'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION • VETERANS OF THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE, INC. VOLUME X m NUMBERS THE ARDENNES CAMPAIGN AUGUST 1994 WWII - BATTLE OF THE BULGE NATIONAL COMMEMORATION of the 50th ANNIVERSARY St. Louis, MO. - Dec. 15 -18, 1994 ? I : ^ 9 i iw * a AilM lorcM mal* N«w OuiOM, i9U wxM B-f 7« 0 0 becBMo# r«lda» 1M4 if. D-Omy.JttO«^tH* iUrtarcM Haiu nuekt. tU* « 8a. wmr ia tmdfiCy t*U ^ [ ^ r i c a n h ea v y bombers, ASIA escorted by long-range fighters. U S N a v y /litn deal m ortoi ,% batter German industry. blow to Ja p a n est naval^ ‘ aviationjn fhiUppine MOSCOW U .S .S .R . in JiJn. Battle becomex BCIIUN Leningrad's 900-day known as ‘the Uarianai siege ends in January. T u rkey Shoot’ S<0iet armies ins from Baltic •lorussia, CHINA AUird tnxpm Ukruim and Balkans, ee Rome Ju n e* . \ IN PI A 29 .:29 WM AUim frw Jame t; M m, i««. U, 1M4 l/X troopM eJ— r 5*Jp«A bonktn. t9U JM UU ipMda Mi^pUM, (M4 tor L»jU OuH Onoimr t3-H. tU* &i«tc«iH ud ftitti* W U* Buifs. Ok. fM This is the fourth issue in the World War II 50th Anniversary series, complete with historical maps and five annual albums devoted to key events of WWII. The series will total 50 stamps and five books. Battle of the Bulge, lower right corner. See page 24, special 50th Anniversary Cancellation for St. Louis Commemoration. VFTERANS OF THE APPOINTED CHAIRMEN; FLORIDA CITRUS CHAPTER (XXXII) OHIO VALLEY CHAPTER (XXXI) BATTI F OF THE BULGE. Budget/Aftsistant Treasurar: Ruftseii H. Searie John P. Malay William R. Hemphill '•S4S Cc'cr.r.&des C?rc!s N. INC. Lakeland, F! 33811-1520 813-646-8269 ConyMy. PA 15027 P.O. Box 11129 3rd Armored Dtvisk>n Bylaws: Blaine P. Friedlander •INDIANAe GENERAL DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER Arlington, Virginia 22210-2129 50th Anniversary Commemoration: 703-528-4058 NORTHERN INDIANA CHAPTER (XXX) POOCV) William P. Tayman Stewart C. McDonnell Howard W. Spillman, Jr. 87th Infantry Division 315 S. Woodland Ave. POBox 143 Finance: George N. Karambelas Michigan City, IN 46360 219-872-6370 Kenton. Oh 43326 419-673-0812 Published quarterly, THE 84th Infantry Division BULGE BUGLE is the official Nomination: William R. Hemphill •iOWAe NAME TO BE SELECTED publication of the Veterans of 3rd Armored Division IOWA CHAPTER (XXXIV) Contact: Don Ratliff Publication: George Chekan Pius P. Reis 23/'0l Maniand Ave the Battle of the Bulge. 9th Infantry Division RR 1. Box 114 Euclid. Oh 44123-2439 216-731-3744 Chaplain: Msgr.William F. O'Donnell Holstein, lA 51025 712-368-2335 THE BULGE BUGLE STAFF: 87th Infantry Division •PENNSYLVANIA^ Publisher/Chief Editor: Public Relations: •MARYLAND- DELAWARE VALLEY CHAPTER (IV) George Chekan Nancy C. Monson DtSTRICT OF COLUMBIA* Stanley A. Wojtusik, Sf. 9th Infantry Division 703-528-4058 MARYLAND/D.C. CHAPTER (til) 9639 Wissinoming St. Health Affairs: Dorothy S. Davis Edward R. Radzwich Philadelphia. PA 19114 215-637-4191 Contributing Editors: 12414 Stonehaven Ln. Robert F. Phillips 57th Field Hospital Liaison/internationai Affairs: Bovirie, MD 20715 410-464-1767 SUSQUEHANNA CHAPTER (XIX) 28th Infantry Division Robert F. Phillips Ms. Clara Gustin •MASSACHUSETTS* Historical Research: 28th Infantry Division 230 Crown Ave. CENTRAL MASSACHUSETTS Scranton, PA 18505-2016 717-342-8496 Liaison/Military Units: John D. Bowen CHAPTER (XXII) Associate Member Eugene G. Drouillard John E. McAuliffe WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA CHAPTER 75th Infantry Division 425 Pleasant St. (XIV) 703-356-5708 Worcester, MA 01609 508-754-7183 Leroy D. ScheUler R.R. #1, Box #341 VBOB OFFICERS-ELECTED: C.G. PAUL NEWGARDEN CHAPTER Bolivar, PA 15923 412-238-2297 President; William P. Tayman HISTORICAL FOUNDATION: (VIII) (serving Massachusetts) President: William T. Greenville Matthew Femino •RHODE ISLAND^ 87th Infantry Division 86th Chemical Mortar Battalion 10 Drake Dr. RHODE ISLAND CHAPTER pO(iV) Executive Vice President: Greenland, NH 03840 603-436-3043 William Gaynor Emery B. Antonucci 1357 Wampanoag Trail, #125 • MICHIGAN^ East Providence, Rl 02915 401-437-1297 75th Infantry Division VBOB PAST PRESIDENTS; WEST MICHIGAN CHAPTER (XXIII) Vice President/Membership: Clyde D. Boden* 1981-84 Maurice C. Cole •SOUTH CAROLINA^ Lester M. Sornsteln Robert J, VanHoijten 1984-86 614 Fenton St. (Box 64) SOUTH CAROLINA CHAPTER (VII) 16Sth Engineer Combat Battalion Kingsley, Ml 49649 616-263-7222 Thomas W. bmeitzer George Chekan 1986-88 P.O. Box 21852 Vice President/Military William T. Greenville 1988-90 GREAT LAKES CHAPTER (XXI) Columbia, SC 29221 803-781-3687 Affairs: Peter G. Dounis Darrell Kuhn 1990-92 (Upper Michigan-Wisconsin) 75th Infantry nivision William R. Hemphill 1992-93 Gregory C. Walker •TEXAS* Vice President/Chapter 523 Terrace Ave. GREATER HOUSTON CHAPTER (XXVn) ^D eceased Marinette, Wl 54143 715-732-2957 Jam es C. Burtner Coordination; 10312 BHar Forest Or __ f \ w . iWMici • MISSISSIPPI^ Houston. TX 77042-2407 713-783-6149 30th Infantry Division MISSISSIPPI CHAPTER (XXXlll) VBOBCHAPTER PRESIDENTS Jesse W. Austin *VERMONT- Treasurer: Peter F. Leslie (Alphabetical by State) PO Box 1448 NEW HAMPSHIRE-MAINE* 511th Engineer Light Ponton Company f-orest, Mb 390^4 001-40W-1574 TRi-STATE—VERMONT, NEW Corresponding Secretary: HAMPSHIRE, MAINE CHAPTER (XVII) •ALABAMA* Dorothy S. Davis • MISSOURI* Roger Desjardins GEN. GEORGE S. PATTON. JR. q ATEWAV CHAPTFR (YXV) 4 Forest Park Est. 57th Field Hospital CHAPTER (XI) W. Kent Stephens Jaffrey, NH 03452 603-532-8420 Recording Secretary: Pat Krahenbuhl, Sr. 107 Bluffview Lane P.O. Box 43156 Beverley VanHouten Coilinsviile, IL 62234 618-344-1616 •VIRGINIA* Rjmiingham, Al. 35243 205-678-8634 NORTHERN VIRGINIA CHAPTER (XV) •NEW JERSEY^ n. Dean Fravei •AHIZUNA* NEW JERSEY CHAPTER (XII) 3218 Neaion Or. Administrative Director: ARIZONA CHAPTER OF VBOB (XXVI) Anthony W. Andriola Falls Church, VA 22042 703-573-5718 i>iaiiC'y ivivMown Bob Bacher rw Clover 7840 E Monte Vista Rd 703-528-4058 Nutley. NJ 07110 201-667-9363 •WASHINGTON* Scottsdale, AZ 85257 602-947-2133 NORTHWEST CHAPTER (VI) •NEW YORK* Caslmer Pomianek TRUSTEES: •CALIFORNIA* CENTRAL NEW YORK CHAPTER (11) 6232 53rd St. FRESNO CHAPTER (V) Three years: Alexander F. Noce, Sr. Seattle, WA 98115 206-523-0055 Kenneth Hohmann Champion Mobile Homes. Lot 16 E ugene G. Drouillard 4^11 N Sherman St E'.drldge, NY 13060 315-689-3457 *WISCONSIN* 75th Infantry Division Fresno. CA 93726 209-227-5232 NORTHERN WISCONSIN CHAPTER (I) Richard G. G uenter GEN. GEORGE S. PATTON. JH. MOHAWK VALLFY CHAPTER (XXVIII) Bob Holster A. W. Adams 2808 Franklin St. 511th Engineer Light Ponton Company CHAPTER #13 (XIII) 5501 Flanagan Road Wausau. Wl 54401 715-842-1817 Elturino L. Loiancono George Waldron 3801 Sequel Dr. Marcy, New York 13403 315-732-5251 10th Armored Division Soquel, CA 95073 408-475-3989 IN THIS ISSUE Two y ears: GOLDEN GATE CHAPTER (X) *NORTH CAROLINA* 3. Letters to Editor John Bowen Emest G. Figueira, Jr. NORTH CAROLINA CHAPTER (IX) 6. President’s M essage Associate Member 1808 Lynwood Dr. William Robert Strickland 7. 50th Anniversary Celebration Frances W. Doherty Concord, CA 94519-1126 415-676-7016 R.D. #3, Box #514 Dunn, NC 28334 919-897-8295 12. Reunions Associate Member SOUTHERN CAUFORNIA CHAPTER 14. VBOB Election Neil B. Thom pson (XVI) •NORTH DAKOTA- 19, Members Speak Out 740th Tank Battalion Godfrey R. Harris NORTH DAKOTA CHAPTER (XX) 22. 2nd Anmored 4209 Abbington Ct. George K. Peterson 23. Clarification • O ne year: Westlake Village,CA 91361-4504 R.R. 2. Box 107 G eorge W. Doyle 818-889-3323 McClusky, ND 58463-9592 Operation Nordwind 471st Ordnance Evacuation 701-363-2488 24. VBOB Stamp G eorge N. K aram belas 25. D-Oay plus 50 years •FLORIDA* *OHIO« 27. C-47S and GG4A Gliders 84th Infantry Division CENTRAL FLORIDA CHAPTER PCVIII) BUCKEYE CHAPTER (XXIX) Sam Silverman Tom McFadden William B. Rinkes 28. No. Indiana Chapter 30. Items For Sale 10th Armored Division 1217 Buccaneer Ave. 3734 Arnold Ave., NW Deltona. FL 32725 407-860-1720 Canton. OH 44709-2411 216-492-3916 31. Students Learn About Bulge THE BULGE BUGLE August 1994 Following this action, the 275th went up the Ruhr dams and later moved into Holland and across the Rhine River with the 30th Infantry Division in the l e t t e r s t o greatest massing of artillery fire ever assembled. From then on the 275th fought into the Ruhr pocket with the 8th Armored Division and after completing their t h e e d i t o r mission, moved to clean out the Harz Mountain pocket The men of the 275th brought back their share of decorations, 8 were awarded the Silver SUr, 34 received the Bronze Star, 5 the Air Medal, 2 the Soldiers "LONG TOMS" FOUND Medal, 30 the Purple Heart, and 38 won Battalion Certificates of Merit. Which As you know, I have repeatedly wrote searching for some of the wonderful, old the army later ruled could be exchanged for Bronze Stars. I’m proud to say that "Long Tom," 155mm field pieces. Well, gentlemen, I [recently saw a photo in] I served with and survived the great war In such a fine organization. our local papers...........had this picture of the Serbs in one of their artillery DeLoyd Cooper positions firing on the Bosnian town of Maglag. Because of the closeness of the 275 AFAB C Associated Press cameraman, it looks like a picture I have from WWII of one of my weapons. MORE ON BASTARD BATTALIONS ...*t least now I know where those weapons are.
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