On the Inside ~ The Weather Poor Health Sidelines Southworth­ Partly cloudy with a few widoly lCat· ••• PaQe 2 tered thundershowers today and to­ 89 Get Swim Certificates--- ••• Page 3 at owan morrow. Not much cbanqe in temper­ Deep Divbq Record 5el- ature. HiQh today 80: low 70. Yeatef­ ••• Pcr ge 6 Eat. 1869 -- AP Leased Wile, AP Wireph:>to, UP Leased Wire -- five Cents 10\'10 City. Iowa. Wednesday. August 17 .1949 - Vol. 83. No. 220 day'a hiQb 91: low 63. l :fruman's Welfare ~ Margaret ~/an Dies in Senate Mitchell Dies \\,A;4UI~UTO:\ (AP)- L~rpsidenl T"um81l's attempt to cre­ .t 8 m'w \II pUt'1U\f'1lI uf wdra!'t' by exe 'utive order was killed I .' th e seutl II' 1;IS! nighl. D .. pile !~Ilt'att',l app~al:! by .Ir. Truman for favorable ac­ From Accident Injuri~s n, lhl' s{'llatf}rs Yott'u Gu to 32 for It r ... wlutioll disapproving tht' PO'll !. Thol sunk it f ll!' Ihis ~ l~sion. Did It Leave a Telltale Ring~ Pol ice Rearrest VJRGlNIA BEACH, VA .. (JP)-Lightnlng struck the Charles b~ f(OVpl'llnl P nt rpor~an iza­ ridges, (ourl Duke home her , punching a hcle through the roof. IOn lDW, under ~ 'hich the Presi­ Then the raIns came and water streamed in through the hole. Car Driver on trnt acted, pro 'ides that either No mailer. The ho!e was rIght over a bathtub. The water ran lOuse, by a m:lj'.rity vole of its Trade 'Blows' Into the tub, de.vn the drain, and not even the floor got wet. tire membfl' ~hip, can kill within Murder Charge HONOLULU (IP)-Hawail's cir­ " days any reorgnni7.ation plan ATLANTA l1li - Margaret Mit- Jlbmilted by thp President. The cuit court yesterday <: rdered Im­ mediate action against H a r r y I chell, the shy little GeorgIa wom~n IOtadlille toJ' action WllS today. Bridges, west coast longshore boss, Catholic Church Eoses ,who sbrank from the tame which Thirty-seven RcpubHcans and lor pprsonally defying an came her way when soe w rOL~ "Gone with the Wind," died yes­ 23 Democra IS, mo~tly from the tion in Hawaii's lOS-day lOuth, voted to junk the Prpsi­ strike. Communist Restrictions terday, the victim of II- speeding dent's plan. Only four Republi­ 3utomobile. BrIdges' CIO International VATI CAN TTY (UP)-The Vatican announced YEs ter. cans join~d 28 D mocrats in sup­ longshoremen's lnd warehouse­ Police lmJnedlately rearrested porting it. men's union promptly went Into day in a special d crt'e that ommunists may b married under the driver of the car which Both Sens. Bourke Hickenlooper tedenl court and asked an In­ the au pice of the atholic church in spe iii d circum lances knocked Miss I\ntcheU to the (R·lowa) and Guy Gillette (0- ju.nction against the doek-selz­ despitt' its sweepitJ.~ t'xcommunication decree. pavement ot Peachtree stred ' Iowa) voted with the majority. ure Jaw under which the cir­ Non-militant ommuni. ts may gct permission for full church live days a,o and eh~r,ed blm The plDn would have consoli­ cuit court acted. weddin~s. wUh murder. dJted the government's welfare, The union also asked $3-milllon Communists classed as aclive ------------­ damages against territorial ottici­ The wo.rld-famed 46-year-old education :md public health acti­ If militant may be married in vities into one department, headed a Is and the seven struck steve­ restricted ceremonIes In the t ac­ Set Date of Hearing author died on a hospital operat­ by a cabinet of!ic(!I'. OEcar Ewing, dering companies ot Hawail. rlsty ot a church. corresponding to ing table at 11 a.m. (Iowa t!me) Amid the exchange of leg a I the pr sent federal security ad­ 1 vestry, or In the parish home, before doctors c uld begin x­ ministrator, had been widely re­ blows, Bridges announced his un­ but not in a church proper. On Schoo~ Addilinn ploratory head surgery to dis­ prded as the probable head of ion and the islands' struck steve- cover what had made her take doring firms have agreed to re- (A sacristy is a rO<)m in or at- IDY such new departmen t. The city school board last night a sudden turn for the worse less sume immediately negotiations to tached to a church where sacred than an hour earlier. EIVlng has been outspokenly try to settle the strike. 'Itensils, vel tments and other set Sept. 13 as the date of public .. lavor of the compulsory The agreement to resume col- -hurch articles are kept.) hearing on plans and specifica­ Miss Mitchell suf[ered a frac­ .ealth Insurance llrogram advo­ lective bargaining was made by In the instances of both militant tions lor a proposed addition to tured skull and a crushed pelvis IIltd by President Truman. when she was struck by an auto­ the ILWU and accepted by em- and non-militant Communitts, Longfellow school. llany of Ule nallon's doctors, plcyers in .a two hour conference they must pledge thai their I'hl1- mobile driven by Hugh Gravitt, &lid nel a few of the enabrs, called by Gov. Ingram Stain·back. dren will be baptized and will be Construction bids will be acceD~ ­ 29, ~n Aug. 11. deflare the proiram would Judge Edward Towse of the educated in accordance with the ed until Sept 20, the board de­ Gravitt was booked tor mean soelalized medlcirle. Much t erritory's circuit cow1 told L • L cided. Architect Henry Fisk last drunken drlvln, and released , of the debate turned on that Atty. Gen. Walter Ackerman Jr. Swa II ows E t nlng BU t K·tI cnen S·In k Catholic religion. The active or very night presented plans and specl­ on $5,540 bond, but wllhln an t ue. to prepare an Information char&,- militant Communists must re- IIca tions for the addition, which is MiS! Sen. Henry C. Lodge (R-Mass), ing Bridges with contempt of NINE-MONTH-OLD l\lIke O'Shea can't seem to resist the urge to swallow Ihlngs. The Kansas City, ceive special permission lor their hour after Mitchell's death to include three classrooms, a com­ pOlice picked him up to be who voted to let the plan beL'ome . court or "take otber appropriate Ran., tot has downed an anklet, a nipple from bls nur In&' bottle, an ashtray ot olel 'garettes, a pie t weddings in restricted circum- bined auditorium-gymnasium, and action" Immediately. of adhesive tape, and the teet from h s plaster paris dolt. He topped things off Ion day by swallowing stances. held without bond pe.ndillg law, argued that the fate oC a re­ ot a kitchen. organization plan should not Ackerman said he would go into a safety pin. Doctors who removed the obstacle. -rayed Mike and tltey discovered a fence staple In his The militants must promise 8Talld Jury action on murder court later in the day and bealn Intestine. Tbe staple doesn't botlter Mike, so the doctcrs decided to let well enough alone. "not to perturb the religious life A $182,000 bond issue has been charles, stand or rail on whether senators made for the Longfellow addi­ the contempt action. of the Oatholtc family" and they As news or Miss Mitchell's like or don't like Oscar Ewing. tion and the Lincoln addition, al­ ready underway. death spread, her grief-strlcken The board also hired two teach­ {amily was showered with mes­ sages of condolence from big and ll' Admilis Wrlliling ~eporl H. 0 U",Se , to Deb ate Arm s ·8 iII :y~~Holy Lt~~~~~Cgh;~:~~J~i~:'~h~Office, the lame high church ers and accepled the resignation ~ Uttle people across the nation. Wal WASHINGTON (JP) - Presld ~ nt I body which proclaimed on July I oC the former Irene Gianedakis, Actor Clark Gable, who played Old A I TI'Ulnall'S full $1.45-bUlion p~o- S E M the automatic ext!ommunioati<ln musIc instructor, and W. Derlin I Bailey, driver traIning instructor the part ot Rhett Butler in the nHimself for Gen. Vaughan . ge nsurance fi~:" O~:::\~~fti~ '~f::~:r~~y~:: ays urope ore ~~p;~~~~\;r::~~itS~~:~~r\~~ir and assistant coach. movie versle n 01 "Gone with the O Wind," said in Hollywood th at ward an early house vote. D" 'd dE' II --------- Bill Gets A he felt a "deep personal loss in WA s m NnTO~ (AP}-Maj. Gen. Alden H . Waitt, four ' pprova I The bouse ruJes committee IVI e conomlca y H ( I I • the tragic death" of Miss Mitchell. selli the historic measure t.a the ouse ommillee 10 ntervlew It was announced that the ' ::;gS~t y~'~~~~;~:/~:~n~W~(' n:~~~l\:, ~~8~~i;~h~~d h ;e~~~,t, aac~~~17; In Committee Vole ~:=~e ~::y~or :ns'!~~:8atf::er:: Than Ever Before fWleral would be held at 10 \ flatlel'ing ]'('porl 011 himst'lf. amendments will begin tomor - a.m. tomorrow at the Patterson 'J'hp 1'('p0l1 WHS PI'''pul'eu for Maj. Gen. Harry Vaughan, WASHINGTON (lP) - President row, and administration leaders STRASBOURG, FRANCE «1'1 - Manufacturers lin B36 Probe chapel In Atlanta. Pre!ident 'rI'UIIlUIl'S militan.' 1)) it W'aitt d scribed himself Truman's social security expan- hope the house will pass the French Socialist Andrew Philipp • Hid~. .... F Id declared yesterday that "dlscour- "Peggy" Mitchell always min­ as OM of the world's leadinll' sion got a boost yesterday.
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