E2178 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 18, 2007 At 6 p.m. on October 11, 2007, Lt. Marc many of whom will suffer from life long injuries member of the Riverside Unified School Dis- Tunstall and Ensign Jason Evans, pilot and that have no medical or technological resolu- trict Board of Education. co-pilot of a Coast Guard HH–60 Jayhawk hel- tions—including blindness, deafness, Post- Mrs. Maxine Frost graduated from Stanford icopter found the downed F/A–18 Hornet near- Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic University with a bachelor’s degree in history ly 80 miles off Cape Henry, Virginia. Rescue Brain Injury. In the great State of Maryland and has been a resident and active member swimmer Petty Officer 2nd Class Mike alone, we continue to mourn the deaths of 70 of the Riverside community since 1958. Mrs. Ackermann was dispatched to retrieve the service members and our prayers go out to Frost’s interest in education began with her in- pilot from the ocean, whereupon the rescued over 392 brave men and women in uniform volvement in the education of her children. pilot was hoisted in the helicopter by flight me- who suffer from wounds gained on the battle- She was an active mother who served on var- chanic Petty Officer 3rd Class Steven Acuna. field of Iraq. ious school committees. In 1967, the Presi- The rescued pilot was transported to Sentara Mr. Speaker, as we look back over the last dent of the Riverside Unified School District Norfolk General Hospital where he is in stable five years we can only point to meager ac- Board of Education selected Maxine to fill a condition, with only minor injuries from the complishments while the overwhelming factor vacancy on the Board of Education. During crash. that shatters the forefront of our memory is the her tenure, Mrs. Frost witnessed history in- Madam Speaker, this successful rescue is onslaught of bloodshed, further internal and cluding the desegregation of the Riverside one of nearly 360 search and rescue missions external displacement of the Iraqi people, fur- school district. Maxine went on to serve on the executed every year by the men and women ther corruption of the Iraqi government and California School Boards Association and in of Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth City. In further strained relations in the Middle East 1981 she was elected President of the organi- the last 60 years, the Air Station has rescued due in large part to the President’s stubborn zation. or assisted over 10,000 people. I am proud course of military operations in Iraq. During her tenure on the Board, Maxine has that Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth City is In fact, corruption within the Iraqi govern- been elected by her fellow board members to located in my district, and more proud of the ment is as bad as ever and has become what serve as board president, vice-president and exemplary work and bravery exhibited by the has been described by Stuart Bowen, the U.S. clerk. One of Maxine’s many success stories men and women who save hundreds of lives State Department’s Special Inspector for Re- is the creation and development of the AVID each year. I ask my colleagues to join me in construction in Iraq as a ‘second insurgency’ program: Achievement Via Individual Deter- paying tribute to the commendable work of Lt. threatening to undermine U.S. and Iraqi efforts mination. AVID offers average students the Tunstall, Ensign Evans, Petty Officer 2nd to build a stable democracy. As concluded by opportunity to take college prep classes while Class Ackermann and Petty Officer 3rd Class the Iraqi Commission for Public Integrity, cor- teaching them study techniques and team- Acuna. ruption cases have increased by a staggering work. f 70 percent in the last year, despite the Admin- Mrs. Frost’s involvement in the community is istration’s efforts to quell these concerns by not limited to education; she has also dedi- EXPRESSING THE SENSE OF THE layering them in bureaucratic red tape and cated her time to many other organizations HOUSE REGARDING WITH- retroactively labeling unwarranted information that improve our quality of life including the HOLDING OF INFORMATION RE- as being classified. Riverside Art Alliance, Junior League of River- LATING TO CORRUPTION IN IRAQ As such, I congratulate my colleagues on side, League of Women Voters and the Na- passing H. Res. 734, which is a step in the tional Charity League. One reflection of SPEECH OF right direction. Specifically, this legislation Maxine’s many contributions to the community HON. ELIJAH E. CUMMINGS sends a strong message to the Administration are the countless awards and honors she has OF MARYLAND that anti-democratic practices will not be toler- received over the years. Recently the River- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ated. It also sends a message to the Iraqi side Unified School District Board of Education Tuesday, October 16, 2007 Government that the U.S. Government will not voted to name a school after Maxine, a vote sit idly by as Americans continue to sacrifice which required the Board to make an excep- Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, five years their lives at the expense of sustaining a mis- tion to its policy which requires that a person ago today, President George W. Bush signed managed Iraqi Government. be deceased for two years before a facility into law the ‘‘Joint Resolution to Authorize the Considering the ongoing corruption in Iraq, it can be designated. Use of United States Armed Forces Against is clear that our military can not do what Mrs. Maxine Frost’s tireless passion for Iraq,’’ H.J. Res. 114. should be the job of ambassadors, foreign dig- community service has contributed immensely In the House, the bill passed on October 10, nitaries and heads of state. to the betterment of the community of River- 2002, by a vote of 296–133. I was one of 126 As we look to the future, I hope that the Ad- side, California. She has been the heart and Democrats who voted against this grossly mis- ministration will shift from these failed policies soul of the Riverside Unified School District guided bill, concluding that further diplomacy in Iraq to a new policy that is fundamentally Board of Education and many other commu- was needed over a U.S. military strike. diplomatic and weighs heavily on the assist- nity organizations. I am proud to call Maxine And today—I remain unyielding in my ance of the international community. a fellow community member, American and stance that diplomacy, rather than military ac- We owe this to our brave soldiers, their fam- friend. I know that many community members tion is the answer to creating political reconcili- ilies and friends, the American people, and to are grateful for her service and salute her as ation in Iraq. the people of Iraq. she retires. We must implement a diplomatic strategy f f that is framed upon the doorway of the U.N. and hinges on the Arab League, the Organiza- TRIBUTE TO MAXINE PIERCE INDIA IS A DEFICIENT tion of the Islamic Conference, U.S. allies and FROST DEMOCRACY the will of the Iraqi people. Mr. Speaker, as the Iraq Study Group con- HON. KEN CALVERT HON. DAN BURTON cluded, a diplomatic strategy of gaining multi- OF CALIFORNIA OF INDIANA lateral and bilateral support throughout the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES international community, especially with Iraq’s neighboring states will help marginalize ex- Thursday, October 18, 2007 Thursday, October 18, 2007 tremists and terrorists, promote U.S. values Mr. CALVERT. Madam Speaker, I rise today Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Madam Speaker, I and interests, and improve America’s global to honor and pay tribute to an individual was extremely disappointed today to see the image. whose dedication and contributions to the Human Rights Watch had to issue a statement Unfortunately, to date, the President’s new community of Riverside, California has been calling on the Government of India to finally strategy is not a new strategy at all and con- exceptional. The Riverside educational com- take concrete steps to hold accountable mem- tinues the same failed plan that was utilized munity has been fortunate to have dynamic bers of its security forces who killed, ‘‘dis- prior to the surge. His failed plan has resulted and dedicated community leaders who will- appeared,’’ and tortured thousands of Sikhs in over 3,800 U.S. soldiers being killed and ingly and unselfishly give their time and talent during its military campaign in the Punjab. I over 27,000 American soldiers being wound- for the betterment of our children. Maxine was disappointed because India should al- ed. Frost is one of these individuals. On Decem- ready be doing this. I was disappointed be- Additionally, at least 150,000 of our service ber 8, 2007, Maxine will be honored at a re- cause this call to action is simply further proof members have been victims of concussions, tirement dinner after serving 40 years as a that India—which prides itself on being the VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:26 Oct 19, 2007 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18OC8.019 E18OCPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC71 with REMARKS October 18, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2179 world’s most populous democracy—is in re- forces committed serious human rights ‘‘The trial has been proceeding . with ality a highly deficient democracy; and that it abuses against tens of thousands of Sikhs. very little evidence being recorded at each has yet to do what it legally and morally must None of the key architects of this hearing, and with two to three months be- counterinsurgency strategy who bear sub- do; which is to clean up its atrocious human tween hearings.
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