Introduction avenloft is neither the name of the planet, nor the traveling folk, the potency of their curses and use the name of a land. Ravenloft is an ancient of the Evil Eye keep the Vistani from being barred R castle in the land of Barovia, a nation that lies from towns. at the heart of the continent known as “the Beware The Mists. Cool white fogs borders Core”. the known lands. It’s easy to become lost in the The world itself has no name, simply being Mists, which have been known to snatch travellers, known as “the world”. To some it’s called the depositing them in faraway lands or even other times. “Land of the Mists”. Travellers from distant lands Magic Is Unreliable. Outlanders from distant sometimes label the world the “Demiplane of Dread” lands complain that magic does not work as it but locals laugh at that hyperbole. Others have called should: it can’t detect morality, travel between the world such things as a prison for the damned, a nations, accurately divine the future, or cross crucible for the virtuous, or a realm of fear. To you, into other worlds. Even those spells that do work it’s simply “home”. sometimes have unintended consequences. Common Knowledge Horror and Heroes Many beliefs vary from land to land, as people Ravenloft is a world of terrors, a campaign setting disagree on what is true and what is myth. But the created for the Dungeons & DRagons roleplaying majority of the Core’s inhabitants commonly accept game. Ravenloft is a land where the common the following as facts: threats are not beasts pulled from Greek Mythology Magic Is Real. It’s widely accepted that magic or High Fantasy, instead coming from Gothic tales, exists, but it’s disputed if magic is an abomination folk tales, and old horror films. Beasts like the or part of the natural order. Most folk never witness chimera or manticore are rare, and it’s instead a displays of true magic but still accept that it exists. world of vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and hags. People Are Isolated. The average person lives For the inhabitants, their world is not a place their entire life within thirty miles of where they of nightmares. Wicked gods rarely cause dramatic were born. The farthest most folk travel is the events that shake the land, armies of orcs don’t neighbouring town or village. rampage across the countryside, and huge dragons Monsters Are Real. The majority of people die seldom burn whole villages. The occasional person from natural causes, never having encountered a might die a mysterious death or vanish under creature of the night. Regardless, it’s agreed that suspicious circumstances, but most folk live relatively monsters are very real and that dangers lurk in the normal lives in peace before dying a mundane death. shadows. Yet there are still horrors: monsters lurk in the Superstitions Work. As monsters are real and shadows, in the woods, in the ruins, and in the dark dangerous, adherence to ritual is what keeps people places even the brave fear to walk. safe. By strictly adhering to tradition, tragedy is While there are no dragons, neither are there avoided. shining knights wielding radiant swords, righteous Humanity Is Predominant. The various holy warriors with unwavering faith, and magi who inhuman races are rare, almost unknown in many flaunt their control over the fundamental forces of lands. At best they're viewed as less than human, and the universe. Such bravery is rare, and champions at worst they're seen as beasts or monsters. that flagrant become easy prey for the forces of the Technology Advances. The progress of science night. has created modern wonders, such as clockworks, Heroes in Ravenloft are a different sort, not firearms, gaslights, and some steam power. choosing a life of adventure for glory or wealth. The Gods Are Silent. While prayers are Usually they have the life of a hero thrust on them. sometimes answered, the gods themselves don’t They’re unlikely to turn the tide against the forces speak directly to mortals. Some claim to hear the of evil or save the world. Many will not even be voice of god, but these are called madmen as often as remembered for their deeds, save by the people they're called prophets. whose lives they saved. But, for these heroes, that is Do Not Anger The Vistani. Vagabonds by nature, enough. Vistani are often considered thieves, but these gypsies can also be entertainers, traders, craftsmen, and mystics.Sample Despite widespread fear and mistrust of file 4 Chapter I: Doomsday Gazetteer here are many disparate nations in the Land of the Mists: some are connected to other The Central Lands T kingdoms forming large regions, while others The central lands of the Core are dominated by rocky lands are isolated, all alone in the Mist. terrain and steep mountains. Small settlements are The Mists are the defining feature of the world, tucked away into valleys and dales while roads weave acting as border and boundary. These cool white through narrow mountain passes, bridging east and banks of fog stretch across the horizon, obscuring the west. distant lands beyond the Core. Many nations were Barovia once completely obscured by the Mists until it rolled Monarchy back to reveal is neighbouring lands. Government: Demonym: Barovian The Core Language: Balok None The dominant continent in the Mists is known as the Capital: Core. It’s the hub of high culture and trade. The isolated rural nation of Barovia lies deep in the Seas flank the continent to the east and west, shadows of the Balinok mountains. Barovians are and a steep mountain range cuts across the middle a superstitious folk, fearful of the night. Quiet and of the landmass, geographically dividing the land. suspicious, Barovians prefer to have few dealings The south and west are heavily forested, the woods with outsiders. Despite this, the Old Svalich Road becoming denser and wilder further from the coast. cuts through Barovia; one of the safer trading routes Plains stretch across the east, while the northern across the Core, the road brings frequent traders and Core is a mix of terrain: rough plains broken by merchants through the land. The ruler of the land woods and marshland. Near the center of the is Count Strahd von Zarovich XIII, who rules from continent is a massive fog-filled chasm: a wound Castle Ravenloft perched high atop soaring cliffs in the landscape where two lands were seemingly that overlook the small Village of Barovia. “The devil destroyed. Strahd”—as he is known by the populace—is a distant Sampleruler, who delegates the day-to-dayfile matters. 55 Borca schools that openly teach arcane magic and its Feudal Despotism merchants trade simple magic items such as potions Government: and tonics. Hazlan is ethnically divided, with the Borcan Demonym: lower class Rashemani being little more than slaves Language: Balok and the upper class Mulan ruling unquestioned. Capital: Levkarest Despite being outnumbered a hundred to one, the Similar to urbane Dementlieu in attitude and Mulan keep their authority through use of force and rural Barovia in blood, the mountainous nation of religion, with the fatalistic teachings of the Lawgiver Borca is a land of intrigue and betrayal, secrets and used to limit uprisings. poison. Borca is the most advanced nation in terms Nova Vaasa of economics, with powerful banks and a culture of Aristocracy written contracts. The land is ostensibly ruled by the Government: Nova Vaasan landowners, but all property has fallen into the hands Demonym: of the Boritsi family. A sizable aristocracy remain, Language: Vaasi but all nobles are now vassals of the Boritsi family, Capital: Kantora and their position is tied to their popularity. The A nation of contrasts, Nova Vaasa is a land of current mistress of the Boritsi family is Ivana Boritsi, cramped cities and wild plains. The vast majority of who took the position after the death of her mother, the land is covered in open prairie known for two Camille. Borcans are deeply religious, and the nation things: grass and horses. Most of the population is also the seat of the Home Faith, the original branch lives in congested cities surrounded by farms and of the Church of Ezra. There is also a powerful ranches. Nova Vaasa is the center of the Church of criminal element. Opposed to the Dementlieuse the Lawgiver, a strict religion that rewards obedience squabbling gangs, Borca’s criminal syndicates are old and servitude. The people are sharply divided into and centered around tight-knit families. the poor and the wealthy nobility led by Prince The Shadow Rift Bolshnik. Because of the influence of the Church, Monarchy rebellion is unheard of, but violent crimes and vice Government: are rampant in the cities. Demonym: Arak Language: Elven Tepest Capital: Esmerth Government: Theocratic Aristocracy Tepestani Not a true nation, the Shadow Rift is a hole in the Demonym: world left when two lands were wrenched from the Language: Tepestani Core, leaving a vast chasm. Steep cliffs abruptly drop Capital: None away from the adjacent lands, ending in a tenebrous This mountainous and wooded rural land lies nestled mists. The inhabitants of Tepest have long claimed between the mountains of southeastern Darkon and that the Rift is home to creatures of dark magic and the eerie chasm of the Shadow Rift. The Tepestani hideous monsters. While little is known about its have always been superstitious, avoiding the inhabitants, there is increasing rumours that beings menacing woods out of fear of the witches, goblins, known as “Shadow fey” call it home.
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