
fHE AMBLER GAZETTE. VOL XXXll.-NO. 15 AMBLER. PA., APUIL 9. 1914. S1.25 A YEAR •^>v OBITUARY. COLD POINT TAX RATES OF CENTRE SQUARE I'd'lHTllA C. LYLE. PERMITS FOR ORCHARDIST J^t-rtlia C., wife of Charles E. Lyle, died Wednesday after a long illness, AND PLYMOUTH. FIREJLARM. aged years. She resided Jvith her AT PLYMOUTH. SCHOOL BOARDS. oaugl I. -Mrs. Samuel R. Nice, at 21U PICTURE SHOWS. Nortii pring Garden street. Ambler. Happenings of Local Interest to Our Revenue Provided for Current Year's The Company Desires a Loud An­ Th. eceased was born near Coid Ambler Council Requires Entertain­ Lecture by Mr. Briggs in Walter t Polni ' .Ian. 25, 1867, and was the Readers. Expenses. nouncer. daug! 1 of the late John and Hannah ment Licenses. Corson's Orchard. Diitt •• She leaves brothers as fol- Lodal Boards of Supervisors Meet—4 Local Boards Hold Meetings, Discuss Equipment and Apparatus in First loWa: hiirge, of Ainbler, and Nathan Fee Is According to Seating Capacity Meeting Well Attended by Interested Mill Tax in Whitemarsh—Art.-.ur Kinancial Plans for the Future— Class Condltion-^lmprovements to I arid I am, uf Flourtown. She was —Garbage Contract Awarded W. C. Growers—Correct Test for Spraying Lawn Buys Harrar Property—Mis­ Consolidation Idea Gaining Ground Recent Benefit a^Great' "^°"'" in 1883 to Charles E. Lyle, —The Scale and Its Natural Des­ Fire Hous< then .I Coi(] Point, whero they resided Brister for $300 Per Year—Other troyer—Other Matters. cellaneous. Generally. Success. for Slill,.. time, later removing to Business of Council, A veiy interesting and successful Mrs. Hester Hendricks, of Coid WHITEMARSH. A most important ciuestion—that of i'louiLnvn. About eight years ago Ambler boruugh councll at its meet­ urciiard talK and demoiislralioii was- Point, has been on iiie SICK list. The school board of Whitemarsh 1 a more eilicient alarm system—camo they lived on Rosemary avenue, Am­ ing -Munday evening passed a recon­ given Thursday afternuun in Waiter Luther I<reaa, ol iNarc.a.-.a, has township met Wednesday afternoon , up for discussion last Thursday even- bier, i,,i later when the deceased was sidered ordinance providing for the H. Corson s orchard, Plymouth, by Jo- planted out a nne young peach or­ last at tiarren Hill, with four-nieni­ ! ing al the regular monthly meeting' taken 111 the family took up their lieeiising of shows, circuses, entertain- soph S. Briggs, slate orchardlst. Mucli chard. : ljers present and with Iiresident F. VV. I of the Centre Square 1'yre eonipany, aboil.• wi'ti, Mr. and Mrs. Nice at the menls, moving pictures, etc. The rale interest was .shown in Hie .iubject mat­ George Wood and lamily spent Sun­ Lock\v-ood in the chair. The tax rate over which President Richard Koynaii above iiddress. is $2 for each perfijrmance, $10 per ter and many quealions were asked. day at Mr. Wood s sisier at ijiiue Belt. was lixed at four iiiills, the same rate I pK-sided. At present the compan:. uses ^li'''. l.yle was formerly a member day for a circus, ur $15 yearly for Mrs. Charlts W. Lewis, of Harmon­ as last year. The township assess­ ia large locomotive tjre as an alarm of. th.. cnld Pnint Baptist ehurch, but balls the sealing capacity of which The hrst part of the ineeting w-ais, a*, viile, has been conlineu lo her Ueo vvuh ment is about $2,50U,00U. Orders were in ease ot Hre, w-hich' in itself is very later joinod the l''iourtowii Presbyter­ is 3iAl; $30, where same is from 35J lecture given at Mr. Corson's home on illness. passed tor salaries iuul bills aiiiouiit- good, but, it "was pointed out, that with ians, uansforring her membership to to 550; $110, w-here same is from 550 to the test for lime and sulphur spray Milion Nice, of Rroad Axe, will move jiig lo $1117.6U. The board coiisider- tbo addition of an announcer, erected AmljJM uhen the family removed tn 750, $100, where same is 750 and more. for San Jose scale. Mr. Briggs em­ to the WUliam finuiay urown farm c'd without any action the problem over the door and operated frum the this h.irough. Besides her husband A ro|jort was received from the sec­ phasized the use of the hydrometer in at Nai'cissa. arising from the Lanea.sterviile school exchange of- the telephone con.pany, the ill, ,.,.(^ej leaves one son, Cecil, of retary of the board of health, submi^.- te;,tiiig Hie liquid, so that the strength A. Hamilton and sister moved I'ri­ and lho general eonditicms there. Miss tho efliciency of the system would be Getni iiiinu-ri, and tvvo daughler.s— tin.g a garbage bid from W. C. Bris­ may be suflicieiil. From a barrel oC day from Waller TJ. Corson s house, oa Isabel Walker, teacher at Spring Mill greatly increased. As a result of this Hami.ili, uifo of Samuel R. Nice, and ter, of Ambler, contracting to collect concentrated lime and sulphur whicli! Maple Hill ave.iue, to itoxuorough. school, made aii|ilii-atioii lor a stale discussion the company at a later Naomi, huth of Ambler. the garbage for a term of three years Mr. Corson bad, a jar full was taken, Robert Roarciman, of Jjoylestown, certificate, and having laiight the re­ date, will take steps, il is believed, to Th. iiiiieral services, which were in for the sum uf $900. Mr. BTistcr's Tlie hydrometer showed its test to bet •last yv'eek movcu lo tne Jiuward r. tiuired length of tinie, the Ijoard grant- have a 'phone placed in the lire house ch|,ri-'. .if Rev. George J. Crist, pastor bond was in proper form with H. C. 1.295, which is stronger than neces­ Mewhinney tarni, east ot Coiu i-'oint. (d the .'<aine. and the announcer installed at the of'til .Vmbler Presbyterian church, Biddle and Jos. M. l'"retz as sureties, sary, the correct test being 10.30. In and same was accejited by the councii. The Iiceii.'5'bs were, regranted Satur­ PLYMOUTH. place already mentioned. were inUi Crom the late home of the order tu determine the propert quan­ day to Darnel Manning s and to Mrs. The Iioard of school directors of .Xothing is being left undone by f'hief doco.i.iil, :,nd interment was made al In the absence of President Acuff, tity of water to add, iVIr. Briggs jvork- Amanda 'iviewhinnys notels, uarren Plymoutii township met Monday af­ Engineer Yost tn havo the apparatus the:i'ol(l Point cemetery. .Mr. Kramer touk the chair. Messrs. ed the problem as folk vs: Dropping HIII. ternoon at the Connaughttown school ill the best possible order when need­ IIARRY S. SLIKER. T. C. Jenkins, A. M. Jenkins, Kramer, the "IO" from the "10.30," leaving the Miss Mabel Morford, of Philadelphia, with ail the niembers present and with ed. Huring the past week runs have fiai, m y S. Sliker, of Fort Washing­ irvin, Hayden and l.'raft were present. "30," and dividing that into the "29," Tile minutes of the meeting held has been the guest of Miss JVLargaret l'resid(>iit Sinclair in the chair. Sev­ been made, which proved,'according to ton, .1;. (1 Tuesday morning at the Nor­ whieh was loft after cutting the first. March 2 were read and approved. Wilmer, on lhe Conshonockcn pike, eral taxpa.vers from tho vicinity were the statement of Mr. Yost, that the ristown hospital, after a lung Illness, figure off the "1,295," wc have 9 2-3.. Harmonville. also in attendance. Conditions exist­ luaeb aged .".II years. He leaves a wife, whu The proposed new ordinance in re- One part of this is lime and sulphur, Miss Mary C. Keisel, of Ucean Gate, ing at Connaughttown were discussed, Sibil' working order. was lormerly Miss Ella MacLaughlin. feronee to street opening permits, leaving 8 2-3, which is the necessary N. J., has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. and the board is consiirering the pur- Tho house eommittee, through its The liiii.ral will be held Friday-after­ aineiKling ordinance 127, was passed. amount of v\ater to add lo bring tha Wm. B. Richards, near iliclvorylown, ehiiso nf a site and (he erection of a chairman, William McCann, stated noon It 2 o'clock from the home ot\ The question of the street light re- necessary strength, 10.30. The glass for a tew days. one-room school building there. Tbo that since the last meeting the lloor of Wesl. y .MaeUaughlin, Flourtown. In­ piliiested fur Park avenue between Rose- jar w-as then filled with water 8 2-3. niar.v and Mattison avenues was al­ Calvin Gilbert and wife, of Harmon­ board resolved itself into a comniitleo tho new fire hou.se in the apparatus tern).m will he made in Union ceme­ times and when the hydrometer was., lowed to remain on the table. ville, attended Mrs. Lyle's funeral at of the whole to meet specially, locale room had been relaid and a drain put tery, '.Vhitemarsh. inserted the level stood at 10.30, whicii Ambler on Saturday, Interment was Mr. Hayden, of the highway commit­ a site and decide upon a pro'iosed in so the machine can be washed in is the correct strength to kill the scale. made at Coid Point. i 1>R. F. S. WILSON. tee, reported tbat^the streets generally building. Consolidatiiin was also dis­ the fin' house.- Mr. McCann also stat­ Spraj-ing for the scale may be done • 1'.
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