1 selectedartworks.com 3PK517 3 PAUL KLEE Castle and Sun (detail) 2PK1413 2 PAUL KLEE 3PK1029 3 PAUL KLEE Die Vase Paysage à l’enfant 297 selectedartworks.com 2PK1414 2 PAUL KLEE Insula Dulcamara 3PK1030 3 PAUL KLEE 3PK521 3 PAUL KLEE Port et voiliers Senecio (detail) 3PK1411 3 PAUL KLEE Protected Children 3PK1415 3 3PK1412 3 PAUL KLEE 3PK1499 3 PAUL KLEE PAUL KLEE Abstract Painting Spiral Flowers Arrogance 298 299 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 2CM1507 2 2PK1500 2 PAUL KLEE CLAUDE MONET Dramatic Landscape Water Lilies 3PK1505 2CM1508 3 2 PAUL KLEE CLAUDE MONET The Power of Play The Water Lily in a Lech Landscape Pond 2CM1031 3PK1506 2 3 CLAUDE MONET PAUL KLEE Les Nympheas Three Houses and a Bridge a Giverny 300 301 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 3CM1509 3 CLAUDE MONET 3CM007 3 CLAUDE MONET Waterlilies Waterlilies 1CM1510 1 CLAUDE MONET 1CM1511 1 CLAUDE MONET 1CM1512 1 CLAUDE MONET 1CM006 1 CLAUDE MONET Waterlilies Water Lilies Water Lilies Nympheas 302 303 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 4CM1632 4 CLAUDE MONET Waterlilies 2CM004 2 CLAUDE MONET Waterlilies at Sunset (detail) 3CM1517 3 CLAUDE MONET Waterlilies: Green Reflections 4CM1513 4 CLAUDE MONET The Water Lilies - Setting Sun 4CM008 4 CLAUDE MONET 2CM1514 2 C. MONET 2CM1515 2 C. MONET 2CM1516 2 C. MONET Morning (detail I) Waterlilies I Waterlilies II Waterlilies III 304 305 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 5CM1518 5 CLAUDE MONET The Water Lilies - Morning 5CM1519 CLAUDE MONET 5 2CM011 2 CLAUDE MONET The Water Lilies - The Clouds Detail of Waterlilies: The Clouds 3CM002 3CM1521 3 3 CLAUDE MONET CLAUDE MONET Water-Lilies (detail) Les nympheas 3CM1520 3CM1522 3 3 CLAUDE MONET CLAUDE MONET Wisteria Water Lilies 306 307 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 4CM010 4 CLAUDE MONET Waterlilies: The Clouds (detail) 3CM026 3 CLAUDE MONET The Artist’s Garden at Giverny 2CM1523 2 CLAUDE MONET Les iris jaunes 2CM012 2 CLAUDE MONET Morning (detail I) 3CM1040 3 CLAUDE MONET Les roses 3CM001 3 CLAUDE MONET Detail of Waterlilies 3CM1524 3 CLAUDE MONET 3CM1041 3 CLAUDE MONET at Sunset Les agapanthes Les iris 308 309 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 3CM1525 3 CLAUDE MONET 3CM1527 3 CLAUDE MONET Water Lily Pool The Japanese Bridge, Pond with Water Lillies (detail) 1CM1526 1 CLAUDE MONET 1CM016 1 CLAUDE MONET 1CM015 1 CLAUDE MONET 1CM1528 1 CLAUDE MONET Le bassin aux nympheas a Giverny The Japanese Footbridge, Giverny The Waterlily Pond: Green Harmony Le bassin aux nympheas, harmonie rose 310 311 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 2CM1532 2 CLAUDE MONET Coquelicots (detail) 3CM031 3 CLAUDE MONET Coquelicots 1CM1529 1 CLAUDE MONET 1CM028 1 CLAUDE MONET The Japanese Bridge, Pond with Water Lillies Path in Monet’s Garden, Giverny 1CM030 1 CLAUDE MONET 1CM1530 1 CLAUDE MONET 3CM1034 3 CLAUDE MONET 3CM1533 3 CLAUDE MONET Printemps a Giverny Agapanthe Femme à l’ombrelle Coquelicots (detail) 312 313 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 2CM1534 2 CLAUDE MONET Vetheuil 3CM1531 3 CLAUDE MONET Springtime 3CM027 3 CLAUDE MONET Woman with Parasol (Left) 3CM019 3 CLAUDE MONET Meadow with Poplars (detail) 3CM025 3 CLAUDE MONET 3CM033 3 CLAUDE MONET Woman with a Parasol (Right) Young Woman in a Garden 3CM034 3 CLAUDE MONET Wooded Scene 314 315 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 3CM021 3 CLAUDE MONET The Bridge at Argenteuil 2CM546 2 CLAUDE MONET 3CM544 3 CLAUDE MONET Bend in the Epte River near Giverny Poplars on the Banks of the Epte (detail) 3CM1535 3 CLAUDE MONET Poplars on the Banks of the l’Epte, Autumn 3CM1419 3 CLAUDE MONET 1CM1536 1 CLAUDE MONET Morning, Antibes Poplars on the Epte 316 317 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 3CM1425 3CM1032 3 3 CLAUDE MONET CLAUDE MONET The Train in the Country Impression au soleil levant 3CM020 3CM035 3 3 CLAUDE MONET CLAUDE MONET Sun Setting over the Seine Le Pave de Chailly at Lavacourt 3CM1426 3 CLAUDE MONET 1CM1429 1 CLAUDE MONET 3CM1428 3 CLAUDE MONET Tulip Fields with Windmill Vue du Parlement de Londres Waterloo Bridge, London 318 319 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 3CM1422 3CM1044 3 3 CLAUDE MONET CLAUDE MONET Carrieres, Saint-Denis Cliff Walk at Pourville 3CM1051 3CM1012 3 3 CLAUDE MONET CLAUDE MONET The Beach at Sainte-Adresse Antibes 3CM1420 3CM545 3 3 CLAUDE MONET CLAUDE MONET Falaise, near Fecamp The Cliffs at Etretat 320 321 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 2CM1046 2 CLAUDE MONET Les barques régates à Argenteuil 3CM1045 3 CLAUDE MONET Régate a Sainte Adresse 3CM022 3 CLAUDE MONET Regatta at Argenteuil 3CM1047 3 CLAUDE MONET Houses on the 3CM1421 3 CLAUDE MONET Achterzaan (detail) The Villas at Bordighera 322 323 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 3CM1049 3CM018 3 3 CLAUDE MONET CLAUDE MONET Plage de Trouville The Marina at Argenteuil 3CM1416 3CM547 3 3 CLAUDE MONET CLAUDE MONET Terrasse à Sainte-Adresse The Seine at Argenteuil 3CM1427 3CM1537 3 3 CLAUDE MONET Le quai du Louvre a Paris CLAUDE MONET en 1867 Vétheuil 324 325 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 2VG054 2 VINCENT VAN GOGH Wheat Field with Crows 3VG117 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH The Starry Night 2VG1538 2 VINCENT VAN GOGH Landscape at twilight 2VG057 2 VINCENT VAN GOGH 3VG058 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH 3VG116 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH The Starry Night The Starry Night Cafe Terrace at Night (detail) 326 327 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 3VG1539 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH Poppy field 2VG1541 2 V. VAN GOGH Wheatfield under thunderclouds 3VG1540 3VG1542 3 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH VINCENT VAN GOGH Boerderij in een korenveld Olive Orchard 3VG1430 3VG056 3 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH VINCENT VAN GOGH Landscape with Green Corn The Olive Trees 328 329 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 3VG115 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH Wheat Field with Cypresses 3VG1432 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH Cypresses 3VG032 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH Noon: Rest 3VG1543 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH Wheat Fields with Reaper, Auvers 3VG053 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH 3VG1037 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH 3VG559 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH 3VG114 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH Mulberry Tree Le buisson de lilas Road with Cypresses (detail) Field with Irises near Arles 330 331 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 3VG1544 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH Landscape from Saint-Remy 2VG051 2 VINCENT VAN GOGH Mandorlo in fiore (detail) 3VG1545 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH The Olive Trees 3VG1431 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH 3VG1436 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH House with Straw Ceiling, Irises Cordeville 332 333 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 3VG1433 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH Irises 3VG062 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH 2VG1548 2 V. VAN GOGH 2VG1549 2 V. VAN GOGH 2VG1550 2 V. VAN GOGH Sunflowers Mandorlo in fiore I Mandorlo in fiore II Mandorlo in fiore III 3VG1546 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH 3VG1547 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH 3VG1434 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH 3VG052 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH Tournesols Zonnebloemen Irises Mandorlo in fiore 334 335 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 2PC534 2 PAUL CEZANNE The Bathers (detail) 3PC113 3 PAUL CEZANNE Apples and Primroses 3PG063 3 PAUL GAUGUIN Arearea 3VG061 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH 3VG1435 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH Roses Roses 3VG118 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH Van Gogh’s Bedroom at Arles 336 337 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 3VG557 3EM1424 3 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH Les Saintes- EDOUARD MANET Maries-de-la-Mer Sur la plage 3VG1050 3PR1417 3 3 VINCENT VAN GOGH Fishing Boats on the Beach PIERRE-AUGUSTE RENOIR at Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer Pont Neuf, Paris 3AA1551 3AA1048 3 3 ABBOTT HANDERSON THAYER PAUL MATHIEU Cornish Headlands A Canal in Burano, Venice 338 339 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 3GS540 3 GEORGES SEURAT 3KS045 3 KARL MARIA SCHUSTER Bathers at Asnieres (detail) The Terrace, Capri 3GS040 3 GEORGES SEURAT 3HE039 3 HENRI EDMOND CROSS Après-midi à l’île de La Grande Jatte The Lake of the Bois de Boulogne 340 341 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 2AA1423 2 BORIS MIKHAYLOVICH KUSTODIEV Promeneurs en Venice 1AA1552 1 CHILDE HASSAM The South Ledges, Appledore 3AA1554 3 JEAN BAPTISTE OLIVE Soleil couchant sur le Frioul 3AA1553 3 3CF049 3 CASPAR DAVID FRIEDRICH Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog THEO VAN RYSSELBERGHE The Mediterranean at Le Lavandou 3AA1325 3 JOSEPH BAIL 3AA1555 3 JOHN SINGER SARGENT 3AA1556 3 WILLIAM JAMES GLACKENS 3AA1557 3 WILLIAM JAMES GLACKENS Au jardin Breakfast in the Loggia Bass Rocks, Gloucester Swimming in the Bay 342 343 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 2AA1558 2 RICCARDO NOBILI 2JB041 2 JOHANNES BOESEN La brasserie Gathering Wild Flowers 3PR1559 3 PIERRE-AUGUSTE RENOIR Dance at Le Moulin 3AA1075 3 MIHALY MUNKACSY 3ES042 3 ERNEST SPENCE A Willing Helper The Garden, Sutton Place, England de la Galette 3RA043 3AA1560 3 3 ROBERT ATKINSON GUSTAVE CAILLEBOTTE The Rose Garden Paris Street, rainy day 344 345 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 3PV614 3 2AA571 GIUSEPPE PELLIZZA DA VOLPEDO 2 Il Quarto Stato (detail) ABEL TRUCHET Les Danseuses (detail) 3AA1060 3 VICTOR GABRIEL GILBERT The Ball 3AA1057 3 JEAN BERAUD 3CP1418 3 CAMILLE PISSARRO On the Banks of the River Seine L’Avenue de l’Opera, Paris 3AA1061 3 3CP1056 3 CAMILLE PISSARRO 3AA1561 3 JEAN FRANCOIS RAFFAELLI JEAN BERAUD Boulevard Monmartre à Paris Le boulevard saint Michel The Billiards 346 347 selectedartworks.com selectedartworks.com 3TL567 3 HENRI DE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC 3TL080 3 HENRI DE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC The Troup of Madame Eglantine In the Salon at the Rue des Moulins 3TL1562 3 HENRI DE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC 3GB1069 3 GIOVANNI BOLDINI Rousse Ballerine spagnole al Moulin Rouge 3TL568 3 HENRI DE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC 3TL569 3 HENRI DE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC 3AA1563 3 JOHN SINGER SARGENT 3GC082 3 GEORGES CLAIRIN Jane Avril Poster Divan Japonais Poster A Dinner Table at
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