Review Saturday The Weather Fair to partly c lou d y and continued warm A r.view of Thursday night's University Theatre through tonight - highs in the 805. A few thun. production of "The Wild Duck" will appear in dershowers are likely In extreme northwest por­ Saturday's Daily Iowan. of tion tonight. Partly cloudy with scattered show­ Sewing the State Unioersity of Iowa and the People of Iowa City ers and a little cool.r Saturday. Established in 1861 Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephot.o United Press lDtl!rDational Leased Wires 5 Cents per Copy Iowa City, Iowa, Friday, ray 4, 1002 Glenn, Titov Discuss Space, Dis Annual Event Honors Moms- Friendly Talks Busy Weekend Set Mark Meeting For SUI Mothers Of Spacemen SUI's annual Mother's Day week' , introduce Presicient Hancher, the Both Believe Space end will begin tonight when the r uest sl>cakcr. ' 'Fireflies' Caused Seals Cluh, women's synchroniz('(l Sue Whitacre, AS, C~'<lar Rapid s. swimming group. pre sen t sits cencr:!1 chtlJl"man (01" ~lother's Day By Fuel Droplets show, "Alice in Wonderland," in Weekend, will give the invocation Ihe Field Hou e Pool at 8 pm. ot tht> luncheon . She will also pre· \ ASIIINGTON (U P I) - The weekend. sponsored by As o· sent the variou committee chair. oviet co monaut Ghermnn Ti· cia ted Women Students, (A WS ) is men . tOY said Thursday that l1C nnd heLd eaeh year to honol' a repre· They ore Linda Krllne, A2, Fair. U. , astronaut John 11. Clenn scntaLive SUI moth('r. field. publicity; Cammy Repass, Train Wreck Scene' believe the mysterious "Cir nies" Fathers are not forgott('n , how· A2, Wnterloo, tOll r 5: Mary By· they saw in space were caused by On. of the passenger trains in the triple train house. latest polic, estimates place number of ever. Of special interest to them water. A2, [Oll"a City, SUI Mother fuel droplets from guidance jets collision in Tokyo Thursday was derailed and dead at 142. will be a golf mcel with Northern j;(!lectlon; !lncy Easter, B3, Sioux on their capsules. Illinois Univer ity at South Fink· City, tickets: Connie Maxwell, A2, plunged down 30·f"t embankment into this ware· -AP Wir.photo Titov also told 0 scientific sym­ bine Gol[ Course on SatUl'day at Kewant'c, III., luncheon and Ann posium that the rocket that hurled 9:30 a.m. or a tennis match with II 0 war d, A2, Cresco, University him into a 17-orbit flight last Au­ Bradley Univer ity at 9:30 a.m. at ing. gust was a multi·stage, six·engine the Field House Courts. Tobye Bar 0 n, A4 , Ft. Sam liquid fueled vehicle lhot generated 142 Die in Tokyo's 3-Train The SUI Mather will be pr.· Houston, T.us, p.st president o total thrust oC about 1.3 million 5 e n ted at the Mother's Day af AWS, will present the Adelaide pounds. luncheon at 11 :45 a.m. In the l . Burge award to an autstand. America'. Saturn rocket, naw Union. She will be chosen by tha Ing junior. The award is based on undergalng its first tests, de­ SUI Mother s.I,ction Committee achl.vement in schalarship, servo velops l,S million pounds of Wreck on National Holiday as representative 0 f a II SUI ice, and activities. thrust in a sIngle stage. The Atlas mothers on the basis of a letter :'.1 is Baron will also introduce rocket that put Glenn in orbit list TOKYO !A'I - A heavy freight railed cars, a second commuter crawling onto the tracks on the submitted by her san or daugh· the SUI Mothel' and present a c r. February hIS • thrust of 360,000 train and two fast commuter traulS train of nine cars crashed into the right side parollcling a 30·fool em ter. Uficate and orchid to her. pounds. Tltov', first stage boost. packed wlth holiday crowds smash· oC bankment when the second com· double wreckage. Most the La~t year's SUI Mother \Va' "rll. Host and hostesses for the lunch· er Is b.lleved to hive a thrust ed up in a grinding double wreck slaughter came from the second muler train sheared through lead· Louis J. Gordon, Evanston, 1II. eon are facully membel"S and stu· of 700,000 to 800,000 pounds, but Thursday. The chain·reaction crash ing cars, crushing scores who still collision. Janet Armstrong, A2, Joliet, Ill" dent leaders. he dldn" say. turned the end of a spring holiday No Americans or Westerners had not been able to escape. pl'esident of AWS, will serve as After the lunch, the SUI Mother Titov told the science meeting into a nightmarish bedlam of blood, were reported among the victims. Others on the tracks were cut mistress o( cercmonie and will will tour th 1I0me Economics Dc· thot he and Glenn diseussed the broken bodies, screams and tangled The count of dead and injured down before they could move. partment. space "fireflies" during an early debris. went upward shortly after dawn Still others leaped down the em· Other tour choices [or parents in· morning sight'seeing tour they Police said Friday 142 persons when hospitals throughout Tokyo bankment only to be crushed under clude the Theatre and Art Build· took of lhe capital. were dead and 385 injured in Ja· began reporting. Police said mOrl' cars that plunged over the bank. ing, Librory and WQmen's Physical He said both think they may pan's second· worst train tragedy than 125 01 the injured were in se· Some of the victim, were Genetic Space Education Building, Television and have been caused by Cuel droplets since World War II. rious condition and that the death buried under five feet af soft wet Communicotlon Centers, Phy ics Who Me? from attitude control jets on their The president of Japan Nation· toll might rise. earth. capsules - on indication that the Building and Sotellile Area, Home Nedra Morgan, A4, Iowa City (left), gives h.r graduation cap ta " I R"lIw"y, (JNR) Shinji Sago, One commuter train engineer The impact hurled freight cars Told Economics Department, and the spacecraft may have been similar Hazard ~oard wept as he anounced to news· was kitled, the other injured. The in the other direction. The steam Psychology Department. Nancy Files, A3, Cedar Rapidsl during Mortar tapping cer.· in at least thal respect. Tilov ad­ men:: "The incident was brought freight train engineer was taken locomotive toppled and steam from WA IlINGTON (UPI) - Two Each tour will start on thp Sun monies Thur$day night at the leadership Banquet. See story below. ded, however, that the matter was about by the car.lessness of JNR to a police station for questioning. its ruptured boiler spread over the Russian scienUsts suggested the Porch of the Union at 1: 30 p.m. -Photos by Joe Lippincott still under study, oHici als." The eerie scene af dead and in. scene. From the murky fog emerg· possibility Thursday that spa c e At a joInt news conference lat.r If it rains, they will start in the the twa spacem,n engaged in _ A railway spokesman said the jured, tangled wreckage and es· ed the screams oC the injured and t r a vel in the long future may New labby of the Union . freight train ran through a block· caping steam was just three dying. change man's hereditary patterns A track meet with the United friendly but firm exchange over ing signal in a north side working miles north of Takya's Imperial One young factory worker sur· and alter the course oC human evo· States Military Academy and the Honor Groups Tap the disarmament ISlue. Asked district, jumped the tracks and Palace. The tragedy accurred vived both crashes with only a lution . University of Wisconsin is planned when Russia would relea .. mo,.. details af hIs flight, Titav said It sideswiped a commuter train, set· near Mikawashima Station at broken leg. The scientists, V. V. Parin and for 1:30 p.m. at the North Stadium ting of[ the chain reaction that 9:30 p.m. on Consti tution Day "W hen the first crash came, O. G. Gazenko of the Soviet Acad· Track. hinged an "the question of ques· spread a jumbled mass of twisted Japan's worst postwar train di s· blue electric sparks filled the air emy of Sciences, said cosmonauts AWS will hold a special G.ner· tions" - disarmam.nt. steel and splintered wood hun· aster occurred on February 1947, and then everything went dark. 32 SUI Students Glenn did not reply immediately Yuri A. Gagarin and Gherman S, al Cauncil Tea in the afternoon dreds of yards along the tracks. when a derailment outside Tokyo People stumbled about, Wailing and Titov survived their brief space to honor the SUI Mother and the but a little later said he wanted While stunned and Injured pas· took 184 lives and left 497 injured. Thirty·two students and two lac· ard Shaw, A3, Des Moines; Jeff to "set the record slra ight." He screaming," said ShOjI Iwasaki. "I flights with no apparent damage mothers of council members, ulty members were chosen (or Lonson, A3, Fairfield; James sengers were picking themsel ves Because the left side was blocked broke a window glass and jumped except for Titov's temporary "sea· At 8 p.m., parents and students then said that the United States off the floor and crawling through by derailed freight cars in Thurs· membership Thursday in tile SUI Tucker, A4, Hampton ; Larry Pry· had published charts and photo­ out and started to climb down the sic k n e s s" during 25 hours of can attend the Seals Club Show chapter of Omicron Delta Kappa , bil, A4, David Bradbury, D3, Iowa smashed windows and doors oC de· day's collision, passengers were embankment.
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