March is WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH New York State Senator ROXANNE J. PERSAUD About Women’s History Month Women’s History Month was first They have helped to shape laws, names we recognize, there are recognized nationally in 1981 when changed the course of history, made numerous others we may not, but Congress passed Pub. L. 97-28, which great strides in science, politics, they continue to make life better for authorized and requested the President sports, literature, art and many other everyone. to proclaim the week beginning March 7, areas. They have fought for the right 1982 as “Women’s History Week.” Every to vote, go to school, earn wages, One of the key events for the March, New York State joins the nation serve on juries and in the military, advancement of women’s issues was in celebrating Women’s History Month. fought discrimination and continue to the Women’s Suffrage Movement This time is used to acknowledge the effect change. which was born in New York State. The accomplishments and contributions of Movement held its first convention in There are countless women from women in the United States. Seneca Falls on July 19 and 20, 1848. New York State whose efforts are This important event became the key to Women have played an essential part in noteworthy. While there are some empowerment and change. New York and United States history. A few New York women of note... Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906) Susan B. Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1933- ) The second Anthony was a civil rights activist and suffrag- female justice to be confirmed to the ist who campaigned against slavery and for Supreme Court of the United States, Ruth women to be given the right to vote. On her Ginsburg was born in Brooklyn, New York. She quest for equality, she broke the law in 1872 by graduated first in her class at Columbia Law voting in a federal election. Susan was one of School and later worked as a professor there the founders of the National Woman Suffrage and Rutgers University. Association and served as the president for eight years. Grace Hopper (1906-1992) Born in New York Sojourner Truth (1797-1883) Born a slave in City, Grace Hopper was a pioneer in develop- Ulster County, New York, Isabella Baumfree ing computer technology. She taught math- was bought and sold four times. She eventually ematics at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie ran away in 1827 and had help in buying her and later joined the Naval Reserve in 1943. In freedom. In 1848, she changed her name to 1969, she was awarded the first-ever Com- Sojourner Truth in an effort to devote her life to puter Science Man-of-the-Year Award from Methodism and the abolition of slavery. In 1851 the Data Processing Management she delivered her famous speech, “Ain’t I A Woman?” Association. Constance Baker Motley (1921-2005) Hillary Rodham Clinton (1947- ) Hillary Clinton Constance Baker Motley was the first was the first female United States Senator African-American woman to attend and receive from New York and has served as United a degree from Columbia University School of States Secretary of State, first lady of the Law. She was also the first African-American United States, a lawyer and professor. In woman elected to the New York State Senate, 2016, she became the first woman chosen to to serve as Manhattan Borough President, and head the presidential ticket of a major party. to hold the post of a federal judge. Eileen Collins (1956- ) Born in Elmira, New Shirley Chisholm (1924-2005) In 1968, Shirley York, Eileen became the first female astro- Chisholm became the first African-American naut to pilot a space shuttle mission and later woman elected to Congress. She previously became the first shuttle commander. During served as a New York State Assembly Member. her employment with the Travis Air Force In 1972, she became the first African-American Base, she flew C-141 cargo planes. woman to seek the presidential nomination from a major political party. JUMBLE! WORD SCRAMBLE WORD SEARCH CAN YOU FIGURE OUT THE ANSWERS? THE WORDS FIND THE FOLLOWING WORDS HIDDEN IN THE PUZZLE BELOW: BELOW ARE ALL SCRAMBLED. HINT: THE ANSWERS ARE FOUND IN EACH WOMAN’S EXCERPT. CAMPAIGNED • SLAVERY • JUSTICE CONGRESSWord • PRESIDENT Search • ULSTER 1. USRFGATSIF TECHNOLOGY • CLINTON • VOTE • PILOT 2. VSALE Z F I R XNMRDNBDMO J GCE J YTNZCMSYYQU 3/6/2019 Crossword Puzzle CFARMaker: Final Puzzle J TENCLB JMGS 3. SERPIDTNE O Y L M Y B Z C N Y I GWP T NU E A PWS BHGONR I I 4. BMLYESAS GLPNAAYASNVVTLC RSXRBJIIHNOVPOE 5. TORCU ETFPEYKGJ ZTLHTN SEELES J ANWEEOCA 6. PUTCOMER SRVWQK I J LELZ JGL SLAVERYDI NDWNCY AJXDNCI I EPEUAPL 7. ROSPROSFE J OE F ENMNONWG I MT CLYPNSFZPUTRBTL 8. USHELTT LTYAFDUXARUXRZS Crossword TECHNOLOGY1 CAMPAIGNED2 CONGRESS3 PRESIDENT CROssWORD SLAVERY JUSTICE CLINTON ULSTER (ANSWERS LOCATED ON LAST PAGE) PILOT 4 VOTE 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ® 13 Build your own custom worksheet at education.com/worksheet-generator © 2007 - 2019 Education.com ACROSS DOWN 2. LAW SCHOOL RUTH BADER GINSBURG ATTENDED 1. RUNAWAY SLAVE 5. AIN’T I A 3. CITY WHERE RUTH BADER GINSBURG 7. FIRST AFRICAN-AMERICANACROSS WOMAN ELECTEDTO CONGRESS WAS BORN 8. SUSAN B. ANTHONY2 Law CAMPAIGNEDSchool Ruth Bader FOR WOMEN Ginsburg TO BEAttended GIVEN THE RIGHT TO 4. SHE FLEW C-141 CARGO PLANES 9. CONSTANCE5 BAKERAin't IMOTLEY a ____ HELD A POST AS A FEDERAL 6. IN FEBRUARY 1995 ELIEEN COLLINS 7 First African-American Woman Elected to Congress 11. SHE PIONEERED IN DEVELOPING COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY BECAME THE FIRST FEMALE 8 Susan B. Anthony Campaingend for Women to be Given the Right to _____ 12. IN 1872 SUSAN9 Constance B. ANTHONY Baker BROKE Motley THIS Held a Post as a Federal ____ 10. NUMBER OF TIMES SOJOURNER TRUTH 13. HILLARY CLINTON’S11 She Pioneered JOB FROM in 2001-2009 Developing Computer Technology WAS BOUGHT AND SOLD 12 In 1872, Susan B. Anthony Broke this 13 Hilary Clinton's job from 2001-2009 DOWN 1 Runaway Slave 3 City Where Ruth Bader Ginsburg was Born 4 She Flew C-141 Cargo Plans 6 In February 1995, Eileen Collins Became the First Female _______ 10 Number of Times Sojourner Truth was Bought and Sold https://www.puzzle-maker.com/crossword_FreePuzzle.cgi 1/1 District Office: 1222 East 96th Street • Brooklyn, NY 11236 • 718-649-7653 • 11236 NY Brooklyn, • Street 96th East 1222 Office: District Albany Office: Room 409 LOB • Albany, NY 12247 • 518-455-2788 • 12247 NY Albany, • LOB 409 Room Office: Albany ROXANNE J. PERSAUD J. ROXANNE JUMBLE SOLUTIONS: 1. SUFFRAGIST 2. SLAVE 3. PRESIDENT 4. ASSEMBLY 5. COURT 6. COMPUTER 7. PROFESSOR 8. SHUTTLE CROSSWORD ACROSS: 2. BROOKLYN Senator State York New 5. WOMAN 7. SHIRLEYCHISHOLM 8. VOTE 9. JUDGE 11. GRACEHOPPER 12. LAW 13. USSENATOR CROSSWORD DOWN: 1. SOJOURNERTRUTH 2. BROOKLYN 4. EILEENCOLLINS 6. ASTRONAUT 10. FOUR Name of woman pictured: woman of Name Age: Name: OF A NEW YORK WOMAN YOU ADMIRE. YOU WOMAN YORK NEW A OF PLEASE USE THE SPACE BELOW TO DRAW A PICTURE A DRAW TO BELOW SPACE THE USE PLEASE Women’s History Month Art Month History Women’s.
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