1 digest nationaL economic reLations Law&business business news internationaL ter n i s w e n s s e n i s u b s s e n i s u b & w a E L C STRY U ND I CHAMBER COMMER OF AND UKRAINIAN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS HERALD business news ing for the new markets, the Klei UKRAINE AND SAUDI ARABIA struction cost is estimated at 700-800 Adhesive Machinery implements the WILL JOINTLY CONSTRUCT AIR- mln dollars. international quality standards, ISO PLANES The Ukrlandfarming structure 9001 including, and develops pro- includes 111 horizontal grain storage duction. «Taqnia Aeronotics», a daughter facilities, 6 seed plants, 6 enimal feed entity of the Saudi company for de- plants, 6 sugar plants and 2 leather The main field of the company activity – supply of hi-tech equipment velopment and investments and «An- producing plants as well as an egg to glue various materials. The com- tonov» State company have signed products plant «Imperovo Foods», 19 pany designers develop machines the agreement on development and poultry-breeding plants, 9 hen farms, according to the client requirements production of the light transport plane 3 poultry farms, 3 selection breeding and their high-class specialists ma- An- 132 in Saudi Arabia. The main farms, 3 long-term storage facilities terialize their ideas in metal. That’s goal of the agreement is to fulfill a and 19 meat-processing plants. number of tasks in aviation construc- why the company machines meet tion and technology transfer to Saudi the world requirements. But they are Arabia as well as to train Saudi per- much cheaper. That is why the com- pany operates at full capacity. Soon sonnel by the Ukrainian experts for LFMP WILL INCREASE AGRI- one of the machines will be shipped operation in the field aviation con- CULTURAL MACHINERY PRO- to a Baltic country. struction. DUCTION BY 2.5 TIMES In line with the above agree- ment the Scientific-technological In 2015, Lozova Forging-Me- center named after King Abdulaziz chanical Plant (LFMP) is going to ZAZ PLANS TO PRODUCE (KACST), «Taqnia Aeronotics» and increase its agricultural machinery 1,3 THOUSAND CARS DURING «Antonov» State company will further production by 2.5 times. In addition to TWO MONTHS develop and modernize the existing traditional equipment, the new agri- model An-32 to achieve better char- cultural machinery, bridges for repair Zaporizhia auto works has fully acteristics as to the useful payload, and road machinery will be produced renewed car production after a shut- range and take-off parameters. The and special-purpose machinery will down at the end of 2014 and intends new plane will have the name An-132 be repaired. To this effect, an ad- to manufacture 1,3 thousand cars and Saudi Arabia will enjoy the intel- vanced painting chamber will be pur- within two months. lectual and designing rights of the chased and a new brand «Lozova Due to a sharp market drop the plane. Machinery» will be introduced to the plant had to slow down production Ukrainian and international machine- rate to 5-7 cars per hour with the building markets. It should be men- monthly production program of 650 tioned that this Plant is the only one cars. in Ukraine manufacturing transmis- There are no forecasts in the sions for armoured vehicles, there- company for the number of cars per fore the Plant management expects year due to the unstable economic new orders for special-purpose ma- and political situation in Ukraine. chinery repair. According to the information Bridges for repair and road ma- from UKRAVTOPROM sales of the chinery is another promising direction ZAZ cars have dropped by 55% – since there expanded the equipment to7,9 thousand cars, while the total production in post-Soviet regions due car output in Ukraine dropped by to rising costs for foreign machinery. 43% to 28,75 thousand cars. Much more orders are already placed at LFMP. UKRLANDFARMING WILL CON- STRUCT A GRAIN TERMINAL HI-TECH EQUIPMENT FOR THE Ukrlandfarming Agroholding DEVELOPED COUNTRIES. plans to start construction of the grain terminal in the sea trade .port of «Piv- «Klei Adhesive Machinery» com- dennyi» (Odessa region) in July this pany has invested $ 500.000 for its year. The company is to complete production renovation. construction of two docks by 2017. As a result, now 80 % of its prod- The earlier set term by ucts go for export, including devel- 2014 was delayed due to political and oped countries like Holland, Sweden, economic crisis in the country as well Uruguay, Serbia, Georgia, Estonia as shortage of company funds. Con- etc. As the company goal is search- 2 OVERALL RECONSTRUCTION «ASTARTA» BOUGHT AGRO OF THE TRYPILLIA TERMAL POW - COMPANY IN KHARKIV REGION. ER STATION (TPS) «Astarta» Agroholding – the The Trypillia TPS which be- Ukraine’s largest sugar producer has longs to the «Tsentrenergo» Public completed all formalities in the first Joint-Stock Company has reached quarter of 2015 for buying «Savyntsi- a set power capacity of its 325 Mwt Agro» LLC (Kharkiv region) which is Block 2 following its massive re- involved in growing technical and oth- construction which has been go- er agricultural products. ing on since the beginning of 2013. The cost of the contract is EUR The cost of this project – 1,168 bln 462 thousand (nearly 11,75 mln hryv- hryvna, the pay-off period – up to na). 7 years. The reconstruction of the Block 2 has made it possible to increase its power by 25 Mwt ,to install a modern system for emission clean- THE «KTP» WILL PRODUCE ing (sulphur includimg ) as well as a UKRAINIAN-FINNISH HARVEST - new control systems. In general, the ERS scheduled service term of the Block 2 has been prolonged by 20 years with The Kharkiv Tractor Plant (the the possibility of further prolongation. «KTP») signed an agreement for co- As an example, the reconstruc- operation with the Finnish «Sampo- tion works of the boiler house section Rosenlew» company. According to have been made with the assistance Director General of the «KTP» JSC of the «Kotloturboprom» LLC (Harkiv Vladyslav Gubin, negotiations lasted city). Earlier similar works had been for almost a year, and now the com- done by the Russian companies only. pany had already finished upgrading Eguipment and machinery from «Tur- production lines for the production of boatom» and «Elektrovazhmash» new machines. (Harkiv city) as well as from «Radiy» «We want to produce their entire (Kirovograd city) were also used. line range of equipment – grain har- THE «CHEESE CLUB» IN- vesters, trailers as well as to service VESTED IN NEW VARIETIES OF them. This year we will produce a pi- CHEESES 22ND START OF THE «DNIPRO» lot batch and next year – at least 200 units», – he said. PROGRAM The «Cheese Club» company, which is among the five largest man- The «Dnipro» carrier rocket suc- ufacturers of cheese in Ukraine, in- cessfully launched into orbi «Komp- vested 700 thousand hryvnas in the Sat-3A» – a Korean Earth remote IN 2015, THE «ZTMP» WILL production of new varieties of cheeses, HOLD A MAJOR OVERHAUL sensing satellite weighing 1112 kg. which are expected to replace expen- The «Dnipro» rocket is based on sive imported brands of cheese. The an intercontinental ballistic missile, In 2015, the Zaporizhye Titani- first batch on new products – 12 tons um-Magnesium Plant (the «ZTMP») which was developed in the 1980s – is already being sold in trading net- by the «Pivdenne» Construction Bu- plans to increase production of tita- works. nium sponge to 9,4 thousand. tons reau named after M.K. Yangel and Since Ukraine joined the WTO in is manufactured by the «Pivdenniy» (in 2014 7,2 thousand tons were pro- 2008 and since the reduction of the duced). It is also expected to perform Machine-Building Plant named after import duty, the volumes of imports of O.M. Makarov. a number of large-scale renovations foreign cheeses to our country have in the main production facilities. This carrier rocket is used to increased dramatically: from 4 thou- launch targeted and cluster satellites «In addition, our new HR-policy sand tons in 2009 to 17 thousand tons is focused on staff training and imple- on orders of many countries. The in 2013. However, in early 2014 the «Kosmotras» international space mentation of various incentive pro- volume of imports of European manu- grams. Therefore, in 2015 we set a company performs modernization facturers products began to fall. It is of the rocket with the involvement of goal to train 1200 workers and 360 expected that this trend will continue managers and professionals. The Ukraine. this year. The main reasons for this sit- This was the 22nd start of the introduction of innovative technolo- uation were devaluation of the hryvna gies requires new skills at work», – rocket during implementation of the and introduction of additional 10-per- «Dnipro» program. said the director of the «ZTMP» Ltd. cent import duty on all food products. Volodymyr Syvak. 3 business news «OVOSTAR UNION» THE «ZTR» ENTERED THE SAU- THE «IMPERIAL TOBACCO» HAS ICREASED ITS NET PROFIT DI ARABIA MARKET INVESTED 255 MILLION HRYVNAS IN LOGISTICS «Ovostar Union» Group one of The National Grid SA compa- the major producers of eggs and egg ny, which is a division of the Saudi Investments of the tobacco com- products in Ukraine has increased its Electricity Company, has ordered pany were earmarked for opening net profit in the first quarter of 2015 spare transformers from JSC «Zapor- of the largest in Ukraine automated by 16% - to $ 9,12 mln. izhtransformer» (the «ZTR»). This is high-rise warehouse with the capac- The company produced 277 mln the first contract of the company with ity of 16,2 thousand pallets, which eggs in January-March 2015 which a Saudi Arabia partner.
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