12562 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE June 14, 1993 SENATE-Monday, June 14, 1998 (Legislative day o[ Monday, June 10, 1993) The Senate met at 2:30 p.m., on the WELCOME TO MRS. KAY BAILEY Her career on the appellate court has expiration of the recess, and was called HUTCHISON made her one of the most respected to order by the Honorable PA'ITY MUR­ Mr. MITCHELL. Madam President, judges on the D.C. Circuit Court. She RAY, a Senator from the State of Wash­ the purpose of today's session of the was the lone dissenting appellate judge ington. Senate is to welcome and to partici­ on the case of Morrison versus Olsen, a judgment that was subsequently vindi­ PRAYER pate in the swearing-in of the newly elected Senator from Texas, Mrs. KAY cated by an 8-to-1 ruling of the Su­ The Chaplain, the Reverend Richard BAILEY HUTCHISON. preme Court. C. Halverson, D.D., offered the follow­ On behalf of all of the Members of the Judge Ginsburg will bring a distin­ ing prayer: guished record of legal experience and Let us pray: U.S. Senate, I welcome Mrs. HUTCHISON to our ranks. knowledge to the Court. She will bring, Blessed is the nation whose God is the as well, a willingness to recognize the Lord.-Psalm 33:12. proper role of the judiciary in a demo­ God of our fathers, as a new Senator A SIGNIFICANT DAY cratic society, and in our Govern­ takes her oath of office, promising to ment's system of checks and balances. defend the Constitution against all en­ Mr. MITCHELL. Madam President, emies, we are profoundly grateful for a this is a significant day in many re­ document which merits this commit­ spects. On the day prior to this swear­ CONCERN AND PRAYERS FOR ment from all who hold public office. ing-in, a woman was nominated to be­ SENATOR SPECTER We thank Thee for the wisdom and vi­ come the Prime Minister of Canada. Mr. MITCHELL. Madam President, I sion of our forebears who conceived a Just a few moments ago, the President know I speak for all Members of the political system designed to form a announced the nomination of a woman Senate, also, to express our deep con­ government receiving its authority to serve on the Supreme Court. And cern and prayers for our colleague, from the consent of the governed whose Mrs. HUTCHISON is being sworn in here Senator ARLEN SPECTER of Pennsylva­ purpose was to secure human rights, this afternoon. nia, who this day underwent a major endowed by God who created all per­ I think all of those reflect a positive operation. We all hope and pray for sons equal. trend, not only in ours but in other so­ We praise and thank Thee, mighty Senator SPECTER's swift recovery. We cieties, toward the full participation of look forward to welcoming him back to God, for the faith expressed over and women in the processes of government. over again in their writings and the Senate in the near future. speeches. Help us gracious God, to take seriously this faith-the foundation ORDER OF PROCEDURE WELCOME AND BEST WISHES upon which our political system rests, Mr. MITCHELL. Madam President, I FROM SENATORS lest we lose by default that which we have discussed the matter with the dis­ Mr. MITCHELL. Finally, Madam promise to defend. tinguished Republican leader. Prior to President, in welcoming Mrs. We pray in His name who is the Light the swearing in, I have two brief state­ HUTCHISON to the Senate, I want to say of the world. Amen. ments to make on subjects which the that we had hoped that there would be distinguished Republican leader will more Senators present. This is a day on APPOINTMENT OF ACTING himself address. The first deals with which the Senate is not in session with PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Judge Ginsburg. votes and, therefore, many Senators The PRESIDING OFFICER. The are not present. Each of them has clerk will please read a communication NOMINATION OF JUDGE RUTH asked me to extend to her our welcome to the Senate from the President pro BADER GINSBURG and our best wishes. tempore [Mr. BYRD]. Madam President, I yield to the dis­ The legislative clerk read the follow­ Mr. MITCHELL. Madam President, I tinguished Republican leader at this ing letter: welcome the President's nomination of ti~e. U.S. SENATE, a distinguished appeals court judge, PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE , Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg, to replace Washington, DC, June 14, 1993. Justice Byron White on the Supreme RECOGNITION OF THE To the Senate: Court. REPUBLICAN LEADER Under the provisions of rule I, section 3, of Judge Ginsburg's career on and off The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby the bench has been remarkable. A grad­ appoint the Honorable PATTY MURRAY, a pore. The Chair recognizes the Repub­ Senator from the State of Washington, to uate of Columbia Law School in an era lican leader. perform the duties of the Chair. where few women aspired to legal stud­ ROBERT C. BYRD, ies, she was the first woman appointed President pro tempore. a professor of law at Columbia. NOMINATION OF JUDGE GINSBURG Mrs. MURRAY thereupon assumed As the general counsel of the wom­ Mr. DOLE. Madam President, I be­ the chair as Acting President pro tem­ en's rights project of the American lieve President Clinton made a good pore. Civil Liberties Union from 1972 to 1980, choice today with his nomination of she played a central role in virtually Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg to fill the all of the key cases involving equal vacancy on the Supreme Court caused RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY rights analysis based on gender. by the expected departure of Justice LEADER She was instrumental in persuading Byron White. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ the Supreme Court to grant heightened As pointed out by the distinguished pore. The Chair recognizes the major­ scrutiny to issues of gender discrimina­ majority leader, she has a distin­ ity leader. tion. guished career. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. June 14, 1993 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 12563 Not surprisingly, she has a long States caused by the resignation of Lloyd sides of the aisle-! guess particularly paper trail, having written hundreds of Bentsen. on this side of the aisle-today I am legal opinions and more than 40 arti­ Witness: Her excellency Ann W. Richards, particularly pleased to welcome Sen­ our governor, and our seal hereto affixed at cles. Austin this lOth day of June, in the year of ator KAY BAILEY HUTCffiSON to this Obviously, these will be reviewed by our Lord 1993. Chamber. members of the committee and others. ANN W. RICHARDS, I want to say how important and sig­ Having voted for Judge Ginsburg in, I Governor of Texas. nificant it was that our former col­ believe, June 1980, almost 13 years ago, Attest: league, Senator Bentsen-now Sec­ to be a member of the circuit court, JOHN HANNAH, Jr. retary Bentsen-was here. No doubt both in the committee-! was a mem­ Secretary of State. about it, KAY has big shoes to fill. And ber of the Judiciary Committee at that I know Secretary Bentsen will be at time-and also on the floor, I certainly ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF her beck and call if he can do anything wish her the best. I expect her nomina­ OFFICE to make her job here a more effective tion will be well received. one for the State of Texas. She is also a neighbor in the same The VICE PRESIDENT. If the Sen­ History will note that Senator building in which we live, and it is a ator-elect will present herself to the HUTCffiSON is the 1,815th person, and good bipartisan building. desk, the Chair will administer the the 22d woman to serve in the U.S. Sen­ oath of office as required by the Con­ ate. stitution and prescribed by law. And history will also note Senator SENATOR SPECTER'S RECOVERY (Mrs. HUTCHISON, escorted by Mr. HuTcmsoN's election is confirmation GRAMM, advanced to the desk of the that 1993 is "the year of the tax­ Mr. DOLE. Madam President, I also Vice President; the oath prescribed by thank the majority leader for his com­ payer"-because of those 1,815 Sen­ law was administered by the Vice ators, few have been sent to Washing­ ments about Senator SPECTER. President, and Mrs. HuTcmsoN sub­ I spoke with Mrs. Specter at about ton with more timely or more impor­ scribed to the oath in the Official Oath tant instructions from taxpayers than 12:45 today. The operation, as far as she Book.) knows, was a complete success. It took The VICE PRESIDENT. Congratula- KAY BAILEY HUTCHISON. less time than they expected. They will tions. And as we welcome Senator have the pathology tomorrow. [Applause, Senators rising.] HUTCffiSON to this Chamber, I also want But he was, she said, wiggling his Mr. MITCHELL addressed the Chair. to welcome the hundreds of Texans toes and talking-and that seemed to The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- who made the trip to Washington to be a very good sign-almost imme­ pore. The Chair recognizes the major­ see this historic ceremony. diately after the operation. ity leader. I have never been to a Texas Long­ In fact, he did not discover this until horn football game-but I suspect the this past Friday in an examination at audience there looks a lot like our gal­ Bethesda.
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