Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1967 Daily Egyptian 1967 10-12-1967 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 12, 1967 The aiD ly Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1967 Volume 49, Issue 18 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 12, 1967." (Oct 1967). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1967 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1967 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ..~-c--~ .. ~~ . ________ .. \ . .~ / EGYPTIAN Southern Illinois University Volume 8 Corbo.Jo/., ~; • .r:- Thu,.Joy, OdOb., 12, 1967 Humh,18 Chamber Group .Plans . ~ ' , . { . Houslng, Vehlcl~-Study ~ t tbe request of SIU pres­ panlal study of tbe problems: I f controversy In recent Ident Delyte W. Morris, the and come up wHh a repory . months. Carbondale Cbamber of Com­ that would he more acceptable ~ In August, a group of local merce has formed a commit­ than one conduct('d by the 1,!gI- _property owners and land, tee to investigate University verslty or by any other loca! lords formed the Carbondale housing and motor vehicle group. ~ Housing Industry Organization rules, panicularly 'as tbey to protest University housing affect tbe - local community. Ross s aid the committee poll~ The committee will bold will attempt to be fair to an organizational meeting at everyone concerned with the "d:;~t i t.t~~~~ St~~~~t ~:~:~ ~ 7:30 p.m. in tbe Cbamber of housing and motor vehicle of complalntants by organiz­ Commerce bUilding. Accord­ problems. "This is going to ing a committee to investigate ing to the chairman of the com­ be a fact- seeking group, not a off - campus housing condi­ mittee, Sidney R. Scboen, tbe witch-hunt." be said. tions. public is not invited, but the In addition, University of­ press will be represented at The University' s new hous­ ficials have announced they the meeting. Ing and motor veblcle regu­ will study possible revisions WHOOSAFRAID?-Jill Armilla., SIU coed from' Carbondale, pre. Chamber President Bernard lations have caused storms of Iiouslng policies. pares for tomortQw's Friday the 13th by being frienCily with the Ross said tbe main purpose ugliest thing she's likely to meet on the traditional bad ,luck day. of the comminee is U[O de­ The Iguana looks bad but tastes good--like chicken, the survi- termi ne if there are any in­ yors say. equities In the administration of University housing and mo­ tor vehicle regulations." Free School Funds / Walle Sch.dul.d Althougb speCific plans for the committee won't be deter­ mined until tonigbt's meeting, Condiiionally Cleared ·Peace Group Gets Ross said that the group does pliln to Issue questionnaires Tbe Campus Senate was told Tbe bill I;peclfled that the to students. faculty members. Wednesday nigbt that Free Housing Office would also pro­ Recogn;t;~n propeny owners and busi­ Off;c;al nessmen. School Is now free to continue vide the funds necessary to operations co'!'iltlonally. hire student workers for the Ross feels thattbeCbamber positions. The Southern Illinois Peace der fire as a communtst.e.. can make an independent, im- East-Side Non Dorm Sena­ Committee Wednesday r e­ founded organization. tor Gary Krischer. chairman T be s t Uin t inspecrorE ceived official recognition Tbey also told the dean tbat of the· senate eommitte es­ would accom y the Housing from botb the University and anyone In the group advoca­ tablisbed to investigate Free Office team. b ( would issue the Student Government. ting Illegal activities did so Beer License Scbool, said the program can separate ua uatfons of the Wilbur Moulton, dean of stu­ as an indiVidual. now have access to its funds housing Inspected, according dents, saJd be approved the fi­ William Moffe tt, provi­ and Slu classrooms, upon his to the mandate. 7- nal certification papers sionary chairman of the SIPC. Applicant Told approval each time .access is A pro sal suggesting· a Wednesday afternoon. said " we can appreciate any needed. complete reorganization ofthe Cenification sfgnatures had questions people may have Student Body PreSident Ray campus judiciary system was been secured earlierWednes­ concerning our organization." Too Near SIU Lenzi anoounced late last week referred to· the senate rules day from Rlcbard D. Karr, H But we think that we have A Carbondale liquor ad- that Dean of Students Wilbur and. coordinating comminee. cbairman of the Student Se­ now clarified all the Is sues vlsory committee has not rec- Moulton CUt off 'Free School's Senate Chairman Richard nate, and Tony GionellI, dir­ of our structure and can get om mended Issuance of a beer funds pending an administra­ Karr announced tliat Playboy ector· of student activities. down to the business of wby license to a restaurant be- tive investigation into the pro­ magazine would be made avai­ SIPC representatives re­ we were organized. ,. he added. cause It Is too near the Slu gram. lable for sale next week at ponedly as ri u red Moulton Moffett annoUnced that Sun­ campus. Krls.:);>er -, aid Moulton bad the Information Desk In the tbelr group was not affiliated day afternoon the SIPC will given Mm t1ie authority over University Center. .' with the National Mobilization spo~r a II silent walle to The Sirloin Room, located . Free schooi until any ques­ He also anrioUnced the dis­ Committee which has been un- mourn ' tbose wbo bave died In the Eastgate Shopping Cen- tions regatding' Its merit to missal o:!' 0 Campus Sena­ in Vietnam," ter. does not meet state regu- tbe acade6uc corunttywere tors for . t anending meet­ Tbe walk, scheduled to be­ lations of being more than answered. ings. arol Harper. west Police Check on gin at 2 p.m. in front of 1,500 feet away from the . The se;;are 0 voted to Side non-dorm, and Karl Ma­ Morris Ubrary, will begin a nearest classroom or labora- accept responsibility for the ple. commuter. were" dIs­ week of Student Government tory of a state unlveTslty, ac- publication of a new student missed for missing three sen­ S~htMi ..ing sponsored study on tbe United cording to the committee. opinion weekly, to replace Ka. ate meetings, K:u:r said. The senate by-laws . state thai a Since Late Sunday . ~~'::.~s Involyement In Viet- Three beer license Issu- The legl!!Jltlve !><><Iy agreed senator cannot miss more than ances were recommended by to acknowledge and accept the Participants will walk two the group. Tbey were the responsibility "with tbe di­ two meetinsr;s. An SIU senior majoring In abreast north from tbe library Hickory Log restaurant In tbe rect supMvising authority I government has been r eponed to the -aldewalk paralleling Murdale shopping center, Vil- oVj"r tbe editor and poliCies missing. He was last seen by Illinois Avenue unui reaching lage Inn Pizza Parlor, to be of the publication. " .1 his parents Sunday In Chicago. Main Street. They will r eturn 1 GUll Bode Jerome Compel, 22, had to the University via tbe same ~~st~~~~ co:es~~t !e~~:~: - A bill directin~ the student J 01 been driven by his parents to route. , rant. on north Washington St. gqt ernment housmg commis- the 12th Street station of the Clergymen of all faiths have , sioner . , (0 attempt to secure IllinOis Central Railroad In heen invited to participate In Final approval of the ap- positions" for students on Chicago. His parents left him tbe walk. pllcatlons must come from the Slu HOUSi ng Office inspection at 1l:15 p.m. He was to take An announcemenc ofthe walk City Council. teams wa'S also pasSed·, the midnight train to Carbon- w ~s mad ~ at a meeting of dale. , tbe Carbondale City Council The train arrived In Car- Tuesday night. Moffett says T~!~es Slated Monday bondale at 6:30 a.m. Monday. he bas heen assured of a Charles Dlabaj, who shares parade permit by Richard WIl­ an apanment with Com per at helmy, director of public For SIUHomecoming Show 320 W• .Walnut, said he was saiety. at the station to meet Compel, Tickets forfhe Homecoming tickets shoul d pick up a spe- but bls roommate was not on A .,. _-k IMl"ide' stage show, headlining Johnny clal application at the Student the train. ~..... Rivers and Ian and Sylvia, Activities Office. The ap- Compel had been u1 Chicago will go on sale at 9 a.m. Mon- pllcatlons must he turned Into to celebrate his blnhday wltb ••• SIU stUdent arrested day at the information desk In the office by I p.m. Friday. his family, D1abaj said. on narcotics cbarge, page 2. the University Center. Tbose asking pet:mlsslon will Cblcago POlice, the campus •. •• Edwardsville campus Half of the tickets will Qe be notified ~day afternoon SecurIty POlice, hospitals, the gets intercollegiate athletics, reserved for block purchases or Saturday If tbe applicatIon if Health Service, and morgues page 15. of from elgk to 50 tickets, Is accepted. bave been checlted. Compel's ••• EdItorials and letters according to Bard Grosse, Three hundred tIckets have parents, bill fiancee, '. and to·t"" edlIor, page . ,., ... "'~ HOmecoDlJng~ '" o. .beett_ll.KIiIe!*>l:-flliCillty abcL . Gus says watching. the lare ~ ..!. I, friebd ,,! , ~ no""",~fit~ l ,:t'~ -" Woricb Seq~ ~ ' ~ ~;';'''.;I:iII!:I ~ ;.~ ~e"jlqil ~ ~; b~ . ~~~!iH~bMei-.f$o., I hls ' .~~: .... ' :... : ': : .,' jIlk1 : :~~a)' bI.. P.':~)', .. p'~ ': '_l'~ ~ . <;Ic~~ .. ~ .. ~lo~.~~ . ""over:.. ~ ... oy t~!r:o }IC~~,~ . ~.~ .. ~.~~: . .i.~ . ~IS. .bl~!~r. ~.I,a ~~7 .......... ... : 1:'0,.2 Ocfo'- 12, "1967 Water Supply to Be Increased '"/ City Council W o:n't Tolerate - J~nk Yards (3)"G~orge M.Klllenberg ton, which Kirk says has been provIsion that a , ff screening to water sh\lnage problems.
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