VOL. n. MASON,MICHIGAN. THURSDAY DECEMBER6.1877. NO. 49 A petition against the removal of the For Sale ut 11 Itarfcain. Official. & BUMlncSN Directory. An exchivnge .says: "You can't gradu• We acknowledge the receipt of the A residence .-ituatocl on Barnes street ate from the Michigan theological semin• twcnty-firitannual c.-it.alogue of the offi• county seat has been signed by nearly [ngham County Democrat in tlie city of Jlason. House, barn, •) COUNTY omCEKS. aries unless you can cat a whole mince cers and students of the State Affricultur- four hundred of the best citizens of Les• h «ifr. «. .'.....J.iMM n. BAHT. lots, all kinds of I'ruit. Terins c'lisy. al College of Michigan for 1877. It is a lie. Wonder how many that incorrupt- T-.viumror - LKMUKI. Woonlioum:. I^OCAI. & GEIVERAf. HEWS. pie." If that's tlie case, our devil is eUi- For fuithcr fiarticiihirs inquu-e of the Clorlc - J.'io. C. Sauieiw. able chap, whom the Lansing folks arc undersigned. Jti-KistT .....J.vo. C. CANNON. gible. very neatly printed pamphlet, and con• ;j«aK'i>ri"ri.l>uu. ; M. U.CHATTBKTON. tains much valuable inform,ation concern• paying §3.00 per day, is getting along F. T. Ai.imioiiT, P. M., Mason. President's message on si.xth page. Nearly all of the reserved scats have Tru.. AtbTDM- .KDWAIUI UAIIILL. with Ms petition. It must be dull busi• Oct.31st, 1877. f „.0. W. BlllKTOl. been taken for tlie concert ta-morrow ing the college. Including a brief de• Circuit C-wt .j«m-n.| H,WKKI. C. OarnAkni:!.. Christmas is only two weeks from next ness for him. T« FuriuerH. Siirvpyur AAHON 1'. UKAKK. cvcnmg, at armory I1.1II. Go io Halsteud's scription and map of tiie grounds, a list l>ri.in Oorn'r ^-U. \>oouiiot'sK. Tucsduv. of the faculty and students, a history of S. V. Caslerlin now has the agency in. ( „ JACOR SWITSOA»I.I:. drug store and see the diagram and.sccure OL'U CLUB LIST. this section for G. S. Haininoiid's fruit Coronem, < "." '. JOHN J. Tinriii. the college and a statement of jt« aims i — The weather is a little cool for picking your seat. and ornamcntnl trees, with which he will and objects. Crrv OFFICKIM. pond lillics. The concert given at the Presbyterian As many of our subscribers are desir• supply you at reasonable ijrioes. Mttyor.. 'WILLIAM Woouiiooait ous of taking some other paper in con• Clerk SKLAH n. WoBiiiN Amusements every night this week and church last Thursday night by the choir, TUB BUFFALO BOHK TAX-VEnv.—We If you Want" a first-class shave or a TrKMUnr alvl Cullc-ctor .L. B. Bicc nection with the DEMOCRAT, we would S»ch(K»l InspMtor T. VAIIO«T»AND sometimes twice. was enjoyed by a fair house, and as a are pleased to announce to our readers fashionable haircut, call on S. B. Hughs, H. O.CAI.1. whole reflects much credit upon the par• that Marshall, Huntington .t Co., have stite that wo have made arrangements over H. M. Williams drag store, Main, Str«<;t Cuinmisnioiiur. 1 i.il- NICK A. T. Henderson is in the poultry busi• witii the publishers of the papers named \ 3 W. lUmioNu ticipants. commenced the erection of their buffalo street, Mason. Give him a trial. -IStf. ...JlitTON UTAH ness. Ask him about it. imWtx* of «h« re«co below by which we will furnish them one W. A. Ttrt Company K was out last Tuesday and robe tannery in tliis city, just south of "A Woman's Secret" just received at Prrmtowi! R. T. Mason has sold his blacksmith year, and the DEMOCRAT one year, for the ..B. F. Bijc p.irticipatod in shooting at a target a dis• the saw mill near the fair grounds. The Whitcley's. Aldcrmrn at I-arKe TilAnl>r.uii bKNUliour. business to L. Frank Clark. building will be 2(5 x 50 feet, two stories, following extremely low prices : si. II. B»CIIKU tance of 200 yards. AVe have not learn• Younpr Folk's Montlily and XtKMocRAT .52.40 Circulating library at Whitclcy'.s. Ten. Aldermen, IstAVnnl SI. W.TANN«tt Frank White is building u large barn ed the score, but und<jr8taud several besides cellar, and engine room in theSci entitic Amcricitn " " cents per week in advanced A. V.l'ttic Detmit Free PreHs '* •* '-.".^ .Mdonncn, 2J Wnrd fnwK Uricn on liis farm near the fair grounds. "bull's eyes" were m.ide. rear. They ore now cxcivating for the Micltigan Farmer '* " .I.OO The "New School -Ma am" is at White- HCHOOI, mSTIUCT Ol'FICKlW. cellar, and will push the work as fast as Western Kiiml " " 'J.tKl PrMidi.nt .1. C. CANNOX. There arc times when the charms of We understand Peek k Sherwood have ley's. Dirwrtor MIITOK ItrAK. possible so as to be tanning in a short The prices arc cash in adv.ance in AssM.ur II. V. IlKXDr.llSON! music hath not the power to '•soothe.'' contracted with Frank M. Vandercook One dollar buys 3lbs. of tea at „ W. A. TKKI.. time, with increased help. Success to every particular. for the erection of a dwelling house on M. A. SwHirr's. Trustees,- S.A.l'AlPUocic. The production of Uncle Tom's Cabin them. L ....MILTON KvA-v. Maple street opposite the Donnelly House. noted the miliuiry company about $15.00. DEATH OK MRS. E. A. BAUXES.—Last Tax receipts at this ofiice. The General Superintendent of the Frank will have a good job. Sabbath morning the bell of the Presby• £}<$inUi: AGAIXSX ACCIDKNTS Dr. Sackrider is building a bay window Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Rail• Dickens, Scott's. Collin's and other There will undoubtedly be a large at- terian church tolled, announcing that popular works in Whileley's circulating In tile Old, Bellalih', Siifi- and Stiuiui to the east side of his pleasant residence. road has instructed passenger conductors, tenlance at the meeting of the patrons of Mrs. Ellen V. Barnes, the esteemed and library. brakemen, car inspectors and others to RailwayPasseiigersAssnraDceCflmiiany T. Hoffman has a new ad. in this issue, husbandry at Lansing next Tuesd.ay. It accomplished wife of Edward A. Barnes, look well to the ventilation of the cars on Tux receipts at this otlicc. OK IIARTKOItl), coxy, which all in need of hardware should is claimed the order has .593 granges ESQ., of this city, had passed away. De• this line. The ventilators in the ends, iir* cents Ik day forS;t.e*)0. SwCirculartt. read. with a membership ol 29,901. ceased had not enjoyed very good health Cli»tlieH AVrincera ctf J. C. S«JUIKIW, Agent. frieze and roof of the passenger coaches Rcpiiired by IC. 'rerwlUiger. Slinp ;n> AVc hear the social club have n hop at for the past two years, but tiie immediate D. L. Swasey, who represents the whole• must hereafter bo kept open, and should the Cook block, Main .street. •ITtf. Gdnil T#!iiii»IarT»' Or«l«r. the .irmory Thursdtiy evening of next cause of her death w.as typhoid fever, Th(^ Ind(!I'endi>iitOr.li.r of GOCKI Ti.aiplars meet at sale hardware firm of Ducharme, Fletch• not be closed except by request of p.as brought on by tiio anxiety and watchful their liall ever\. KrUUvttVenilif: at 7 oVlttck. week. If you want ''That Wile of Mine,'' she er & Co., of Detroit, pained Thanksgiving sengers, and never should be all closed. Ki..iiitxci: DKS.-iW, M'.S. H'. A. Ttr.i., W. C. T. care of her little daughter Ida through can be had of Whiteley. Next Monday the "wheels of justice" day in this city among his many friends. If a coach is too cool with the ventilators, W. IIASIMOKB, Justice ami Conveyancer and her late sickness, and it seemed as soon Ta.x receipts at this oHice. S^ Ctdtt'ctini; .VKeney. ilusiui-swin liia line prompt- will commence turning in the circuit He is a "boss" boy and an excellent mu• open, the fire should be urged rather ty Btteinied to. Otli*:e 4th door 4Wt of N. .A. l)un- as the little one was out of danger that court sician. "__ than close the ventilators. M. A. Sweet sells three pounds of tea iiiiiK's GroceryStori', Ma»oii. Micliigaii. Mrs. Barnes gradu.iUy gave up o.\haustcd for 11.00. O. nU.VTI.VGTO.V, dealer in IU«tii and Sh.>e.. Last Saturday was "pension day"' for It has become a settled fact that the There will be an entertainment 'at the and died. She had been a devoted mem• C, KiHe custom work a specially, and rctiairing Our P. M. receives subscriptions for Oono to order. -yl the veterans and their widows and or•resort of the Presbyterians has been locat• Methodist church Wednesday evening, ber of the Presbyterian church for the all papers and magazines published in phans. ed near Little Traverse, and the citizens past eight jrears, and leaves a large circle tr. BU.MPUS, SiirKi'oTi an.l IloiiOHipatlTin I'liy- Dec. 12th, consisting of speaking and the United Suites. P^slcian. Oflictf with .A. 1». YanDuseu. Can lie The street commissioner informs us that of that place are in high glee. The deed of friends who deeply mourn her loss, found at tile oMlce niglit or day. singing by the juvenile members of the he will commence repairs on 'Jie artesian to the hinds donated to the denomination Sabbath school, for which ten cents ad• and symp.ithize with the bereaved hus• Tax receipts .at this office.
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