VisualStudioMagazine.com PLUS Product Review: Visual Studio 2010 What’s New in Visual Basic 2010 JUNE 2010 Volume 20, No. 6 Volume Untitled-5 2 3/5/10 10:19 AM Sure, Visual Studio 2010 has a lot of great functionality— we’re excited that it’s only making our User Interface components even better! We’re here to help you go beyond what Visual Studio 2010 gives you so you can create Killer Apps quickly, easily and without breaking a sweat! Go to infragistics.com/beyondthebox today to expand your toolbox with the fastest, best-performing and most powerful UI controls available. You’ll be surprised by your own strength! Infragistics Sales 800 231 8588 Infragistics Europe Sales +44 (0) 800 298 9055 Infragistics India +91-80-6785-1111 twitter.com/infragistics Copyright 1996-2010 Infragistics, Inc. All rights reserved. Infragistics and the Infragistics logo and NetAdvantage are registered trademarks of Infragistics, Inc. Untitled-5 3 3/5/10 10:19 AM ,7·6(9(5<:+(5( &RGH,W·VXVHGWRFUHDWHWKHWKLQJVWKDWDUHDOODURXQGXV $OPRVWHYHU\ZKHUH\RXORRNLW·VWKHUH-XVWOLNHWKHSRVVLELOLWLHV \RXVHHDVDGHYHORSHU:LWK9LVXDO6WXGLR\RXFDQUHDOL]H \RXUYLVLRQZLWKQHZWRROVWKDWZLOOGUDPDWLFDOO\LPSDFWWKHZD\ \RXZRUNIURPGHVLJQWRGHYHORSPHQWWRGHSOR\PHQW /,)(581621&2'( :+$7:,//<28'2:,7+9,68$/678',2" *HWVWDUWHGDW9LVXDO6WXGLRFRP S N A P I T >6QDSWKLVWDJWRJHWWKHODWHVWQHZVRQ9LVXDO6WXGLRRU7H[W96WR @ *HWWKHIUHHDSSIRU\RXUSKRQHDWKWWSJHWWDJPREL 6WDQGDUGPHVVDJLQJDQGGDWDFKDUJHVDSSO\ Untitled-1 1 3/25/10 10:39 AM { FRAMEWORKS } 12 Michael Desmond, Editor in Chief, Visual Studio Magazine A Seat at the SharePoint Table Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. Microsoft takes a popular application, builds it out into a platform, then refi nes and extends the opportunities for developers to code against it. We’ve seen this pattern with Windows, we’ve seen it with Offi ce, and we’ve seen it most dramatically with SharePoint, which has exploded as a target for development despite what seemed like the best eff orts of Microsoft to the contrary. Lacking integrated tooling in Visual June 2010 // Volume 20 // No. 6 Studio, SharePoint 2007 developers turned to third-party software and the FEATURES fl awed Microsoft Visual Studio Extensions for Windows SharePoint Server. 12 Office Alignment Still, huge barriers remained, such as Why Office 2010 and SharePoint 2010 are poised to unleash the requirement that coding be done in a new wave of developer innovation. the server environment—a sticky BY MICHAEL DESMOND prerequisite that required painful workarounds. Developers also struggled 22 Windows 7 Native Development with Visual Studio 2010 with the Collaborative Application Markup New APIs and native support for resources like the Ribbon UI, the Windows 7 Language (CAML) for querying data from Taskbar and parallelism boost native development in Visual C++ 2010. SharePoint lists and extending site function- BY MARIAN LUPARU ality. And coders lacked important resources like source code control and testing facilities. 32 LANGUAGE LAB If this month’s cover feature (“Offi ce On VB PAGE 32 Alignment,” p. 12) is any indication, What’s New in Visual Basic 2010 Microsoft has fi xed all that—and then With the release of Visual Studio 2010 and the .NET Framework 4, some. From native SharePoint project it’s time for Visual Basic developers to start leveraging the templates to full access to the Visual new capabilities of Visual Basic 2010. Studio test and application lifecycle BY JOE KUNK management stack, developers are fi nally equipped with the tools they need to DEPARTMENTS write applications for SharePoint. 6 Letters to the Editor Can we expect a signifi cant surge in SharePoint development following the 8 DevInsight VSTOOLBOX, VSINSIDER new release? Based on my conversations VSToolbox: Upgrading to Visual Studio 2010 PAGE 8 with Microsoft and with SharePoint VSInsider: Raising the Bar PAGE 10 developers, I think so. SharePoint has always 39 Index of Advertisers brought so much to the table. Now, for the fi rst time, developers are getting a seat. What are your plans for developing COLUMNS for SharePoint 2010? E-mail me at [email protected]. 3 Frameworks BY MICHAEL DESMOND COVER ILLUSTRATION BY RYAN ETTER RYAN BY ILLUSTRATION COVER 40 Redmond Review BY ANDREW J. BRUST VisualStudioMagazine.com · June 2010 · VISUAL STUDIO MAGAZINE 3 Online Contents Get the complete picture — the latest dev news, analysis and how-to content—at VisualStudioMagazine.com and our partner sites in the Redmond Developer Network. EASY FINDIT What we once called FindIT codes are now easy URLs. You’ll see these embedded throughout Visual Studio Magazine so you can access any additional information quickly. Simply type in VisualStudioMagazine.com/ followed by the FindIT code into your URL address field. (Note that all URLs do not have any spaces, and they are not case-sensitive.) VISUALSTUDIOMAGAZINE.COM REDDEVNEWS.COM ADTMAG.COM Creating a WCF Data Service Microsoft Releases ADFS 2.0 Tell the Boss to Get Lost BY PETER VOGEL BY JEFFREY SCHWARTZ BY DAVID RAMEL If you want to integrate server-side Web Microsoft has released Active Directory Many companies have tried implementing service processing with AJAX objects in Federation Services (ADFS) 2.0, a key Scrum, and many have failed—but some your browser, you should be considering component of the company’s eff ort to have succeeded. Learn from those who WCF Data Services—especially if you’re provide single sign-on federated identity went before you by checking out some working with the Entity Framework. management across enterprise domains recently posted tips. and to cloud services. VisualStudioMagazine.com/Vogel0610 ADTmag.com/Ramel0610 RedDevNews.com/Schwartz0610 Honoring Startup Requests Microsoft Attacks HTC Android BY KARL E. PETERSON DotNetNuke Update Fixes Bugs BY KURT MACKIE Windows provides numerous ways to tell in Version 5.4 Microsoft and HTC signed a patent deal an application how to size and position BY KATHLEEN RICHARDS involving HTC smartphones running the itself on startup. Have you noticed that DotNetNuke Corp. released version 5.4 of open source Android OS. Microsoft sent your classic Visual Basic apps don’t pay its Web content management framework strong signals that the HTC deal is part of a any attention to how that property is set? to support Microsoft ASP.NET 4. Document larger intellectual property battle, and one Learn how you can honor those requests. management capability was added to the of the targets is the Android mobile OS. Professional and Elite Editions. VisualStudioMagazine.com/Peterson0610 ADTmag.com/Mackie0610 RedDevNews.com/Richards0610A Static Code Analysis Confi guration VMware, Salesforce Partner on Cloud BY MICKEY GOUSSET A New Script for Oracle and .NET BY JOHN K. WATERS By making use of the diff erent static code BY KATHLEEN RICHARDS Virtualization company VMware Inc. and analysis confi guration options in Visual Microsoft is opening up its Visual Studio Software as a Service provider Salesforce.com Studio 2010 Ultimate and Premium editions, 2010 Premium and Ultimate advanced Inc. have joined forces to build VMforce, a you have the ability to fi ne-tune the code database tooling to Oracle Corp. through platform for building and running Java apps analysis engine to perform exactly how you a Quest Software Inc. database schema in the cloud. VMforce combines VMware want it to. This article builds off of a previous provider that can support Oracle 9i -11gr2. vSphere, the SpringSource Java development column on Static Code Analysis in Visual framework and the Force.com cloud- RedDevNews.com/Richards0610B Studio 2010. computing platform. VisualStudioMagazine.com/Gousset0610 ADTmag.com/Waters0610 VisualStudioMagazine.com RedDevNews.com ADTmag.com 4 VISUAL STUDIO MAGAZINE · June 2010 · VisualStudioMagazine.com Project3 12/16/09 11:55 AM Page 1 Check out our events at VSLive.com Letters We’ll be at Microsoft HQ & Orlando in 2010 VisualStudioMagazine.com June 2010 • Volume 20 • No. 6 Editorial Staff Vice President, Doug Barney Interpreting Visual C++ Editorial Director The language and library improvements outlined in Sumit Kumar’s April 2010 Editor in Chief Michael Desmond Executive Editor Kathleen Richards article, “The Evolution of C++ in Visual Studio 2010,” didn’t alleviate a few readers’ Managing Editor Wendy Gonchar perceptions that C# and Visual Basic will win out at the expense of Visual C++/CLI. Associate Managing Editor Katrina Carrasco Associate Managing Editor Marti Longworth This release is in fact an attempt by Microsoft [to] try to destroy C++. They want Tools Editor Peter Vogel to force everyone to use the sluggish, interpreted and sick C# and Visual Basic Contributing Editors .NET. It doesn’t work that way. Visual C++/CLI without IntelliSense is garbage. I’d Andrew J. Brust, Ken Cox, Kathleen Dollard, rather stick to my Visual C++ 2008 or move to other C++ compilers and IDEs. Roger Jennings, Jeff Levinson, Bill McCarthy, Karl E. Peterson, Keith Pleas, Bill Wagner, Atoo Dan Wahlin, John K. Waters Submitted via Internet Art Staff Creative Director Scott Shultz There is no word that .NET will be forced upon you while using Visual C++. You’ll Art Director Joshua Gould still be able to use native C++. [Microsoft Foundation Classes] as well as managed Online/Digital Media C++ are optional. This article is about language/library improvements—native C++ Director, Online Media Becky Nagel library and compiler improvements. Executive Editor, New Media Michael Domingo Marcus Site Administrator Shane Lee Submitted via Internet Designer Rodrigo Muñoz Semantics of HTML 5 Andrew Brust’s May 2010 Redmond Review column “The HTML 5 Standard: Innovation or Oxymoron?” got a mixed reaction. President Henry Allain Vice President, Publishing Matt Morollo Director of Marketing Michele Imgrund I have a tough time considering Silverlight when I’ve seen some really great demos Online Marketing Director Tracy Cook of HTML 5. In addition, Silverlight doesn’t work on the iPad or iPhone. I’m sticking with making great Web apps via HTML and [Model-View-Controller] before jumping into Silverlight, which only really works well with Internet Explorer.
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