NEWS OF THE GOLF WORLD IN BRIEF George M. Sloan, wealthy tile company Titusville, Pa., which opened first 9 last executive, has purchased the Golden Acres spring, expects to have second 9 ready GC in Roselle, HI., about 30 miles west of in April or May . There is a 22-unit Chicago . He's planning big things for motel adjoining the club and guests auto- the 27 hole course, including a return matically get golfing privileges . John of a Tarn O'Shanter type tournament to Graham now is supt. of Willow Oaks CC, the Chicago area . John Markel has Richmond, Va., succeeding Fred Sappen- joined the pro staff of the Berkshire CC, field, who is supervising construction of Reading, Pa., as an assistant ... A fine a course in Virginia Beach . George amateur golfer for the last 20 years, he Wingo recently appointed supt. of Mea- will work for Harry Markel, who has been dow Brook CC in Richmond. Berkshire's headmaster since 1930 . The Gene Hamm, architect of Durham, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture will hold its an N. C., has been keeping as busy as any de- nual field day, Aug. 1, in Beltsville, Md., according to Felix Juska . David Cana- van has been appointed editor of the Mid- Atlantic GCSAs 'NewsLetter' . This FRONT COVER year's Indianapolis 500 Festival Open Palm free with curvature of the trunk is tournament (May 24-28) will be sand- convenient bench for Ocean Reef CC wiched between the final days of quali- players who watch Bob Toski tee off on fying for the 500-mile race and the big eighth hole. Bob is golfing director at race itself. Ocean Reef, which is located at North Key Largo, Fla., about 60 miles south of The palatial new clubhouse of Palo Alto Miami. Hills CC, Palo Alto, Calif., scheduled to be opened in mid-May, may have the opening moved up by about two weeks signer in the business in the last six or . Workmen got the jump on the pro- eight months ... He has revamped the ject early in the game and didn't lose their Green Valley course in Fayetteville, N. C., lead . Chicago Dist. GA has recom- installed 13 traps at Sedgefield in Greens- mended to its member clubs that they boro and finished a Par 3 for the Burling- conduct all tournaments under the USGA ton Industries, also in Greensboro . He rules in 1961 ... A couple years ago the also designed the back 9 for Wild Wood CDGA gave moral support to the Southern CC, Raleigh, and it will be in play this Calif. GA that wanted a change in the out- spring . Other Hamm jobs: new greens of-bounds rule, but went along with the for back 9 at Tuscaroro CC, Danville, Va., USGA regulations . Construction recent- and a new second 9 for Forest Park CC, ly started on an 18-hole, 4,200 yd. private Martinsville, Va. Hamm is connected course in Allentown, Pa. Paul Weiss is with Garland Jones Co., Raleigh, and to- supervising its construction . Holes will gether, they're specializing in building or range from 100 to 300 yds. converting greens to 328. Brunswick (Me.) GC planning 9-hole Addressing the annual meeting of the addition . Three or four holes will be Maryland State Golf Assn. at Chevy Chase built at a time . The architect is Geof- CC, Sen. John Marshall Butler predicted frey Cornish . Cross Creek CC, near that by 2000, people will be on a 28-hour Please address all advertising, circulation Í editorial correspondence to GOLFDOM, 407 S. Dearborn St.. Chicas* 5. Golfdom is published monthly except Nov. and Dec. at Rochelle. III. Acceptance under Section 34-64 P.L.&R. Authorized. week and it won't be much of a trick to LINDIG 4-¡n-l ECONOMY play a leisurely 18 holes after working CUTS TURF COSTS 4 WAYS hours ... He said they'll also have twice as much money to spend but didn't make clear whether it would be before or after taxes . $550,000 being spent on new clubhouse at Midland Hills CC in St. Paul. Frank Sprogell ought to get stars in his crown for the job he has done for the PGA in the past few months . The PGA National course was in the best condition ever for the Seniors . Comparative- ly few complaints and that's miraculous . Part of the credit is due, perhaps, to having the Seniors PGA championship a week later than in former years and part of HIGHEST QUALITY SOIL MATERIALS. Exclusive the improvement is due to the front 9 patented dual shredder assembly on all Lindig greens rebuilt by Bob Simmons to the soil shredders produces fine, even textured, well aerated materials with all the valuable plans of Dick Wilson . But the big manures and other humus retained for vigor- percentage of hurrahs should go to Spro- ous plant growth. gell as pro-supt. of the place . Frank SHREDS ALL MATERIALS. Efficient design of had a staunch, smart comrade as chair- shredding rotors provides instant and positive shredding and mixing of all soils and organic man of the course committee, Paul Erath materials, wet or dry, including sod, compost of the Laurel Valley GC, Ligonier, Pa. and peat. Sprogell also was responsible for the TROUBLE-FREE OPERATION. The new design of the Lindig Model L-40 Shredder, pictured big show in the two tents filled with golf above, is particularly desirable for golf course merchandise, mainly apparel and acces- construction and maintenance work. LINDIG sories, and cars . We got a real thrill 4-in-l ECONOMY enables you to feed, shred, out of having senior pros, who helped screen (if desired), and load ... all in one oper- ation. Large hoppers will accommodate the average front-end loader, positive conveyor feed will deliver up to 40 cubic yards per hour. Top dressing is completely blended to a fine uniform texture for application when building and maintaining golf greens, lawns, roadside No Gouges areas, and approaches. MODEL TO MEET YOUR NEEDS. Capacities range from 3 to over 100 cu. yds. per hr. Added No Puddles versatility is provided with optional screening attachments for most minute soil preparation and removal of stones and other foreign objects. Gasoline or electric power units. protect greens and MODEL B tees with Large, free flowing hopper on hand-fed PUNCH-LOK HOSE CLAMPS models provide fast, even flow of materials to shredding rotor. Convenient discharge to 10 Punch-Lok Hose Clamps leave a smooth, ft. onto pile, bench, wheelbarrow or low trailer. absolutely leakproof connection. Easy to Capacities 3 to 14 cu. yds. per hr. Get complete details. See your local dealer or put on. Last the life of the hose. Write for write factory. literature and nearest distributor. 1875 West County Road C, St. Paul 13, Minn. 8943 Dept. R, 321 N.Justine St., Chicago 7, III. GOLFDOM in the early days when the going was tough, tell us at Dunedin that the tent show was the result of the years and years of editorial campaigning by Golfdom to get pros to recognize and de- velop their merchandising abilities and opportunities. The Seniors tournament has started to draw galleries . Someday it will be a TV attraction The last round pairing of the winner, Paul Runyan with Jimmy Demaret and Bill Goldbeck provided ex- citing golf . Runyan is a more orthodox swinger than he used to be . He is long- er, too . Quite a little discussion about whether the new swing or a better ball accounted for Little Poison's hitting farth- er than he did in 1934 and 1938 when he was winning PGA championships and other tournaments . But it was Run- yan's short game that again paid off . His recovery from a bunker to the right of the 15th green to within ins. of the hole and his 12 ft. putt for a birdie deuce on Ford pays half your fuel the 16th nailed down the Seniors' title for him. billS fOr a full six months (or 400 Ronald Teacher is raising the prize money from $15,000 to $25,000 for the tractor hours) on the purchase of any PGA Seniors in 1962 . With the Teach- new Ford or Fordson diesel tractor. This offer, made possible by the amazing fuel-saving performance of these low-priced diesel tractors, IN THE SPRING",. expires March 31, 1961. IT'S TIME TO THINK ABOUT No "hidden" price increase... no tricks of any kind. See your Ford Tractor Dealer for all the Dollar m$m! Saving details! Tractor and Implement Division Ford Motor Company Birmingham, Michigan Davi« Grau Saad win halp you aitabliih and maintain • batter wear ratUtant turf. Wa offer only taed of tha higha»t purity «-J garmination. Our prica» ara right. (IMMEDIATE; [SHIPMENT J ¡FROM I LARGE George A. Davis Inc. TRACTORS | STOCKS S440 Narthw»*« Hiqhway. Chicago 30.1mil E Q U I P MENT L er purse and the big roll that Jack Har- kins of First Flight Co. puts up in spon- Make Top-Soil soring the Quarter Century Club and PGA club championships just before and im- Out of Sub-Soil mediately following Senior Week, an ag- ing gentleman with young clubs can lift by working in considerable of his vacation money at Dunedin. Jack Ryan's administration was a suc- cess in every way for the senior pros . Hyper-HumuKHe set a tough pa r for his successor, Ralph Beach, and his cabinet, to beat . SURFACE COMPOSTED PEAT The women's auxiliary also had its busiest The Organic Soil Improver program during Senior Week .
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