A Magazine Exclusively for WorldMark Owners July 2006 Beach Plus OCEANSIDE: THEME-PARK PARADISE SEASIDE: CAROUSEL & BOARDWALK FUN DAYTONA: MORE THAN A SPEEDWAY WORLDMARK SAN DIEGO: CANADIAN ROCKIES: OPEN DOWNTOWN RIDE THE RAILS 7).ANEXOTIC DAY (AWAIIAN#RUISE 2EFERYOURFRIENDSANDFAMILYTO4RENDWEST2ESORTS&OREACH QUALIlEDREFERRALYOUPROVIDE YOUWILLRECEIVEANENTRYINOUR DRAWINGFORANEXOTIC DAYCRUISETHROUGHTHE(AWAIIAN)SLANDS 5IJTGBCVMPVTWBDBUJPOQBDLBHFJODMVEFT t3PVOEUSJQBJSGBSFGPSUXPBEVMUT UP)POPMVMV )BXBJJ tEBZOJHIUBDDPNNPEBUJPOT JOBQFOUIPVTFTUBUFSPPNXJUICBMDPOZ t1PSUTPGDBMMPOUIFJTMBOETPG 0BIV .BVJ )BXBJJ BOE,BVBJ t JOTQFOEJOHNPOFZ t3FUBJM7BMVF gSJFOET ¯ cz!XpsmeNbsl gJSTU )VSSZ4XFFQTUBLFTFOET4FQU #ALL &2)%.$ ORSENDYOURREFERRALSVIAE MAILTO 4FFPGmDJBMSVMFTCFMPX0EETPGXJOOJOHEFQFOE FRIENDSlRST WORLDMARKTHECLUBCOM POOVNCFSPGFMJHJCMFFOUSJFTSFDFJWFE 0öDJBM'SJFOET'JSTU)BXBJJBO$SVJTF4XFFQTUBLFT3VMFT/0163$)"4&031":.&/50'"/:,*/%*4/&$&44"3:50&/5&3038*/5)*448&&145",&4$0/46.&3%*4$-0463& 4XFFQTUBLFTJTPQFOPOMZUP8PSME.BSL 5IF$MVCPXOFSTXIPTVCNJURVBMJmFESFGFSSBMOBNFTBOEBSF64SFTJEFOUTJOUIFTUBUFTPG"MBTLB $BMJGPSOJB $PMPSBEP *EBIP ,BOTBT .JT TPVSJ /FWBEB /FX.FYJDP 0LMBIPNB 0SFHPO 6UBIPS8BTIJOHUPOPSSFTJEFOUTPGUIF$BOBEJBOQSPWJODFPG#SJUJTI$PMVNCJB:PVXJMMSFDFJWFPOFFOUSZGPSFBDIRVBMJmFESFGFSSBM TVCNJUUFEUP5SFOEXFTU¥CFUXFFO+VMZ BUNJEOJHIU15BOE4FQUFNCFS BUNJEOJHIU152VBMJmFESFGFSSBMTNVTUCFZFBSTPGBHFPSPMEFSXJUIBDPNCJOFEBOOVBM JODPNFPG 64%PSNPSF:PVNBZTFOEJOBEEJUJPOBMSFGFSSBMTBOESFDFJWFBEEJUJPOBMFOUSJFTCZXSJUJOHUP"UUO'SJFOET'JSTU4XFFQTUBLFT 8JMMPXT3E/& 3FENPOE 8" *GZPVXJTIUPFOUFSUIFTXFFQTUBLFTCVUEPOPUXJTIUPQSPWJEFSFGFSSBMT ZPVNBZEPTPCZNBJMJOHBwYw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mWFQPSUTPGDBMMJODMVEJOH)POPMVMV 0BIV)JMP )BXBJJ,BIVMVJ .BVJ,POB )BXBJJBOE/ŔXJMJXJMJ ,BVBJ5PUBMFTUJNBUFESFUBJM WBMVF 64GVOET "JSUSBWFMBOE$SVJTFQBDLBHFBSFTVCKFDUUPBWBJMBCJMJUZBOENVTUCFCPPLFEUISPVHI5SFOEXFTU5SBWFMBU/PSXFHJBO$SVJTFTTDIFEVMFT DSVJTFUPVST QPSUDBMMT IPVSTPGBSSJWBMBOEEFQBSUVSFBOETQFDJBMQSPHSBNTBSFTVCKFDUUPDIBOHFXJUIPVUQSJPSOPUJDF"MMUJDLFUJOHJTmOBM5SBOTQPSUBUJPOUPBOEGSPNBJSQPSUTPG EFQBSUVSFBOEBSSJWBM BQQMJDBCMFEFQBSUVSFUBYFT HSBUVJUJFTBOEPUIFSJODJEFOUBMFYQFOTFTOPUDPWFSFEJOUIJTEJTDMPTVSFBSFUIFSFTQPOTJCJMJUZPGUIFQSJ[FXJOOFS"NBKPSDSFEJUDBSE NVTUCFQSFTFOUFEVQPOCPBSEJOH#MBDLPVUQFSJPETNBZBQQMZ7BDBUJPONVTUCFUBLFOXJUIJOPOFZFBSPGQSJ[FBDDFQUBODF"UMFBTUPOFQBTTFOHFSNVTUCFBUMFBTUZFBSTPGBHFUP DSVJTF8JOOFSNBZBMTPDIPPTF 64GVOET JODBTIJOTUFBEPGUIF)BXBJJBODSVJTF1SJ[FJTOPOUSBOTGFSBCMF0EETPGXJOOJOHEFQFOEPOOVNCFSPGFMJHJCMFFOUSJFTSFDFJWFE 0öDJBMOPUJDFUPXJOOFSCZDFSUJmFENBJM SFUVSOSFDFJQUSFRVFTUFE1SJ[FNVTUCFDMBJNFEXJUIJOEBZTPGOPUJmDBUJPO8JOOFSNVTUBHSFFUPUIFVTFPGQJDUVSFT OBNFBOEPS TUBUFNFOUTGPSGVUVSFQSPNPUJPOBMQVSQPTFTXJUIPVUGVSUIFSQBZNFOUPSDPOTJEFSBUJPO VOMFTTQSPIJCJUFECZMBX4QPOTPS T JTOPUSFTQPOTJCMFGPSBOZMPTT EBNBHFPSJOKVSZPGBOZ LJOESFTVMUJOHGSPNBDDFQUBODFPGUIJTQSJ[FPSQBSUJDJQBUJPOJOUIJTQSPNPUJPO5SFOEXFTU3FTPSUTBOE'BJSmFME3FTPSUTFNQMPZFFTBOEPSBTTPDJBUFTBSFOPUFMJHJCMFUPDMBJNQSJ[F" MJTUPGQSJ[FXJOOFSTNBZCFPCUBJOFECZTFOEJOHBTFMGBEESFTTFETUBNQFEFOWFMPQFUP8JOOFST-JTU DP53* 10#PY 3FENPOE 8"4QPOTPS5SFOEXFTU3FTPSUT *OD 8JMMPXT3E/& 3FENPOE 8" contents JULY 2006 features 10 Center of Attention WorldMark Oceanside Harbor is the perfect base camp for exploring Southern departments California’s attractions—and a worthy destination on its own merits. 5 YOUR CLUB 12 Service and Pride at Oceanside WorldMark San Diego Resort manager Asael Sandoval and his able staff have made Oceanside Harbor a opens, Inventory Specials, bastion of exemplary standards and personalized service. Owner Education, new credit values 14 A Perfect Kind of Day 30 LASTING IMPRESSION After hours of wild rides, thrilling animal attractions, and fascinating theme WorldMark owners go parks, WorldMark owners kick back at Oceanside Harbor. Footloose in Cancun. 16 A Shore Thing TRAVEL & Canadian Rockies WorldMark Seaside front desk manager TeAh Green says her resort is tops for ADVENTURE Train Tour, Viva classic coastal fun. SPECIAL AD Dominican Republic, SECTION Rose Parade Event, 17 Active Relaxing Haunted Victoria, new Trendwest Travel Activities director Crystal White touts Daytona’s WorldMark Ocean Walk for a offer, cruises to the Caribbean, Mexican Riviera, and Baja. page 26 variety of vacation diversions. 18 Harbor Pleasures The gentler delights of Oceanside are just as satisfying as the area’s celebrated theme parks. 20 By the Beautiful Sea Oregon’s best beach and original resort town is Seaside—a true gem of the ocean. 22 NASCAR, Motorcycles, and Mother Nature Feast from a dazzling buffet of entertainment options at Florida’s Daytona Beach. Ways to Save at the Pump 24 ON OUR COVER: Presenting 25 tips to ease the pinch during Beach blanket basics: Sandals, sunscreen, snacks, and a light summer read. your summer driving. Photograph by Eric O’Connell/Iconica. DESTINATIONS | July 2006 3 editor’s desk Senior Vice President, Trendwest Management and WorldMark Operations Dave Herrick Vacation Transformation Publisher Wendy Noritake Editor in Chief Jan Pollard Art Director Chris Bulloch ew words are more evocative of happy, playful, and carefree Senior Editor Beáta Jachulski Baker Designer Douglas R. Deay thoughts than “the beach.” The beach is magic. Somehow the combi- nation of sun, sand, and water wonderfully alters every strain of citi- Contributors: Misty Beaupre, Sylvia Betancourt, F Emma Croston, Tami Fitch, Debby Franke, zen. Captains of industry turn into living dunes as children bury them up Tom Kumma, Nicole Meoli, Christa Midcap, to their necks in sand. Overworked moms become queens for a day, reign- Alyssa Moore, Barbara O’Connell, Tammy Plesich, Brian Runnels, Terra Scott ing on thrones of terrycloth over kingdoms of unscheduled time, snack food, and light summer reading. The shyest of children morph into joy- Reservations Department 1-800-457-0103 ful hula dancers, bold aquanauts, and shell-seekers supreme. The beach Mon. – Fri., 6:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. PT needs no elaboration. “You look great—where did you go last week?” “The Sat. & Sun., 6:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. PT (Closed Tue., 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. PT) beach.” Enough said. WorldMark ownership gives you the Owner Services 1-888-648-7363 beach in many incarnations, and we cel- [email protected] ebrate several in this issue. Start on page Mon. – Fri., 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. PT (Closed Tue., 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. PT) 10 to explore the many facets of Ocean- side Harbor—satisfying on its own, and Trendwest Travel 1-800-953-5511 fun central due to its proximity to many Mon. – Fri., 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. PT world-famous theme parks and attractions. We also take you to two out- Sat., 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. PT (Closed Wed., 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. PT) standing beaches on opposite ends of the country: Seaside, Oregon repre- senting the West Coast; Daytona Beach, Florida on behalf of the East. Turn Loan Payments, Maintenance Dues, Finance 1-800-779-0760 to pages 16 and 17 for fun and informative Q&As with resort representa- tives from both distinctive destinations. Resort Condominiums International 1-800-585-4833 This month’s events and tours offered by Trendwest’s Adventure Club Interval International certainly present some enchanting prospects for exciting new experiences. Service line: 1-877-678-4400 Go to page 26 and take your pick from riding the rails and exploring the Flexchange recording: 1-800-722-1747 wilds of the Canadian Rockies; indulging in the all-inclusive luxury of a Comments are appreciated Viva Wyndham resort in the Dominican Republic; tip-toeing through the Destinations Editor 9805 Willows Road NE spirit haunts of Victoria, British Columbia; participating in the pomp of Redmond, WA 98052 the annual New Year’s Day Rose Parade in Pasadena, California; and giving (425) 498-2500 yourself over to the romance of the high seas on an assortment of cruises. [email protected] Vacation transformations are delights that are part and parcel of your Visit Destinations on the Web at WorldMark ownership. We are thrilled to facilitate these forays into oth- www.worldmarktheclub.com/destinations er places, other mindsets, other perspectives. When you come back from © 2006, WorldMark, The Club. All rights reserved. a WorldMark adventure, we hope your cheerful demeanor prompts this Vol. XVI, No. 6, July 2006. Destinations is published monthly except January by WorldMark, 9805Wil- exchange: “You look great—where did you go last week?” “One of our lows Road NE, Redmond, WA 98052. Destinations is WorldMark resorts.” Enough said. an official WorldMark publication. Subscriptions are covered by dues paid by owners of WorldMark. Non- owner subscription price of $11 per year, including state sales tax. Canadian Publications Mail Product Beáta Jachulski Baker Sales Agreement #40870507. Postage paid at Van- Senior Editor couver, BC. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Destinations, 9805 Willows Road NE, Redmond, WA 98052. Canada Post: Publication Mail Agree- ment No. 40870507, Postage
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