1951 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-· SENATE 5155 retirement activities; to · the Committee on By Mr. SHEEHAN: MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Post Office and Civil Service. H. R. 4043. A bill for the relief of Carlos By Mr. RANKIN: Tannoya; to the Committee on the Judici­ A message from the House of Repre­ H. R. 4030. A bill to appropriate funds to ary. sentatives, by Mr. Snader, its assistant enable the Smithsonian Institution to ex­ By Mr. THOMPSON of Texas: reading clerk, announced that the House tend its studies of solar radiation to in­ H. R. 4044. A bill for the relief of Marcus had passed the following bill and joint clude determination of the practicability of Kanaris; to the Committee on the Judiciary. resolution, in which it requested the con­ utilizing solar energy for the production of currence of the Senate: power; to the Committee on Appropriations. By Mr. EDWIN ARTHUR HALL: PETITIONS, ETC. H. R. 3576. An act to amend the Displaced H. R. 4031. A bill to prohibit enforced sav.. Persons Act of 1948, as amended; and 1ngs of income of American citizens by the Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions H.J. Res. 253. Joint resolution to permit Government through compulsory payroll and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk articles imported from foreign countries for deductiths; to the Committee on Ways and and referred as fallows: the purpose of exhibition at the Japanese Means. 279. By Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts: Trade Fair, Seattle, Wash., to be admitted By Mr. KENNEDY: Petition of General Court of Massachusetts without payment of tariff, and for other pur·­ H. R. 4032. A bill to amend section 41 of the in favor of waiving certain requirements of poses. Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Com­ the naturalization laws in the case of per­ LEA VE OF ABSENCE pensation Act so as to provide a system of sons whose sons or daughters have served in On his own request, and by unani­ safety rules, regulations, and safety inspec­ the Armed Forces of the United States; to mous consent, Mr. MILLIKIN was excused tion and training, and for other purposes; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the Committee on Education and Labor. from attendance on the sessions of the 280. Also, petition of the General Court Senate for the remainder of the week . By Mr. RHODES: of Massachusetts in favor of the passage of H . R. 4033. A bill to amend the act of July legislation revising the laws relating to im­ CALL"'t>F THE ROLL 6, 1945, as amended, so as to reduce the num­ migration, naturalization, and nationality; Mr. McFARLAND. I suggest the ab­ ber of grades for the various positions under to the Committee on the Judiciary. such act, and for other purposes; to the Com­ sence of a quorum. mittee on Post Office and Civil Service. The PRESIDENT 'pro tempore. The By Mr. HALE: Secretary will call the roll. H. J . Res. 256. Joint resolution designating The Legislative Clerk proceeded to call the fourt h Saturday of August of each year SENATE as Children's Day; to the Committee on the the roll. Judiciary. THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1951 Mr. McFARLAND. Mr. President, I By Mr. ZABLOCKI: ask unanimous consent that the order ::I. Res. 225. Resol1;1tion authorizing the <Legislative day of Wednesday, May 2, for the quorum call be rescinded, and transferring of certain property to the Mil­ . 1951) that further proceedings under the call waukee County Histo~ical Society; to the be dispensed with. Committee on Banking ani Currency. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ on the expiration of the recess. out objection, it is so ordered. MEMO RIA LR The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown TRANSACTION OF ROUTINE BUSINESS Under clause 3 of rule XXII, memorials Harris, D. D., offered the following were presented and referred as follows: prayer: By unanimous consent, the following routine business was transacted: ~Y the SPEAKER: ·Memorial, of the Legis­ God of all grace and love who, in the lature of the State of California, relative to · miracle of springtime, covers the earth PETITION a moratorium on Federal . income tax pay­ with a tapestry of beauty; who art the The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid be­ ment s for persons in the Armed Forces; to source of our being and the goal of our fore the Senate a concurrent resolution the Committee on Ways and Means. striving: Hallowed be Thy name. At of the Legislature of the State of Florida, Thy word man goeth forth unto his work which was referred to the Committee on PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS and to his labor, until the evening. the Judiciary, as follows: Under clause 1 of .rule XXII, private We would keep within the grasp of Senate Concurrent Resolution 206 bills and resolutions were introduced and Thy firm hand the threads of this day's Concurrent resolution memorializing Con­ severally referred, as follows: words and deeds that we may not mar gress to call a convention for the purpose· By Mr. ANGELL: the fair design of what Thou wouldst do of considering an amendment to the Con­ II. R. 4034. A bill for the relief of Peter for us and through us. Apart from Thee stitution of the United States relative to Therkelsen Kirwan and Ernest O'Gorman these feverish days are but tangled taxes on incomes, inheritances, and gifts Kirwan; to the Committee on the Judiciary. tragedy, sound, and fury signifying noth­ Be it resolved by the Legislature of the By Mr. BREEN: ing, devoid of meaning, dignity, and State of Flori da, That the Florida State Leg­ H. R. 4035. A bill for the relief of Donald I. islature does hereby make application to the Hamrock, Robert N. Lensch, Russell E. Ryan, beauty. But in Thy radiance trivial Congress of the United States to call a con­ and Helen P. Stewart; to the Committee on rounds become sacraments and even vention for the purposes of proposing the the Judiciary. bitterness and disappointment and fail­ following article as an amendment to the By Mr. BYRNE of New York: ure are transfigured and redeemed. Constitution of the United States: H. R. 4036. A bill for the relief of Marie In these demanding days, as Thy serv­ "ARTICLE - Louise Dewulf Maquet; to the Committee on ants here face perplexing issues of state, the Judiciary. "SECTION 1. The sixteenth article of amend­ may the strength of each be as t)le ment to the Constitution of the United By Mr. CELLER: strength of ten because our hearts are H. R.' 4037. A bill for the relief of M. Neil States is hereby repealed. Andrews; to the Committee on the Judiciary. pure. We ask it in the dear Redeemer's "SEC. 2. The Congress shall have power to By Mr. FRAZIER: name. Amen. lay and collect taxes on incomes, from what­ ever source derived, wit.bout apportionment H. R. 4038. A bill for the relief of Dr. THE JOURNAL George Alexandros Chronakis; to the Com• among the several States, and without regard mittee on the Judiciary. On request of Mr. McFARLAND, and by to any census or enumeration: Provided, H. R. 4039. A bill for the relief of Chris unanimous consent, the reading of the That in no case shall the maximum rate of Reszlte Birk; to the Committee on the Judi· tax exceed 25 percent. · Journal of the proceedings of Wednes­ "SEC. 3. The maximum rate of any tax, ciary. day, May 9, 1951, was dispensed with. By Mr. HA.LE: duty, or excise which Congress may lay and H. R. 4040. A bill for the relief of the legal MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT­ collect with respect to the devolution or guardian of Gail Mackierhan, a minor; to APPROVAL OF BILL transfer of property, or ·any interest therein, the Committee on the Judiciary. upon or in contemplation of or intended to By Mr. McGUIRE: Messages in writing from the Presi­ take effect in possession or enjoyment at or H. R. 4041. A bill for the relief of .Dr. Diml· dent of the United States were commu­ after death, or by way of gift, shall in no case tri Alexandrovich Afonsky; to the Committee nicated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one exceed 25 percent. on the Judiciary. "SEC. 4. The limitations upon the rates of of his secretaries, and he announced said taxes contained in sections 2 and 3 shall By Mr. O'TOOLE: that on May 9, 1951, the President had H. R. 4042. A bill for the relief of Sllvlno not apply during hostilities while the United da Conceicao Catula; to the Committee on ~proved and signed the act (S. 568) for States is in a state of war declared by Con­ the Judiciary. the relief of George W. Purdy, gress and shall be subject to the further 5156 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY 10 qualification that in the event of a grave that its price differential has been made were ordered to be printed in the Appen­ national emergency requiring such action to in good faith to meet the equally kw dix, as follows: avoid national disaster, the Congress by a vote of three-fourths of each House may for price of a competitor, and request that By Mr. MARTIN: . a period not exceeding 1 year increase beyond they be printed as part 2 of Report No. An address delivered by him before the the limits above prescribed the maximum 293. Presbyterian Historical Society of the Up?er rate of any such tax upon income subse­ The PRESIDENT ·pro tempore.
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