ADDRESS: 12 Streatham Common South, London, SW16 3BT Application Number: 15/02317/FUL Case Officer: Rob McNicol Ward: Streatham South Date Received: 21.04.2015 Proposal: Demolition of existing garages and construction of two dwellinghouses at ground and basement level including parking spaces Drawing numbers: Site location plan, ref STR_010; Existing ground floor plan, ref STR_002; Existing elevations, ref STR_003; Proposed upper ground floor plan, ref STR_101; Proposed lower ground floor plan, ref STR_102; Proposed elevations (front, rear and part section G-G), ref STR_103; Proposed side elevations, ref STR_104; Proposed roof plan, ref STR_105; Proposed section (A-A and B-B), ref STR_106; Proposed section (C-C and D-D), ref STR_107; Proposed section (E-E and F-F), ref STR_108; Proposed site plan, ref STR_110; Proposed site boundary conditions, ref STR_111; Proposed section through Baldry Gardens, ref STR_112; Lifetime home compliance plan (upper ground floor), ref STR_122; Lifetime home compliance plan (lower ground floor), ref STR_123; Ground floor contextual plan, ref STR_124; Proposed contextual elevations, ref STR_125; Proposed access (parking layout and waste collection), ref STR_126; Proposed access (fire and rescue service vehicle access), ref STR_127; Proposed access (safety provisions and visibility display, ref STR_128; Proposed access (car manoeuvre movements to parking bays), ref STR_129; Site boundary plan for 12 Streatham Common South, ref STR_PL_140. Documents: Planning Statement by NaganJohnson Architects, received 29/04/2015; Perspective drawing (view from driveway), received 29/04/2015; Bird’s eye perspective drawing, received 10/06/2015 (corrected drawing); Indicative sketch for treatment of entrance to house 2, dated 18/06/2015; Indicative drainage layout plan, dwg no. 15017/403 (rev P1); Green roof manufacturer’s brochure (Bauder XF301 sedum blanket technical summary), received 19/06/2015. RECOMMENDATION: Grant Conditional Planning Permission Applicant: Agent: Mr Dean Louw Mr Michael Johnson Company Live 2 Pontypool Place Ground Floor West Waterloo 68 South Lambeth Road London London SE1 8QF SW8 1RL SITE DESIGNATIONS Relevant site designations: Article 4 Direction Conservation Area CA10: Lambeth Palace Conservation Area Smoke Control Area LAND USE DETAILS Site area 845 sqm RESIDENTIAL DETAILS Residential Type No. of bedrooms per unit 1 2 3 4 5+ Proposed Private houses 1 1 Affordable rented flats EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The application seeks the redevelopment of a backland site to provide two houses. The application has been fully assessed against national, regional and local policies and officers are of the opinion that the application is in general compliance with the relevant policies. The principal benefit of the proposed development would be the enhancement of the appearance of the site; the existing garages and buildings are in a poor state of repair and detract from the character and appearance of the area. The proposed development would also provide two houses which would contribute to the supply of housing in the Borough. The application follows two recent schemes for similar redevelopment of the site, an application for a single house which was approved by the Planning Applications Committee and an application for three houses which was given permission at appeal by the Planning Inspector. The current application is broadly similar in scale and design to the previous schemes. OFFICER’S REPORT Reason for referral to PAC: The applications are reported to the Planning Applications Committee in accordance with section 4 of the Committee’s terms of reference; the application has been requested to be reported to the Committee by Councillor John Kazantzis and this request has been agreed by the Chair. 1 SITE AND SURROUNDINGS 1.1 The application site is a back-land plot, located to the rear of 12 Streatham Common South. The plot consists of a group of garages and workshops, some in a poor state of repair, accessed by a driveway which runs from Streatham Common South between nos. 12 and 13. The garage structures are single storey buildings and the majority of the surrounding site is laid as hardstanding. The site also includes a plot immediately to the rear of 12 Streatham Common South which contains a workshop building and is otherwise disused and overgrown. 1.2 The site also provides access to three garages which are situated in the rear gardens of nos. 2 and 4 Braxted Park. These are not part of the development area. 1.3 The surrounding area is mainly residential, with the frontage properties along Streatham Common South being predominantly 2 storey substantial detached properties, dating from the early 20th century and earlier. Some of these, including 12 Streatham Common South, have been subdivided into flats. 11a Streatham Common South, which borders the application site to the west, is a detached bungalow, set significantly further back from the prevailing building line. Beyond these houses to the north is Streatham Common itself, which forms the central feature of the Streatham Common conservation area in which the site is located. To the west of the site, separated by a few rear gardens, is a substantial builder’s yard. To the east and south of the site are the gardens of houses in Braxted Park and Baldry Gardens, which form part of the Streatham Lodge conservation area. No. 9 Streatham Common South is a grade II listed building. Figure 1: Access drive, looking from Streatham Common South. Figure 2: Existing garages, looking south west. Figure 3: Neighbours’ garages, looking east. 2 PROPOSAL The applicant has submitted an application for Full Planning permission for demolition of existing garages and construction of two dwellinghouses at ground and basement level including parking spaces Description of Development 2.1 The development would involve the demolition of 18 garages and one workshop building. The structures on site are all single storey and are generally in a poor state of repair. 2.2 The two dwellings would be constructed at ground floor and basement level, with sunken gardens and lightwells around the buildings. The residential accommodation would be arranged as follows: Larger House Room Area (m2) Ground Floor Master bedroom 19 Bedroom 1 14.2 Bedroom 2 15.8 Bedroom 3 15 Main bathroom 10 Garage 20.8 Circulation space, secondary 80.2 bathrooms, reception hall Basement Living/dining/kitchen space (incl. study 155.7 area, library, hall) Utility rooms, stores, circulation space 65.4 Gym and pool 53.1 Total: 450 Amenity space Upper garden 1 19.2 Upper garden 2 14 Lower garden 1 45 Lower garden 2 23.1 Central lightwell 11.8 Balcony 3.9 Total: 117 Smaller House Room Area (m2) Ground Floor Living/dining/kitchen space 43.5 Bedroom 1 12.4 Bathroom 3.2 Circulation space 11.5 Basement Master bedroom 17.3 Bedroom 2 11.8 Circulation space, utility rooms, 44.5 wardrobes, en-suite bathrooms Total: 144.2 Amenity space Garden 50 Lower garden 20.9 Upper terrace 5.7 Total: 76.6 2.3 The proposed houses would read as a series of rectilinear single storey forms when viewed from the access drive and surrounding gardens, with the walls rising to a maximum of 3.5m above ground level. The houses would form one continuous structure, filling much of the site from north to south, with the front elevation facing towards the access drive which would extend along the eastern side of the site. There would be a sunken garden serving the larger property in the south west corner of the site, as well as sunken gardens to the centre of the building; and in views from these gardens the buildings would read as two storey, with substantial glazing serving the surrounding rooms. A garden for the smaller house would be provided in the north west corner of the site at ground floor level. 2.4 The external finishes would consist of dark grey brickwork, metal shingles and white facing blockwork, with close boarded fencing to garden boundaries. The facades facing onto the internal gardens would be predominantly glazed. Figure 4: Birds’ eye perspective view of proposed development (12 Streatham Common South is at the top of the image) 3 RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY 3.1 The site has an extensive planning history and has been subject to a number of planning applications and appeals. Those most relevant to the current application are outlined in the following paragraphs. 3.2 Planning Application (11/00704/FUL) for the Change of use to provide car repair workshops (Use Class B2), with alterations to existing doors was REFUSED on 13 May 2011 for the following reason: 3.2.1 There is an in principle land use objection to the proposed use as a car repair workshop (Use Class B2) as this is considered to be an incompatible use within a residential area with the potential to cause unacceptable harm to the living conditions and residential amenity of surrounding residential properties. The proposal is considered to be contrary to saved Policies 7, 23 and 33 of the Unitary Development Plan: Policies as saved beyond the 5th August 2010, Policy S2 of the Local Development Framework Core Strategy (2011) and policy 4A.20 of the London Plan (as consolidated 2008). 3.3 16 March 2012 & 25 March 2013 (11/03603/FUL & 11/03785/CON APP/N5660/A/12/2182651 & APP/N5660/E/12/2182621) – Planning permission and Conservation Area consent REFUSED and DISMISSED at appeal for the demolition of existing garages and the erection of 3 two storey dwellinghouses with provision of 3 off street parking spaces, refuse and cycle storage and landscaping including private garden and new boundary treatment. The application for planning permission was refused for the following reasons: 3.3.1 The proposed development would, by virtue of the loss of the existing garages and the siting, height, bulk, materials and detailed design of the development, result in an incongruous addition to the Conservation Area which would adversely affect the open character of this part of the Conservation Area as viewed from neighbouring properties and from Braxted Park and would therefore fail to preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the Conservation Area and would be detrimental to the visual amenity of the surrounding area.
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