tlOMMOUTH CO HISTOR1CAI M l ' * * « 4 Member Monmouth County Preit Club - ------- Li"’IgAL-Uia------ J________ ,'J M «7th YEAR — 25th WEEK Founded In 1889 MATAWAN, N. J., FRtpAV, JANUARY 17, 1936 12 Page*— 2 Sections Five Cento Single Copy. Tentative Budget Matawan Township Gives Water Council Urged To Muehlhausen And Bank Elections Of For Monmouth Is Extension Contract ToMandy Co. Bear Sole Cost Of Currie Clash Twice The Bayshore Area Below Last Years Cliffuiood-Oak Shades- Project Will Be Started Soon; Local Health Work At Council Meeting Water Will Be Purchased From Keyport, Committee Both Keyport Companies Reduction Is $92,672,56 Muehlhausen For Health Councilman ‘Thank*’ Bon Retain Present Staff; Decides; Bond Issues For financing The Work Estimates Show; Total Board Taking Over Di­ Attorney For Letting R. Malkmus Replaces Placed At $2,561,569 Bids were received by Matayan plies handled by him as a local In­ rection Of Activity; Police Committee Get Wall In Matawan Library Tax Set Township Committee Monday nlte dustry be favored by the township and contracts let Tuesday nlte at the committee as these were equal In Expente Pondered Lawyer’s ‘Abti*e* township hall for the Installation standard and quality to those speci­ ROBERTS O T E S TWO j HEARING SETFORJAN. 22 of water mains In the CUfTwood and fied In the bids and offering a speedy NO taxI n c r e a s e Oak Shades sections under federal service on any of the eQuipment ANNEXATION ISSUE County Attorney Is Named I aid. Walter .M. Joyce, from Newark should there be a break or defect Public W ill Have Chance PWA headQuarters, was present. after the contract Is completed and Preaent Indications Are Advice To Proceed With In Keansburg, Atlantic | To Voice Opinion Then; Four bids were received from the contractor relieved of Ills re­ Same Rate Retained; Caution Meets Opposi­ Highlands; Terhune* j The Scrip Issues Still widely separated areas, only one of sponsibility. Freneau Fire Co. Ap­ tion; Surrey To Be At Long Branch which was from a Monmouth County Carl J. Olson. Woodbrldge, recom­ Remain A Problem contractor. A. Stanley Mundy St mended that the supply salesman propriation Hit Made By Council Co., Ino., Woodbrldge, low bidder, meet with the contractor and the Ftow changes miirked the annual i The Monmouth County Board of The announcement by Mayor Ed­ re-organliatlon of the banka In this received the contract on hla lump township commttteo al an early date. Several times at the Tuesday nlte Freeholders approved a budget of sum bid of 140,956.40 Bids of the This was set for the first meeting ward W. Currie at the meeting of meeting of the Matawan Boro Coun­ section at the annual meetings of REP. WILLIAM II. SUTPHIN *3,581,SO# for 18Jfl at their meeting ________ _________ the Matawan Boro Council stockholders and directors'Tuesday. other contractors were: Tullor Oon- nlte In February If convenient to the T uck- I l l t l i ) SI. HUHI.KW cil, Mayor Edward W. Currie aad Again Standard Bearer Tuesday. The board set Jan. 33 as | ,tructlon Co., Red Bank, (M.314.M day nlte that the budget for 1938 I At ths Keyport Banking Co, Key­ contractor. Ke said he thot the Milliwatt Attorney Councilman August J. Muehlhausen, the day for the public hearing and ! w. O. Frits & Co., West Orange; *41,- 1s belnj prepared for Introduction I port, all directors and oncers were government would atsnd back of the Jr.. who served as chairman of Ihe passage of the budget which went at the next meeting, led to long I police committee, until the ftrst of re-elected. The board comprises F. 351.80;, Frassa Construction Oo., recommendations of the local gov­ SUTPHIN AGAIN TO by nrst reading without oppoaltlon. discussions on the Matawan Public the year, engaged In verbal ax- Palmer Armstrong, Harvey 8. Bedle, Paterson, (43.2(8.06. erning body, Necessary papers were MADISON ATTORNEY According to present estimates, Health Asaoclatlon and Freneau chsnges which bordered on th* *ar- Oeorge W. Brown, Oeorge H. Oon­ The main saving, among the throe oompleted following the special SEEK RE-ELECTION the budget Is 4t3,(73.M lower than Independent Fire Co. appropria­ castlc. over, J. Harold Hendrickson, Sam­ low bidders, lay ln the price of 9- meeting Tuesday nlte and Wednes­ RESIGNS FROM POST last year. A total of 11430,146.78, tions. The first of these came wtun Coun­ uel 0. Walker, L, Brower Walling Inch caat Iron flexible Joint pipe laid day morning the clerk was Instructed representing a decrease ol *1711,330.87 In the discussion on the liculth cilman Muehlhausen announoed.that and Jaoob WvckolT. The oflloera Albert B. Hermann Being complete ln place of which there to file these papera with the PWA compared to laat year, must be rais­ In Newark. association matter, the mayor snld Fred M. Burlew Refuse* altho the recent informal conference are: Mr. Armstrong, president; Mr. are 3M lineal feet reQuired. Mundy Groomed As G.O.P. Op­ ed by taxation. that lie felt IU appropriation should of members ot Uie police cwnmltts* Hendrlokuon, vice-president: Mr. bid *7.00 per lineal foot against Strlal bonds In denominations of To Comment; New Real ponent; Ex-Athlete In addition to the budget, tho bn reduced at least 1300 from lust and oltisens relatlvs to charfie of In­ Brown, secretary; John S. Matthews. $13,59 aiul $13.50 by his nearoat com­ 11000 will be Issued, dated December Estate Development board appropriated 130,614 lor op­ year's, and that he would go bQ- efficiency and nagleot of duty bad Jr., cashier; L E. Ookelet, assistant petitors and 111 by the high bidder. 1. 1*98, bearing Interi'ht st four per- According to re ports emanating eration of the two county district The price of clght-lnoh valves, with relltllm, wttli Interest plivable M'lnl fore flu- orgnnluitloii's next meet- resulted ln virtual absolution for cashier. lllK und nnk It to reducc It from ) It w h s learned on uood authority from Washington. WUllam 11. flut- courts, and set one-flfth of a mill boxea Inntalled, rangod from $97.55 to annually. Tlirse will bc puld ofl Chief of Police Edwin C. Sloat, he. No changes were made In the as Uie county library tax. 11500 lo 11300. He declared that this week that Pred M. Burlew. pliln, Democrat, Matawan. hits def- 140. and $38 to 136 for 70 six-inch 111 UhlU of I30U0 from Him to IM3 Matawrn, re-uppolntvd Jun. 1. as at­ Muehlhausen, was aUll oonvlneed board of directors or officers of the Director Raymond L. Wyckoff, of when lin becsnio mayor lie advised intely announced hl.s Intention of valves. nnd IIOOQ from lOVJ !o lgmi. Th™ torney for thn Madison Township that his original charge! had been People's National Hank, of Keyport. Keyport, makes tho following state­ U|i' $191)0 grant so tlmt a surplus running for rc-rlrctlun to Ills pres­ Following tho awarding of Uie bonds will br hclil by thr United substantiated. Offlcers renamed Included: Judgo Committee, had tendered hla rea- ent post us member from tho Third ment pertaining to the the 1936 contract. Warren B. Hutchinson, Htatrs mill! rt’tlrrmrd. Wuti.r will could lie built up and that this hsd Continuing the councilman stated Henry E. Ackerson, Jr., president; budget. been accomplished and he felt a Ignatlon tu become effective Imme­ Congressional District In the House president of HiiUihlnson, Inc., Mat­ bepurchniHMl Irom the Horn of Key­ thst he wlahid to "thank” the Charles H. Jewell, vlce-prcsldent; "We aro Introducing tlio 1938 reduction was In order. diately. of Representatives. If the reports awan supply house, asked that aup* port. In an eflort to cheek the report mayor, who la also serving as b o n H. 8 Burrowes, executive vlce-preA- budget today. The hearing Is to be Councilman August J. Muelilhnu- are trim, this sets nt rest rumors a representative of this newspaper attorney, for walking out on Uie Ident; Evart V. Sllcox, cashier; and held at our regular meeting Wed­ m ii. Jr.. stated that he could not that Coniiessman Sutphln would telephoned I^tr. Hurlew. The attor­ conference and permitting tha mem­ John H. Roberts, assistant cashier. bc a ctuiilldutc to the United States nesday, Jan. 33. Tha budget, as see why the boio could not run Its bers of the committee lo tak* Uw Directors, including Ackcrson ami approved by ua at the preaent time, BORO TRAFFIC DRIVE LEGION AUXILIARY own public health nursing facili­ ney refuted to either confirm or Senute In opposition to W. Warren deny the matter. Hla only state­ abuse" of Ohlif Sloat'a attorney. Jewell, who were re-elected aro: Barbour, Republican Incumbent. provides for a total reduction of ties thru Uie board of health. He Thi mayor had' Iwen In th* Boro John S. VanMator, Louis Stults, S170.S30.B7 to be raised by taxation. REFORTEDPROCtESSIKG PLANS_AaiVITIES inlnted out that It lias bean esti­ ment being "I have no comment to Mayor Frank Hague, Jersey Olty, make.'' Hall that evening but had lift prior Jr.. and W. 8. Wallace. and other Democratic state leaders, "In the two departments where mated that tho boro gets only about to the start of thi prop ladings. Altho the Madison Townahlp Com­ The board of directors of the are said to be negotiating with our board haa sole responsibility, Police Determined To End Mr*. Jame* Martin Urge* ten per cent, of Ui* services while "Con fen ken Oied Fer leaT mittee met yesterday to cohsldir a m iners and Merchant* National Charles Edison, East Orange, son of we have made a aavtng of $1*0,911- Car Speeders; Twenty Larger Attendance; Re­ it bears the major share of (he In reply Mayor Ourrle listed.
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