December 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1765 TRIBUTE TO MONTY HALL memory by considering a bill that aims to fulfill been nearly impossible to secure this impor- one of his greatest passions. This country tant victory for water and sanitation. HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN owes him a great deal for his vision and fore- I want to conclude by thanking my staff. It OF CALIFORNIA sight. Thank you, Senator Paul Simon, and to seems like generations of Team Blumenauer IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his wife, Patti, who continues to support his have been involved in this effort at one point important work. or another. From Judah Ariel to Steph Cappa, Tuesday, December 9, 2014 The passage of the Water for the World Act to Michael Harold, thank you! Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to is historic. Let’s hope this shining example of bipartisan pay tribute to a great humanitarian and philan- Never before has the U.S. had a Global cooperation is not only a source of holiday thropist, Monty Hall. Water Strategy for how to effectively deal with cheer, but also an example all of us in Con- Monty Hall is widely known for his iconic growing water scarcity in all corners of the gress can draw on in the New Year. work in daytime television, but what many world. We now have a blueprint on how to f Americans don’t know is that he has spent his help those in need, while at the same time life engaged in philanthropic work. Monty Hall planning for, and then implementing, efforts to CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ANNA has traveled extensively throughout the United prevent and mitigate water-related conflict. E. BARRY SCHOOL FOR BEING States, Canada, and Europe and raised an es- The U.S. can no longer afford to play a mod- NAMED A NATIONAL BLUE RIB- timated $1 billion for charities. He has been est role, and instead must take up the mantle BON SCHOOL honored with more than 500 awards for his of leadership. This bill ensures that will hap- tireless work. pen. HON. RICHARD E. NEAL In 1975, Monty Hall was elected President None of this would have been possible if it OF MASSACHUSETTS of the world’s largest children’s charity, Variety weren’t for efforts of literally thousands of peo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Clubs International, and in 1981 he was hon- ple all across the country that took action and Tuesday, December 9, 2014 ored with the lifetime title of International urged Congress to pass the Water for the Chairman. In 1988, he was awarded the pres- World Act. In October, I joined CHARLIE DENT Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I wish to congratu- tigious Order of Canada for his humanitarian and over 60,000 of our closest friends in Cen- late the Anna E. Barry School of Chicopee, works around the world. In 2002, he was in- tral Park for a rally calling on Congress to act Massachusetts for the honor of being named ducted into the Order of Manitoba. For the on this critical legislation. It worked. a National Blue Ribbon School for 2014, and past 35 years, he has hosted the annual The Water for the World Act was endorsed to recognize their achievements both in aca- Monty Hall/Cedars-Sinai Tennis Tournament by over 80 NGOs, nearly half of whom are demic excellence and in narrowing education to benefit the Diabetes Center and Pancreatic faith-based organizations. While all played a gaps between students. Cancer Program. critical role, there are a few that deserve indi- The Anna E. Barry School currently enrolls It is a tribute to Monty Hall’s commitment vidual recognition. students from kindergarten through fifth grade. that the children’s wings of four hospitals— Going all the way back to 2005, we would In its mission statement, the school states that UCLA Medical Center, Hahnemann Hospital in have barely moved the needle if it weren’t for its purpose is ‘‘to educate children . in Philadelphia, Mount Sinai in Toronto, and Malcolm Morris and Mark Winter of Living order that they may successfully continue with Johns Hopkins in Baltimore—all bear his Water International. their education, pursue their aspirations and name. David Douglas has been a constant source eventually become contributing community Monty Hall has received honorary doctor- of encouragement and support. members.’’ ates from the University of Manitoba, Haifa I also want to thank Lisa Schechtman of The National Blue Ribbon School Program University in Israel, and Hahnemann Medical WaterAid, John Sparks of the Millennium was established in 1982 to honor elementary, College. He and Marilyn, his beloved wife of Water Alliance, Lisa Bos of World Vision, John middle and high schools which have excellent 66 years, have three children and five grand- Oldfield of WASH Advocates, and Erin Rein performance, or which have substantially re- children. (‘‘Reen’’) of InterAction. They have been on duced the performance gap for disadvantaged I ask my colleagues to join me in thanking the front lines of this effort, ready to jump into student populations. Created under Secretary Monty Hall for his tremendous contributions, action at a moment’s notice. of Education Terrel H. Bell, the program was which have made lives better for countless in- Others have been indispensible as well, in- designed to celebrate achievement among dividuals in our nation and around the world. cluding Habitat for Humanity, Water.org, and public and private schools alike, as well as to f the Global Poverty Project. encourage the sharing of successful teaching I also want to thank my House colleagues strategies. COMMEMORATING THE PASSAGE who personally invested a great deal of time With just fewer than 7,900 educational insti- OF H.R. 2901, THE PAUL SIMON into bringing this bill to the floor. Without TED tutions having been named National Blue Rib- WATER FOR THE WORLD ACT OF POE, the issue of increasing access to clean bon Schools, it is an extraordinary achieve- 2014 drinking water and sanitation would not have ment for the Anna E. Barry School to be rec- the bipartisan support and appreciation it de- ognized with this award. The uniting feature of HON. EARL BLUMENAUER serves. He made this happen. Thank you, National Blue Ribbon Schools is their commit- OF OREGON TED. I also want to thank Chairman ROYCE. ment and dedication to outstanding edu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Chairman went out of his way to make cational outcomes for their pupils, and I am Water for the World a priority and is the latest proud to count a school from the First District Tuesday, December 9, 2014 extension of his efforts to meaningfully reform of Massachusetts among them. Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, nearly our aid programs. In being named a National Blue Ribbon three-and-a-half years ago, Congressman TED Just as important to this effort have been School, the Anna E. Barry School has been POE and I set out on a joint effort to increase our friends and allies at USAID and the De- recognized for their outstanding work improv- access to clean drinking water and sanitation partment of State. Starting with former Sec- ing the results of both students with special for the world’s poorest. His commitment to retary of State Clinton, who made water a educational needs, and those who have work together on this effort was for all of the focal point of her time in Foggy Bottom, and English as a second language. The school’s right reasons. The most important, however, her Special Advisor for Water Resources, Dr. accomplishment has been the product of tai- was his clear understanding that politics stops Aaron Salzberg. And Christian Holmes at lored student teaching, the integration of tech- at water. USAID, the first-ever Global Water Coordi- nology, and the engagement of the commu- And last night, our years of work and shared nator, with whom I look forward to continuing nity. By focusing on individual achievement efforts were rewarded when the House passed to work. and establishing positive lines of communica- the bipartisan Senator Paul Simon Water for Finally, as every Member of Congress tion with families, the Anna E. Barry School the World Act. knows, we wouldn’t make much progress on has not only improved educational outcomes, My efforts began over a decade ago, and anything if it weren’t for the dedicated, hard- but has made learning a collaborative exercise were encouraged by the late Senator Paul working staff that actually run the place. With- between students, parents and teachers. Simon, the namesake of this bill and my 2005 out the tireless efforts and expertise from Joan The success of the school can also be at- Water for the Poor Act. It’s fitting that on this Condon and her colleagues on the House For- tributed to the dedication of its teachers and day—the anniversary of his passing on De- eign Affairs Committee, and from Luke Murry administrators in promoting and advancing the cember 9, 2003—Congress would honor his in Congressman POE’s office, it would have students’ education. I wish the school, its staff VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:28 Dec 10, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09DE8.029 E09DEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1766 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 9, 2014 and the students well in their future endeav- one year terms as Vice Mayor. He has also early age showed a keen aptitude for math ors, and again congratulate them on this re- represented Livermore on a variety of inter- and science.
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