INDEX Aaron E. Norman Fund, 169 276–300, 323–48, 354–55, 362–63, 365, Abbot, Preston, 202, 206, 390n22 367–69, 372n1, 373n12, 373n5, 374n6, Aberle: David, 75, 289, 291–92, 297–98, 374n8–13, 381n10–11, 392n12–13, 383n8, 334–35, 337; Kathleen Gough 289, 291– 391n4, 391n8, 392n14, 393n22, 394n1, 92, 392n18. See also Gough, Kathleen 394n7–11, 395n13–16, 396n3; aaa Com- Abt Associates, 295, 325, 392n20 mittee on Non- Nazi Anthropologists, Academic Advisory Council for Thailand 63–65; Annual aaa Meetings, xxvi, (aact), xxiii, 324, 326, 328–31 56–57, 63–65, 189–90, 276–78, 281, Acad emy of Science for East Africa, 200 289–91, 293–94, 297–99, 323–28, 334– Accelerated Rural Development (ard), 48, 354, 373n5, 374n12, 381n10, 382n13, 316–17, 335 391n4, 393n22, 394n8–9, 395n15–16; Accusations of being spies, 221–22 Anthropologists for Radical Po liti cal Acheson, Dean, 33 Action, 135, 323, 342–47, 363, 368–69, Adams, Richard N., 230–32, 269, 298. 395n12, 395n15; Asia Foundation cia See also Newbold, Stokes funding, xxii, 176–93; Beals Report— Adams, Robert M., 280 Committee on Research Prob lems Advanced Research Proj ects Administra- and Ethics (Beals Report), 277–93, tion (arpa), xxiii, 257, 269, 293–96, 298–300, 333–34, 354, 359, 389n15, 309, 311, 316–18, 324–31, 333–34, 343, 391n5, 392n15; cia and aaa xxvi 10, 346, 354, 362, 393n6, 394n11, 395n12 41, 53, 54–60, 62–75, 79–80; 146, 147, Af ghan i stan, 138, 152–57, 159, 175, 183, 280, 164, 170, 381n10; cia role in aaa roster 281, 285, 288, 380n16–18 xxvi, 67–75, 179; cia front funds and afl- cio, 124, 133, 170 aaa, 170, 179–81; Committee on Eth- African- American Institute, 167, 170, ics, 89, 279, 291, 297–99, 326–27, 329, 172, 174 331–36, 338, 350, 362–63, 365, 367, 369, African Research Foundation, 170, 200, 394n7; Committee on Anthropology 383n6 and Point IV, 116–18; Declaration of Agee, Philip, 3, 20, 132, 372n11 Human Rights 65–67; Military Adver- Air Amer i ca, 132, 315 tisements, 296–300, 373n12; Postwar Albert, Ethel M., 280 reor ga ni za tion 54–60, 62–67, 79–80; Algeria, 7, 258 Princi ples of Professional Responsi- Allison, John, 153–55, 157, 245, 380n16, bility (ppr), 335–37, 365, 369; Proj ect 380n17 Camelot, xiii, xxii, 59, 60, 257, 258–62, American Anthropological Association 269, 274–75, 277–79, 291–92, 293, (aaa) xxi– xxiii, 41–42, 54–60, 62–75, 295, 299, 362, 389n14, 389n15; Radical 79–80, 89, 116–18, 146, 147, 164, 170, Caucus, aaa, 293, 323–25, 341–45, 347, 176–93, 202, 205, 254–55, 261–62, 274, 363, 367, 369, Downloaded from http://read.dukeupress.edu/books/book/chapter-pdf/581598/9780822374381-017.pdf by guest on 01 October 2021 American Anthropological Association 390n19, 390n26; cress, 262, 269–70, (aaa) (continued) 274–75, 351–53, 355, 390n21–22; Special 394n8; Resolutions, 63, 65, 71, 276–78, Operations Research Office (soro), 289, 291–93, 297, 324–25, 327, 333–36, xxii, 79, 253–70, 272–75, 289, 351–53, 344–46, 373n5, 391n4, 393n22, 394n5, 355, 377n1, 389n6, 389n9, 389n11–12, 395n13, 395n13, 395n15–16; Selective 390n18, 390n18, 390n10, 391n28 Po liti cal Advocacy of aaa, 62–67, Anderson: Barbara Gallatin, 211, 385n24; 79–80; 396n3; Statement on Prob lems Robert, 229, 382n15 of Anthropological research and Eth- Andrew Hamilton Fund, 15, 133–34, 168, ics (spare), 289, 291–92, 300, 331, 333, 172–73 336–37, 339; Thai fA air, 293–96, 314–21, Andrews: Edward Wyllys, 144, 148, 379n7; 324–44, 391n6, 394n11 James Madison IV, 34, 69, 71, 147–48, American Anthropologist, xxvi, 31, 73, 112, 374n9, 379n6 179–91, 296–300; Asia Foundation, Angleton, James Jesus, 131–32, 177 179–91; military advertisements in, Anthropological theory, xxii, xvi, xvii, 296–300 xix, xxi– xxii, 27, 42, 51, 59, 80–81, 84, American Committee for Émigrés in the 90, 91, 94, 97, 99, 111, 118–21, 128, 130, Professions, 170 135, 211, 216, 218, 224, 249–25 1, 258, American Council for the International 264, 270, 273, 310, 315, 355–61, 376n14, Commission of Jurists, 166, 170 393n2, 396n2; Comtian social physics, American Council of Learned Socie ties 56; Counterinsurgency Theory, xviii, (acls), 62, 72–73, 106, 138 39–44, 59, 119, 121–28, 133, 246, 248–75, American Federation of State, County 295, 299–300, 305–7, 339; Culture and and Municipal Employees, 170 personality, 35, 60, 100–102, 357, 372n8, American Friends of the Middle East, 167, 376n17, 377n1; Cultural evolutionary 170, 285, 287, 392n10 theory, 49–50, 119, 129–30, 145, 393n21; American Fund for Free Jurists, 170 Ecological anthropology, 46, 49, American Geo graph i cal Society, 252 129–30, 279, 396n2; Functionalism, 43, American Institute for Free Labor Devel- 46, 51, 230, 264, 384n19, 385n26; Game opment, 124, 375n14 theory, 59, 99; Kinship, 43, 49, 51, 266, American Institute for Research (air), 308, 366; Marxist theory, xix, 27, 122, 330, 390n22 224, 323–24, 341, 351, 360, 361, 394n8; American Museum of Natu ral History, Materialism, xix, 119, 361; Military 47, 227 desires for mechanical models of cul- American Museum of Natu ral History in ture, 40, 41, 45, 119, 255, 258, 264, 275; Af ghan i stan, 152 Modernization Theory, 7, 62, 94, 97, American Newspaper Guild, 170 118–22, 128–29, 135–36, 145, 230, 244, American Society of African Culture, 361, 376n14, 393n21, 393n2; Parsonian 170, 174 influences, 42, 86–87, 94, 97–98, 108, American University, 79, 251–75, 391n28 119, 128, 353, 369, 377n20; Postmodern- American Universities Field Staf (aufs), ism, xii, 359–60; Rituals 42–43, 205, 152, 155, 146, 285, 287, 379n13, 380n14; 236, 308, 309; Social structure, 49, 97, cinfac, xxii, 257, 263–64, 267–70, 274, 129–30, 204, 236, 251, 268, 270, 271, 434 | INDEX Downloaded from http://read.dukeupress.edu/books/book/chapter-pdf/581598/9780822374381-017.pdf by guest on 01 October 2021 309; Structuralism, 396n2; Structural Association of Asian Studies, 179, 328, functionalism 46; Symbolic Anthro- 330, 381n9 pology, 27, 94–98, 385n26 Association of Hungarian Students in Anthropologists for Radical Po liti cal North Amer i ca, 170 Action, 135, 323, 342–47, 363, 368–69, Atlantic Research Corporation, 295 395n12, 395n15 Atwater Research Program in North Anticolonialism, 5–6, 107, 110–13, 232–34, Africa, 170 236–37, 244, 360, 371n4 Australia, 32–33, 58, 65, 103, 147, 203, 223, Anticommunism, 125, 161, 173, 184, 292, 233, 242 341, 361 Austria, 41, 156, 174, 280, 381n2 Appalachian Fund, 168 Ayrout, Henry Habib, 163 Applied anthropology, xvi, 34, 41, 48, 51, 53, 72, 75–79, 107–14, 135–36, 152, 298, Bacon, Elizabeth, xix, 137–39, 181, 279–88, 314, 320, 326, 337–39, 346, 362, 394n7 300, 354, 380n14, 380n20 Apter, David, 119 Baird Foundation, 169, 383n6 Archaeological Institute of Amer i ca, 73 Baker, George W., 254 Archaeology, xviii, xix, xxii, 49, 54, 72, Baker, Paul T., 76–77 73, 77, 81, 87, 89, 109, 144, 145, 147, 148, Bannigan, John, 182 152, 153, 157–58, 160, 162, 163–64, 225, Barrett, Edward W., 87–88 228–29, 242, 245, 281, 339, 345, 356, Bateson, Gregory, xvi, 63–65, 82, 100, 374n9, 377n1, 391n1, 395n11 376n16, 376n18, 381n3 Area studies, xix, xxii, 13, 59–62, 81–82, Beacon Fund, 15, 168 84–98, 105–8, 111, 123 138–39, 143, Bea glehole, Ernest, 66–67 254, 282–84, 352, 354, 358, 364, 389n7, Beals, Ralph, xxii, 82, 83, 137–39, 181, 392n13; Harvard’s Rus sian Research 186, 225, 259–60, 277–81, 284–91, 294, Center, 84–87; mit’s cenis xix, 59, 298–300, 333–34, 354, 359, 389n15, 89–98, 118–21; Rauch’s critique of, 391n5, 392n15 106–8; University of Michigan’s Near Beardsley, Richard K. 381n11 East Study Center, 87–89 Belo, Jane, 100 Arensberg, Conrad, 100, 117, 280, 383n19 Bemis, Samuel 11 Armour, Norman, 11 Benedict, Ruth, 39, 55, 76, 82, 83, 99–101, Armstrong: Hamilton Fish, 11; Richard, 359 145, 357, 359, 372n7 Arvad, Inga, 240, 387n16 Benjamin, Robert, 344–45, 395n15 Asad, Talal, xii, xix Benjamin Rosenthal Foundation, 169 Ash, Timothy Garton, 13 Bennett: John 42–43, 46, 75–76, 109, Asia Foundation, xxii, 67, 166, 168, 169, 373n9; Wendell C., 75, 83, 116, 378n6 173–74, 176–93, 231, 285, 287, 331, 354–55, Berle: Adolf, 384n14, 386n15; Beatrice, 358, 381n11, 382n,13, 382n14, 382n15, 202, 384n14 392n10, 394n2; and the aaa, 179–81; Berlin, Louis, 198 Radio Free Asia, 176, ; Committee For Berliner Verein, 167, 170 Free Asia, 176 Bern stein, David, 239–40 Asia Society, 127–28, 331, 379n13; 394n2 Berreman, Gerald, xii, 280, 326, 329, Asian Development Bank, 123 331–34, 336, 338–39, 341, 367, 368 INDEX | 435 Downloaded from http://read.dukeupress.edu/books/book/chapter-pdf/581598/9780822374381-017.pdf by guest on 01 October 2021 Bessac, Frank, 148–52, 356, 379n8–12 Bunster, Alvaro, 259 Bessaignet, Pierre, 38 Bunzel, Ruth 100 Bharati, Agehananda, 178, 181, 382n14 Burden, William A.M., 243 Biderman, Albert D, 207–9, 213 Burma, 7, 31, 51, 58, 64, 78, 177, 200, 239, Billington, James, 11 381n8 Billy Graham Spanish- American Bush, Vannevar, 11, 55 Crusade, 171 Butler, Barbara Reason, 263, 290n18 Binford, Lewis and Sally, 292–93 Bissell, Richard, 11, 133 Cady, John F. 234, 238 Black, Cyril, 10–11, 119 Cambodia, 177, 180–81, 249, 311, 381n8, Blackmer, Donald, 90–93, 145, 376n12 396n11 Blakeslee, Donald, 339, 394n11 Cambridge Working Group, xv, 371n2 Blum, Robert, 67, 176–80, 185–86, 381n8 Camelot, see Proj ect Camelot Boas, Franz, 67, 101 Cameron, George C., 87–88 Boggs, Stephen T.
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