. .5.1Q t§W: ....... ,~ .. " : I. _ .; ..... { ,-:.::-:."": .::::.~;.;';" :", . '_. ~:.:.>" :~~>?-~~:~~:~.~~;· .. <·~:i~ : ':."':.: .. :':'~:'-.::' ~. ," ':':':"', ," '" ~'.~".';:'i .. ~:,;- "';':;?\i;'''~~'·:::: '.'.; :', :;'-:' ~jb~"~'C;,,,,~~ltlt~~li~~f:;··· .. ....·'·.,.i .• ..•.. ... ", <~~'>Philadelphia,PA .19103 ' ., .." ·De~iMS~ ••Hilt()rt: .; .J,.' $~.C~ ~~"~ . ' . ", .'. ..:The·,~,applicationrefeJ:'red to' above)' .:subIllitted '. in cohriectionw~;th:regl~tr~tion . under, . the. f.ederal·,rrisectiqide,.: ..... ~@~i@~·d~'$:~~B~~cji~~:f~t:':~:ld::d:ib~~V8tri.~~~~~a~Pt~.ble ,.. ··a~d· •. a . .. co"tact~in~1'A~a~~L~r~';l~~~~0~~a.£~~~~~~~~;i~~~~~;~~~~n; ~le"s"· ..... '.:': Sincerely, .' " ," ... : .... : ,"' .. : .. ", . :.,- ,0 .. .. ~ ,00 .. Ov ..:e., • _0 0:...18 oaO Deo ... - 0 0 0 0 •0 08 ~ 0 e " .;: ,0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~, 1'" '" 0 '''I~ 41 " '" !iI ...• ,", ," ~.:;'; . -.>; ...... :. .... ';, "'". , .~, ',";,' ... .' ... "."::.; I···.• ·· .' ...... ........ Grapes"'· . ':0.15> . 24.0': :." 1 ··GraSs ".": ..":,;.' .... F.o. rage,<.- '\;.: (.: ":": . 0.~025/.c·.Utt. i.ng.> .. 4.. 0 ..... .' Fodder, 'and' Hay . '.' . Lowhi.JrTlidity.andhigh; temperetJreiincrE;lasethe evaporation'rateof'Group arici Grass. hH"-a'-Y-.:.;,-,;.:.,....,-+-:.:-...:....~ ·spraY!droplets'cihdther~f6ieth~'likelitiqod.of iricreasedspraydriftto Grown for Seed . O:iO/season 16.0 ..... ~ \FO(~~w.. and a~~Y)seed ~quati6'areas), Avoid. sprayihgdurinifciOhditions of low hurhidityandfor Forage,: Siraw . Screenings) . high temperature, ... .... '" ..... '. .... ." & .. ' :'Seed Oo:;;ot'iriak~.: aerial~o~gr'ourid . appliCations. '. during.' .temperat~re . Screenings . iri\ier'si6ris~"'1 iiversions:'ai"e . characterized by stable air-and, incr~asing ' ..' .' .' .'. '., .. ..... :., . 0;12siseason .... :l~~tpt~J~ii~~;&tta~il~~~;?,~~~i~~hu%f~~r~~~i~t~~J~~~~f~;~ri~~~,. ··.t::~:eee:::;~le~' 0.15 .. ;....... '24.0 ,,~ ;(S~CCUlehl:S~elled or' . "'~~!f:~:~~ff~~&:~r~rl::;~~:::,::: .'·';:::F~: ,.'4,;;;: ... .;;;lr~~~::l!i; . ·:')CypehTiethrm··Products.to:~he'iSame Crop"Wlthm ·the Same' ;. Rice" :.,",.. "'0:10"':' .' ,16.0···· 14 '·S~ason;; . '.' ............. .• ........ ..•....•• .....• .... ··~oot;'a~d:!. Tuber .. ' .... '.'. , .. ' . - . Veg!llables (except '. 0\5 24.0: f. .: .... ;... 'OonOt,applymorethi:lli:the"rha)(imum;~easonal totalfor.eitl1erproduct .' . Sugar Beel).· '.' .:, .' whenused'aIOne;andd6not'atiplimore than thelcombihed maximum . '. .14 . (grain . & . fodder. sE!asonal.to!alforbotfi productS as outlined in the table below;' ._ .. Sorghum .' 0.125 .20.0 ' ..' .' (SIOv~r»,' '. .'. .•... .... .... :. .' .'. '. ,', .45·(foiage (silage))· ...... s'=~'iotal ;. '~~;;;:Sovbeans 0.15 24.0 .21 . Maximum Seasonal Total , ·(lbsaVacia)·.. ..' 'Total . ...SlorieFruits·:· .. 0.15 : 24.0'; 14· .: (l~aiI"ci-e) '. ~~:~~.;, (1IiSaVai:ra)·Suqarcane:'· .0;10_';' .... .1 :16.0"" ',21 .' ··andZot';'· , .·.·.·.·'·,,".~ZPetl;"-n,·.·g.,'.··" >Suriflower',.":·--::·· ... ,'. ", .. ·0:~25·';:'· .. ". '.';. ,,-20;0.::'.:·.·· "30.' '.' ::', Cyp'. erm. Bt.'hrln'"· g- " '~:TreeNut5'~:;:<·,,: .",;- ":, >0 .. 125;';:~· ~.'.-'~'~ .. - ~20.0: ... .' .... '·7:·< . ~~:~~sd~~ha~':?:t~n . ;Wheat.'· .",: i 0:125, . ·~20:0·.· .14 ;' '.' ~ . " ': .. ",.. '.:'" .th~!":': ~ .' '... i:h~:',R~I:(~~~tri~tl~ !;:nW-int~~al)i~::12;h6Jrsftir:~h:i~bejedcr6ps ...' ' .. , eypemiathrin·' .Refei.tot~e':.¢r9P.'spec;:ifjc: LisE;lgire¢tiqri's'Jordetailet:! informatii:ln·. On ..... 'applicatio~tii:riing and'aiiyuserestricti6ris:- .' '., .. ,. .' . '.' : ~.:/:. ~:":'... : . 0.2'. ... : '0.3 .: "Eggplant·,.· .'. ,"',0.3 .. "· .:0.15·,·'.0.0675: ·NA.-· .' .... :: ',0.3 ':~~:j:~II.: ." 0.30.15" .,0.0675, ~ 0.3. <. ornato ..... ,.. ",,·0.3·· ,,·0.15 ..: '·0,105',' .NA' ... ,. NA" 0.3 . .• HaadLeltuca·,· 0.3 ··0.15, .. ·· .0.1125 ·0.6 0.6 . 0.3 .. '~::,~nd ,. 0.3 .. , ,0.15. .' .0.1125 0.6 .·0.6 .0.3 " BfBSSicia . : " ':.' S~cculent: . 0.3 '. 0.15 . .·,0,0675:.... .' NA 0.3 .... ::::.::s,:~~ :J::" . :. '.' 0" ••:'.>:' ,·T> ":, . Pecans"., . '0.3 ··.0.15:· .. ·. ',.0.1125 ·... ·'0.6·" .. 0.6 .. 0.3 . ·.:Muslang.or Fury·(I.S EW or.l.5 EC); Z-Cypo (0.6 EC or. 0.. 8 EW); HERO: or any zel&;CYPa'!"elhrin prod~ct ':app~ec(fo'('?rtip ~.:'.. ~~:: .... ':: ': ,' ....: ...... ' .. :...... :: '-:.;, ::.:.'~ ;', ..... :"::. "' .... ", , .. ' '.•. ~ Any,cypermethtln produclappmvad for croP"use Induding Ammo"'. ., .. ·NA=NoiAiiPiicable. .•. ..:'" . .' . ,', . '" . ':' ' '-" ... ' . ..... Oecemberj7,2007 ~age~.·.· •. '::!" ..... , ,'. " " .... ~. :' ..... " . ~~~infi5~,~~~~~gf~t~~, ";·~~.;~~~Yf.r~:;~~~i~r::'·· 'dosage .for'iricreased'pest , pressure' or 'for. 'increased ........,. .residuillpestcontroC " .. " .Applyina,m.inimum of ..2 gallons' of: finishe~ . spray . per .. a"re:.. , by .. ·,aenal : equipment .. or 10 gallons .per:· ;'lIcre 'by.:' ground: . equipment .UlV.oil' spray application: is' prohibited . Higher yolumesof·finished-- .... .... spray.,maYi~prove;iii's~ct.. ]-'-~"""::::"":"""'--'--'--_~"""'+ __"""'"-'--'-"';;"'"i.,;control.· <::'under :.:.-. high. ternperatures;,When fOliage ·;ti~!S~r~1if~!i~:~1~hr:J· . drift precautions 'oil, this label. : ' . Do not make applications"less than i days apart.'.: ,'. ." •. .' ~e~~~~~m Of~:\5:P?~n~s~~yv~:i~gredient ,m~ybe:ilPPlied per acr~per 1 See resistance statiiment linder '"Directions for Use" section. 2Aphid control may be variahle depending on species present and host-plant relationships:' , . '.',. .' 3Alds iii control . ~. : . Apply' as"< required " scoutirig~'; :.' "'Timing' and .' frequency' of applications ..' ~~b~J~:.~~~iW~~r~:'~~Ttf ~should ' be based. upon: . ·'ground .. eqiJipment orin.a ' 'ins~c.t ". : .. ··popiJlations . '.; . minii'nurT]' of-3.·gallons 'per rea"hing .:. .' locally ': ':1'.' .. , . acre ....··by". :aircraft... · Begin \determiried .' .economic. ~5':=:":;:::':;:7"":----''''':''''''''''''~t-'::''7::-~'''';''~~ applications.: ,v~h~ri;,pestS .. :thrElsholdh:ivels; . ,appear .. ':and. repeal: :as. necessary: ·"to. '.,.' maintain' . .' ,:.: ::f6~!6~~i~~i.b';:i~~·~h;i~S:':·i··'·· US~i:hjgher,;' rat~s .'~S . ,'. population' increases:': a'nd' ·:·u~~.~:t~rs~t;i::~il~~~o~i·· . concentrate" at. 16:, fluid·· , ;Foilov,.app~oPriatespray . ::'~~c?f~;;~h~:~,! a~re.'>iS . .... drift::· precautions .on· .this· label. Foli~\V ~ppropriate spr~y .. drift· precautions on. this" . ;.. lab·el. '.: .' ..... ; . DonOt'applYrnore than 0:15 pounds active ingredient per£lcreper sea~on: . Do not ma e app icatlons ess than,] ays' apart. '. '. :. .. .' ':' , .:' . '. - ..' ~ ." ." . - . , . ...." ";.- '. Doriot apply more t!lan 0, 125·pound.active Ingredient per acre perseason. .. , .. Do n9t gra~e livestock intreated,are.C);;\j5r;~.uttre'C)!~d crClPs .for feed.; ...." ' Do .I'10t make applications less than se~e~ days apart: ," .. ' ." '", 'Aphii:l'ccihtrol"may be variable'depericlin9 .on 'speciespresent:and .host-plant " . ' .. relationshi''S,' ....,. '" .,. .. .' ::".,.. ...... ... " ' ..... ' ..... .c. ..> ", "'.. ' .... ,.' ....~. .,:'.' "'. ': " :~ '.' . .;.."." ,':¢()r~.(fi~lcI);;',~i~I~.frif~\~~~~?\f~~i,~'~,~~J,::rgP~~~·~n·?';_:. ~' : ~. ': ... ' .. ..... :. .. .. ' . ..'.' " ' ·.r .• ....... " , , " . : ". .'., peCemt>e~17,:2007" '>' page5,' "'.:' iR~~"~W~~:'~ il':~~[ftlr~~m~; ... .... l':l.ClfhoRP~r s!lP:~;~,' . ctechnlques;;pe~t·thresholds: . ---_.-... -... ·Riqe"Ya~er,Weevll(apult) . aild" .. treatmerit: ~lTIing .;and .. ' Oat Blrdcher A hid·,'" .. ', . ::treatment .. ';J". intervals: (0.01) to 0.025. '.4.PPli·bY '•• 9fOund~iair '. Cliinch'BLig to.' 4,0 . Determine the need· : for pOUllos.active)· equipment. using" sufficient' Rice S. tink Bug.. ounces·repeaLapplicatibns;usually . per ·acre.: •.. ·...water tooqtain full cOverage (0 0165 . tei at, intervals' of7'oays; by . c,: . ofAoli,!ge, (mir)ilTl~m.oL10: ,0.025pound·.scouting: ....... • .. h:--;'-'''''''''-=-i:'l,.,--...-,-.,-."..,.,-l-"""",=-.,--:--::'''--j' • gallons 'by Ilround . and 2 Aphid'spp.'· . 3:2.t04.0· g~lIorisbyair). '. 'active) per .Zeta~Cype ·0.8EC, can be ArrnYwoi"nii Beet 1.2 . .·ounces' " '.' . ac~e safely applied in corijunctiori: orm; Fall 1.2, . ." . , with: . approved . rice ~ArmYW. (0.02t90,025 ".: .C om: Earworm . : "pouildactive). · '~o:not niak~apPlic~ti~~S ~rbi~ides .."". '. ...., . '. Gras~h'opp~(spp .. ·.· . .' .. .. IElsS Ihan14 qays apart. 'Apply.",by . air",or:, ground L~s'e,rporristalk Bprer 1. 2 .. ' .~er acre '. " 1 ·equipme_nt·:·using.··. sufficient '. ,sQybean·Looper .. water:t6,obtalri full cov.eiage· . stin~Bugspp.1. 2.­ Follow"approPJ'iatesp;ay . of foliage,W~en .. appIYing by, .... TobaccooTI1rips2 · drift "precautions' on this. label: ..... , .. ' . : alr;iipply.in.~.mlnimurri_of. 5, gall'on.s .. QfwateL per ... acre,' · FO.L .increased.co.ntrol.. crop · oil ·.concentrate :at. ·16·.fiuid ourices .. per.acre' rriay be.' used.'.,·>:...· · For. control of ·.rice .: Water · weevil, indry,~eedecCrice," : make .a,foliar, applicatioi]. as . indicated by'sceiuting fo(the presence. of"adults and/or .' feeding 'scars; :usually Within' . ." .. :, p~~~' FrUii(3rouj) (14. d~Y .: PHI) .indiJdil1g:·· APple;Ci'abapPI~;·. a time"frame' of 0-5 days' . Loquat; MaYha1lit; Pear; Oriental pear; and Quin,ce~, ,. " 'after,::-- permanenC"flood '.: .. : •.... ". .. ' ." ": '.":." ':"" ," • '. "'. '. :. • . ". ~ • ' .•. :" " .:":. * .... •.•. .':' - "..... ' ;., ;.' . .estliblishiTlent-.Do' .,.not· . '~'~~~:3J~rn;a~~~'·'~ifo~, ..... .' . Begin. .'app!iCatio~s at. ,until .. ,. insectlcide',applicatiori delaYEld:,dorinanl'·through. unless ':.sCouting : indiCates · fifStcover as.:common:
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