JlmSm! .V.VVjf Hii SBS!?! ®tai tfSKS .fii&tei -'v - T Si THE PRESS ®Sk5^ An Institution Which Works 4 ^\ ' For Community Ack Polks; "Vi;i , * >n s% <„ f j!< <!' < vancement. - THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CONN. The "Press" Covers More Than Twenty-Two Suburban Districts, Combining a Population of Over Thirty Thousand Between Hartford & Springfield it FORTY-FOURTH YEAR- NO. 52 THOMPSONVILLE, CONNECTICUT, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1924 PRICE $2.00 A YEAR—SINGLE COPY 5e|§§ 'ftS :> iir- LOCAL GIRL WEDS CHURCH MINSTREL !Pi Plan and Specification Contract m M ffp PITTSFIELD MAN AGAIN BIG SUCCESS ; mm * - * - Miss Nora Kennedy of ''Mi &W*$ Performances of St. An­ n jority of Committee Spring Street Is Bride drew's Church Players of Raymond Murray in Draw Capacity Crowds New Time Here This Action Taken At Meeting of the New High ; St. Patrick's Church. Both Evenings. School Building Committee Held Yesterday A pretty after Easter wedding The sixth annual minstrel perform­ EGINNING Monday morn­ ing, the Bigelow-Hartford Afternoon—Rumored Friction in the Commit­ Mrst Two Nights of Ten Night Bazaar and En­ took place Tuesday morning at 8 ance of the Men's Union and Girls' Friendly Society, of St. Andrew's BCarpet Co. will operate on tee Over the Financial Arrangements With the tertainment Draw Large Attendance—De- o'clock in St. Patrick's church when Episcopal Church was given Tuesday Daylight Saving Time. There will be no change of clocks in Architect and the Sum That the Specifications lightful Entertainments by Children of Mary,Miss Nora Kennedy, daughter of Mr. and again last evening in the parish md Mrs Kennedy of 94 house before capacity audiences and the plant, work will merely be­ Provide For Construction of New Building. I and the Kindergarten Children of St. Joseph's Spring street was married to Ray­ proved to be the most enjoyable and gin an hour earlier. All other mond Murray of 63 Orchard street, entertaining of the several minstrel industrial plants in the town School—Many Choice Attractions For the Re­ Pittsfield. Rev. Daniel J. O'Connor, entertainments presented by both will follow the same rule. The The seven members of the New |$38,000 in excess of the amount ap- pastor, performed the ceremony and clubs. Robert Fay was musical di­ official affairs of the town will High School Building Committee who • propriated. While the _ members of maining Nights. also celebrated the nuptial mass in rector and Deputy ^.Sheriff Edward be run on the "hour earlier" i were present at the committee meet- i t*le committee are reticent on the •Sff t~—— the presence of a large assembly of Bromage was interlocutor. The bones plan. This will apply to office i. , .. matter it is rumored that some mem- relatives and friends. The bride was hours of all officials at the j mg yesterday afternoon signed a i bers are dissatisfied with the amount The opening Monday evening of were Wilbur Colton, Clarence Mar­ I contract with the Frank Irving Coop- called for in the specifications and -the big Bazaar and entertainment in Time Of Church. attended by her sister, Miss Anna tin, Joseph Colligan and Benjamin town building. The same rule Kennedy and the best man was-James Higginbotham, the tambos were Ar­ will be observed in the business • er Corporation of Boston, accepting. also with the manner in which the .St. Joseph's Hall, for which the and professional life in this | the plans and specifications of this j architect is to be remunerated, "United Societies of St. Patrick's Par- ^Services Sunday Norton, a cousin.of the bridegroom. thur Gaudette, George M. Moore, The ushers were Harry Lord, Ray­ section of the town. In* the ag­ j concern for the new school building, j At the meeting yesterday after-. rish have been preparing since the Charles M. Brown and Milford Hal- ricultural section of the town j These plans are substantially the | noon the secretary of the committee first of thie year found every ar-; St. Patrick's Church, usual mond Purely and Martin Kennedy. las. The bride wore a gown of sky blue Standard time will as usual ;same as have been described in these;was authorized to endeavor to get xangement complete to the last de-1 hours, Standard time. Ballads were sung by Leroy Gard­ prevail. : columns before, excepting that sev- j the signatures of the remaining mem- tail. The interior of the hall pre- ; United .Presbyterian Church, taffeta with pearl and silver trim­ ner, Florence Johnson, Herbert Tay­ ! eral minor changes were made in an: bers of the committee to the archi- «ented a colorful appearance with its! usual hours, Standard time. mings and a hat in harmony. She lor and Ernest Cummings and end effort to bring the cost of construc- : tects contract. The architect has "handsome decorations and finely ap-' Methodist Episcopal Church, carried a shower bouquet of bride's songs by Arthur Gaudette, Clarence tion and equipment within the ap- j been instructed to proceed with the pointed booths which lined both sides. Standard time. roses. Immediately after the church Martin, Benjamin Higginbotham, propriation of $250,000. In these ! preparation of copies of the plans and of the building. The miniature re-; First Presbyterian Church, services a reception was held at the Wilbur Colton and Joseph Colligan. changes the capacity of the building1 specifications for the purpose of sub- production of a section of the new, Daylight Saving time. home of the bride's parents on Spring The entire company sang "Wait Till ENFIELD STREET ; is untouched, it will hold 500 pupils J mitting them to prospective bidders • school on the stage attracted no small St. Andrew's Episcopal, Day­ street which was attended by 75 the Clouds Roll By" and the grand as originally planned. j for the construction of the building. -amount of attention, and scores of j light Saving time. guests, including relatives and friends finale by the company was "Dark FARMER KILLED It is understood that at an earlier • The names of the eight firms who are those present heeded the admon-; ' f -m Pittsfield, Dalton, Springfield, Town Is Out Tonight," while the meeting held this week, the final j to be invited to bid on the work tion to "buy a brick" by having jLoweil and this village. program concludcd with the patriotic j paring down of these specifications ' have been selected and the plans are "their names enrolled on the wall of Mr. and Mrs. Murray left late in selection, "We Will Never Let the UNDER TRACTOR j was made and that it was finally es-; to be in their hands within two weeks "the building. jthe afternoon for a wedding trip to Old Flag Fall." A pleasing feature timated that the construction of the for them to prepare their estimates, As was expected on both the open- TWO INQUIRIES jNew York and Philadelphia and up- of the program each evening was on building alone would cost $248,000,; It is understood that when the esti- -ing night and the one following the Ytmnn *Tn/rnrtn I • their return will reside in their aesthetic dancing by the pupils of David Stillson Crushed exclusive of the architect's fees and , mates are received the committee will -•crowd present taxed the capacity of Miss Gladys Buck of Hazardville. cost of equipment, which would bring 1 determine what further course to pur- the hall. The entertainment attrac­ WERE NECESSARY Those who took part were Miss Ger­ To Death When Mach­ the amount up to $288,000. This is sue regarding the appropriation. tion Monday evening was given by ' I of -a large assortment of wedding trude Davis, Althea Martin, Junior the Children of Mary. It was en- Martin, Virginia Evans, Peggy Fitz­ ine Overturns While - titled "A Night In Old Erin." Sev- To Admit the Guerrera j furniture and ^money. ' g gerald, Lela Fuge and Lois Hilditch. Drawing A Load of • eril delightful Irish melodies were During intermissioA candy was sold IMPROVEMENTS THREE ACT COMEDY -sung by members of the- Sodality Family To Country Ev­ ! HIGH SCHOOL ANNUAL by the Girls' Friendly Society. Timber. •accompanied by character pictures. en Though Quota Was 1 CONCERT ON MAY 5TH "The production was directed by Miss CLAN MURRAY TO ATTEND David Stillson, 41, a farmer and Yearly Musical of Glee Club Will Be AT SOUTH SCHOOL BY GIRL SCOUTS ^Elizabeth Hughes. Tuesday evening Exceeded. * SERVICES IN FIRST CHURCH. milk dealer, was killed shortly be­ the program was given by the Kin­ Presented in the Auditorium of the fore 11 o'clock Monday morning when dergarten children of St. Joseph's. A' uniqueMM question* came before the Higgins School. Accompanied by Woman's Auxiliary Committee Receives Will Be Presented Next School. These little tots, in song, The Glee Club of the Enfield High and Springfield Kilty Band, Will a tractor which he was driving in a and character dancing, lived up to Immigration. Commissioner at Ellis School will give its annual concert March To Church. wood lot on the east part of his farm Bids For New Toilet Wednesday Evening in their long established reputation for Island on Monday of this week when at the A. D. Higgins Auditorium on T'-2 members of Clan Murray of property on Enfield street, overturn­ jgiving surprisingly clever entertain­ Antonio Guerrera and two children May 5, at 8 P. M. Much time and Springfield and .the, woman's auxil­ ed and crushed him beneath it. Mr. Installations That Will Community Hall On ments. They were excellently train- were denied admission to this coun­ effort have been given by Mr.
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