University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO The Bohemian Voice Digitized Series 5-1-1893 The Bohemian Voice, Vol.1, No.9 Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/bohemian Part of the Arts and Humanities Commons Recommended Citation "The Bohemian Voice, Vol.1, No.9" (1893). The Bohemian Voice. 3. http://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/bohemian/3 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Series at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Bohemian Voice by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE BOHEMIAN VOICE ORGAN OF THE BOH EM I AN-AM ERICAN S IN THE UNITED STATES. VOL. 1. OMAHA, NEB., MAY 1, 1893. No. 9. BOZENA NEMEC. (See p. 14). 2 THE BOHEMIAN VOICE. Under the title of "A Courageous Woman," a Cleveland THE BOHEMIAN VOICE. newspaper tells of "how Frau Rosa Holub, the wife of a German explorer, spent four years in Africa." We know A MONTHLY JOURNAL. of only one African explorer Holub — Emil Holub, whom Henry M. Stanley compares to Emin Pasha. But he is a PUBLISHED BY THE Bohemian. BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE, •x- * Publication Office, 1211 South 13th Street, Omaha, Neb. * The Austrian State Department produces figures to show THOMAS CAPEK, - ... - - EDIYOH. that emigration from that country is increasing year Address Editorial Correspondence to THOMAS CAPEK, 10 Creighton by year. In 1891 71,042 persons are said to have left Block, Omaha, Neb. Austria, of whom 11,758 persons were from Bohemia, 28,- 366 from Hungary and 30,918 from other parts of the Subscription, $1.00 a jear in advance; 10 cts. a copy. All Business Letters and Remittances to be addressed: monarchy, altogether 80,000 people or 2.01 per cent, of all "THE BOHEMIAN VOICE," 13J 1 South I3tli St., Omaha, Neb the population. The report complains that many young men liable to military duty had left the "mother country" Entered at the Post Office, Omaha, as Second Class Matter. and acquired American citizenship. This, of course, the Executive of the Bohemian-American National Committee: government wants stopped and hence it warns the people L. J. PALDA, Prest., JOHN ROSICKY, Vice-Prest., from emigrating. 372 W. 18th St., Chicago, 111. Omaha, Nebraska * * R. V. MISKOVSKY, Secretary, * 1 : a - w. m 1444 South 16th Street, Omaha, Neb. ANTON KLOBASA, Treas., F. B. ZDRUBEK, Librarian, 2716 itussel Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 150 w. 12th St., Chicago 111. It is not generally known that the celebrated philoso­ pher Leibnitz once addressed himself to Peter the Great The editor is.opt responsible for the opinions expressed by contributors. of Russia "as a Slavonian." The latter monarch invited TABLE OF CONTENTS. the philosopher to a meeting at Torgau in 1713, and be­ IMRIENA N&MEG (Illustration.) 1 stowed on him a pension of 1,060 rubles, with the title of NOTES... 2 privy-councilor. The since celebrated Academy of St. UNIVERSAL SUPER AGE IN AUSTRIA 4 HOW WE GROW... 4 Petersburg owes its plan to Leibnitz. During the conver­ ON THE VERGE OP RUIN 5 sation Leibnitz said to Peter: "We are of common THE SLAVS AND CIVILIZATION 5 A MYTHICAL PATRON SAINT 7 origin—being both Slavonians. You have wrested the ANNE OP BOHEMIA, QUEEN OP ENGLAND 8 world's mightiest power from barbarism and I have BOHEMIAN CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION 10 A CITY SON 11 founded a realm of equal extent. The originators of a PRAGUE ETHNOGRAPHIC EXHIBITION 13 new epoch, we are both descendants of that race whose SLAVONIANS IN JOURNALISM 13 MUSIC 14 fortunes nobody can foretell.'' Leibnitz was also the MISCELLANEOUS 14 first writer who turned the attention of historians to the LITERATURE 15 now extinct and forgotten Slavonians along the Elbe. LETTER BOX 15 ADVERTISEMENTS 15 16 * * * IRotes. Racial hatred is rampant in Bohemia. Through the "Pelop's wooing," a melodrama composed by Jaroslav newspapers it has been infiltered into every class and condi­ Vrchlicky and Zdenco Fibich was performed with unusual tion of people, and its baneful influence is felt even in successs in the National Theatre at Antwerp, Belgium. private families. The following extract from the Leitmer * * itzer Zeitung, (Bohemia) will show how this damnable pas­ * Mr. Francis Korbel, a prominent manufacturer of San sion will sometime unbalance the minds and reason of Francisco, Cal., has recently been appointed Austro-Hun- men. "it would be exceedingly disappointing"—remarks garian consul of that city—a very rare distinction for a that paper—"if the Bohemian, Dr.Tragy,should be elected Bohemian. The Racine, Wis., Slavie is responsible for the president of the tJsti-Teplitz railroad. What this would mean is obvious. Bohemians would instantly send in statement that Mr. Korbel is the first Bohemian in the en­ their applications for places, which they would likely se­ tire Austrian consular service. * * cure because of the support of the present manager, * Schweigert, also a Bohemian, who is, however, very dis­ A Russian writer describes his country as a vast build­ creet in manifesting any patriotism, owing to the German ing adorned with a European front, furnished in Asiatic board of directors. This consideration would at once dis­ style, and served by Tartars disguised in European dress. appear if a Bohemian should be placed at the head of the Many persons would carry the simile further: they would managing board. We are anxious to know, if the Ger­ see' bars placed across all the windows, and would look man stock-holders of a prospering German railroad enter­ upon Russia as a prison where the knout was the chief prise will entrust the same into Bohemian hands." If delight of the despotic jailor, and where unspeakable deeds an American newspaper should write in a tone of this of lawless violence were wrought in torture chambers hid­ kind, it would be justly accused of nativistic intolerance den far from human eyes. —how shall we call it in Bohemia? THE BOHEMIAN VOICE. 3 Emperor Francis I., who proclaimed himself in 1804 ance amongst Slovaks but that we attribute to the hereditary emperor of Austria and renounced the dignity wretched poverty of the districts which they inhabit, (the of "German emperor," was the greatest absolutist of the "fellow" himself concedes them to be "the poorest in Hun­ age. His nod was law. "New ideas are being promul­ gary") and, to their inferior position in the country, and gated," said he to the professors of a lyceum, "of which I not to any intellectual inferiority itself. Abraham Lin­ cannot and will not approve. Abide by the old; for they coln used to say, "give the boy a chance," and we say, are good, and our fathers have prospered under them— "give the Slovaks a chance." Heretofore they had none. why should not we? 1 do not need learned men but brave Confined to the Carpathian rocks they have been for ages citizens. It is your duty to educate the young to oppressed by the Magyars, whom Mr. Felbermann boast­ become such. He who serves me must learn what I fully proclaims as "one of the most cultured races in Eu­ command; he who cannot, or he who comes to me with rope." Since 1867, when the "Hungarian state" was new ideas, can go, or I will dismiss him." founded, the Slov&ks are treated like pariahs by the Mag­ * * yar tyrants. * * * * The memorable utterance of Dr. Stremayer, the Aus­ The Burlington (la.) Ilawkey e publishes a New York let­ trian Chief Justice, stigmatizing as foreign, every non- ter on March 30, by Allan Forman. The writer complains German language of that polyglotic monarchy, may yet that "there has been a small percentage of sturdy Scandi­ have far reaching results. As a direct consequence of Stre- navians who have gone to farming in the northwest; a few mayer's affront, resolutions are being passed, calling upon thrifty Germans who have gone into our factories; some the Bohemian land Diet, now in session, to re-establish in Irish, who make good laborers, policemen and aldermen, Frague an independent Supreme Court for the crownlands but with them have come the Russian aird' Polish Jews, V. it':- 1 of Bohemia. Such court'had existed in Prague in ancient the worst class of Italians, the Bohemians and Hungarians times, but when the Bohemian kings took a permanent Of the lowest grade." Then Mr. Allan Fdrffian proceeds residence in Vienna, it had been removed, with the other to say: "I admit that we want.farm laborers and fac­ administrative offices to that city, until Austrian centraliz­ tory operatives and mechanics, but we do not want paupers, ation became complete. Of course, there is no immediate criminals and anarchists." Quite true, Mr. Formaffi, but hope of wresting this important prerogative from the gov­ let us examine who supplies this undesirable element. ernment. It was in abeyance for such a length of time According to a compilation made by Frederick Howard that the government learned to regard it as a lapsed right; Wines, under the direction of the Superintendent of Cen­ in the present state of affairs a Bohemian Supreme Court, sus (Nativity and percentage of prisoners and paupers, independent of Vienna, would be considered as a danger­ census bulletin 352, February 9, 1893), the number of ous decentralization. Yet it would be no more than right, white prisoners born in the United States, who had one to be judged at home, in one's native tongue, by judges native parent and one parent foreign born was 2,881. Dis­ and juries of one's own blood.
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