An AgendA for SociAl chAnge | liSt of reSourceS • 2013 JANUARY January 26, 1977 | Kitimavik founded For more information, please see: January 1, 1976 | Petro-Canada begins operations http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2012/04/05/pol-trudeau-kati- For more information on the Petro-Canada Act, and Petro-Canada, mavik-budget-cuts.html. please consult http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/petrocanada/, http://www.katimavik.org/our-history. http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=t- ce&Params=A1ARTA0006250 and http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/ January 28, 1916 | Manitoba women get the vote story/2004/07/06/petrocan_040706.html. For more information please consult, http://www.mhs.mb.ca/docs/ For more information on the Petro-Canada Public Participation Act, mb_history/32/womenwonthevote.shtml and http://winnipegti- please consult http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/petrocanada/ memachine.com/wtm/?p=197. and http://publications.gc.ca/site/eng/20703/publication.html. January 28, 1988 | Canada’s abortion laws repealed by Supreme January 1, 1994 | NAFTA comes into effect Court For a copy of the NAFTA agreement please consult http://www. For more information on abortion rights in Canada please consult international.gc.ca/trade-agreements-accords-commerciaux/agr-acc/ http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/story/2009/01/13/f-abortion-time- nafta-alena/texte/index.aspx. For more information on NAFTA, please line.html and http://www.prochoiceactionnetwork-canada.org/arti- consult http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgN- cles/canada.shtml. m=TCE&Params=A1ARTA0003054. For information on the critique of NAFTA and the damage done by the agreement, please consult January 31, 1958 | James Gladstone, first Aboriginal appointed to http://www.policyalternatives.ca/search/apachesolr_search/nafta. the Senate http://modern-canadian-history.suite101.com/article.cfm/james_ January 10, 1920 | Canada a founding member of League of gladstone_canadas_first_indian_senator. Nations For more information on Canada’s entry to the League please consult January 31, 1973 | Calder v. Attorney-General of BC http://faculty.marianopolis.edu/c.belanger/quebechistory/encyclope- For more information on the Calder case, please consult: http://www. dia/LeagueofNation.htm and http://worldatwar.net/timeline/other/ atns.net.au/agreement.asp?EntityID=2359, http://www.thecana- league18-46.html. For more information on the Treaty of Versailles, please dianencyclopedia.com/ index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=A1AR- consult http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/treaty_of_versailles.htm. TA0001169 and http://www.kermode.net/nisgaa/no_frames/calder. html. For a copy of the final agreement, please consult http://www. January 16, 1965 | Auto Pact signed ainc-inac.gc.ca/al/ldc/ccl/fagr/nsga/nis/nis-eng.asp. For more infor- For more information on Auto Pact, please consult http://ameri- mation on Frank Calder, please consult August 30. can-business.org/55-auto-pact.html and http://www.thecanadianen- cyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=A1ARTA0001245. For FEBRUARY information on the Canadian auto industry, see http://www.cbc.ca/ news/background/autos/. For a critical analysis on the decision to end February 1, 1890 | BC Miner and Mine Labourers Protective the Auto Pact, please consult http://www.caw.ca/en/3061.htm. Association founded For more information on the strike, the MMLPA and its repercussions, January 24, 2001 | Alberta Firewall Letter please consult http://www.sfu.ca/labour/StrikeOutline.htm and For a copy of the letter, please consult http://www.liberal.ca/news- http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=T- room/in-the-news/firewall-letter/. For more information on the NCC CE&Params=A1ARTA0008309. please consult http://nationalcitizens.ca/index.html, and for a critique on the NCC, please consult http://www.nupge.ca/news_2004/ February 3, 2012 | Caterpillar closes Electro-Motive plant in n08no02a.htm. London after workers refuse 50% wage cut For more information, see: January 25, 1993 | Catherine Callbeck, first female Premier (PEI) http://www.caterpillar.com/cda/files/3276360/7/Cat+Finan- For more on Catherine Callbeck, see http://www.thecanadianencyclo- cial+4Q2011+Final.pdf. pedia.com/articles/catherine-callbeck. http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/politics/article/1125718--elec- tro-motive-to-close-london-locomotive-plant. January 25, 1996 | Leilani Muir wins forced sterilization case http://www.thestar.com/opinion/editorials/article/1126186--caterpil- http://www.abheritage.ca/abpolitics/people/influ_eugenics.html lar-gives-ontario-harsh-lesson-in-union-busting-by-shutting-locomo- http://www.canadianencyclopedia.ca/PrinterFriendly.cfm?Par- tive-plant. ams=A1ARTFET_E126. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/25/business/caterpillar-profit-ris- es-44.html. January 26, 1918 | Mr. Reynolds, an African-Canadian, not permitted to sit in Lowe’s Montreal Theatre orchestra section February 5, 1833 | Beginning of Canadian movement for 10-hour For more information, please consult: http://www.chrc-ccdp.ca/en/ work day timePortals/milestones/24mile.asp. For more information on the ever-changing concept of the “work 1 An AgendA for SociAl chAnge | liSt of reSourceS • 2013 week”, please consult http://www.cep298.com/news/nloct2005..pdf ious-science-journal-slams-harper-government-s-muzzle-on-feder- and http://oldsite.cep.ca/campaigns/sw_time/files/reduction_time_e. al-scientists. html. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/story/2012/04/24/scien- tists-muzzling-canada.html. February 5, 1981 | Toronto bathhouse sweeps For more information on Operation Soap, please consult http://www. February 19, 1889 | Métis leader Gabriel Dumont pardoned thestar.com/news/article/933821--thirty-years-after-the-bathhouse- For more information, please consult http://library.usask.ca/north- raids; http://www.yorku.ca/jspot/5/stand_together/3/index.htm and west/background/dumont.htm. http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/samesexrights/timeline_can- ada.html. For more information on the current state of Toronto Pride, February 19, 1973 | Heritage Canada Foundation is established. please consult http://www.pridetoronto.com/. For more information, see: http://www.heritagecanada.org/ February 10, 2004 | Harper v. Canada February 20, 1945 | Family Allowance cheques sent out to PEI as For more information on the case, please consult http://rabble.ca/ test-run news/stephen-harper-vs-canada, http://www.dwatch.ca/camp/Rels- http://www.suite101.com/content/the-family-allowance-in-cana- May1804.html and http://www.dwatch.ca/camp/FactumFeb1004. da-a202795, and http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index. html. For the Supreme Court documents, please consult http://www. cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=A1ARTA0002718. For an analysis of the Child canlii.org/en/ca/scc/doc/2004/2004scc33/2004scc33.pdf. Tax Benefit, see www.caledoninst.org/Publications/PDF/669ENG.pdf. February 12, 2010 | 150 people rally in support of Insite February 23, 1914 | Quong Wing’s appeal to Supreme Court of For more information on Insite, please consult http://supervisedinjec- Canada overruled tion.vch.ca/ and http://canadianharmreduction.com/. For more infor- For more information, please consult http://www.chrcccdp.ca/en/ mation on the rally and the letter sent to PM Harper, please consult browseSubjects/quong.asp and http://www.chrcccdp.ca/en/timePor- http://www.canadaviews.ca/2010/02/12/supporters-rally-to-defend- tals/milestones/12mile.asp. insite-from-feds/. For more on the Supreme Court ruling: http://www. cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/story/2011/09/29/bc-insite-su- February 26, 1915 | Nellie McClung presents Alberta legislature preme-court-ruling-advancer.html. with a petition demanding women be given the right to vote For more information on Nellie McClung, please consult http://www. February 13, 2012 | Beginning of Quebec student strike thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=A1AR- For more information, see: TA0004841. For more information on the Famous 5, please consult http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/story/2012/06/22/stu- http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?Params=A1AR- dent-demo-june-22.html. TA0009817&PgNm=TCE. For more information on the Persons Case, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/massive-montreal- please consult http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index. rally-marks-100-days-of-student-protests/article4198301/. cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=A1ARTA0006236. February 14, 1949 | Quebec Asbestos workers begin six month February 26, 1920 | Enfranchisement Amendment added to Indian strike Act For more information, see http://www.cbc.ca/history/EPISCONTENT- For more information on Enfranchisement please consult http://www. SE1EP15CH2PA2LE.html. thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=A1AR- TA0002615, and for more information on the amendments to the February 16, 1967 | Lester B. Pearson initiates Royal Commission Indian Act in 1920 please consult http://www.shannonthunderbird. on the Status of Women com/indian_act.htm. For more information, please consult http://www.ffaw.nf.ca/Docs/ royal%20commission%20Final.pdf. To learn more about the chang- February 27, 1995 | Finance Minister Paul Martin releases 1995 es to Status of Women, see http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/sto- budget ry/2006/10/04/tory-funding.html. For more information on Cairine For more information on the Martin years, please consult http:// Wilson, please consult http://www2.parl.gc.ca/Parlinfo/Files/Parlia- rabble.ca/news/paul-martin-he-has-record, and http://thetyee.ca/ mentarian.aspx?Item=176923a1-4b32-4b92-8bee-1d447764ec79&
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