THEQUAD __________________ __ liinfl THE QUAD _ _ .llWJ Conten ts HIGHLIG HTS 2 Dedman School of Law Becomes Among The Most Selective In U.S. 4 The Life & Times of Robert H. Dedman 10 SMU Dedman School of Law Reinstitutes Evening Law Program 21 Recent Hires 24 Honoring Our Distinguished Alumni 40 SMU Dedman School of Law School Home of Appellate Judges Education Institute 43 Corporate Directors' Institute 47 SMU Hosts National Conference On The Future Of Legal Education 54 ·Tlie 'Outing of 'Grand' Corruption: A Decade Of International Law-Making To Combat A Threat To Economic And Social Progress by Ndiva Kofele-Kale Professor oflt.1,w DEPARTMENTS 40 Conferences Conferences and Symposia at the l aw School 59 Quad News News and events in the Law School 70 Faculty Fo.rum News and achievements of faculty 75 Alumni News Alumni recognition and alumni event~ 83 Class Notes Class news, alumni pro£les and alumni memoriams 111 Student Life Srudent news and events and student profiles S MU DEDMAN SDHOOL OF L AW 1 THE Q UAD Headlines Prince Dedman School of Law Becomes Michi Duh· Uni vo Among The Most Selective In U.S. Univ~: Calif<, T-.vcnty-onc ye:m; of history have shown tb <.: SMU 89.() p<.: rcenrilc (medi:1n lSi\'f of 16:~ ) in 200/i. Univc, Dedman School of' I.aw climbing uµ in entering studcnr The: SMU Ucdman School of Law ha:; also contin ued Missol credentials and making giaJJt leaps in the last l~w years. w receive the highest t\ltmher or applications in irs recorded Syracu: "Tbc outsranding rcpmaiion rhe law school enjoys is hiscory. The SMU D edman School of Law received 2,720 Collc:g, rdk'.t lt:d in tht' entering ::.tudcnc crcdcntdi;," said John 13. applicarions for the ful l 2003 cncering class and 2,674 'lex:1::.. Au anasio, S.vllJ Dcd m:111 School of Law D c:~ n and Willi;1m applications for rhc ful l-time fall 2004 e nrering class. So H;lwky Atwdl Professor of Constitutional I.aw. "l am "Dedm an applicants faced fierce competition for a sear ours1a1i pkas~d to annotUlC:t: rkll the ernering stud,:nt credentials in this year's entering class," ~aid Virg;iuia M. Kcch:1 11, school'! for the Cbss of 2007 arc among the hight'sr in school Assistant D<:".all and Direnor or· ;\dmissions. '·OF rhc 2,(";71[ by U..'. bisrorr." applic;:ints received, only 15.1 percent of all appliG1n1-s w<:rc \.'COlll'IIJ h·orn 1983 to I ()9(), tbt' [ kdma11 School of Law's admim:d into the class." growin rncdia11 (;PA for i11c.omi11g srudc:ms fo r the fu ll-time Minority cnrolLncnt has also steadily increased in cite program h;1d a11 :wcrngc of :LW. Hov,:evcr since 1996 the pasr fow yc,1rs. Minority {:nrollui<:"nr in the full -time, first­ tnc<liau (;PA for eitteriug students has ris<:'n steadily' from year cl;iss incrc:-1sed from 11 . 1 percent in 1997 LO 2(,.9 :S.1 5 in 19% to a 3.75 in 20()1[. perccnc this year. This year's e11tering dass is 50.3 percent la a<idition, the Dedman School oF Law's rncdia11 LSAI' women. for incoming students for die full-time progrnm had The SM lJ Ded man School or l .aw (:nrolkd ;w<:ragt'.d in the 76.li(, peru:ntik from 1983 to 1996. Since ll!H.lergraduates from nrnny sr,He.s :rnd un<icrgrad11ate 199(1 it li;1s progressively incre,1scd every year, with the in:-l irntions including Yale Univcr:;i1y, Columbia University, exception of 1999, frll m the 73.7 percentile in 1996 to the Massac h11setts lnsricutc of 'l cchnology, Spdm:111 College, E u <( Afrcc a year of serving as Acting Diccccor of Admissions, the SMU Dc:dman .......(/) School of Law appointed Virginia M. Keehan '00 as Assistant Dean and C ca Director of Admissions. Prior tn joining the law school, Keehan pra<.1iced (.) corporate and sccuruics law at Thompson & Knight LL.1~ 0.. She l"cccived her Bachdor of Business Admimamuion in Finance in 1996 a. from Texas A&M University and a J.D. from the SMU Dedman School of Law <( in 2000. While a law student, she wai; a Hatton W. Sumners Scholar, an articles 0 -...... editor for the International I.aw Review As50Ciation, Chair of the Studcm Bar C As.wciation Career Services Committee:, and a member of the Barrisrcrs and (1) CJ Order of the Coif. L I feel furt1,1nat~ to be starting this position al such. an exciting time for th,c (l) 0.. law school: K&han said. "With the launch of the evening I~ program, JknO\\ that my j~U ~ boch.i.challenging and intcn:sung • Keehan is taking over after Lynn Swirzer-Bozahs, the former Assistant Dear and Oircct'br ofAdm1SStons left to manage admissions at Greenhill School. We arc got'ngto re-.tlly miss I ynn," Keehan i;aid. "Slie helped the law school make great pmgrc:ss in its enteriog student credentials while still making time t< individually counsel many prospective students." 2 THE QUAD Head.lines Princeton University, Stanford University, University of 'There is a wide.~pread recognition chat the people who Michigan, University of Notre Dame, New York University, gee here do well in life," said Dean Attanasio. "Nor only Duke University, Brigham Young Univcrsi1y, Wake Forest have we educated an amazing proportion of local leadership University, Washington & Lee University, Howard in businc.~s, government and Jaw, but we have also educated s. University, Vanderbilt University, U niversity of Southern such leaders around the world. Dedman law alumni hold California, Northwestern University, Boston College, positions as members of the U.S. Congress, state Supreme University of Colorado, University of Florida, University of Court justices, managing parcners in firms, and as CEOs nued Missouri, Iowa State University, Rhodes University, and general counsels of major corporations." )rdcd Syracuse University, University of Richmond, Wellesley The school received 642 applications for the fall 2004 '.,720 College, Emory University, and all of the major schools in evening law program. Of tho.~e applicants, the scudcncs (,674 Texas. accepted into rhe SMU Dedman School of Law evening Some factors for the increase in applications and program have higher credentials than all bur three of the last a seat outstanding entering student credentials may include the 20 entering classes. Their median GPA is 3.46 and their ehan, school's ranking in the top 50 of best American law schools median LSAT is 159 (80.1 percentile). 40.4 percent of the 2,674 by U.S. News & World Report and the downturn in the evening law students already have a graduate degree. They ; were economy. Dean Attanasio attributes part of the school's come from careers including college professors, pilots, growing appeal to the stature of its alumni. engineers and financial analyses. ···' ,n the first- 26.9 ~rcent rolled Lduate Selectivity: 1983 - 2004 rersity, (percentage of applicants admitted) otlege, 60.0% 56.1% '"O 52.3% ~ 5 70~ E 50.0% -..u. 0 43.8% 0 4' 0% ~ 42.1 %42.1% 43. ~ 42.3% 3 1 1 0/. ,._ AA - (/) 40.0% '-- - ,? I .·;r/o ,u 35.6% 37.6% C 35.0% 34.9% -(ti 33.4% () ,._ 31 .0% o. 30.0% I- '- '-- '-- '- '-- '-- '- '-- '-- '-- - 26.1% Q. <( 23.2%21 .3 1/o ,._ ,._ o 20.0% - - - I- '- '- '-- '- '-- '-- '-- - I- 5.1 C -(1) ,._ ,__ ,._ ,._ 2 10.0% I- '-- '- '-- '- '-- '-- (1) - - 0... 0.0% I ..,. ..,. I ,niD~ 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 bool :wsl;hool I• Day • Evening I gtime~ SMU DEDMAN SCHOOL OF LAW 3 ~ THEQUAD -- 11,IJI Headlines ~~ Combined LSAT / GPA: 1983 - 2004 --89.9% 3.75 -5.6%- - 3.60 82.9% 80.1% 3.50 8 .1% ~7 ~ 46 77.3% 7 i ~¾ 79 6% 79.6% 80.1% 80.1% 77.3% 3.41 75.2% • 79.&% 3.21 77.3% ~2 -.c ~., 3.18 3.19 3.27 73.7~ .,:30 · 75.2¾ 75:2%J.~~ -2" 3.20 3.33 - 3.19 3.2 73.7%73.7% 73.7% 70.7% 3.18 3.15 3.17 3.1]_ - - - - - - 1- - ,_ - -- - ,.._ - - - - ,- - - e-- - - - - I 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 Applications: 1983 - 2004 3600 - 3400 -,-,-- IV 3200 3000 2800 2720 2600 2338 '' .. 2400 l:14l:I ?nR? 2200 ... uuU ·1::iou --,v-- AO-ft 2000 ~ft- ~ 1800 11~011 17491698 l t>4U1545 1538 1582 1600 160~ '-'l'l 1534 1376 1364 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 I I 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 4 S MU D E D MAN SCH O O L O P LAW :....------------------------.1). ~::di~: 4 Graduate Degrees: 2002 - 2004 • oay 50.0% Students 40.4% 40.0% • Evening Students 30.0% 20.0% 10.7% 10.0% 6.3% 0.0% 2002 2003 2004 Minority Students: 1993 - 2004 30 25 Q) a> ........co C 20 Q) (.) I... Q) 15 a.. 10 5 0 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 From 1993 - 1996, the percentage of enrolled minority students includes any students who designated themselves as "other." SMU DEDMAN S OHOOL OF LAW 5 "1 pr! gh Pt1 j 1 ili ' lh r (j r THE QUAO Headlines he legal, business, and academic world, in fact developed a life plan to work 80 hours a week from che time the entire community of Dallas, was saddened by he was 20 until age 35, rhen caper off co 60-hour weeks from the passing of Robert H.
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