26th ITU CongSess Monday, 16 September 2013 London, UK President Marisol Casado IOC Member San Bernardino, 14 28015, Madrid, Spain Madrid, August 16, 2013 Dear ITU Members, dear colleagues, As we approach the end of the first year of my second term as president of ITU, I am very pleased to welcome all of you to the 26th ITU Congress in the Olympic City of London. While we are together in September, we will be able to remember the fantastic moments we had during the great Olympic Games in London 2012. First, I would like to thank our colleagues from the British Federation and our partner Upsolut for all the support they are providing us in the organization of the 26th ITU Congress and Grand Final. Following the Congress in Auckland where I had the privilege to being re‐elected as ITU President, thanks to your support, we had a very important year for the future of our Sport in the Olympic Movement. We were able to keep triathlon as part of the core sports of the Olympic Programme. Although the IOC did not open the possibility of increasing the number of events for the Río 2016 Olympic Games, we will keep working in promoting our Mixed Relay event for future Olympic Games. I am sure we will succeed soon. We have also increased our contribution to Development, by doubling the resources to all Continental Confederations, as part of the promise I made in Auckland. We have consolidated the World Triathlon Series by increasing the television coverage, the quality and security of the events, and the prize money to our athletes. We are moving the headquarters of ITU to the Olympic City of Lausanne, as a clear strategy to be closer to the main Olympic and Sport Organisations in the World, trying always to increase the importance of our sport. I am sure we will have a very fruitful Congress in London, where we can start planning our next four years with the new strategic plan. I wish you a safe trip to London where I look forward to seeing all of you. Please do not hesitate to contact me or any of the ITU staff should you need something from us. Best regards, Marisol Casado ITU President, IOC Member XXVI ITU CONGRESS Monday, 16 September, 2013 Millennium Gloucester Hotel, Kensington, 4 Harrington Gardens, London, UK PROPOSED AGENDA 1. Roll-call of NFs 2. Admission of new member NFs 3. Appointment of three (3) scrutineers 4. Appointment of three (3) tellers 5. Minutes of the last Congress 6. Report of the Audit Committee 7. Adoption of the Vice President’s Financial Report, the Annual Budget, the audited Financial Statements, designation of auditors for 2013 financial year 8. President’s Report 9. Report on World Championships and World Cups 10. Resolutions from the Executive Board 11. Modifications in the ITU Constitution 12. Reports from Committees and Commissions 13. Resolutions from member NFs 14. Elections 15. Appeals 16. Election of Honorary Member(s) 17. Old Business 18. New Business 18.1 Transfer of the ITU Headquarters to Lausanne: 1st Constitutive Congress of the International Triathlon Union (Switzerland), a) Adoption of the ITU existing Constitution b) Seat of ITU in Lausanne (change of the Head Quarters) c) Adoption of all Elected position (as per attached list of all positions of the ITU’s bodies and committees d) Membership annual fee 19. Adjournment 1 26th ITU Congress London, GBR 16 September, 2013 INTERNATIONAL TRIATHLON UNION 2012 ITU CONGRESS 23 October, 2012 Auckland, New Zealand MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER: ITU President, Marisol Casado, opened the 25th ITU Congress at 10:46am. Before proceeding with the business of Congress, she asked the delegates to join her in a minute’s silence for people we have lost since our last meeting, including Mr. Li (CHN), who was a member of the ITU Executive Board. The following were in attendance: Executive Board: Marisol Casado, President Ahmed Nasser, Member Loreen Barnett, Secretary General Shin Otsuka, Member Antonio Alvarez, Vice-President Terry Sheldrake, Member Dr. Sarah Springman, Vice-President Mario Rodriguez, Member Bill Walker, Vice-President Liesbeth Stoltz, Africa (ATU) Rep Kyung-Sun Yu, Vice-President David Hoong, Asia (ASTC) Rep Tom Carrasco, Treasurer Renato Bertrandi, Europe (ETU) Rep Ria Damgren Nilsson, Member Geoff Stoddart, (OTU) Rep Anatoly Korobov, Member Jessica Harrison, Athletes’ Committee Rep Melissa Merson, Member Kris Gemmell, Athletes’ Committee Rep National Federations: ARGENTINA: Alberto BERMUDA: Neil De Ste CHILE: Fernando Suárez Raul Fonollosa, Carlos Croix Pérez, Ana Maria Gonzalez, Maria Lujan Lecumberri BRAZIL: Carlos Alberto Soto Machado Fróes, Marco CHINA: Wang Xuanqing, AUSTRALIA: Peter Laporta Chen Xiaoran (CEO), Jin Hedge, David Ferrier, Wen BRITISH VIRGIN ISLAND: Anne Gripper, Katie Kelly Dr. Kirsten Spencer CHINESE TAIPEI: Liou, AUSTRIA: Herwig Yuh-Feng, Tai, Liang-Hui, BULGARIA: Emil Stoynev, Grabner Ivan Sardarev COLOMBIA: Pedro BANGLADESH: MD. Chirino Renteria BURUNDI: Rwakiranya Mahmudul Karim Louis COOK ISLAND: Geoff BARBADOS: Jason Stoddart, Bernadette CAMEROON: Edwige Wilson Raffe Olga Ngnameko Ngassam BELARUS: Dzmitry COSTA RICA: Maria CANADA: Stephen Talkachou Cristina Gonzales Holmes, Luc Landriault, BELGIUM: Johan Druwé Lori Ebbesen, Sheila CROATIA: Martin Papista O'Kelly ITU 25th Congress Agenda 23 October, 2012 1 CZECH REPUBLIC: IRAN: Brig. Gen. M. Ali MEXICO: Jaime Cadaval, Jaromir Horak, Jan Rehula Sabour, Mehdi Hosseini Eligio Cervantes, Nelly Becerra DENMARK: Mogens IRAQ: Wisamabdal-Ahad, Strange Hansen, Anette Khamarko, W. Nano MOLDOVIA: Mohamed Osterkjerhuus Mahid Shareef, Abdulla IRELAND: Matt McKerrow Ibrahim DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: ISRAEL: Yuval Hets Luis Antonio Lopez MONACO: Bruno Fiore Suarez ITALY: Aldo Lucarini MONGOLIA: Byambaa ECUADOR: Cornelio JAMAICA: Leroy Cooke, Tsagaanbaatar, Chulten Serrano Alan Beckford Otgonbaatar EGYPT: General JAPAN: Hideki Yamane, MOROCCO: Tarik Mohamed Hassan Abdel Tomoko Wada, Kiriyo Alouajaji Wanis Suzuki NEPAL: Mr. Nilendra Raj EL SALVADOR: Lic. JORDAN: Tareq Abdul Shrestha Adonai Osmin Mancia Aziz Khayyat NETHERLANDS: Henk Aguirre KAZAKSTAN: Yuriy Van Lint, Martin Breedijk ESTONIA: Margus Lepik, Solovyev, Tatyana NEW ZEALAND: Garry Margus Tom Solovyeva Boon, Craig Waugh, Lisa FIJI: Andrew Pene, Caleb KOREA: Kim, Jin Yong, Ki, Greenaway Koroi, Woo-Kyong NICARAGUA: Antonio FINLAND: Timo KUWAIT: Fahad Jaber Al Silva Pennanen Sabah, Montaser Shuaip NIGERIA: Dr. Lanre FRANCE: Philippe LATVIA: Vilnis Prieditis Glover, Dr Sikuade Jagun Lescure, Denis Jaeger LEBANON: Sharif Abu NORWAY: Dag Oliver, GERMANY: Matthias Shkewiat Nina Blakkisrud Zoell, Reinhold Häusslein LIBYA: Mahmoud Dib OMAN: Ali Humeid Al GIBRALTAR: Andrew Saeidi LIECHTENSTEIN:, Philip Gordon, Lizanne Roman Schädler, Michael PALESTINE: Mohammed GREAT BRITAIN: Schädler Ahmed Abutair Christopher Kitchen, LITHUANIA: Dainius PANAMA: Ivette Bourette Malcolm Westwood, Zara Kopustas Hyde Peters PARAGUAY: Edgar U. LUXEMBOURG: Eugène Leon Garay GREECE: George Kraus Yerolimpos PAUPA NEW GUINEA: MACEDONIA: Stojan Annette Coppola GUATAMALA: Roberto Popovski Estuardo Vergara PERU: Juan Antonio MADAGASCAR: Pierre Alarco Guerrero HONDURAS: Leslie Raoelina Poujol Brown PHILIPPINES: George MALDIVES: Mohamed Vilog, Ramon Marchan, HONG KONG: Philip Mahid Shareef, Abdulla Rosalina Joson Pascual, Peñaloza, Ruth Hunt Ibrahim Lourdes Carrasco HUNGARY: Gergely MALAYSIA: Balwant POLAND: Krzysztof Markus Singh Kler Piatkowski INDIA: Krishnamurthy MAURITIUS: Alain St. PORTUGAL: Henrique Rajendra Louis, Daniel McKay, Arraiolos, Manuel Alves INDONESIA: Mark Michele McKay Sungkar ITU 25th Congress Agenda 23 October, 2012 2 PUERTO RICO: Freddie SRI LANKA: Sam UKRAINE: Eduard Sanchez-Guardiola Wickramasinghe Panarin, Leonid Mogylevskyi QATAR: Mohammed Eisa ST. KITTS AND NEVIS: Al Fadhala Winston Crooke, Greg UNITED ARAB Philips EMIRATES: Jani RUSSIA: Zoya Yarosh Abdelnelik SURINAM:, Caroll Heuvel RWANDA: Alexis URUGUAY: Liber Ignacio Mbaraga SWEDEN: Ola Silvdahl Garcia Diaz SERBIA: Marko Pavlovic SWITZERLAND: Marc USA: Bob Wendling, Rob Biver, Philippe Renz SINGAPORE: Omar Bin Urbach, Joyce Donaldson, Abu Bakar, Daniel Sing TAHITI: Bernard Costa, Elizabeth Farnan Kari Lee Armour-Lazzari SLOVAKIA: Frantisek US VIRGIN ISLANDS: Bernath, Jozef Jurasek THAILAND: Vijitr Scott Fricks Sitinawin SLOVENIA: Daniel UZBEKISTAN: Kovacic TONGA: Alo Feiloakitau, Momindjanov Sharipdjan, Tricia Emberson Blokhin Leonid SOUTH AFRICA: Dr. Debbie Alexander TRINIDAD AND PROVISIONAL MEMBERS TOBAGO: Stan Patino SPAIN: José Hidalgo NORFOLK ISLANDS: Martin, Jorge Garcia, TUNISIA: Mahdi Mnif Martin Cross Alicia García Pérez ITU Committee and Commission members in attendance, other than those attending as part of their NF delegation: Audit: Medical: Tomoko Wada (JPN), Juan Antonio Alarco Dr. Sergio Migliorini (ITA), Chair Guerrero (PER), Chair Chair Lori Ebbesen (CAN) Denis Jaeger (FRA), Jin Dr. Doug Hiller (USA) Rachel R. Ribo (PHI) Yong Kim (KOR). Dr. Lothar Schwarz (GER) Coaches: Constitution: Paratriathlon: Phillippe Fattori (FRA), Bernard StJean (FRA) Grant Darby (CAN), Chair Credentials: Chair Sustainability: Sheila O’Kelly (CAN), Technical: Ian Braid (GBR), Chair Chair Enrique Quesada (ESP), Gerardo Zetina (MEX) Alicia Garcia (ESP) Chair Age Group: Multisport: Joyce Donaldson (USA) Garry Boon (NZL) Chris Kitchen (GBR), Kiriyo Suzuki (JPN) Chair Women: 2. WELCOME FROM GARRY BOON OF TRI NZL: Garry Boon of Triathlon New Zealand welcomed the delegates to Congress on behalf of Triathlon New Zealand the host NF. Marisol Casado thanked Garry Boon for hosting the triathlon
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