and social tation to the grand jury they could lingering death after nearly one potentialities. It will become ef­ liam M. Greenstein, assistant Ohio, if indeed ft does to' a dispatch from Basra received hundred hoar* in the forward tor­ nrosecutinb attorney, issued the outshine it, was geperally anti- Hartford, March 9.— Harold N. be laid before a special grand jury fective July 1 if Congress does not Atlantic City, N* J., March 9.— by the Exchange Telegraph Com­ pedo compartment 103 feet below warrant. cipated by -politicians here today as Guilfoyle, federal veterinarian who of the Supreme Court in Albany repeal the clause. Rodman Wanaraaker, milliofiaire the surface. the wi.rrant charges Gardiner | ^ result of the cabinet candidate's has been in the Hartford hospital county. pany today. 13jree Tunnels Dag Opponents of the plan in both philanthropist, aviation enthusiast The governor plainly indicated The Indian troops will act as Houses are still pressing for repeal with libeling Chief William C. j entering the Indiana primary, set for more than six weeks with a Three tunnels have been dug Hart, of the New Britain police for May 8. Within half an hour af- and department store owner, died that ho was dissatisfied with the auxiliaries to the British marines but there appears little likelihood of action of District Attorney Herrick under the submarine^and the pon­ force' Mrs Hart, ; nd four police | ter the word reached Washington at his home here at 2:30 a. ro to- bullet wound in the temple, was stationed at Kowelt. The marines toons will be ■sunk, connected and their succeeding. fini).lly placed under fcrf-mal arrest in refusing to lay the charges have manned armored cars and air- The new quotas will limit im­ officers. Sergeants W. P. McCue, i that Hoover had filed in Indiana, day. Re was*6 4 years old. then blown in order to raise the Patrick McAvay and T. J. Fenney | Senator Watson, the wily veteran of Mr Wanainaker today. Judge L. P. Waldo Marvin, against Mrs. Kapp before the A1 plane.s outside the city walls ready migration to 153*685 persons an­ Last Sunday hany County Grand Jury, now in submarine. These tunnels are situ­ and Thomas C. Dolan. The group I three decades of political warfare, W a . Superior Court, signed a. bench to repulse any sudden attacks by ated equal distance* apart, with the nually, against the present maxi­ previously had filed suits asking .a j packed his bag and was'enroute to contracted a cold - which developed warrant charging the man with session. the insurgent tribesmen. mum of 164,000. The principal ef­ center one under the conning tower. total of $75,000 agaiist Gardiner, i Hoosierland to make a personal surr into .pneumonia. He-became serious­ first degree murder of the death of The Wahabis are reported to fect of the new formula, however, The submarine will be towed Drv Men Cited 1 vey of the situation. ly ill at his estate here and failed Mrs. Max J. Gaudet, of New Haven, have captured a number of small from this harbor to the Charles­ will he a violent shifting of the It was late yesterday afternoon who W’as fatally wounded at the villages across the Trans-Jordania quotas of the various countries of Two federal prohibition agents to rally.
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