TIM HERMAN SPEAKS ABOU1 CANCER, SEE PAGE ·------·------~~~~~--~------------ •:• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 1910 •:• 84th Year, Issue 46 (!) 1994 December 2, 1994 Newark, Del. • 35e THis WEEK Two escaped prisoners caught at local school By TONJA CASTANEDA Principal Mart in Ground land sa id most of He sa id he sen t a leiter home to parents Eastburn said 8 to I 0 poli ce officers and In sports the children were in class rooms when the the sa me day explaining what had happened plain clothes detectives re sponded to the NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER arrests were made. He said at no time did at the school and telling parents that student house at about 9 a.m. bu t the two escapees the convicts enter the school. sc hed ul es would be ba k to normal by fl ed. Police chased them on foot through a Two pri son escapees - one a murderer - Groundland said because pri ~o n ers Wednesday. were captured by New Castl e County po lice wooded area and on to school grounds remained at large. ex tra precautions were New Castle County Pol ice 1 ubli c infor­ where th e two were arrested wi thout inci ­ on the lawn of Christiana-Salem CHRISTh\NA ADVANCES ta ken at th e school th roughout th e day ma ti on officer David Eas tburn said police dent. One co unty police detective was treat­ Element ary School Nov . 29 when school Tu esd ~ t y such as keeping the children in for were acti ng on a tip about the two prisoners ed for a cut to hi hand whi ch he received TO STATE FOOTBALL was in session. recess and locking a ll sc hool entrances, hiding out in an abandoned house in Christi ana-Sale m Elementary School except the front. hri sti ana. See ESCAPEES , 5A .... TITLE GAME. lB ASTATE TITLE WITHIN REACH! Residents protest NEWARK FAllS Route 896 IN STATE widening By TONJA CASTANEDA \' ,; . SEMIFINAL NEWARK POST STAFF WRI TER GAME. lB The governor's Wilmington office was inundated with about 100 ca ll s Nov . 22 in a community pl ea to stop the pl anned expansion of Del. 896. In the news The Del. 896 expan ion would be a new fo ur-lane road (two Janes north and two lanes sou th ) con­ ·tru cted to th e immediate east of the exi tin g road. POUCE INVESTIGATE The call-in campaign was orga· ni zed by the community association and owner's association of Stone's SERIAL RAPIST Throw development off Del. 896. 3A According to a pres release, the homeowners ..... are appealing to IN COUNTY. his (Gov. Tom Carper's) genuine concern for the people of Delaware and hi s fai r mindedness. We are pleading that he review our cause and act on our behalf." Barbara Maebert, the secretary CITY COUNCIL of Stone·s Throw Community A sociation, said call er asked the governor to stop the expansion of BOIBTERS Del. 896 and redirect fund to the immediate design and construction of the Route 30 I connector follow­ ing a n eastern alignment. The RENTAL 4A NEWARK POST PHOTO BY JEFF SWINGER Route 30 I connector wou ld be a 15 to 19-mi le stretch of road connect­ ORDINANCE. Although this pass to Christiana High 's Marvin Adams fell incomplete, Adams went on toscore two touchdowns to help lead the Vikings in g J-95 wi th U.S. 40. past William Penn in last Friday's semifinals of the Delaware High School Football Tournament at Coder Fi eld. Christiana will play Caesar "The reason we 've done this is Rodney , who came from behind to defeat Newark 31·26 last Saturday night in the other sem ifinal , Saturday at2 p.m. at Middletown High. See 896, SA ... In Lifestyle City miffed at UD's zoning request in Kent County SANTA CIAu~ VISITS By JENNIFER L. RODGERS Pete Hayward, vice president and secre­ absent and one abstai ned from voting. ''The only thing it (S tate Supreme Court tary, said th e uni versity John Brook, vice decision) talks about is the City of SHOPPING NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER applied for th e varia nce C:.. C:.. pre. ident of govern ­ Newa rk ," Brook ·aid . "While we believe s·A because Ke nt County •• me nt and public we have tho. e power. tatewide, it was not Newark City offi cials are wondt:ring req uired 100 parking alTai r , sa id th e uni ­ already an adjudicated matter-we didn ' t CENTER. why th e Univers it y of De laware wen t paces-the un iversity It struck us by versity decid ed to go want ro go ahead and ri k a court ca e, even throu gh Kent County's Board o f wa nted 75- and 100-foot th rough proper zoning th ough we were confident we would win ." Adju tment s in a recent offi t:e building pro­ buffers between propert y surprise." channels because th e J.n spite of uni ve rsit y confidence, it will posal if it has carte blanche where zoning is lines. t:ourt case that grant ­ not reapply for the vari ance any time oo n. In Business concerned. · The appli t:atio n was CARL LUFT eel the univer-ity zon­ According to Hayward th e university will The university app li ed and ha s since tabled. according to NEWAAKCtTY MANAGEA ing immunity doe n't n 1 move forward on the sit e, but is looking withdrawn an appli cati on for a va riance Hayward, beca use th ere specificall y mention in Dover. from Kent County's Board of Adjustment was no majority vote- municipalities or As a result of the universi ty's actions, for a 7,000 square- foot office building on two of th e seven board membe rs were count ies other than ewark . CoULD South State Street. See ZONING , 4A .... RED MILL FAITH CITY CHRISTMAS EXHIBIT NURSERY Church to light up sky TO BE TURNED By NANCY TURNER of it ," said th e Reverend Steve Hare. pastor of Faith Ci ty Family INTO NEWA RK POST STAFF WRITER Church. "When you drive in through the Merc hants my be shouting entrance of Fajth City." said Hare, HRI TMA ! at Chri sti ana Mall , "th e gat es will be all lit up with AMAIL~ but ju ·t at:ross Route 7, at Fa ith angels and trumpets. When you 13A it y Fami ly Church, hundreds of drive down the lane. y u will ee a thousands of "light s a.rc illuminatin g mi tu re of wooden hristmas char­ the night sky with celebration. acters and light s, a country Index The congregati on of Fa ith ity hri stmas and other Chri stmas Fa mil y hu r h is hosting their first s ene . Later, there will be an eight an nu al hristmas lights extravagan­ foot-high manger scene and the NEWS 1-16A za during the month of December. fina le wi ll be a huge Bible opened POLICE 2A The di spl ay is entitl ed "A ro th scripture: "God o loved the hristmas it y" and it is free to the COMMUNITY 12A world that he gave his only begot­ public. ten ,on.'' OPINION 6A In addition to th e relig ious M re than five year ago, when e mphasis, aith ity's di s pla y ~FESTYLE SA he first "shared this vision with the makes good use of the traditionall y chur h,'' Hare said, "Now congre­ OBITUARIES 9A secular approa h to Christmas. gation , we are the on ly church Th ·r will be a snowman vi llage, BUSINESS 13A NEWARK POST PfiOTO BV TONJA CASTANEDA across from the mall. What should carolers. a . arat oga wagon, toy land ARTS 1 ~ we do. sit here and stare at the peo­ as well as trumpeting angels. ple shopping and wishing that the SPORTS 1·4B Jimmy Harrington, of Newark, helps set up for Faith City's elaborate Christmas disp lay, wh ich started " I think if we try to share th Wednesday night. Harrington Is a member at Faith City and volunteers altha exhibit. folk s would get the fu ll message of CLASSIFIEDS 5·12B true mes. age of hri tm a , we . hould not leave ou t the fun aspc t See EXHIBIT SA • PAGE 2A • NEWARKPosr • DECEMBER 2, 1994 Fire Calls Police beat ................................................... ................................................ ,.:. charges of assault and possession of reported stolen Nov. 26 from a nothing was taken. The city • Monday, November 21 • Wednesday, Nov. 23 Two stabbed during fight a deadly weapon during the com­ house in the unit block of Julie employee was treated at Christiana 6:31 a.m.. - 4 Harlan Circle, Woodshade Newark police have arrested a 8:33 a.m.- Capitol Trail and REd Mill mission of a felony. Police report Lane. Police do not know how the Hospital and released. Police Road .Auto accident. Aetna Hose Hook & Town Houses. Building. Christiana Fire and 21-year-old Wilmington man for Ladder Co . and county Emergency Medical Aetna Hose Hook &Ladder companies. _ - they have additional u pects are hou e was entered. describe the suspect as a black man, 11 :07 a.m.. - U.S. 40 and Scotland Drive. - his alleged participation in a fight continuing the investigation. • Also, a bed frame, an end table with a thin build, 5 feet 6 inches tall Services.
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