TWENTY-FOUR—I— - ------------- ---- ------------------ THE UNION COUNTY JOURNAL, MARYSVILLE, OHIO DECEMBER 22,194J PAGE TWENTY Mrs. George Parthemer, Mr. and and fchristmas exchange Thurs­ pleted an achievement for De­ Mrs. Sheridan Bennett, Mr. and day evening. An attractive attend- cember. The plaque is to be held Mrs. J. W. Hill and Mrs. Cecile dance-achievement award plaque in the winning den’s place until Wible. Mr. ano Mrs. Gale Hatcl I was won by our den for having the following pack meeting. In and son were unable to be p 1 the largest percentage ot parents addition to the Cub Scouts, the RICHWOOD NEWS parents present were Mr. and sent. present and each Cub had com- By MRS. R. J. LANGSTAFF The home was beautifully de­ BIRTHDAY PARTY spoke on “The Pursuit of Hap­ and Mrs. Ray Griffith of Martin’s corated in keeping with Christ­ thirty guests met at the home piness”. Mr. Flick is a member Ferry, Ohio; Miss Lois Langstaff, CARPE DIEM CLUB FIFTY years of golden rule service mas, Mrs. J. C. Stitzel used the of Miss Joyce Ann Swartz last of the Community Church, of of Cleveland Heights; Mr. R. J. The Carpe Diem Club, of Rich- Biblical Christmas story for roll Saturday afternoon to help her which Dr. Roy Burkhardt is the Langstaff, of Toledo; Miss Helen Wood, held their annual Christ­ Frum of Chillicothe. mas meeting last Thursday af­ call. to observe her tenth birthday pastor. WINTER FUNERAL HOME ternoon at the home of Mrs. L. The program was announced anniversary. CORRECTION the playlet’ll a LARUE LION'S CLUB E. Benton. by Mrs. Paul Curl and was open­ The afternoon was spent play­ y' In reporting Several members, of the local ing games and contests. The program at the W. S. C. S. of the chapter of the Lion’s Club and RICHWOOD ed by carol singing by the entire u group. guest of honor received many First Methodist Church last week their wives attended the first Mrg. Edward Brewster gave a lovely gifts. the name of Mrs. V. B. Collier, ladies night party to be given by PHONE very fine Christmas story en­ Deliciols refreshments in keep­ who played the part of "The Fin­ the newly organized Lion’s Club nish- Mother”; was unintention­ 0 I L a UU fi R < CM1' titled, “The Third Wise Man”. ing with the Christmas season of Larue last Friday evening. 3333 Mrs. Richard Reese played two were served to the guests by Mrs. ally ommited. Mrs. Marion Howi- Mr. Mike Shuman of the Rich­ Swartz assisted by Mrs. Kelson son substituted for Mrs. ~Robert Fri.-Sat Dec. 23-24 piano solos, “Humoresque, by wood chapter, acted as chairman. A mbulance Service - The Cost, Only Your Good Will Jr Dvorak and “Arabesque” by Southard and Miss Helen Cam- Allen in the playlet. Mr. Claud Swartz, president of Myer-1 lelmund. Mrs. D. K Davis eron. RICHWOOD CLUB the Richwood chapter, gave a and Mrs. Vernal Zuspan sang two HOMECOMING DANCE ENTERTAINED talk on ‘The Objectives of Lion- *GU«t«E YVONNE U Miss Jessie Jones spent from duets in keeping with Christmas. PLANNED ism”. They were accompanied by Mrs. The newly organised Rand Thursday to Saturday in Colum­ Abotrt 115 attended the party. ***** Parents is planning a dance bus at the home of Mrs. Mayme The Larue chapter will receive also ■ Reese. Delicious refreshments were which is planned particularly for Kagay. On Friday Mrs. Kagay their charter Jan. 10. served on trays decorated with students and friends who will and Miss Jones entertained the a Christmas corsage. The serving be spending the holidays in members of the Richwood Club. SPECIAL, committee included Mrs. Paul Richwood. This club is made up of ladies Curl, Mrs. Robert Allen, Mrs. Ed­ Tiie dance will be held at the who formerly lived in Richwood. Irwin ward Brewster, Mrs. D. K. Davis high school gym on the evening HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS .wlnvcvJ and Mrs. Harold Tennant. of Dec. 30. No admission will be Home for the holidays are: Miss charged but the hat will be pas­ Jo Ann Matteson, daughter of By MRS. MILTON PETERS Sun--Mon Dec. 25-26 Duing the business session the club voted to buy a S5 health sed to collect enough to cover Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Matteson, and Miss Kathaleen Daum, who is bond, the expenses for the evening. Miss Barbara Curl, daughter of attending college at Athens, is r- , .This organization is .working Mr. and Mrs. Paul Curl, both spending her Christmas vaca­ & to raise money to cover the ex­ from Stevens College in Colom­ tion with her parents, Mr. and tra cost of new music and equip­ bia, Missouri; Mr. Justis Fish, and Mrs. Carl Daum. ment for the high school band Bud Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Peters and reserves the support of the Wayne Brown, from Findlay Col­ visited Tuesday at the home of P community. Both round and lege; Mr. Ralph Payne, son of Mr. their daughter, Mrs. Paul Price, O'HarB square dancing will be featured. and Mrs. Harry Payne, and Mr. X of Hilliards. To Each and Every One paul ChChris fianprkce m CLASS PARTY Marvin Perkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dell Wood worth was shop­ V'FGCa^o» The First Year Junior Class of Mrs. Charles Perkins, both from ping in Marysville Friday and was the Baptist Church was enter­ O. S. U., Miss Janet Zuspan, a dinner guest of her mother, FOLKS; for Christmas we have given you one of the finest Meat Dairy and tained Tuesday afternoon at the daughter'of Mr. and Mrs. Goff Mrs. Belle Reed. home of their teacher, Mrs. Zuspan, from Miami University, Walter Nalke is confined to his Vegetable Departments that we could find. Come in and see it. The All-new Claud Swartz on S. Frankiln st. Miss Barbara Lake, daughter of home because of illness. The atternoon was spent play­ Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lake, and Cub Scout Den No. 2 attended equipment includes: in Technicolor Union ing games and enjoying contests, Miss Peggy Brewster, daughter of the monthly pack meeting at the after which they enjoyed a gift Rev. and Mrs. Edward Brewster, Milford Center Methodist church Tue.-WedL Dec. 27-28 THEATRE exchange. of Ohio Weslyan University; Mr. and enjoyed the pot-luck supper 13 feet of Double-Duty F Two-Deck Da'ry Cases : R I CH-WOOD The teacher gave each of the r^dADD^rj following a gift, Gene Dilger, Lee diamond stom af mriuon 3 DAYSI Castle, Donnie Pittman, Dianne 25-fL Continuous Meat Caso ^7 REED I and Sue Hastings, Linda Chap­ Sun. Mon. Tues man, Judy Hayes, Jean Chapman, Large 9x12 WaiK-in Cooler and Janet Lytla. Dainty refreshments were serv­ oed Stainless Steel Vegetable Rack Suspense LADIES NIGHT i Last Wednesday evening the a local Lion’s Club entertained Heavy Syrup ~ DOLE their ladies with a dinner at the COMPANY ikateAfae, high school building. Tin* young — t^iablished 1919 PREMIER PEACHES..... 25c PINEAPPLE /fop O'Jte people of the Fust Methodist -120 W.CENTER ST. , MARION OHIO Sliced . Church served a delicious turkey p——— ‘ip No. 2 can Hl ss U Morning dinner. About 200 were served. The group enjoyed singing car­ KENNY PLUMS............ 25c Sliced -JO* Continuous ols led by Mr. Marvin Fogt. The No. 2*/2 Can WV STAR BOTH DAYS Lion’s Club double quartette furnished several numbers. The Stop Worrying Wed. Th urs speaker of the evening was Mr. SPICED GRAPES 17c ^at.-Sun.-Mon. Dec. 24-26 Dec. 28-29) Charlie Flick, of Colmbus, who Twin Action Westerns POP CORN.................... a 12c Roy Rogers in Save Time MINCE MEAT "Under California Stars" KENNY Gene Autry in LIMA BEANS ............. „“.10c "Robinhood of Texas" this winter by installing ,h« 15c -■,,r 25c Plus—'King of the Rocketmen a "Warm Springs^ INSTANT SWANS DOWN..... 33c THEATRE PLAIN CITY. OH I O ROBINHOOD MARSHMALLOW......... 17c ELECTRIC FLOUR .... 1.89 AVALON THEATRE o Theatre KING NUT OLEO............. ' 18c LITTLE DANDY Marysville, Ohio Staff Water Fountain Xmas Gift Tickets Now on Sale at Box Office MIRACLE WHIP ............ 53c FLOUR 25 “1.40 SUN. - MON. Fully automatic, always full of fresh water, PITTED DATES.............. “25c TONITE & TOMORROW Dec. 25-26 never freezes in the Coldest day or ni^ht. PANCAKE Based on the Popular Radio Program PEAS..................... la 25c r 15c MY FRIEND IRMA OPERATING COST IS SMALL SPINACH................. 3-’ 25c With Marie Wilton, Diana Lynn, John Lund TASK FORCE 1.50 per month ENGLISH Shows 7:00, 9:10. PUMPKIN............... 2 23c WALNUTS.-29 TUES. Ono Day Onlyl CRAMER IMP. STORE ! —qe 3 Size SATURDAY —Two Big Hits GiMt AUTRY TANGERINES HEAD LETTUCE CELERY From Radio's Great Thriller Califc — ia Hoskins Rd. Richwood __ 222.330__ INNER SANCTUM MYSTERY 15c 2 25c NEW YORK Brushe4 Late Howe Califcrnia Navel With Mary Beth Hughes, Charles Russell POTATOES CRANDERRIES ORANGES ----- 2nd Hit ----- Judy Canova in Announcing... 47c “ 15c SCATTER $RA1N Fre=h LARD CALLIES PORK STEAK With Eddie Foy, JrM Alan Mowbray, Ruth Donnelly. NEW HOLLAND Mat. “Sanctum” 1:30, 3:40 only, "Scatterbrain" 2:40 only 2-23 “27c “39c Evening Shows 7:00. 9:30 Dealership 5? Home Made Sliced Skinless We Have on Display — STARTS CHRISTMAS DAY SAUSAGE BACON WEINERS THRU MONDAY New Model 77 Baler “39c -41c “35c Collect a Fortune in Fun When Forge Harvester, Power Shelter CHUCK ROAST Fresh Plenty for Every BLONDIE HITS THE JACKPOT Cent"- GROUHD BEEF OYSTERS With Penny Singleton, Arthur Lake, Larry Simms 45c ” 59c Christmas Matines Features 1:30,3:30 Only.
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